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Our Discord will be streaming the debate live in voice channels. Due to the expected high volume of users, the streams will be divided into two channels. There will be one channel where users may chat as the debate wages, while the other will be heavily moderated to ensure quietness. www.discord.gg/conservative


[Elon's response:](https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1805402421595648220?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1805402421595648220%7Ctwgr%5Ec1af19e37eb4147d6ca83e05169caa04531d1a9a%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.tigerdroppings.com%2Frant%2Fpolitics%2Fcnn-will-not-allow-people-to-stream-thursdays-debate-on-youtube-or-other-social-media%2F113876278%2F) >The public has a right to see Presidential debates however they would like. DMCA does not apply.


CNN's response to Elon's response: "And here's why that's a threat to our Democracy"


This is why Elon buying Twitter was huge. Had Twitter not been bought then the media would’ve 100% controlled the narrative this election cycle. Can you imagine how coverage would’ve been of the Trump trials, Hunter Biden, immigration, Biden’s cognitive decline, etc if Twitter was still in the Left’s hands? Now there’s accountability. They never had to worry about that the last 8 years.


CNN still going to pull their crap... remember Donna Brazil sharing the debate questions? But Elon is great to make things more equal....a little anyway


Especially with Jake Tapper as the moderator.


And Jake Tapper is the one who will control the mute button. CNN probably thinks that they’ll be celebrated if they “check Trump” but most Americans will roll their eyes because they’re not stupid. The media’s arrogance is stronger than ever.


If CNN or Fake Crapper pulls any shenanigans Trump should just leave. Just walk off the stage in the middle of the debate.


Them overplaying their hands will actually work in our favor. Especially if trump walks in there calm, chases tactics to being nice and doesn’t get upset when they over-moderate him, they’ll come out looking like the assholes they are.


I am calling it now, if Biden comes out looking normal, like he is really in his own head. There will not be another debate. This is about making Biden look presidential and get a few gotcha questions on Trump and cutting his mic when he is responding. You saw the preview of what is going to happen with his spokes person on CNN; not giving the response that they want they are going to mute his mic


Yeah, I’m actually hoping they try that crap. Didn’t work well when they tried it on CNN, blew up in their face. That kind of stuff is why nobody likes cnn besides the hardcore leftists, and it’s not like they’re going to go vote trump anyways. I’d rather have CNN’s bias shown to everyone. If they overplay their hand, that’s exactly what people will see. Especially if they let Obriben prattle on about whatever but if trump starts to navigate around their “gotcha” questions and not give them the soundbyte they want, cut him off.


Outstanding move


I genuinely, for the life of me, cannot understand why Republicans continue to agree to the demands of the democrats, and to have these debates hosted and moderated by these heavily far-left news outlets and journalists. The Republican candidate has never been given a fair chance in any of these televised debates for the past 60-70 years. They always have to debate against the democrat and the far-left moderator. Cherry on top, the democrat candidate is always informed of the questions before the debate even takes place. It’s insanity.


Your getting so close to the actual problem We are gradually moving towards a uni party and no choice at all just what we are fed


What do you mean moving towards? We've had a uniparty for decades now. If anything what we're seeing since 2016 is a move away from the uniparty and the uniparty fighting back.


You’re right. As I asked above, who is your ideal non biased moderator(s)?


Maybe someone who has been outspoken about voting third party. It would be difficult to impossible to find someone biased against neither candidate, but there are plenty of people who are biased against both.


Ok fine, I’ll do it.


Could you imagine Tucker Carlson doing it? I think Biden's mouth would just stay slackjawed.


Joe rogan


Or Dave Smith


Dave Chappelle


How about, who’s a moderator that more than 66% of viewers would consider non biased?


They're all biased, so at least have a moderator biased in either direction rather than just one.


Joe Rogan


> I genuinely, for the life of me, cannot understand why Republicans continue to agree to the demands of the democrats I'm guessing because otherwise the democrats wont agree to a debate. The republicans are betting on the fact that a rigged debate is going to still benefit them more than no debate.


Because Republicans take in more donations when Dems are in power.


