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Jewish conservative here, I can confirm a shift to the right amongst reform Jews. I actually got permanently banned (no warning and no temp ban) at r/judaism for being a conservative Jew. But r/Jewish let’s all comments go freely. There’s definitely a divide and the leftist Jews are FREAKING OUT at how many Jewish people are voting Republican now. No one believes the “conservatives are antisemitic” crap anymore either. The Squad and Christian support since 10/7 have made sure of that.


It is completely insane how it's not higher considering the democrats are letting mobs roam the streets hunting down Jewish people in LA and other dem cities.


Democrats: Burning Israeli flags, chanting “From the river to the sea!,” forming mobs to hunt down Jews, vigilante style. Also Democrats: “TrUmP iS LiTeRaLlY HiTLeR!” I can’t with these fucking people, man. They have not a single iota of self-awareness.


They claim to hate Hitler and Naziism, but when you look at what they do and support, they really support everything the Nazis did with a few minor exceptions. They think names are important. They think calling themselves "Anti Fascist" makes them anti-fascist all while they act fascistically.


It's odd how heavy the blinders are. I live in the Sunshine State and of course there's a lot of New York Jews and quite a number of personal friends. The conservative Jews are great people and seem to have a lot of fun. The Democrats always seem to be complaining about something or other and still vote blue for some reason. And still talk bad about Trump. I just can't imagine being Jewish and seeing what's going on and even think about looking at the color blue. A lot of CNN watching and hand ringing instead of actually paying attention.


I don't fucking get it either. Israeli here but when I talk to American jewish friends they seem to be stuck on either 'Trump is an antisemite' or 'Trump cannot be trusted,' but really it just seems like they've had it hammered into them for so long that Trump is the root of all evil and that it's socially unacceptable to vote for him. A lot of them won't vote Biden but won't vote Trump either, and I'm okay with those ones because they're usually more reasonable about it, but the ones who still vote Biden are fucking insane. They usually have some excuse like 'I'm not gonna be a single issue voter!' but it genuinely just always seems like they're fooling themselves.


I don't have the words for how evil this is. In The United States! God help us.


You're counting your eggs early. Wait for the data after the elections.


I realized a long time ago that the left hates us. The older I get, the more I hate the left.


There’s a ton of Democrats that revere Farrakhan. That should’ve been enough *years ago* for Jewish people to realize there’s a problem.


It’s wild to me that “conservatives are antisemitic” was ever a thing. At least when coupled with the assumption (on the left) that conservative=Christian. I live in a very conservative Christian area in the South and they are not antisemitic in any way shape or form. I mean, y’all are God’s chosen people, hello? They have nothing but love and respect for Jewish people and also consider Israel holy land. I don’t know it’s just weird.


The left really goes out of their way to portray conservatives as hick racists and nazis, but it's not true for 99.9%.


The left accuses the right of everything the left is, or is doing. It is leftist gaslighting 101.


I live in the Deep South and have never seen nor heard any type of antisemitism, so I was very much surprised to learn people actually view conservatives here that way. In fact, it is very much the opposite (as you've stated): According to the Bible, Jews are God's chosen people and, as Christians, we honor and respect that.


The reason is because they lack the ability to understand nuance and they see anyone on the right as Nazis because of a very loud extreme minority. These are often the same people who are so far left that they see even mainstream liberals or anyone on the left who fails their purity tests as “shitlibs” who are basically just conservatives. They have a very strong “if you’re not with us 100% then you’re against us” mentality and they don’t hide that at all. I’m also from the south and never experienced any antisemitism there. Living in Colorado… that’s a different story.


You've hit antisemitism in Colorado? Where in the state? We've gotten pretty terrible here with Lefties in recent years, but Colorado Springs is still mostly okay.


Not the same commenter, but Denver and Boulder. I also have a Jewish friend who lives in Boulder and has been seeing antisemitic signs and heard people making threats toward Jews. Any Democrat stronghold is going to be chock full of antisemitism and pro Palestine propaganda.


