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Sure Biden was horrible but for me the surprise was how good Trump did. He was calm and composed, even my mom complimented his demeanor and my parents are long time Democrats. I applaud whomever convinced him to finally chill.


Ironically, the format of this debate really helped him out here. Especially in the instance where Trump tried to respond and they completely cut his mic. Not only did the moderators stop him from making a hasty or aggressive response, but they made the left wing establishment look bad for everyone to see by silencing him. Win win.


What's hilarious is the format was set up by Biden so that Trump couldn't come up with one liners so Biden was allowed to talk.


If your opponent is busy making a fool of themselves (hi Sleepy Joe!), let them. Though, my god, you just KNOW president Trump had sooo many zingers on his cuff, but held them back because no microphone. Actually, he said some of them anyway, mic or not. Trump has always been good with such quick thinking. Biden can't think at all anymore. Even many formerly staunch DNC hardliners are totally wondering who the real president is now, because this Potatoe Joe isn't him. Joe had the questions, and the answers, and the best drugs money can buy... and STILL fucked it up royally. I mean, no surprise, he can't even read a teleprompter anymore. It seems a ton of people have only watched lying legacy media so long, or if online, then only Shareblue / FBI propaganda. They were woefully unaware of how far Joe's dementia has progressed, just how far gone he actually is. Now it's directly IN THEIR FACE, and undeniable for all but the most dishonest. Anyone who's been paying attention knew this back when Joe was placed in office. Also, Joe never had a stutter. Ever. He use to be a very eloquently spoken racist asshole. He's still two of those things, and lets it slip now and again. Queue immediate shutdown of the press "conference". lol


You can’t disparage the Laird Biden, Master of Communication, Champion of the Family, Keeper of the Cheese, Fabricator of the Truth, Traveler of the Trains, Master of Self-righteousness. Peasant! Begone!


And Biden was the one who kept talking when the mic was off.


What's even better is that in the second half it was Biden who they had to cutoff for going over his time with his ranting and incoherent character attacks on Trump.


Not only did the cut off mic prevent Trump from coming across like a rude bully, it also prevented him from stopping Biden while Biden was talking himself into an impasse.


this was the best part. Just let Joe talk. He will destroy himself.


As stated in The Art of War by Sun Tzu “Never interrupt your opponent while he is in the middle of making a mistake.”


Or as Obama once said,”Never underestimate Joe’s ability to F___ things up”.


That was Napoleon.


This is true. If Trump would have interrupted, it would have given an excuse for Biden's bad performance. It would have been "Trump didn't allow him to speak".


I love that Biden demanded all of these changes that helped Trump tremendously.


To be fair, one change that Biden demanded that did help the senile old fools was no live audience. If you think it was bad... Imagine how much worse it would've been with a live audience.


I hope it wasn't just the format. If he wins I'd love to see a calmer and cooler Trum during his term. Hell he might even change my mind about him if he can do that


Nah, as much as I liked Trump appearing presidential to win the election, I loved how unpresidential he was in his term. "Presidential" is overrated. It usually means holding back at a moment when the President should instead be strong and even offensive if necessary.


He was absolutly presidential. Being a total wimp and letting other countries walk all over America... selling us all up the river, is in no way "presidential". Trump talked tough, and handled tough. He's a businessman, not some smarmy debate course, lawyer nitwit like most politicians. It is GOOD to have a president that tells it like it is, and is tough on troublemakers. "he pissed off our allies!!!" No, he told them they need to pay their fair share, and they screeched like 3 year olds. And then they paid their fair share. :-) He held back considerably. Former presidents were bleeding America dry with their "presidential" (wimpy) attitude.


I agree. The tweet about our nuclear button is bigger, and ours actually works set alot of people off. But I loved it, we barely heard from NK again after that. Sometimes, you've just gotta swat their nose with a newspaper


Exactly this. Give me the asshole who gets things done over the high-road republicans. I want someone who, when he is threatened, fights back... Not someone who shows his belly to avoid a fight.


Me too. A calmer, more cool Trump would be a God sent. I would have preferred DeSantis tbh, but that would be the best of both worlds


You can see the cope from shitlibs who can't acknowledge how disciplined Trump was partly because of the rules, but mostly because of how carefully he answered questions on J6, and convictions. Finally a response where he was let's look forward not backwards on J6.


