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I wouldn't wait until sentencing, unless there is some legal reason to do so. The appeal should be filed today at the earliest.


you can't appeal until you've been formally sentenced.


Yeah, I know everyone is in a hurry to get that going, but most people don't understand that we are in a holding pattern until sentencing. And then the appeal process is not going to be quick either. They were in a big hurry to get this trial in before the election, but everything is going to move slow from here on out.


I’m pretty sure his lawyers have had an appeal ready to go since this sham trial started


I’m sure you’re right. They knew they wouldn’t get a fair trial in that court.


Well yeah, it’s hard to be any earlier than “today”.


So as close as possible to the Convention. Hilarious. I can't wait to vote for Trump.


Don't ever forget - it was Democrats who wanted go soft on Laken Riley's murderer.


I legitimately cannot wait to vote for this man come November.


I live in a deep blue state and wasn’t gonna even bother voting. I’ll be there in-person this year.




You should! Maine, Minnesota, Virginia, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Colorado, Delaware, Rhode Island and Washington State are all on the table now. Possibly Connecticut and Oregon as well. There was one recent poll which showed Trump leading Biden by one point in Washington State for example.


Election Day cannot come soon enough.


The RNC is July 15. Just more corruption.


So, when are we gonna drag Obama and friends into court for assassinating American citizens overseas without trial?


I bet the judge confines him to trump tower, house arrest. Prevents him from campaigning. Joe will be at the debates and shake his head when trump isn’t there


They’ll have to put away the teleprompter


Isn't his official residence Mar a Largo? He sentenced him to house arrest someplace that he doesn't officially reside?


A disgusting day in American history.  If Trump is elected the DOJ needs to go full bore in prosecuting democrats.  Obama killed an American citizen in Yemen without trial.  Let’s charge him.  Let’s assign an “independent” council to deep dive every penny the Clintons and Bidens received.  I abhor political prosecutions, but it cannot remain one sided.  The right has to be offensive minded.  


This x100! Republicans AGs and DAs should be exploring every option and novel law theory they can to bring charges against Obama for ordering the drone strike of a 16 year old American citizen. The Rubicon has been crossed.


Why stop there?  Let’s have a federal attorney in the most red state and most red district bring charges against our main political opponents after exploring and investigating any possible crime they ever committed that’s still within the statute of limitations, that’s fair, right?  Totally not politically motivated and morally bankrupt.   Democrats are so short sighted that they cannot see we are sprinting to balkanization.  It’s why they’re so desperate to disarm us.  Anyone who wants to disarm you cannot be trusted. 


Or change the statute to go after them (like E. Jean “rape is sexy” Carroll).


Hate to break it to ya, but there are elements of the Republican party that are actively collaborating with the democrats to screw over this country. Those people should also be criminally charged.


Yup, the cat is 100% out of the bag now, thanks to demorats. They'll cry fascist, because that is what they are.


Why wait? Do you know how many deep red rural county courts we control? Politicians travel a lot. We can find a trail of crimes they’ve committed on their ski trips, fishing trips, stays at lakehouses, campaign stops. Who knows what terrible things they do in their hotel rooms. We just need to find victims, people like E Jean Carrol.


The Republican Convention is July 15th 4 days later. Coincidence? Doubtful.


They are going to put him in jail. And nothing can stop them.


Secret Service can...


I can't wait to vote for Donald Trump this November


Can we protest outside of this judges house or is that only when a judge makes a decision the left doesn’t like. This travesty’s reach will be far and wide


That will be called an insurrection and you will be held in Guantanamo for 10 years awaiting your trial. 


That would require me traveling to a third world crap hole of a city.


This makes me sick. The hypocrisy here is palpable.


Karma coming once Trump is elected. Biden warned of it. It's completely justified.


100% he gets jail time. There is no way after all this work the Democrats did to set this up they stop short now.


This makes me want to vote for him twice. I should be able to right? The democrats do it all the time.


So the name Merchan will be in US history associated with the likes of Benidict Arnold from now on?


While this gives the man a boost in the polls, as all the sham trials do, but I don't expect another Republican presidency win until an approved candidate comes along. Trump is an outsider, it was quite shocking that he managed to win the first time around, the swamp isn't going to allow it again.


I hope Trump goes fire and brimstone on all the corrupt democrats when he gets elected. Every 3 letter agency, every swamp monster, everyone everything wouldn't be safe from prosecution or cuts.