That makes sense. I'm not Jewish, but I know a few Jewish people in the Springs.


Yeah I can confirm this about the South.




Being an Evangelical Christian, the type that old school Jewish Democrats would scapegoat as a danger to the "Jewish identity," I welcome the better relations. Ben Shapiro (who is admittedly Orthodox) and Andrew Klavan (who has himself converted to Christianity) have made it clear that Protestant and Evangelical Christians have never been any threat to American Jews. Our overwhelming support for Israel's fight against Hamas and opposition to the obviously antisemitic acts by the American left, especially on college campuses, is finally being seen by American Jews, and it has been a long-time coming.


The reform synagouge I do armed security for has a social justice club and had drag story time for the kids.


To this day, I wonder why Jews lean left during elections?


It'a not well known outside the Jewish community, but there's a significant divide between the more traditional Orthodox Jews and those who are are assimliated. From [Pew Research](https://www.pewresearch.org/religion/2021/05/11/jewish-americans-in-2020/): >In the run-up to the 2020 presidential election, **75% of Orthodox Jews said they were Republicans or leaned Republican**… And **86% of Orthodox Jews rated then-President Donald Trump’s handling of policy toward Israel as “excellent” or “good,**” while a majority of all U.S. Jews described it as “only fair” or “poor.” Many are completely areligious; if they were in touch with Jewish values, they'd vote differently. Jews are a people that have an official religion, which makes it possible for a person to identify as a member of the Jewish people, but also claim they aren't adherents of Judaism. Pew research invented the awkward but apt phrase *Jews of no religion* to describe the 27% of American Jews who don't identify with any religion.


The vast majority of Jews are just atheists who view Judaism as a cultural heritage and nothing more.


>The vast majority of Jews are just atheists Not the vast majority, and not a majority at all. Just [22% say they don't believe](https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2021/05/13/jews-in-u-s-are-far-less-religious-than-christians-and-americans-overall-at-least-by-traditional-measures/ft_21-05-13_jewishamericans02-png/).


Judaism is an Ethno-Religion meaning that it is an ethnicity and a religion. You are correct, and you see it with the Hollywood types. Only ethnically Jewish, and using it as a wink wink nudge nudge to help breaking into a business. The leftists Jews are going to eventually lose their identity. Each generation of shunning your cultural heritage will result in future generations only looking at being Jewish as something you find out through a DNA heritage site.


Originally, the single most important issue to Jews was separation between church & state, creating generations of democrats. Until recently, the dems treated Jews and Israel well. They’ve sold their souls for a few votes in Dearborn.


The geographic distribution of Jewish voters in the US is heavily skewed toward coastal and/or urban states and regions in which liberalism reigns supreme. A lot of them are also effectively areligious. And the same reasons which made the "ethnic vote" (e.g. the Irish, Italians etc.) lean toward Democrats during the 20th century also apply to many Jews. Furthermore, a disproportionate share of Jewish Americans belongs to the professional-managerial class which has trended steadily toward the left in recent decades, counteracting the more rapid population growth of conservative-leaning orthodox Jews. (The latter factor seems to be winning out in recent years, though, and is imho one of the reasons behind US Jews as a whole inching to the right during the 21st century.)


Aren’t many of them very pro abortion?


I'm an Orthodox Jew. Our tradition says that abortion is usually forbidden, but makes an exception for the mother's life/health. Even in those cases, we don't deny the baby is alive, but such a fetus is called a rodef, meaning "a pursuer (intent on murder)". In those cases, abortion is more like justifiable homicide.


I have to admit this sort of viewpoint confuses me. I will preface by saying I do not believe life begins at conception so obviously protecting the life and health of the mother is a clear choice to me. However, if you do view life as beginning at conception, shouldn't there be zero concessions when determining whether to prioritize the mother or what you consider another fully valid human being (the baby)? Practically speaking, and when it comes to popular policy, you have to prioritize a mother's health. But to someone who views the fetus as a full human, how is it possible to have "justifiable homicide" of an infant? It reminds of the concerns with regulating IVF. Banning IVF would be extremely unpopular. But, if you believe life begins at conception, how do you just start making your own moral determinations for which instances the "homicide" of a baby is justifiable?


