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Did he lie, or just exaggerate?


Badically hyperbole and exaggerations. “Everyone” in place of “at least 51%”. Everyone knows what he means.


At least 51% knows what he means.


Tons of exaggeration. Biden did the same thing, but trump is a pro at embellishing


Snopes fact check: biden, did in fact beat the final boss of Medicare. It was the ghost of Reagan.


He was pretty vague a lot of the time so not really sure. I guess when he said "everyone" wanted to overturn Roe v Wade, that wasn't technically true. But I think a considerable amount of people who were educated on the subject agreed that it should be decided state by state.


His golf swing.


Whoah whoah whoah Lets not act like children here


He claimed that everyone wanted to overturn Roe v. Wade so the people could decide what is best for themselves and their family. That was a lie. There are many liberals who demand the government force you to allow them to murder their baby.


He should’ve talked about how RBG didn’t agree with the Roe V Wade decision and thought it went too far. And knew it would be overturned eventually. Many people thought RBG was all for it, when in reality she wasn’t.


He actually claimed that was the sentiment back when it went into effect, which I believe is actually true. Or rather, exaggerated.


>There are many liberals who demand the government force you to allow them to murder their baby. The "force you to" seems a strange way to put it.


There are plenty of religious zealots demanding the government force all embryos to be treated as humans.  Both side have their fringe nuts jobs. 90% of the country is in the middle. Abortions for some, miniature American flags for others. 


I appreciate the Simpsons joke, but embryos ARE humans. What else could they be?


Not all embryos should be treated as humans. Human embryos should be treated as humans. Because they literally are humans.


Unless you can point to the exact point when it goes from a "thing" to a "human," it's not at all nutty to want to abstain from killing it.


He was right when he said he didn't have sex with a porn star. You see Stormy isn't a star she is mid to low budget in her industry.


At this point I am not even sure that happened. Before the trail I assumed it happened.


A lot think he lied about his involvement and responsibility for Jan 6. He said it wasn’t him that should be blamed but Pelosi. That is true, however they think it’s a lie cause they want to blame Trump and can’t let go of the fact they just hate him and think he is evil.


It's all just to distract from bidens performance.it honestly looks like the DNC is divided between those in it for biden and those pushing him out.


It’s hilarious that the only thing the dems can take away from this debate is crying that Trump “lied about everything” without pointing out anything he lied about. If you ask someone something and their answer is “everything,” without giving any examples, they are completely full of shit and just upset. Meanwhile Biden has been caught lying as a politician with many examples documented since he took office half a century ago. Dude was literally embarrassed off the presidential ticket in like the 70’s or 80’s when he was caught plagiarizing his entire campaign and lying about his education. We all know about him lying about how he grew up to pander any group he is talking to (my uncle was eaten by cannibals). Lying comes so natural to him he does it even when he is in a complete state of dementia.


There's 10 billion Guatemalans storming the Lincoln memorial right now


Is it lying when you say, "Popeyes has the best fried chicken!" Or "all my rowdy friends are coming over tonight!"


People don't like that Trump is too normal, but still complain when politicians talk in circles. You get one or the other, but no one speaks in precise statistics except maybe Ben Shapiro. (It's a joke, calm down, people.)


I used to write quotes for unusual construction jobs. A lot of times, the exact site conditions were unpredictable and changing dynamically. I learned to add a lot of language to cover my ass in case things didn't go as "anticipated." After reading a particularly sketchy quote, one general contractor said," You sure used a lot of *wiggle* words in this one." My point is that politicians use a LOT of WIGGLE words, and I understand why.


Trump lied (or was wrong) to varying degrees about the abortion issue, how amazing the economy was (“best ever!” Vs “extremely strong pre-pandemic”), and at least a few other topics.  The problem with trump is his language isn’t precise and is very hyperbolic, which leads to many of his statements not being true (objectively).  I’m voting for the guy but I don’t like how he talks during debates. 


Exaggerating isn't lying. It's story telling.  Lying is misrepresenting truth, knowing you are misrepresenting truth. Like saying Trump said Nazis are "fine people" or saying he threatened a blood bath.  Lying implies intent. 


Trump did say there were fine people on both sides. That was direct from Trump, no need to argue about a general repeating his words.