We've come to a point in this country where we don't need debates anymore. There has been so much polilng in the past that show debates change people's opinions very little.This will only backfire on Trump. It's a bad move.


Agreed. At some point, political debates lost the necessary decorum and structure to be beneficial. I can remember candidates getting a question, waiting their turn, responding to the question asked, and listening to the opponent respond it turn, then rebuttals. Modern political debates are a waste of time, they are just another avenue to hear the standard talking points, non-answers, evasions, and outright falsehoods.


Because if Trump declined based on the insane demands they would have slammed Trump for being too cowardly to debate. They likely hoped he would decline so there would be no debates.




I agree with you. but, Joe Biden is so FUBARED that it won't matter.


Because if they can't rig the debate, then it's not a fair debate.


…because they’re just different memberships in the same club. They all know it and anyone actually paying attention knows it.


Who’s your ideal, unbiased moderator for a presidential debate?


This is why i wish trump refused to do it


Trump did interviews with so many folks that hated it. I hope it’s more of a Trump problem and less of a Republican one.




>DMCA does not apply Just on a basic fact level it does though




Gigachad Elon


Will it be on CNN+? Oh, wait…


This is going to backfire on CNN so bad 😆


I didn’t even know this was a thing. I was probably going to be watching alone on CNN like a fool with Reddit on the side. Thanks CNN for alerting me of the alternative!


Noo watch on YT with Vince Dao if he does it.


What *has* worked for CNN in the last 8 years?


Making money off the Trump administration.


Clearly not hiring Chris Wallace.


I didn’t have legit access to the republican debates. Checked YouTube and the only channel we could find that was “reacting” to them without obnoxiously talking over them the *whole* time was David Pacman, an extremely smug liberal, who still periodically muted the debate to try and “fact check” something. Can someone with access please do a fair use loophole and “react” by sitting perfectly still and not saying a single word please.


> Can someone with access please do a fair use loophole and “react” by sitting perfectly still and not saying a single word please. Showing the entirety of a copyrighted broadcast without adding anything new or transformative is almost certainly not going to meet the standards of fair use exceptions https://www.copyright.gov/fair-use/


Someone needs to have a reaction bingo drinking game. That way you are silent while waiting for Trump to say something like "best people" or Biden to wander around in a circle for 5 seconds.


How about a reaction stream that has a gaffe counter with a sound effect for each of them? Every time Biden stumbles or Trump invents a new word, their count goes up. There could be additional counters according to the opinion of the person reacting - evading the question - interrupting when it isn't your turn - ??


> Showing the entirety of a copyrighted broadcast without adding anything new or transformative is almost certainly not going to meet the standards of fair use exceptions Someone should just stream it on twitch like that guy did with UFC and pretend it's a game because it pretty much is anyway.


This is an entire genre (that im apparently too old and out of touch to understand) of video on YouTube. The “reactions” are in some cases extremely lazy to the point where sometimes the person live streaming literally leaves for a while. Im asking for this power go be used for good.


Yes, xQc is one of the most popular streamers and is notorious for lazy, bullshit 'reaction' videos, and, as far as I know, he hasn't faced consequences Other streamers have, including some big name streamers https://gamerant.com/twitch-bans-pokimane-avatar/ Often it comes down to whether or not the copyright holder wants to file a DMCA complaint or not Question, though: why do you want this when you can just watch one of the already-legal simulcasts that will be on YouTube? If you want to watch it with no one talking then I'd recommend CSPAN or PBS


"React" in sign language....


We can just have a deaf person react in sign language, bingo, transformativity and newness achieved


Can we get a deaf person to react and sign their commentary?


Seeing Vivek destroy Pakman in that interview was so good. Pakman is such a smug little jerk. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iHt6dBJtOok](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iHt6dBJtOok)


The MSM would never allow it but there is no reason to even have these debate setups. Give me a debate, streamed on rumble, YouTube, X, Facebook; and let each candidate choose their own moderator. Let’s have it be a right winger and a left winger. Give me two hours of chaos!