This is a great question, not sure why you are being downvoted. It's a perfectly valid discussion to have. To share the Jewish perspective on this, something that is very, very important to understand in Judaism is that the potential to create future life is something that is regarded as extremely sacred and holy. It's a part of why the value of any given human life is seen as infinite and precious. It's not just the value of any one human being (which is infinitely valuable in its own right, as human beings are made in the creator's image), but *also the potential to create future life and to do infinite good in the world.* To the Jewish people, it's not seen as just losing the life of the mother, but also *losing all of the potential future life she may have created,* and this is seen as the loss of something very sacred and holy.


Thank you for that well informed perspective. I don't personally agree with that sort of quantification of lives but it is a reasonable point of view.


At that point it becomes a triage scenario. You KNOW you can save the mother and there probably won’t be long term consequences for her, vs totally rolling the dice with pregnancy. Doctors, nurses and first responders make these calls every day with car accidents, house fires, terrorist attacks, any kind of MCE, etc. You can’t save everyone so you have to prioritize or you can lose everyone


This makes sense in situations where you always know you can save the mother or you knows babys chance is low. My point is that if you believe life begins at conception, the fetus and mother need to be seen as totally equal. You can prioritize who is more likely to live as we do every day in medicine. But it doesn't make much sense to then turn around and say the mother is more valuable because she can create more life in the future.


I didn’t say anything about mom is more valuable because she can create more children later on. Someone’s chance of survival and their expected quality of life are both factors of triage.


There is a medical distinction that needs to be made here. An abortion that is done to save the life of the mother is done when the baby can not survive outside of the womb. Otherwise an emergency C-section is indicated. You are not prioritizing one life over another, you are making the choice between 1 death or 2. As far as IVF, such policy is only a threat to way the way IVF is most commonly done. Currently, for speed and cost reasons, multiple eggs are fertilized at the same time and then tested for viability. It is entirely possible to fertilize a single egg at a time and test them. Doing this would be entirely in line with life beginning at conception, it just wouldn't be as profitable.


Wouldn't be as profitable? Sure. But also an already prohibitively expensive procedure would become much more expensive. It would be an extremely unpopular move for any politician to touch legislation which makes IVF more expensive but it seems logically consistent for those who believe life starts at conception.


I think the argument is that letting the baby die and saving the mother allows the mother to have 2+ kids in the future, which is ultimately the lesser of two evils. Since Orthodox families typically have many kids, it isn’t unreasonable. Plus, if you let the mother die to save the child, who will raise the child? I agree actually that the life of the mother is a priority to the life of the baby. But it’s still terrible either way to be forced to make such a decision.


From what I've heard Jewish ethicists do sort of a "greater good" thing where the mother can be prioritized because she's got other kids to take care of. While Catholic ethicists look at the act itself and therefore a good intent can't justify a bad act.


It is essentially the trolley problem. These sort of moral questions are far from new.


is that the one where you pull the lever and run a different person over?


I think the people at Secular Prolife believe IVF should be allowed, but only "if done one embryo at at time" [Human Beings Begin as Zygotes: Refutations to 8 Common Pro-Choice Arguments - Secular Pro-Life (secularprolife.org)](https://secularprolife.org/2017/08/a-zygote-is-human-being/#Q3_In_Vitro_Fertilization_IVF). I think IVF in the United States is very underregulated compared to most European countries.


That is logically consistent and makes sense to me. I only question the logic of those who would use life at conception as a means to ban abortion but have no problem with the loss of zygotes in IVF.


