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I remember there was a rune that make the poleaxe had the same ability as longsword, health regen


It's fine but with purple set it's propably best weapon in the game


Is it just me or are this season runes are very meh for poleaxe?


ye, they're really mid


Can you explain in detail why the PL purple set is best? I used PL quite a lot and got the purple set but reading through it's bonus I don't understand why it's good? (I know it is because so many people said that, it's just only me fail to see why...) The cc immune when ult is good but other heavy purple sets have that (except for maul), the Weapon Dance extra effect is also nice but i't like 6s, I rarely used it. Really want to know so I can better my PL games. Thans!


The cc immunity on ult lets you actually dive in twar and weapons dance buffs are so massive that they turn the fight. The stagger on dance is super strong too. You can go push back/billhook/weapon dance/whichever ult and you can lockdown their divers or dive yourself. The versatility is so strong. In other competitive formats you can drop billhook for bec de corbin to better kill units but recently with the 3 death rule and the intro of chain dart its better to go for hero kills so poleaxe is used as a cc/buff bot.


What is the 3 death rule?!?


Poleaxe is strong without runes. This season runes usefull but not op


as poleaxe main, its in gud shape imo. its not Op but u can Cc enemies, specially tanks for long time. If u love imp javs like me , u r gonna be menace if u use rough justice as ult.


Seem to work just fine. There are survivability runes if you want them or you just go damage so than anything that gets hit by full lochaber dies.