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Ok that’s pretty dramatic. Calm down bro


I feel like posts like this are pinnacle misinformation and reverse trolling. Russian, Chinese, whatever, but no reasonable American believes these kind of crap "hot takes".


**mOsT iMpOrTanT eLeCtiOn oF oUr LiFeTiMeS** Yeah... until the next one.


Respectfully, I am not interested in starting a civil war. I can hate what leftists do and what they believe, but it does not mean I am advocating for violent rhetoric.


This isn't better


Relax, this is taking things too far. Fight lawfully, but stay within the boundaries of decency. Stay peaceful.


What does “destroy every trace of their party” look like under a Trump Presidency? Such actions sound dangerously close to a tyrannical government eliminating the opposition party which is what Biden is attempting to do to Trump.


Exactly. How about helping the Country instead of worrying about destroying the other Party?


Everyone is guilty of something. You show me the person and I’ll show you the crime. It’s the playbook the left is using. We can start with getting Biden on trial for his illegal classified documents handling.


I’m fine with holding Biden accountable for the myriad of crimes he had committed. However, suggesting the removal of the opposition party is a bridge WAY too far.


Agreed, one party shouldn't try to destroy the other. At least having two parties puts the other in check. A damn shame the Dems don't care.


lol schizo tweets aren’t swaying anyone. Try to argue your point but no need for this.


Settle down, Beavis.


He’s free to leave. If guys like him leaves the US, then it’ll stop being a “third world shithole”. But sadly no other country will take him. Joey is just a meaningless shitbag toxic masculinity outrage farmer.


While it’s extremely tempting to fall into this trap to further weaponized the justice system and turn institutional power against political opponents it’s not something our party or movement should be for. We should be an actual return to normal. I think it’s a way to create a big tent coalition.


The problem is that won’t stop them


I have a deep, deep fear that we are heading towards political violence, and I’m not talking riots.  This is what I want to avoid almost more than anything in life, it would be ruinous to our economy, to the lives of millions, to our position as a global superpower, etc.  It should be avoided at *almost* all costs.  Yet, if a party steals an election, and I’m very intentionally using that term, what other options do we have?  What else can you call unprecedented, trumped up charges leveled in a DEEP blue district, based on an heretofore unheard of legal theory? If Republicans sit down and watch passively, it’s a tacit approval of their methods and guarantees this will be our future: the power of the state, enforced by armed men, being wielded ceaselessly against us.  Mind you, they are also desperately working to disarm us of all firearms capable of response, odd isn’t that?  If democrats controlled the house, Senate, and Executive, you wouldn’t be able to own a modern semi automatic rifle, and you would be handicapped by 10 round magazines. 


Who would be fighting whom in this violence you fear? People vs soldiers? People vs cops? People vs other people banded into labeled political factions? Like R vs D in the streets? Sorry, I just can’t see it on any sort of meaningful scale.


We are a two party system.  If roughly half the country has solid, objective reasons to believe an election was stolen from them by the reasons I’ve listed ad naseum, that they were stripped of a free and fair election by despotic practices of the party in power, violence is a natural result.    The problem with civil conflicts, and why this is so dangerous, is it is almost impossible to predict.  It can start small.  Then it leads to copy cats and over reaction, which begets hatred and more violence.  This can cascade rapidly and in many unforeseen areas. If there is one topic I know, it’s counter insurgency.  I can speak to the dissolution of Iraq following our blundering invasion.  Im genuinely doubtful you made a good faith question, but rather think that stealing an election will be met with a ho hum.  It makes me honestly doubt if you’re even on the right.  


I will be stocking up on necessities over the summer and fall. I am debating how to position my retirement funds and if I should put them in safer investments. My daughter is deeply religious (and blonde blue-eyed) and is just out of college and is talking about moving to our downtown. It makes me nervous as there is where some violence would happen against normal folks.




I did get a 40 rd mag awhile back bc I knew Biden was looking to ban them


With what they've done, Dems have signaled that they want to play hard ball. So let's play hard ball.


I’ve said this before.  They made this momentous decision to indite, convict, and potentially jail our candidate for President mere months before the election.  They did this because they don’t fear us.  I would never have condoned, supported, or advocated for this to be done to democrats, mostly because it’s immoral, but also because I have a natural fear and aversion towards political violence and social upheaval, having studied it extensively and having children myself.   Any normal person, if this were say Republicans doing this to Obama in 2008, would say it’s un-American, disgusting, and completely outside of acceptable practices.   If Trump doesn’t win in 24, I will look back to this decision and say I don’t view the election outcome as fair, honest, or acceptable.  They have cheated the system so completely that I cannot accept any other outcome as acceptable.  And I’ve posted here many times that I do not buy that 20’ was “stolen” or that Biden was illegitimate.  


And that’s the problem with what they’ve done. The 2020 election and now this one. Most of us feel that they were both interfered with. We know the deep state interfered in 2020. They interfered in the trump presidency. And now they’ve done this. Many many people will view this as unacceptable if Trump doesn’t win. There will be violence either way is my guess. The democrats want to destroy the country or Balkanize it. They’ve put us into a situation in which I fear they win either way. And don’t forget their media propagandists who have fed their narrative to the ignorant masses for years. Very scary times indeed.




>And I’ve posted here many times that I do not buy that 20’ was “stolen” or that Biden was illegitimate.   I do. I absolutely do.


Nah just educate the populace and bring to light how wicked government in general, and especially the democrats, have been to American interests. Fighting with hatred and division isn't the move. Don't be a pussy. Yes. Don't be a killer too though. 


I'm on mushrooms and this post like.. WOW... It's so dramatic like it was a movie for a sec holy shit