>But to someone who views the fetus as a full human, how is it possible to have "justifiable homicide" of an infant? You're choosing between two human lives, period. In principle it's no different than if you had 2 sons and were forced to choose for one to live and one to die. Or had to choose whether your brother or father have to die. It's justifiable because one or the other will die\* - there is no way around it. So either way a life must be lost. There is no good choice, that's the point - not that anyone is happy choosing the baby to die. And I've read a couple of stories where the mother and father chose the baby's life. \*If the unborn baby is going to cause the mother to die, and the baby isn't yet viable, then it will die regardless since it can't survive outside the womb. Why do you feel it's morally preferable to choose the baby's life over the mother's (which is how I read your comment)?


Not religious Jews. They have many children as birth control is prohibited.


> Not religious Jews. They have many children as birth control is prohibited. Well, certain forms of birth control are prohibited, but we value children, and most of us want as many as we will be blessed with. With only 4 kids, ours is considered a small family.




Without getting explicit, "barrier" methods are prohibited, as are surgical methods. And the method used by Onan in the.Torah. So far as I'm aware, birth control and IUD are the only permitted methods. (Consult a rabbi if you really want to know.)


Interesting, I thought Orthodox Judaism frowned upon hormonal contraception as well. I guess it’s a makhloket, like many other things.


Abortion is allowed in Jewish law.


That is not true.


Abortion is mandatory if it will save the mothers life. Other than that it’s prohibited.




The Israeli-American jews are overwhelmingly pro trump. It's the American jews that are delusional


It's the same with Chinese or Indian Americans. If a group tends to be urban, have higher levels of education, and work in white collar jobs they will tend to lean left. It may be a stronger lean with Jews, given the historical antagonism of European conservatism against them, but in modern times it mainly boils down to demographics.


My understanding is that during the 30s, many of the ones in europe sided with the communists during the rise of hitler so any of them that moved over here would have been left leaning.


The left hates them. What’s taking them so long?


Decades of Democrats posing as the party that will protect us, a legacy of European conservatism that killed us en masse, years of media fearmongering, social pressure not to vote Trump.


Just took the left consistently calling for the extinction of Israel for 6 months.


Unfortunately too many of us are *still* burying our heads in the sand. It’s remarkable. If I go on r/Jewish and try to say that I don’t particularly care for either presidential candidate (politely and in an appropriate thread with reasoning provided) I will get downvoted. So many don’t seem to care or notice that Biden has been knee-capping Israel at every other turn and pandering to hamas simps in Dearborn. It blows my mind, but then again it blows my mind that anybody could possibly believe Biden is sharp. People don’t really pay attention as much as I’d like, but they do pay attention. I’ve noticed Jews are definitely shifting to the right, because obviously one side has our backs and one doesn’t, but the waking up is just much slower than I can stand. I don’t foresee too many Jewish Biden voters switching to Trump, but I could definitely see a lot of liberal Jews staying home or voting for RFK.


No see they’re calling for a “mostly peaceful” intifada


Kinda backwards there; as the democrats see Jews leaving the party, they become more willing to publicly say all the antisemitism that's always been there.


It’s already happened in Paris and Europe. Makes sense. Edit: Plus, for both parties, like it or not, but THE US supports Israel.


Well liberals openly talk abbout killing Jews now... so that number will probably grow


Always been conservative and Jewish tbh. I guess I might have been a bit more centrist as a youngn


I work in Boro park. You won’t find any Biden supporters here.


I say, welcome!


How could they not? The left is actively supporting hamas scum


As a Republican I’m very disappointed in my party for not capitalizing on the antisemitism in the democrat party. Imagine if the situation was reversed - the dems would be beating their drums 24/7. Most Latinos are also more ideologically aligned with republicans than democrats Most Latinos are church going, family oriented and are opposed to many of the democrat anti family policies and yet there’s almost no effort to bring them into the Republican fold.


As a Texan growing up around a lot of Hispanics, being it's a large demographic here, this has always frustrated me too. Most of my Hispanic friends and acquaintances are culturally very conservative. As you mentioned, they tend to be devout Catholics, are very family oriented - I see many quite young Hispanic men stepping up and being dads, they're very hard working, and they tend to assimilate well while keeping their identity.  The average Mexican-Americans I know are more culturally conservative than the average white Americans I know. Many of them are basically turn-key Republicans if only the Party would court them properly. 


