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It does seem one-sided at least solo wise but I'm also 190ish. It's either we demolish them or they demolish us, not even a competition.


I am also experiencing something similar, when we defend its like 90% of the time, the enemy can’t even take one point, in that last 10%, we defend all points until 1 or so minute remains, then they take one point, then they take all but the base, and in the last 2 minutes they steamroll us like no challange, like they didnt even try in the first 90% of the match. While attacking we usually literally steamroll the whole map, but like 1/3 of matches we just cant push the last point to win. Barely anything inbetween, only like this


Yea most games are very one sided


then, when in matchmaking you have teams of 5 where everyone plays for their own business you face opponents who also have teams of 5, if, if in the enemy group there are organized teams of 5, the smartest individual players follow in the wake and they become one team and demolish yours. more often than not, in the battles of the last 4-5 seasons, we find ourselves in matches where the attackers already use strong units from the beginning and this leads, because the very goal of the game which suggests avoiding using silver units was in down, except for rare cases or to reach the right number of leadership, to battles that end in a few minutes because the attackers have 100-200 units and can no longer sustain a push


it really depends on map. Some maps the most important defendable points are usually the first points, and if you left those points and go home too early you are done for. Some other map the most defendable points are the home point. It does take while to identify the strategy for each maps if you are new player.


Yep.... ever since the server merger its like I dont even have a team. full on retreat simulator


I started playing last season, so I had an extremely high winrate until I hit level 200 (we are talking >80%), by the end of the season it had dropped to 59%. So far this season my winrate is sitting at 46%. If anything I think that shows just how terrible the experience is once you hit level 200, you get steamrolled far more often than you have good games, and I think it ultimately comes down to the poor matchmaking system


Also keep in mind sieges are for your challenge grind. You should focus your objectives and not the match, So you can perform better with more viable units.