Then it would just be a debate between the moderators! Seeing that we already know this debate will be Donald J. Trump vs. Jake Tapper & Dana Bash. Hopefully Biden walks behind the moderators while they argue with Trump and starts sniffing Bash's ear.


That guy is so insufferable


Looks like the the debate might be on HBO Max


Trying to cover it up already, huh?


A preemptive cover-up.


So they can edit the living hell out of it to make the dementia potato president, Xiden, look half-sane.


Viewers will see and hear only what the producers wants them too. Biden’s handlers don’t want objective witnesses.


Ha ha. Cheap fake.


Liberal media doing everything they can to prop up Biden….lol


CNN, the org that paid for the rights to host this debate, is trying to get people to watch it on their platform


I don’t understand why this is that confusing. It’s not some conspiracy theory, it’s capitalism.


**Where and how can I watch it?** The CNN Presidential Debate will air live on CNN, CNN International and CNN en Español, and via **streaming** on Max for subscribers and without a cable login on CNN.com. CNN will make the debate available to simulcast on additional broadcast and cable news networks. You can also follow CNN’s live debate coverage on CNN.com, which will include analysis and fact checking. The New York Times will **stream** the debate alongside real-time commentary and analysis from reporters. CNN will broadcast or **stream** the debate on all its platforms, including its flagship cable channel, as well as CNN International, CNN en Español and CNN Max. The network also plans to **stream** the debate on CNN.com. You will not have to log in or be a subscriber to watch the stream. CNN is also sharing its feed with other broadcast and cable news networks so that they could simulcast the debate. That means you can also watch it on Fox News, ABC News and probably elsewhere. USA TODAY will simulcast the debate on its YouTube channel.


They just don't want alternative media to do it too. They aren't going to defeat alternative media with these tactics. Social media is here to stay.


Anybody who doesn’t have Max can sign up for a free trial to watch the debate and cancel it when it’s over. I did that with YouTubeTV to watch the Super Bowl.


You don't have to sign up and cancel. It will be freely available in several places


Also Many others are streaming it on Rumble. Check it out.


Everyone start screaming about how seeing the debate is a "human right"


Is there a bingo card for this debate somewhere? I want to play along.


Someone will post one on X or we will in the Conservative discord


Someone will eventually post one of those or a drinking game lol.


They want the traffic at their site. It's not that big a deal, IMO. It's still free for anybody with an internet connection.


They *WILL* allow you to do so if you are viewing it through their YouTube player. Tim Pool did a breakdown of it on YouTube.


That's what I was wondering thank you!


Like when they disabled the dislike button on YouTube because every Biden video was being down-voted.


I practically watched that happen in real-time over the span of a few days. Nobody ever brings this up, it's the most damning evidence of damage control I can think of.


We should set up a commission of presidential debates, maybe get all parties involved with free access to like 3 presidential debates and 1 VP debate every four years!   Everyone could broadcast for free!!!   Instead of letting the free market decide this, let’s have non-partisan, non profit commission put this on.   


PBS station will live stream the debate. SOURCE: https://www.pbs.org/newshour/press-releases/pbs-newshour-offers-live-coverage-of-presidential-and-vice-presidential-debates CBC News Network will also live stream the debate. SOURCE: https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.cbc.ca/amp/1.7244896 Other newscasts that will telecast live: CBS News, C-Span, NBC, MSNBC, ABC News, OAN, Newsmax, Telemundo, Max.


It’s sickening! These leftists do everything to hurt Trump with lawfare, and do everything to help Biden with media bias


They’re not doing enough - James Carville


The left are the controlling fascists


Who doesn’t see the left as the real fascists? They tried to jail their political opponent. They attempted to keep their opponents off ballots. Twisted the law to attack political opponents and their supporters. Collusion with private companies and government to oppress the rights, speech of their political opponents.


How can they be fascists? They call other people that and there's no way they would deflect like that, it's against the rules.


Censorship on full display the downfall of the American Empire.


Heros will stream it anyway


I hope he locks up tight and Trump says "you just shit your pants right now, didn't you Joe?"