If only the party didn’t have people who are biased based on race. Call it like it is we have a history of poor racial decisions


best comment here honestly, i wish they capitalized on it more. the right was just never as good as the left at these sorts of things, fearmongering and smearing and stuff. and that's fine, but there's so much to work with to the point where you don't even need to stoop to that level to get the same effect


I'm surprised Jewish people aren't mostly gun nuts and the face of the US militia movement.


For some reason, Jewish gun ownership has recently spiked, and [Jews are signing up for firearms training](https://www.cnn.com/2023/11/06/us/american-jews-guns-antisemitism/index.html) in droves. Can't imagine why.


I've been assured that it has nothing to do with the mostly peaceful threats of genocide.


I kind of want to see a monty python skit that depicts this imagery.


Funny story: I'm at the California Republican Convention in Palm Springs in 1982. I'm getting on the elevator and one other person is on it. He looks at my name tag and goes, "Cohen, huh?" I look at his and reply, "Solomon, huh?" He then cracks up and says, "We gotta stick together. There aren't many of us here."


> Note: A ratio of 1.0 would mean 100% of Jews voting Republican. No it wouldn't. The ratio is calculated as R/D, so 1.0 would mean that R=D. 100% Republican would be a ratio of infinity (100/0). So what the data shows is that in 2020 Jews still voted for Democrats at more than 2:1 over Republicans. But it is shifting towards Republicans. And it's hardly surprising, given all the antisemitism we've been seeing from the left.


Thanks. I've reworded that sentence, and credited you for bringing it to my attention.)


Still saying the wrong thing


I think it’s been both habit and misdirection since at least the Civil Rights movement. Many Jewish young adults were very active in supporting the Civil Rights Movement. News was rather big then on how LBJ (D) signed the legislation and fluffed over the fact legislation only existed because of Republicans. Then you had most schools actively teaching the parties switched theory in 70s & 80s with many Dems by then claiming they were the driving force of the Civil Rights movement because they claimed old Johnson and his Johnson. lol Lather rinse repeat until new voters just went with whatever their parents did as too difficult, confusing, consuming to try to disseminate truth from fiction. At first the rise of the Information Super Highway led to confusion and too much information for those that wanted simple answers. While it’s now a free for all with information and disinformation and spins thrown right and left determined by algorithms … some people have gotten better at ferriting out truths. I think the majority of Americans from the Greatest Generation never believed support for Israel would ever be a question (there is a Nixon clip on why that is floating around) … those of us who lived thru 9/11 couldn’t have conceived of US being wishy washy on terrorists. But the last decade or so has been a wild free for all of the pendulum swinging too far to the other sides. It would be nice if everyone could find their brains and plug them in sometime soon.


Can you explain your point on the party swap?


The way it was explained to me in school was that post-Reconstruction, professors and historians looked at election maps and noticed that the South voted mostly Democrat, while the North voted mostly Republican. At some point, those same Southern states started voting Republican, and the North, Democrat. In order for this to happen, the parties, you know, must’ve “switched” platforms, ideologies, goals, etc. Looking back at it now, it’s incredibly asinine to state that Americans are incapable of changing their minds and voting for someone else lol


Good to see but the Jewish vote is relatively small, they'll probably be outnumbered by Muslims and they're already outnumbered by lgbt.


>they'll probably be outnumbered by Muslims Probably, but we have a few things going for us: 1. Huge turnout. For example, this article about Florida put the [percentage of Jews who voted in 2008](https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSBRE86N05Z/) at 96%! 2. We donate to candidates we support. (I won't cite specifics, lest I inspire the "Jews control American politics" nut jobs.) 3. Among the Orthodox, we're highly cohesive. There are precincts in Orthodox Jewish neighborhoods, where over 90% of the votes go GOP.


