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Wait until she finds out that Arabs aren’t native their (or anywhere outside the Arabian peninsula) either. But those historic conquests, actual genocides, and cultural destructions are acceptable and final I guess


Probably doesn't even think about the oppressed Copts in Egypt or Christians in Lebanon who were forced out by the Palestinians.


So cringe. They try so hard to be edgy and cool.


Homegirl can't even grow in a full mustache. What would she know?


She definitely doesn’t know how to buy a plane ticket.


She believes the US has no right to exist, well sweetie pack your shit and move to Gaza. Go be with the people you support. See how that works out for you.


I'll contribute to the go fund me


A terrorist sympathizer! This person should be permanently suspended from teaching.


Attention-seeking narcissists. Don't give them the time of day. If you have your kids in public school in SFO, you want this.


I don’t send me kids to public schools for a reason. This is beyond “voting for Biden.” It’s ethnic hate, a deep and ancient evil. I’m not putting kids around that.


She seems to hate it here, she should go teach in Gaza, I'm sure she'll like it there!


"I have an unwaivering respect for children....." Unless of course they happen to be Jewish or white.


Or unborn I'm sure.


She’s gonna hate finding out what the natives were doing to each other before the evil white man came over.


Or what her ancestors did.


The success of leftist brainwashing here and elsewhere is amazing and disturbing. Displaced “native peoples” ? The Jews ARE the “native peoples” ffs.


The Arabs are literally the colonizers in this situation. By her own logic, she should be 100% supporting Israel. Or the the "colonizers" term only looks back maybe 100 years in her book? Then again, by her own twisted logic, the US 'has a right to exist.' Either way, her own argument contradicts itself, but I'm sure logic and reason are racist or something.


Exactly…to point out the contradictions in her thinking would just get waved away as “racism”. Their worldview is hermetically sealed, a self contained religion of sorts. I really shitty religion.


But you tell the kids anyway so it helps build critical thinking skills and how to spot a brainwashed adult who is addicted to social media and virtue signaling.


The Jews did push out the canaanites first, but they were there long before the Arabs showed up


Maybe. The bible says the wiped them out, but DNA evidence shows that modern Israelis and Arabs have substantial Canaanite genetic heritage. Back that far, we can't be 100% sure of that happened. In any case, I think now its not really "Jews vs Arabs" but "Jews vs Muslims" and on that its 100% clear Islam came much later.


I definitely agree there. The Jews had been in the land for like 2000 years before Muhammad created Islam.


Yeah, it always kills me when I hear these people in the U.S, who aren't native Americans, calling Jews in Israel 'colonizers' and demanding they give back 'stolen' land. Same goes for the non-indigenous people in Canada who say these things and Australia too.




They want to destroy western society from within!


What about Muslim nations that have colonized? 🤔


Or what about Islam that literally colonized the entire Middle East? I mean Mohammad and Co didn’t just walk in and be accepted with open arms, they went to war, killed and forced people to convert.  Islam spread due to colonization


Yep, Spain would like a word


She’s bad at history.  Jews are native to the land, they were pushed out by various others including the Canaanite's. And no, Palestinians are not descended from Canaanite's. Palestinians originally were just a random hodgepodge of Arabs from various tribes/nations  Arabs were not native anywhere outside of the Arabian Peninsula so to say Palestinians are native to the area is bs.  Can someone tell her that Islam spread due to colonization?   Oh and tell her that Palestinian referred to the Jews until Israel became independent and it never referred to Arabs until 1969. But the left has never let facts get in the way of their bs


Didn't the natives and *indigenous* people who were here first commit genocide and take land from other natives and indigenous people?


Go back far enough and that statement is true for every single inhabited continent. Heck, our more distant cousins, the Neanderthals and Denisovans don't even exist anymore outside a few random genes.


It’s like she doesn’t know anything about history and how lands were conquered lol


I'll help pay her way to Palestine when she's ready to leave this horrible country.


She let it slip towards the end, “We’ve been trying to end y’all.” Yes you have. And thank God there are people in this world to stop you.


She’s a narcissist. She doesn’t care about kids


Yet supports Hamas who in fact uses children and women as human meat shields. If she's against colonizers attacking natives, odd she supports Hamas/Palestine who have never actually had a country yet continue to attempt to invade Israel that's in fact native to the area Hamas is trying to occupy. If they weren't hypocrites we wouldn't know what to expect from the uneducated left


Palestine is a settler colony. Jews are indigenous to the land of Israel.


