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Everyone is larping until the guns use real bullets, the politicians promise protection, and the population is deemed expendable. It's a dangerous game to play.


It's so weird to me that the gov't is so hellbent of protecting those who would see to it's complete destruction. Meanwhile all we want is for it to take a step back or two and have some accountability.... but we're the threat....


They think if they can break society just enough they can reshape it without losing control or power. It’s a fool’s game and historically has always ended very badly.


You hate abortions you evil Christian! Now let me go chant intifada


Once upon a time we had a country where the police protected the protesters from the public. Now the police protect the public from the protesters.


POV: Leftie plays call of duty for the first time


.1 K/D


Propagandists all of them will be propagandists the fighters are coming in


Wait you don’t think there’s going to be people who specialize in leading group poetry slams in their Marxist utopia???


Speaking as someone from a former communist country, the leftists were hiding during the war and they appeared after it ended.


No way…


ME: I want to pay less taxes and have a stable economy Left: Which part of the anti establishment underground are you? Downvotes... amazing.


You have to assume a few downvotes when you post here. Leftist brigaders have nothing better to do Edit: if you have a moment sort this sub by New and look at how many new threads are sitting at 0, then marvel at the idea that some loser is using his free time doing that.


>for every armed fighter there are 10+ supporters! Proceeds to rage about thousands of “innocents civilians” killed in Gaza and dozens of “peaceful protesters” arrested on campuses.


What category does professional internet complainer fall under?


As if the layabouts who are "protesting" are going to do any real work.


Everyone’s tough until rounds start going down range.


They are always medics, everyones a medic until your arm gets Rittenhoused


Spots open in the gulag as well.


My place is the dangerous mad man who rises to power by blaming all your movements problems on something totally irrelevant


The US needs compulsory military service. Graduate high school, boot camp, two years active service, two years reserves. Our citizens need to see what hell actual war is and to realize how good we have it here. The old adage is true: Hard Times make Strong Men. Strong Men make Easy times. Easy times make Soft Men. Soft Men make Hard times.


Nah, personal liberty is way cooler. I’m against the government owning people for years just to push a political agenda. Seems pretty authoritarian to me.


Could just go the route of "citizens get to vote, civilians dont", though it probably wouldn't work out in the short term. But a lot of these lefty communists could use a few weeks of military school


What does that even mean?


Would you like to know more?


Think he's talking about Heinlein's Starship Troopers which is a science fiction novel which exemplifies a hyper liberal (classically liberal, not politically left) future which was the basis for the cult classic film of the same name. Paul Verhoeven directed the film adaptation of the book, but didn't read any of the source material and came away with the wild idea that Heinlein's world was a fascist hell hole. It's a fantastic watch. It recently gained quite a bit of popularity due to the recent Helldivers 2 release which was obviously heavily inspired by the film. In Starship Troopers, the main motto is "service guarantees citizenship." In that society, everyone has liberal human rights as civilians, but only citizens have the privilege to directly participate in the political process. Citizenship comes with the right to vote. You can only become a citizen through service granted to the state often in the form of (but not limited to) signing up for the military. If you like the book or movie and enjoy literary discussion and philosophy, I 100% recommend [Carl Benjamin's dissection of the film](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kVpYvV0O7uI).


It's a trope in many sci fi depictions, wherein those who do voluntary military service become citizens and thus have the right to vote, while those who choose not to remain civilians and cannot influence the direction of government. It was a sarcastic proposal, more or less, I wouldn't advocate taking anyone's rights away in a serious manner, but it's undisputable that the problems we're seeing from the left come from people who have never had to learn discipline.


Is Korea authoritarian? Israel? France? Sweden? Switzerland? Greece? Denmark? Finland?


If a country forces its people into the servitude of its government, then yes.


Can't get on board with compulsory military service/conscription, but I can meet you partway at boot camp/AIT. Would give everyone skills needed to fight, as well as teach a lot of people basic shit they should have learned but never did (I can't count the number of times I've heard stories of one boot having to teach the rest how to use the washing machine or the iron for their dress uniform). Would even help with the obesity epidemic.


A strong, confident White man in a military uniform is offensive to the left


Actual war? Or war created by the fuckheads at the controls? If our government was in ANY way trustworthy, and it was JUST a perspective problem.. sure. But with these assholes creating the compulsory service? Hard pass.


What about the modern us military do you think would make for strong men? I have several friends cutting their full 20 short because of the stench of marxism coming from leadership. If anything at this point youd just be getting better trained anti american opfor.


I agree


Medic. I used to be one. Dibs on medic.




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