There are enough Jews in many of the swing states that can make a difference.


Jews are actually pretty influential. Politically active (very much so just in normal activism but also just in political involvement--2% of the population but 9% of the Senate and 6% of the House), donate A LOT (15 of the top 25 political donors in 2020 were jewish), etc. also twice as many jews vs muslims so /shrug and I know a lot of big jewish donors have not been donating to Democrats this election cycle. Doesn't mean they'll enthusiastically donate to Republicans just yet, but it's certainly an improvement.


Good points


All of the jews I know in Southern California have Trump derangement syndrome, and are 100% into the DEI stuff, wokeness, all the leftist stuff.


With people on the left calling for the eradication of the Jews, Jews would have to be braindead to remain supporting the left.


Are they turning to the Right or away from the bat shit crazy?




It's about time, no? This anti-Semitism has been steadily growing throughout the blue states, yet Jews keep voting Democrat 😕


>It's about time, no?  It's been going on for 32 years, as indicted the numbers I cited. It's just going slower than I like. I do wish conservatives would do more outreach to the middle and even the left. People can be persuaded to change sides. Ronald Reagan did it. So did Michael Medved. And Thomas Sowell. And David Horowitz. (The latter two moved from self-avowed Marxists to conservatives!)


Jews do not have to move to the right to align with Republicans. Republicans are closer to classic liberalism than the woke left.


I think you're describing the shifting of the [Overton Window](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Overton_window).


I’ve wondered this for years. The Democrats are not loyal to any one group except elitists. If you’re George Clooney or Jimmy Kimmel, no problem. Their policies won’t affect them. Let’s take a Quick Look at who else. Middle class? Nope…they’ve been chucked aside. Inflation is killing home ownership. Gas, groceries. Unions? Nope…illegal immigration, job loss, electric cars, total shit show. Blacks? Nope. High crime in inner cities, demonizing police. Encouraging homeless. What makes our Jewish friends think they are going to be spared? The democrats operate by using people and then when they are no longer useful, they too will be abandoned and left wondering what happened. The best thing you can do is vote Republican across the board. We are not perfect by any means but we are the lesser of two evils. We at least love our country and want to increase our financial standing in the world. Remember, a rising fiscal tide will raise all boats.


Couldn’t agree more


Cool. Appreciated


Canada is lost. Montreal and Toronto are at the point of daily violence against Jews and attacks on synagogues. FJT. If progressive policies follow Trudeau, America will bring in masses of anti-Semitic immigrants from shithole countries and we’ll have the same anti-West, anti-Jewish chaos that plagues France, London and Montreal.




The left is supporting the people calling for their extermination if that isn't enough to sway their vote I don't know what will


WTF is there for Jews to consider? Trump supporting Israel or Biden playing the fence as his party cheers Hamas.


There should be a massive shift to the right with this election - anyone with two brain cells to rub together can see the Left are aiming for the extermination of Israel.


Conservative, Bible-believing Christians (Romans 11:11-31) are going to be the only allys the Jews are going to have as this war against Hamas continues leading to the last days (Revelation 12:14). What little support Israel is getting now will gradually wane until we're all that's left.


agreed, the Dems will abandon Israel over the next 10 years. Republicans are the only supporters they have left.....


My Jewish father has never voted Republican before but he is all-in for Trump 2024. He even stopped watching CNN in favor of News Nation. The dems have led this country to disgrace.


Surprised it's not higher given the other party wants to exterminate them from the river to the sea.


Years and years of pandering to the Jewish community and it's only 30%??? Seems low


It's not pandering if you're just doing what you believe is right. If anything, that makes the action more pure.


Almost as if they have a foreign lobby that funds both sides of the aisle. Conservative ideology is polluted by dispensationalism and Liberal ideology is polluted by a victim complex. Why would it matter how they vote when both sides will continue to loot the American taxpayer for Israel?


Except for Streisand, of course.