Imagine being a Jewish child in that school and seeing this


i wish they would go to Palestine and see exactly how they treat her. the level of idiocy is off the charts


I believe that thing has no right to exist.


Um, when u say ‘from the river to the sea’, can you name the specific river to which specific sea you mean? I bet she can’t. And another thing- If this country is so filled with white supremacy, why are so many non-white ethnicities coming here in droves?


Love the trademark "Rich kid smirk" that they all do when they record videos like this.


One of the great ironies here is that, if the United States is destroyed as a "settler colony" with the land given over to Native American states; it will look very much like what these people allege Israel is doing. EDIT: I got a reddit cares for this - lol


Keep talking. Right now I want the left to put their insanity on full blast. LEAVE NO DOUBT about who and what they are. America is waking up. 100k for Trump in NJ is a marker. We are winning.


By this logic no one should exist. She can go first


So she's fired now right ?


I'd happily wager 2x my next paycheck that this woman was never photographed in a scarf like that or made any kind of 'Pro-Palestone' position or video prior to Hamas attacking Isreal. I'd make a side-wager that she bought that scarf with her Amazon Prime account. She speaks in rhetoric.


San Francisco has no right to exist, but we let it.


I also enjoy cheering for the underdogs! I don't make it my entire fucking identity though lol. (or keep saying they should've won centuries after) I believe the popular colloquial term is 'sore loser'? (mostly 'indigenous person' myself to boot)


Dollar store Jey Uso.


Do not send your children to public school.


....this person has NO IDEA what she is talking about!!!...end all countries that have colonized others? well, that would mean destroy all countries!


Lady, do we want to talk about how 80% of africans MADE it to the coasts to come to foreign soil back in the day?


Wonder where they live


“They” obviously don’t have any rights either oh wait—


I actually like these videos, because it puts a face to the type of clueless sheep who make Moronic comments on Social Media. Typical poser trying to surf this month’s political trend to build its flaccid ego while adorned in the today’s “Rebel Wear” and regurgitating the latest buzz words they like the sound of but don’t really understand. If your dedication to the “cause” is making a 60 second video on your IKEA Bed in your H&M Bomber Jacket, maybe you should check your cred.


I would donate for her one way flight to Gaza.


Its a religious cult


Isn’t that the Woke Kindergarten lady?


"From the river to the sea...." Playing Devil's advocate what's the argument that this isn't a call to genocide? Someone said they just mean to actually create Palestine as a nation state but didn't elaborate on how.


It can’t be non-genocidal. Between the river and the sea is Israel. If you establish a Palestinian state from river to sea, it’s eliminating Israel and subjugating all the Jews who lived there to oppression and possible genocide That said, I don’t think I’ve heard an actual reasoning as to why it isn’t genocidal. 


That's why I'm trying to hear someone's view lol. Like you want all the Jews to just... Go back to Europe? How? This one guy said he believed it just meant that he wanted an independent Palestinian state. But I didn't buy it.


Oh yeah, which river? Which sea? And if she loves kids so much, would she call herself pro-life?


Wait so does any country have any right to exist? We didn't declare that Germany as a country or even Russia or China as countries had no right to exist despite committing genocide and mass murder. How far back does it go? Who is indigenous and who is a settler? What if you had ancestors from both? How do we deal with South American countries and Latinos who are descended from both the Spanish and Portuguese as well as the native people who had at least been there for a few centuries (and they also conquest as well, if you take a took at the brutality of the Aztecs and how the Spanish allied with their neighbors to take them out) Heck, even if there was a Palestinian state in the past, Israel has been a well established state for nearly a century, and it would be unreasonable for them to simply agree to no longer exist as a country just because there are leftists angry about the country existing. Wars have to end in some sort of concession, but there is nothing in Israel's interest to simply agree to no longer exist as a country.


I mean _technically_ no nation has a "right" to exist because only individual people have rights. Nations exist because people made them and they are an extension of those people's right to organize. The nation _itself_ doesn't have rights... But yeah she's not smart enough to get that


Ignorance embodied


These fools act like nothing happened on October 7th.


Ah yes, the indigenous Arabs of Judea


Stfu and watch Screams before Silence on you tube


Please just stfu!


Time for another Crusade


Typical leftist. Extreme Arrogance and little intelligence


I'm just wondering when they start this activism for Sudan.


When she finds out the Tribal wars throughout history in the area


She can be the first to leave.


it's building up quickly, this marxist revolution that marxists say does not exist.


Not all Biden supporters are terrorists and not all terrorists are Biden Supp.... oh wait. Yes they are.