Yeah, that's to save Democracy.


Democrat logic: “We have to destroy democracy to save democracy.” These smooth brains lack any semblance of self-awareness whatsoever.


This most certainly will allow them to edit it and put like a 2 minute delay.


This goes against fair use.


Donna Brazile, anyone?


Democrat biased Moderator. No crowds. No ability to comment on streams. Who's the dictator again?


communists. the left are so damn delusional


"I want this to be a fair fight gentlemen." "In this corner, we have President Trump." "In this corner, we have President Biden - and his kick circle."


They’re building a caccoon around Biden


What are they so afraid of?


Losing money


Getting called out on their bullshit on real time.




There reason is to protect Biden if it goes badly for him, or just allow parts that put him in a positive light.


You can piss right off, cnn. I mean we know why, they’re dropping viewership like crazy. Remember their streaming service that last like quite literally a week?


Guess I won't be able to watch since I don't have CNN. I know there is not a single person who will stream it now.


You don't need a CNN subscription to watch it "The CNN Presidential Debate will air live on CNN, CNN International, CNN en Español, CNN Max and stream without a cable login on CNN.com. CNN will make the debate available to simulcast on additional broadcast and cable news networks in the United States." - CNN news release https://www.newsweek.com/joe-biden-donald-trump-presidential-debate-cnn-how-watch-1916766


My post was mostly satire mocking CNN for thinking people won't stream it but I don't have cable or satellite and I wouldn't be caught dead on CNN's web site.


> I wouldn't be caught dead on CNN's web site You don't have to use CNN's website; it will be simulcast on other broadcast and cable news networks. You can watch it on FOX, ABC, etc e.g. it will stream here on PBS's YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/live/Ba6wGGFhBkY


You know you can stream things online, especially YouTube channels?


Comment sections on other websites & certain articles were disabled a few months before the last presidential election also. They can't allow people to call out the obvious lies & failures so close to election time.


Debates should be hosted by and on a neutral platform that does not require a subscription. I don’t even have cable tv.


I guarantee it’s going to be on probably a 5 minute delay so they can edit the shit out of it in order to favor Biden and hinder Trump. With no live audience, it’s going to be the Trump teams word against everyone else, so when they go on TV afterwards claiming it was edited, they’ll call the Trump team “conspiracy theorists” and spreading “misinformation.” I have no doubt. Can’t wait for the inevitable “technical difficulties” section as well. I’m sure there will multiple issues with the “muted microphones” too that somehow will only impact Trump and also favor Biden when he starts to stumble.


>a 5 minute delay It's the minimum time required for the filters that work hard to dezombify Biden to kick in.


Maybe Trump's team should film it too so they can show what really happened. 


I don't think they can legally stop legitimate commentary. Rebroadcasting without commentary would be a different issue, but these guys normally do live fact checks. They're not just sitting around. It becomes a transformative piece of work. I suppose the mere threat of legal action is enough to scare away most folks. And that's the goal.


They don't need a legal reason, they just need streaming providers like youtube to enforce compliance.


We just want our audience to remember only WE can analyze the debate for you and choose a winner.


There's no fucking way Biden is going to debate Trump: Biden is so mentally and physically compromised. And if by some chance he actually does, lol can't fucking wait!!


They've managed to dope him up a few times for big, important speeches. Probably including his first debate with Trump. I think it's obvious to anyone.


Yep. Between drugging Biden up and all the biased decisions going into it like no live audiences, muting the mics, a left-leaning moderator, etc., Trump will absolutely have to bring his A-game to the table and not get complacent for a second. The puppeteers controlling Biden have this all worked out I’m sure.


"Anytime, anywhere, right?" Trump: Hell yeah! "OK. Your mic will be muted until *just* the right moment before your responses can be heard." Trump: OK. "You won't have an audience to cheer you on." Trump: Fine. "The President will be wearing an earpiece, and be pumped up with the best "go pills" we feed to our fighter pilots for long missions. You'll be drinking warm milk." Trump: Ummm... ok....