And the ultimate Irony was that the SCOTUS just ruled that the law the DOJ was using to go after a huge number of J6 folks was being interpreted wrongly and that the DOJ can't use it to prosecute folks who were in the Capitol on that day.


Jack Smith's bluffs is he can use it as "evidence tampering" yeah electors are now "evidence" now. Thing is, it was publicly available evidence. In other good news, overturning Chevron is fiscal conservatism, small government, law & order, and federalism. It also helps Drain the Swamp, gut the 4th, unelected, entrenched branch of govt, and restore our Constitutional Republic. The Wilson, FDR, LBJ order is finally dying. Also it doesn’t hurt us electorally. Thank you President Trump


Hear hear!


My best guess is Trump is exhausted. He's been persecuted for close to 10 full years now. I mean public enemy no#1 for the left for nearly a decade now. Think about that. A majority of the mainstream media on the attack that entire time. Most of the big social media companies. Most of Hollywood. He even had the CIA and FBI gunning for him. Just like the DNC to wear Trump down to the point to where he starts to sound actually reasonable. Literally everything the Democrats have thrown at Trump has backfired.


Good guy Democrats: teach Trump some important lessons in self control and what's important, to turn him into a better president, and purposefully run a failed candidate so that Trump's a shoe in. Honestly as a Canadian I'm really looking forward to Trump being your president again. The whole world's gone to shit since he's been gone.


If only those Dems actually were working for that outcome (accurate) instead of against it, and getting there anyway.


He is not exhausted, else he'd have said fuck it, and just gone golfing. No, he's royally pissed off at the completely unprecedented, totally abhorrent treatment he's gotten. Obama, now Biden, have been illegally using US secret service to spy on president Trump, from before his first presidential election win, and the ENTIRE TIME. The seditious traitors responsible belong in prison for life, or worse. This is the largest crime imaginable in the US... overthrowing a presidential election with massive propaganda, lies and terrorism. All top DNC, and several RINOS, are guilty of just that.


Trump actually appeared "Presidential." Definitely moreso than Biden. Biden threw away any chance at trying to be Presidential by directly calling Trump a loser and a sucker. That might've been an effective line if Trump was the incumbent instead of vice versa. Instead it just looked like a senile man regressing into a childlike temper tantrum. Frankly, I haven't seen Trump looking so Presidential since his victory speech and inaugural address in 2016 and 2017.


All Biden did for a good half hour is just spew silly shaming attempts. How many times did he call trump a "liar"? I lost count. PURE PROJECTION. Joe was talking about himsel.. well, his admin. Joe is so far gone, he doesn't even have the capacity to lie. He just spews nonsense, and mindlessly repeats DNC lies.


First half Biden just repeated the script he'd been given and ignored everything Trump actually said. Second half Biden got angry and just called Trump a liar, but never actually backed it up. We saw both sides of Biden in the debate... The senile old man who can't think for himself and just repeats what he is told to say... And the egotistical narcissist who gets angry when someone challenges him. First half of the debate Biden was the lying politician we saw in his first presidential run decades ago... Second half of the debate Biden was the ugly power hungry man who yells at blue collar workers that he "doesn't work for them."


He had the perfect demeanor, showing poise and confidence while still not coming across as angry. But his actual answers could have been better. He spent a long time going back and talking about the previous topic instead of answering the questions that were asked. And he has this habit of calling everything superlative, "The greatest ___ in history," or "The worst ___ ever in this country," or even "Every single person agrees that ____," which is obviously not true.


Talking about the previous topic was a good move in my opinion, it allowed him to get in the last word on important topics.


It’s part of his charm/humanity. He grows on people; good and bad.


As someone who is NOT a fan of Trump, like honestly hate the guy, it was the best I'd seen him talk. It's like he knew if he just reeled it in, all he had to so was let Biden talk to win. I'm a dem, I do not want Trump to be our president again, but at this point I also think Biden needs to be removed from office.


Tough luck buddy. They’re doubling down and keeping Biden.