That's a lie right there by omission. You are implying he was talking about Nazis. While he did say fine people ok both side he clearly stated he wasn't talking about Nazi or white supremacists. I don't know why anyone with a half a brain gets upset even if he didn't add that part. He didn't say all the people were fine. It means some are fine.


Really, find me quote or video where he clearly states he's not talking about the white supremacists groups that were present.


Even snopes says it's a lie. Go watch the video he straight out says and I am not talking about the neo Nazis nor the white supremacists and even condemned them. https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/trump-very-fine-people/ Find another lie to push.


Yes but he meant on both sides of the American protesters and immediately stated that the other groups were terrible


Your gf tells you the sex you two have is the best ever.  Truthfully, she thinks it’s sometimes good but mostly average.  Is she lying?  


She’s exaggerating to be more presidential and capture the will of a larger percentage of her constituents and the electorate.


To be fair, the math adds up. my gf did bang half the country.


Thank you for asking, I was going to ask the same question! I keep hearing "he lied" but no specifics, so I was a wee bit confused.


Not having sex with a porn star


I never saw her in any porn.    


He said he was the best president ever. Like cmon who’s on drugs now bud. Even Biden bragging hardcore is like yea I’m like 15th best..and this dude is like yea step aside George Washington and Abe Lincoln.


After birth abortions


"During a January 2019 radio interview, Governor Northam said that third-trimester abortions may be done in cases of a non-viable fetus or severe deformity. If a delivery occurred in such cases, Northam further stated that, '***The infant would be resuscitated*** if that's what the mother and the family desired, and ***then a DISCUSSION would ensue between the physicians and the mother***'" (Wiki).


That's as much a mischaracterization of the quote as it is when Nancy screams Trump told the Jan 6th protestors to fight like hell. Or the 'good people on both sides' quote about the Charlottesville protests. It leaves out the context of the conversation before and after the quote. The dude was clearly talking about a baby that was not going to survive.


No. Northam was clearly talking about the occasions when the baby *DOES* survive the attempt at abortion during the THIRD-trimester.


No he wasn't. Read the whole interview transcript.


I understand exactly what he said.


Obviousness you don't or you wouldn't be here doing what you are saying. Unless you think extending the suffering of a newborn is a good thing.


What's 100% clear is that you and Northam are advocating post birth eugenics.


Im advocating easing the passage to death vs painful slow death. The same thing we do for anyone that is dying. We don't let them suffer needlessly. We give them morphine to manage the pain. Which is what that former governor was alluding to.


Eugenics! Eradicate the undesired, just as the Nazis did.


He said “The infant would be delivered, the infant would be kept comfortable, the infant would be resuscitated if that's what the mother and the family desired, and then a discussion would ensue between the physicians and the mother.” He intended for the baby to be kept comfortable, not suffering, right up until it is murdered.


Just like they murder everyone in the hospital who gets taken off life support because there's no viable way for them not live without the machines.


We don't call that murder.


That's included in the provided context? It says they were discussing non viable or severely deformed fetuses in the third trimester. He still said that if it was born alive they would discuss termination instead of treatment.


There is NO TREATMENT for non viable life or severely deformed So the discussion they would be having is how to ease pain in the final hours/ days of life. The same discussion we have when anyone is dying. I absolutely despise abortion. All life is sacred. But that's not the context here where someone aborting a baby that would otherwise have a normal life. We are talking about a baby born with no hope of surviving. Read the transcript of the interview in its entirety, not little snippets taken out of context.


