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What race is his PCP?


In reality or what he tells his supporters?


Just wait until you find out how many houses he has.


Do you mean how many “summah homes”?


summah homes and summah rentals.


If that geezer’s PCP is in Vermont and not DC, he/she is 100% white. If he/she is in DC, drop that percentage to like 85%.


Asian probably in DC


His PCP is probably not self taught from YouTube like my next one will be apparently. 


"White". At least when it comes to making Whites look more powerful and well-off than we really are.


So Bernie... you are saying that whites should avoid POC doctors to get the best outcomes from them?


You could make an even less cynical argument: if there's such a shortage of POC doctors, then as a white person, you should only see a white doctor, so that you don't take up a POC doctor's appointment slot, thus allowing them to see more POC patients.


Using their own logic against them is always hilarious.  I’m sure they would say no this only affects POC because muh white supremacy 


Right, and African Americans should only go to a doctor that can understand them, like another African American. We can call it separate but equal. Wait...


Good luck trying to do that... I can't remember the last time I could fully understand my civilian Dr.


I've been seeing an ophthalmologist every six months for around 20 years. A few years ago she semi-retired and sold her very popular practice to a huge Canadian chain then continued to work there for a few more years. Lately I've been almost unable to understand their half-dozen receptionists, who are all new immigrants from India. I have to ask them to repeat themselves 3, 4, 5 or more times sometimes. I'll never understand why Canadian/American companies hire poor English speakers for public-facing positions.


I already unapologetically do this. If it's a dermatologist or I just need someone anyone to write me a scrip for whatever then I don't care. But no way am I putting my life in the hands of a cardiologist who got a 24 on the MCAT.


This is exactly why I hate race quotes or what not. I want the best of the best not someone who got in by the color of their skin.


COVID stay in the hospital, primary nurse was of Hawaiian decent, a couple doctors of Indian decent (continent), and I think 1 Caucasian doctor. My grandparents doctors have all been indian for over a decade, I can't remember the last time they had a white doctor. Also its scientifically proven that doctors that come from other countries do not empathize with local patients as much as local doctors (this is how they get doctors to be less empathetic and do the cost effective thing for the hospital rather than care for patients).


Pretty sure my last cardiologist was stoned out of his frickin mind and was a POC. He was relating my diagnoses to the universe and how Jupiter moves. He did that shit for 20 minutes. Off to snort another line after I left, I'm sure.


lolwut? I legit don't remember the last time I even saw a white doctor?


Right?!?! I suppose places like Vermont are very different.




Isn’t Vermont like the whitest state in the country? 🤔


I never had a single white Dr outside of the VA. Every single one has been indian, is that just my area or what?


Im a physician in academic medicine, I deal with DEI all the time.    This is one of the clearest examples of why DEI is bad. The second you start admitting POC that are substandard, you make every single person (including other POCs) suspicious of POC physicians… and you drive them away.  You stigmatize good POC physicians and put less than qualified physicians in bad spots.  There is a balance to this problem, I do think there are ways to recruit more POC for medicine. But the second you stray away from merit… it does not go well. In fact, it goes exceptionally poorly. 


You mean not every hospital is like the one on Grey's Anatomy?


The real world is more like Scrubs & House lol


Every doctor I've ever had has been from India. Or is that white adjacent now? It's hard to keep up.


Remember when this guy used to just talk about getting more money into the hands of working families?


He’s the worst. He probably worked a grand total of a few dozen hours in his entire life.




You yell free stuff and the ignorant young'ens come running.


I’d like to see which scientific papers corroborate his report.


Imagine thinking that's a problem.


So, would it also be better for White people to have White healthcare providers? I mean, my doctor is originally from India, she's a great Dr. and she's been able to provide me with excellent care.. even though I'm White. But if having the same skin color as your healthcare providers would result in you getting better care, maybe I should switch and only go with White ones?


OK, so let's just snap our fingers and make that happen then, right Bern?


Okay grandpa, let's get you to bed.


Anyone else remember the exact moment Bernie's campaign ended back in 2016? Dude stepped off to the side during a speech and let two shrieking BLM activists take his microphone. Lost any ground he had with white rural voters. Even Biden had more appeal in 2020 after that shameful display.


That's not how it works but carry on.


Actually it is, except reality is exactly opposite of what he claimed, most doctors graduating these days are NOT white, ideally we should see a roughly balanced proportion of doctors graduating from each race nationally on average.... not because we arer forcing it but because we have the fundamental equality that it just happens.... instead we import doctors.


So basically base your health decision upon race and not competence. Dolt.


Too many doctors is a health crisis? I guess that makes about as much sense as too many farmers being a food crisis


Maybe move to a country that doesn’t have so many white doctors, Bernie. Get a third home somewhere else.


There are a lot of whіte people in the US. Shut up you nսt.


I'm embarrassed that he is drawing a federal paycheck.


Bernie Sanders and the intellectual contagion him and his like spread are a sign of a society on decline. I seriously worry about the future of America.


Mittens is once a clown, always a clown.


White doctors? Where? All the doctors around my area are of Asian descent and the nurses are Filipina or Caribbean. Which is fine by me.


Bernie wants segregation again ...


I wonder if Dems get a list to repeat and make headlines out of, so their propaganda machine can keep harassing us with their non-stop bs. What's next? I need a blue mechanic to fix my blue car? There are not enough Smurf mechanics.


Where on earth is he finding white doctors? Dentists, maybe. Bug doctors?


I don't believe that he thinks all men are created equal


I guess we should do whatever it takes to get more minorities into medical school, even if it meant lowering standards.


What a doofus


Yeah should get rid of them. My country hates white people too but we are dying for doctors.


I see that the Dixiecrats have not given up their goal of dividing the races.




The county I live in is 94% white. I guess we need to start importing minority doctors.


He should come to the UK, all of ours are Pakistani. I'm more interested in their qualifications and availability.