Yeah, election day is going to be a sad day. We obviously have plenty of people who will be very happy if Trump wins, but overall I think many in the country are just disappointed either way. There is no celebration to be had. Either way our president is going to embarrass our country, and it's a bummer. I wish Biden had a better vice president. As a women, I would also hate for her to be our first female president. Especially just out of transition and not because anyone in the country wanted it.


Hey, not on topic or anything, appreciate the effort in trying to post here and have a discussion.


Thank you. I really hate the "right" against "left" dynamic the country is in. Both sides have a lot of hypocritism that we are ignoring. I think if people have more open discussions, we could better come to ideas that benefit everyone and the country without worrying which side was leading the charge. It starts with being able to admit when things we ourselves support are not working or bad. If a Dem can talk shit for 4 years about Trumps speeches, they shouldn't stay silent when Biden can't string along a sentence. No one will respect your opinion on anything that way. I've learned a lot in this sub reddit. Although I disagree with a lot of focuses of the Republican party, I like to understand the reasoning and re evaluate why I may agree or disagree.


As conservatives we have our own struggles with tribalism and win at all costs attitudes. Most people in left wing spaces would probably never imagine the amount of disagreement that happens between people ostensibly on the same "team" with Republicans. It's what makes the whole "Fascism" accusation so enraging. You might find it interesting how many Republicans actually can't stand the Republican party for a variety of reasons.


It's nice to have someone on the left who wants to add to the conversation in a constructive, respectful way. Honestly, glad to have you here. Echo chambers aren't good on either side.


The Democrats won’t invoke the 25th because they would be left with Kamala. She’s extremely unpopular and incompetent. And getting rid of Biden would be an admission that everything conservatives have been saying about Biden’s mental state is true.


It was 100% their own doing. The democrats were so hellbent on installing Joe and a DEI hire. Kamala was the first one out of the candidates due to her extreme unpopularity. Had Joe chosen Gabbard or Yang, they would have been in dramatically better position. But they could not stop themselves. It had to be a black woman instead of a quality candidate who would NOW been chosen to debate Trump. It’s so fantastic to see the Leftist ideology eat itself. They made their bed, let them sleep in it.


only the most indoctrinated and deluded don't know biden is in mid stage dementia.


They cant invoke the 25th because the very next question is how long has this gone on for. They also can't make him step away from the election because then people would ask why he isn't competent in 5 months but is good to run the country for the remainder of his term. They're stuck with him to the bitter end. And it will most assuredly be bitter for them.


Exactly. “What did you know and when did you know it?”


They’ll lie. “The debate on 6/27 was an unfortunate, eye opening experience for the DNC. We realized, while FBJ is fully cognitively capable in discussions and office settings, the stage lights affect his stuttering and thinking ability. Being a prominent public figure is important to the roll as President. Therefore, we are going to petition the powers that be, suspend the November elections and install Gavin Newscum as president. It’s the only proper thing to do in the name of Democracy. Thank you”


That went exactly as I expected. Biden bumbling himself off into la-la land and trump whipping zingers at him.


I honestly thought he’d somehow pull it together for a bit. The media and Dems sounded insanely confident so I figured something was up their sleeves. Nope. It was just complete and utter propaganda. What the hell was their plan? Just hope that no one would watch?


They hoped trump wouldn’t show up


Which made no sense. He had been challenging Biden to a debate since Super Tuesday.


Having family members with dementia, there are good days and bad days. On good days, it might be possible to obfuscate the cognitive decline. On bad days though, there’s no hiding it. And as time goes on, the bad days will start to outnumber the good. They probably thought if it is a good day, maybe the media carries it through for us. But this man seriously has dementia and he is deteriorating quickly. It is border line elder abuse to have him out there.


Yes! Any of us who have had family members with dementia, we recognize all the signs. A few days ago, Biden got stuck getting into the SUV. Stuck, as in, he couldn’t remember which limb to move first, then next, to get in. That happened with my Dad too, who had Alzheimer’s. It deteriorates you physically and mentally, all at the same time. I had a feeling that them drugging up Biden for the debate was not going to work.


lost my dad to alzheimers. so you have my sympathies. it's not fun to watch a person literally arrive at a place where they don't know who you are. it has been obvious to anyone who has experience with this horrific disease that joe has been moving from early to mid stage dementia for well over a year.