Pretty confident the left’s HAMAS encampments around college campuses isn’t helping either


Ashkenazi Jews have European blood and the left hates whites.


Thank goodness for that. There's too way too many self hating leftist Jews who will only bring destruction to our country and themselves. Good thing there is a counterbalance growing. The USA could EASILY grow into nazi Germany 2.0 with the fascist left 


I have some friends who are Israeli jews. Knowing that they vote Democrat boggles my mind


It’s only anecdotal, but this matches my experience. What antisemitism I experienced when I was young (80s and 90s), was mostly from the right—think redneck, confederate flag flying or bible thumpers, etc. While that hasn’t gone away 100%, much more of the antisemitism I experience these days comes from the left—think DSA, from-the-river-to-the-sea types. They say they’re against “zionists”, but the language they use pretty quickly makes it clear what they’re really talking about. I don’t think either of those groups really represents the mainstream of their ideologies, so I don’t really know how relevant it is, but I’ve certainly drifted much further right over the last 20-25 years. I see the same in my family.


>They say they’re against “zionists”, but… I wear a yarmulke. I do *not* wear a sign saying I'm a Zionist. If you judge me by my appearance, you can reasonably conclude that I'm Jewish, but you know nothing about my opinion vis-à-vis Israel or Gaza. And yet I've had as much hate thrown at me in the last 8 months as I did in the previous 58 years. So either they're picking on my because I'm Jewish, or they're psychic, and know that I'm a Zionist without any actual evidence!


Because the left is slowly, but steadily, turning anti-Semite.


For decades you were warned but ignored the warnings.


Hardly surprising. The Left has REALLY been showing its true colors as far as antisemitism goes recently.


Never understood why Jews vote for the party that hates them and openly calls for their death and the destruction of their country on a regular basis. I wonder what the ratio will be in this election, after having seen the Dems simp for Hamas.


Eh. It has more to do with birthrates than anything. Right-leaning Orthodox Jews are having a lot of children, while left-leaning secular Jews are either assimilating or not having kids at all. It’s not like formerly liberal Jews are suddenly moving to the right.


>It’s not like formerly liberal Jews are moving to the right. Some of us are. David Horowitz. Michael Medved. [Evan Sayet](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ODXgGS50AVY). Me. But yeah, birthrates are a big part of it.


Pardon me, but I'm a little leery. Generations of Jews made childish jokes and attacks about conservatives. The "free Palestine" mob may be changing some of your opinions, but I'm certain you will return to your original school of thought. I don't hate you, but I don't trust you either.


>I don't hate you, but I don't trust you either. What a coincidence! But seriously, check out Orthodox Jewish voting patterns over the last 30 years. This isn't a new trend. I voted for every Dem candidate for president from 1984 to 2000. After 9/11, I began to re-evalute where I should stand. And I've voted GOP in 2004, and in every election since. (You might want to watch the [first 4 minutes of this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ODXgGS50AVY), because his experience mirrors mine perfectly.)


As the source of modern "progressivism" feminism, LGBTQRXYZ nonsense, they have much to atone for


Dave Chapelle calls them the "alphabet people"!






I wonder how much of it from the growing orthodox/ reform % - birth rates work…


Not sure how this fits in with the trend, but Jews as a population are highly educated. Like double the percentage of Jews have college degrees vs the general population, and almost three times the percentage have advanced post-graduate degrees. I am not Jewish, but my perception is that Jews also tend work hard to be exceptional in their chosen field. Recently, college degree have gone Dem, while Trump is doing better among no degree, and absolutely dominating white male no college.


My professional network, and thus my LinkedIn feed, is disproportionately Jewish (professional hazard). It's been an interesting watch. Since 10/7, my feed has gone from eye-rollingly woke to borderline-Trumpy.


Jews vote at a higher rate than other groups so, but the Jewish population is about 5.8 million, and the majority of those live in large northeastern and midwestern Democrat cities (or Urban California) so their votes aren't likely to swing a city one way or the other by themselves.


Thank goodness. Finally.