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https://apnews.com/article/fact-check-delaware-county-ballots-transcribing-video-883425721846 The AP says this a legal process for “damaged ballots.” Not that this couldn’t be manipulated, but it doesn’t seem at all like a smoking gun. I would imagine grasping at straws (please correct me if I’m misunderstanding) detracts from the actual egregious examples like Fulton County.


This is exactly what it is. The guy across from her is reading the ballots and she is just copying them. This is a standard procedure for damaged ballots. That doesn’t mean fraud didn’t occur, just that this video isn’t proof of it.


Do you see any damage on the ballots he is reading from? I do not. Edit: Well I see the liberal shill brigade is out today. Your downvotes mean nothing to me.


There are like 5 pixels total in this video 😂 Damages can be anything from a coffee stain, small tear, voter not reading the instructions and circling the candidate instead of filling in the bubble, voter using wrong writing utensils, or machine not being able to read a good looking ballot for whatever reason. If the machine isn’t able to scan a ballot, it’s easier to transcribe the same original vote on a fresh ballot instead of going through the process of tallying ballots by hand


The damage is the Trump selection.


Even if this is hypothetically innocuous, this procedure should not be legal since it doesn’t have enough safe guards. Damaged ballots should be put in a lockbox and only considered later if there are enough of them to change a vote. Then they should be examined closely at a state level, not by individual counties. There should be high-resolution cameras and many people watching.


Generally what they’re doing is being overseen by people from both political parties to ensure no one is tampering or changing things. We can’t see if there’s people over their shoulders from this video. You also can’t really just lock damaged ballots away unless needed because then you’re technically denying people the right to vote, possibly through no fault of their own if it was the USPS that screwed up the ballot in transit.


You absolutely can lock ballots away. This was standard practice for absentee ballots in earlier elections, where absentee ballots were only counted if they would make a difference. If a particular candidate is up by 10,000 votes, and you have 5,000 damaged ballots, there is no way the latter will make a difference. The bottom line is I think there’s more room for shenanigans when you’re correcting ballots at a county level. County-level procedures simply do not have enough scrutiny, and it’s impossible to watch every county closely. All the damaged ballots should be dealt with in a central location. It should be after preliminary results are in, so the public is already well aware of how close the results are. Both major political parties should be there in full force, not just some token representatives. Multiple news channels should be there as well. The whole event should be streamed to the public with high definition cameras, so we can actually see the damaged ballots, and what gets officially recorded. And there should be an established process for any ballot to be challenged by any party. The high definition video would also allow independent audits. Yes, this would be a very slow and expensive process, but that kind of transparency is necessary for people to fully trust the process.


Majority of comments already are just people claiming it’s proof it’s election fraud. I appreciate your comment but it won’t help many people




How does it make us look bad? This makes the election system look bad. These videos have such a response because intuitively when we look at it we can tell it isn't normal for an election. You can rationalize it however you want but just listen to yourself when you do. Damaged ballots? Why are they "fixing" "damaged" ballots anyway? Where is the voter? Shouldn't they or at the very least a designated representative be the one fixing their ballot? Why are election officials doing this? What if they decide to fix ballots only for certain voters that are likely to vote a certain way? What kind of untransparent nonsense is this? Do you not see how this introduces opportunity to rig elections and then claim it was legit, where there is no opportunity to prove it if it wasn't, short of the people rigging it themselves admitting to it? Anyone who is ok with this is ok with accepting election results based on argument from authority. This stuff should not be happening and would not be happening if our elections were secure. If anything this proves how ridiculous our elections are and how easy it would be to rig them and then have officials "debunk" it by saying it was some normal procedure.






>I mean what are we doing arguing this nonsense? Losing...


They cracked the case! Hard to believe people are still buying this election fraud silliness, you can't help some people. They're going to gobble down the propaganda because they want it to be true.


if damaged means basically unrecognizable due to using mail-in methods (which are optional) then the vote should be thrown. or just go vote in person! Pull that lever (metaphorically now) The USPS isn't conspiring against you. I have many friends who went to college out of state and voted absentee with no issue. It's only the dems who somehow manage to find these unreadable crunched up ballots they have to fill out themselves Every piece of mail I get from the IRS gets to me crisp and clear


> then the vote should be thrown That would count as vote fraud. There's lots of legal precedents related to this that the standard is whether the intent of the voter is clear. If there is one box filled in so that it's a valid vote but it isn't dark enough, you *have* to accept the vote even if the machine can't read it. Doing it differently would mean lots of changes to US law and probably also the constitution.




The problem is the ones that can be read by a human but that the machine rejects because it isn't clear enough for the machine. That happens if the person used the wrong kind of pen, for example. As I said elsewhere, we don't use voting machines which make this easier, but US elections are more complicated so you more or less have to. We also have limits on mail in voting. Yes, if there are questions about mail in voting, then people should consider deregistering and going to the polling station so that they are sure the vote gets counted as it was written.


This was already proven false. The man is reading ballots that didn't scan correctly to the woman. She is transcribing them to re-run through the machine. Be careful posting videos like this, it does not help the movement. We have alot of proof, this is not one of them. The left will use this as ammo to make us look like fools.


Do you know what is going on this video? Looks like a guy is reading other ballots to her and she copies. Why do you assume this is fraud?


Probably because trust has been lost in the system. In which case, logic has nothing to do with it. Feelings precede facts.


It what world is that an acceptable form of voting?


This is a damaged ballot transcription. Should this be allowed? Idk but it’s not fraud.


This... this is how you comb through damaged ballots......


This is “damaged” ballot transcription. However I am unaware of any other government system where an unaffiliated third party can transcribe your information without explicit permission. For example if something is messed up on a license it requires you obtain a new one, a contract would require a written amendment. If you screw up a government application for a program, you could lose access entirely or have to redo the entire application. If a title is damaged it can be transcribed but on it must say its a copy and by who, and a still usable title with incorrect info, such as car mileage, requires a separate state form verifying mileage and a notorized affidavit. But a vote? Nah, some volunteer will copy it and mistakes *never happen*. What should happen, and some states will do, is attempt to contact the voter. Really in a federal election there should be national standards, not state, but that isnt how the law is written.


We have so many video clips showing people doing stuff like this.....yet they want to say theres 0 proof.


Videos showing what? Do you know what you're looking at?


Gas lighting is strategy they use frequently.


The worst part? Those same people who say this sort of criminal behavior didn't happen are right here in this very subreddit.


The FBi could 100% find out who this woman is but they don't.


Because she isn't doing anything wrong.


Takes her 30s per ballot. A lot faster if she only filled in for president (as lots of ballots were filled out). She alone could easily do 1000 ballots on election night. Add in 4 or 5 other people and that's how Biden "won" the state at 4am.