Yeah, the media and Dem influencers on social media really think people are stupid and can’t recognize it for themselves. The “oh it was just an off day” just doesn’t fly. People know the difference between an off day and straight up dementia.


the people who deny the obvious also believe men can be women. they are masters at denying objective truth / reality. the use the term "my truth", as if you can select which truth to subscribe to. it's astonishing what our educational system has done in the last 60 years.


To be fair, a lot of those people are like, 23. Their grandparents are still in their 60s.


Yeah, I’m old enough to remember Ronald Reagan speaking. People joked about his age like everyone does about Biden but whenever they saw him speak they knew he was fine. With Biden after last night the average person went from joking about his age to legitimately being concerned. That was never the case with any other president. Biden is done. There’s no fixing this.


The thing that makes it so unrecoverable is that Biden needs boomer moderates to win. And a lot of them are currently dealing with the same issues with their parents. They're scared enough of seeing their parents like this. Forget the president.


As time keeps going on, there are only bad days.


And I suspect they are outnumbering the good now and it’ll get worse by September. I probably won’t watch that debate as it’ll be more telling than this one.


Let's be real, this was his "good" day. 


I agree with everything you said except the "border line" part. This is absolutely elder abuse.


Not borderline, it is absolute elder abuse. No different than using a dementia patient to buy you gifts and pay your bills when they have no idea what is going on with their finances.


Yeah I had the same thought when I saw the videos folks were posting about his rally the following day, which seemed more coherent. It’s not an indication he doesn’t have dementia, but actually fits the pattern of good/bad days. Honestly, it was sad seeing Biden like this. Dementia is tragic and to have that shown on the world stage is just not right. I hope for his sake he can step down and live more comfortably with what time he has left. He should be around family, not global politics.


I felt bad for a minute too, until I remembered his recent speech at Howard University. He was as hateful and racially divisive as ever. This man has done irreparable harm to this country. Biden and his corrupt family don't deserve any sympathy.


Yeah, I get that too


They got caught in all their lies is all. Hard to string a plan together when you've been lying about a person's competency this long. The saddest part is dems will still hate on Trump and no recognize their party is a lying mess.


I thought it would be a guy in a Biden mask.. if it was damn he was a good actor


additionally, I expected CNN/ABC to be unfair in the questioning and moderation, but I think this debate moderation was okay. Always nice when something is not as bad as you expect.


I really expected Tapper to be interrupting constantly to correct Trump’s “lies” in real time while Biden would have impunity. Turns out they just let them speak which is nice. Biden still free to lie about Charlottesville, “Losers” etc


I keep hearing about Trump's "lies".  I counted far more Biden lies than Trump lies in that debate.


The questions were mostly geared to make Trump look bad, but it just wasn't working because of how bad Biden was. He even pivoted from abortion and started talking about illegals raping young women in the US. The idea!


Don't forget bumbling into family members raping each other, too.


Specifically in-laws. Fucking in-laws...


I didn't know that if a woman raped a woman, the victim would get pregnant. I'm not sure this is the time to be "inclusive," either.


Well, as we know, some men can get pregnant and some women can make others pregnant. Gotta be inclusive now.


You misspelled insane


Look, as my flair says, I'm not a biologist. How am I supposed to know this stuff?


Haha!! So sorry!!


"What is a woman?" - Democrats


Most of the time, Democrats magically remember what a woman is when “reproductive liberty” and “women’s choice” is the cause de jour. Joe is the shining exception to that after Thursday.


You talk about what you know… seems like a diary could shed some light on that front.


lol I saw that! It only added credence to how bad the border is. I was shocked he brought up that disgusting crime at all.


And how that horror wasn't to be counted as that bad cuz they're also being raped at home, school, Church, so they need abortions. We couldn't possibly find a way to stop the raping...


it was like, "people who are not illegal aliens rape and murder too"... fyi, over 800 people have been murdered by illegals so far... it's inexcusable.


Biden: My solution to all those migrant rapists is to allow abortion to the fifth trimester to get rid of all those unwanted migrant spawn.


The Great Meme War is back. We can Meme Trump into office once again.


We’re gonna meme Biden out of office lol. This debate gave us so much material.


Lmao your flair…. God bless you sir! 


Anyone else think they're going to cancel the second debate?