Tim cast IRL will live stream it on YouTube and X






Ain’t no way in hell i’m going to support CNN, will have to find a stream somehow.


Travesty of a debate. Absoultely undemocratic


Good Luck, I'm Behind 7 Proxies


Trump should refuse to do the debate until it's either moved to a different network, or CNN changes their stance on this.


Fucking insanity 


Gotta carry that water.


Joe could freeze for 2 minutes at the podium and Tapper would laude Joe's performance. It's a joke


Fake Tappers gonna have a very good day this Thursday. Still don't know why Trump agreed to it tho, it's so unfair to him


The new debate format should be: The moderator asks a candidate a question. The candidate answers the question.The other candidate then decides how best to prosecute his opponent for the answer given.


This is irrelevant to me because, seeing as my age doesn't start with a "2", I never even considered watching the debate on "social media" for "commentary". I'll just watch it on the CNN channel on TV like a normal person.


Control the narrative!


So we should be commenting the debate as much as possible. Mission received and acknowledged.


Of course not. That way they can edit it to fit “the message”. 🤦‍♂️


On my hp laptop my homepage is a bunch of just random news articles from random sources. All the ones about Joe Biden have the comments locked …


This is a debate to help the American people decide on who they want to run our county. How is it appropriate, let alone legal, to keep this from being fact checked or commentated on.


Communist News Network strikes again.


Such bullshit by CNN.


I don’t know why trump is even participating in this sham


Yea same, but since he is he needs to be ready. It should be obvious what’s coming


We just want our audience to remember only WE can analyze the debate for you and choose a winner.


Democracy dies behind the subscription paywall


CNN wants to make money. Surprise, surprise


Gotta control the narrative somehow!


Odds are we will get enough "commentary" from the moderators, at least the Dem approved type.


CNN has no right to interfere in a federal election. Might need the FBI to raid some of these insurrectionist !


Course not .. think I’ll just skip the debate and tune into RFK


No live stream. No audience. No surprise.


Why do things have to be so (D)ifferent to appease one party? They don't even try to hide it anymore!


HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! Good luck trying to stop me, CNN!


I want the cameras one during the intermission. CNN, HLN... taking commercial breaks. FXNC is not so hoping they stay live so I can see if Biden is getting dosed up at halftime. Oxygen, make rub with coaching, liquid courage, etc.


well you can do the commentary easily enough just by both parties watching. Maybe just about ratings.


Good luck!


It's funny how they think that's going to stop that from happening.


House and Senate members should be speaking about this and condeming CNN and stream it on the senate floor...but they won't.


This won't help anyone who isn't planning to watch live, but streamers can simply do their live commentary without showing/playing the debate stream on their channels. Viewers can watch the debate live in one browser/on their phone/what have you and watch the streamer of choice on another browser.


CNN is about to get sued into the ground. Streaming political content is a matter of public interest, and for the purposes of both news coverage and commentary it is squarely within the realm of fair use. It’s pretty obvious that they don’t want people to be able to fact check their “fact checking” and expose their horseshit, and I’m still not convinced they won’t try and do some selective editing/jump cuts to prevent people from seeing Biden shit himself, or blue screen when he’s answering a question, or stroke out and say “we are going to ban shemunuhnuhnuhwalazok Iran and my uncle was eaten by a tribe of… assault wealemenons… and you can’t have F15s because we have cannons…it’s not a joke!” Honestly, I’m desperately looking forward to watching the old man wander around stage like a possessed Roomba, shaking the American flag’s “hand” while calling it Janet Reno and then listening to that hack press secretary telling us all how none of that happened and if that’s what people think they saw then they’re all just white supremacist Nazi conspiracy theorists.


I cut cord maybe bars will be showing it


You know what? I'm actually good with that. We should be worrying about what the ***candidates*** are saying, not whack jobs from both sides.


Gee, I guess their market share is dropping and need something to up the view count. I wonder if the new defamation lawsuit about what Jake Tapper said after the Afghanistan withdrawal will hurt them.


Is this a legit news source?


No way they'll get away with this. Couldn't be a better example of fair use.


Fair Use act lawsuits incoming