So I checked the transcript and when I say, "It's not entirely certain what his position is," I think he phrased his response so exactly that would be the case. The host makes this statement and question: > There was a contentious committee hearing yesterday when Fairfax County delegate Cathy Tran made her case for lifting restrictions on third trimester abortions as well as other restrictions now in place, and she was pressed by a Republican delegate about whether her bill would permit an abortion even as a woman is essentially dilating ready to give birth and she answered that it would permit an abortion at that stage of labor. Do you support her measure? and explain her answer. His response started with this: > I wasn't there, Julie, and I certainly can't speak for delegate Tran. . . . It's a little weaselly, but fair enough, he's got to allow for his own ignorance, which I think is a good move. > This is why decisions such as this should be made by providers, physicians and the mothers and fathers involved. He knows the question is, "So do you think we should be able to abort babies in the third trimester or even as the mother is in labor?" and his response is, "Well, that's not my decision"? If he really is saying, "We should make dying babies comfortable," he's chosen the wrong question for saying that, because at _best_ it's not an answer, and at worst it's an obfuscation. > It's done with the consent of the physicians, more than one physician by the way, and it's done in cases where there may be severe deformities, there may be a fetus that's non-viable, so **in this particular example** if a mother is in labor, I can tell you exactly what would happen. No specific example was brought up, so I'm not sure what he means by this. Perhaps there was an example brought up to delegate Tran, but since I don't know what that example was, or if there was one, I can't say if his statement here makes sense. He seems to be saying, "In these situations, it would be severe situations, like the baby won't survive," but when he actually states his POSITION, it's, "Hey, if at least two physicians sign off on it, and the parents are O.K., with it, then. . . ." If he actually were against it in all but the most extreme cases, then he should have made that clear, but he's basically equivocating so that you and I can argue about what his position "really is" all day. I'm not going to say I know exactly what he believes, but I'm going to say that he did not at all make a strong statement here, and if I were voting for or against him based on his opinion on abortion, I personally would be shaking my head. "That's his answer? I don't even know if he _has_ an opinion!"


The conservative subreddit doesn’t leave a lot of room for intelligent discourse on some topics. They know enough to be satisfied and unwavering in their beliefs. I’m a conservative, I’m actually a trump fan, but you’re right. He said himself, abortion and the specifics of his platform are about electability. He’s the only Republican president not to take a firmly pro life stance because he even he wants to leave it open to exceptions for rape incest and the life of the mother. Embedded in that should be exactly what you’re saying. If a child were to be born with a terminal untreatable illness or deformity that would cause them to suffer needlessly then and only then i view it as a mercy. Without that context, his comment was more of a dog whistle for evangelicals than something that is actually a concern.


To be fair no where on reddit will you find room for intelligent discourse. It's hive mind wherever you go. But it's nice to occasionally meet the reasonable person like yourself.


Sorry, the quote includes the context. It's not a partial quote.  They are talking about executing deformed people "who are going to die anyway" ffs. 


Read the full transcript. They are talking about people who are deformed so badly they can not live, so should be given pain medication to ease the transition. They aren't talking about someone with a deformity that can be repaired.


What he should have stated was this; there are states with no term-limit abortion laws.


No it is accurate the way he said it and important to highlight just how radical the dems are on the issue


Its inaccurate to imply Northam's extremist take is representative of all Democrats or Joe Biden. It's great strategy though.


Northam was the democrat governor of Virginia. NY CAL IL all have either passed or have tried passing abortion up to birth. The democrat try tor portray us as all racist extremist biggots in what world should we not point out the crazy nut jobs in their party that they embrace and campaign for. This is how we lose the PR battle on almost every issue we can not just keep sitting back with our thumbs up our collective asses and not at a bare minimum play the same game. Edit: damn I phone auto correct


As I said it's great political strategy, it's just not completely honest. I'm not coming after trump for saying that. As you said democrats say the same stuff. Biden literally said 75 million Americans are a threat to democracy because they are trump voters. Lumping everybody into a single box is super common because it's effective. On a personal level is something we should all avoid. Don't get caught up in the tactics. It's just not healthy to box people up like that. It destroys their individuality and humanity in our eyes when we do. We just don't live in Star Trek where every planet is a single homogeneous people


It’s *not* inaccurate, though. Kermit Gossnell got away with illegal late-term abortions in Pennsylvania *because* state officials didn’t want to deal with it. And they didn’t want to deal with it because they thought it would harm “the cause.” And a lot of mainstream media types didn’t want to cover it for the *same reason*. [https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/dr-kermit-gosnell-trial/](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/dr-kermit-gosnell-trial/)


Ya, because it makes them look bad. Not because they agree. For example Republicans are unlikely to call out some of the outlandish claims of somebody like MTG. That's because they don't want to bring attention to something that makes all Republicans look bad. Not because they agree with her. There is concern about the outliers getting attention and the general public thinking that these people represent all members of their group, even thought they obviously dont. That is reinforced by statements like trump on Northam's abortion story. It isn't about truth, it's about optics.


We've been pointing out how bad Magic: The Gathering is for years now, starting with The Quartering and his ousting.


That he didn't sleep with a porn star.