There will be a second debate, just not with Biden. They will find some kind of excuse to replace him right before it.


The debates always have some sort of threshold of support that must be reached in four or so previous polls. So no, they won’t just substitute someone else in at the last moment.


They have no real options to replace him with. Gavin "Sanctuary and Tent Cities" Newsom? His record on the economy of California will destroy him. "Who the hell is that I don't even know their first name" Whitmer? Alexandria "Pro Hamas" Cortez? (Who actually would've energized a lot of voters if she hadn't gone all pro hamas this past year.) Hillary "Sore Loser" Clinton?


it will be a masterful feat if the people actually running the country manage to get someone else on the ballot. it's not possible, according to many people I saw interviewed in the last day.


Nope. Its joe. Or Harris. Here is why: at least three states I know of allow an incumbent president to be removed from the ballot only if they DIE. Thats Missouri, Ohio, and Florida. There is ZERO chance they will pick someone else. If Joe passes away then Kamala Harris enjoys the same benefit. There is ZERO chance she would step down after becoming President upon Joe’s passing. Even if Joe and Harris voluntarily stepped down, Joe and Harris would still stay on the ballot in those three states as a matter of law. Even if they tried to legally challenge it, there is not nearly enough time to even pass step one of the process. The opposing lawyers can easily delay way past November with procedural actions. Lastly, the reason they did not debate Kennedy is because Joe’s handlers knew if Joes’s weak feeble stuttering dementia situation were to be unveiled at a Kennedy debate, before all the electors were delegated, then they would have been forced out by the DNC simply by them withholding any campaign money. Joe’s handlers, the ones with the real grip on power, would never under any circumstances take any risks where they would lose power. They hate Trump yes, but be a Democrat closer to taking their hold on power away and they would hate you more than Trump. In essense, they love power more than they hate Trump. As far as another debate goes, there may be one. But this time Joe needs it and Trump does not. The parameters would be set by Trump’s team and they would pick the most hostile venue and conditions to Biden.


Multiple states have laws that forbid that. And some states he’s already past that point. And for those states by law he must remain on the ballot, but votes will not be counted.


Trump is going to be debating the moderators. They will question and interrupt everything he says and mute him when he tries to say something back. Biden will be standing on the podium with no spotlight on him, drooling vacantly in the darkness without making a sound. This will be met with, "it was fact checking"


I want to see biden take on trump on the golf course. that would be a great second debate. wire them up like they do the football players, and let them play 18 holes, carrying their own bags.


I don’t know should trump even agree to do another debate? And give Biden a chance to look better next time. Which wouldn’t be hard to do . Or just be like nah not wasting my time with that again have you seen that guy? And just leave the last debate burned into everyone’s memory.


> I don’t know should trump even agree to do another debate? Given how he eyeballed Joey, if I were Donny, I'd say "Nope, not worth my time." > And give Biden a chance to look better next time. I *highly doubt* this outcome, but back in 2016, everyone *knew* HRC was going to win. If I were President Trump, I'd cancel on the next debate citing "I'm not wasting my time like this." And make that very public with ample amount of video evidence as to why I canceled. The world knows what happened this last Thursday.


My favorite part; afterwards, "Dr." Jill praising Joe like a toddler who just made his first boo-boo using the BIG BOY toilet... "you did such a good job answering ALL the questions. . And you knew ALL the facts!" This is the leader of the FREE WORLD being feted because he was able to ANSWER all of the questions.... Now, just imagine if he was able to answer ANY of them COHERENTLY? 🤔


The naruto music totally threw me off 😂


[banned for commenting this?](https://photos.app.goo.gl/QDJDqRF8xBDdiMQm9) Says that r/justiceserved banned me for commenting in here and says this group supports biological terrorism 😂


the “biological terrorism” is because this sub is pro-life and not pro-abortion


That subreddit looks like it went to shit anyway, just links to news articles, I remember back in the day when justice served had people getting knocked tf out for being assholes


That’s because they ended up using SaferBot and banning anyone who commented here, including their target audience (liberal/leftists)


So…leftists harming themselves through their actions? True to form.


I blocked the saferbot and safestbot users to try to stop the autobans. I don't know if there are any others to block.


what a fucking joke, god i hate reddit


Lol I posted there just for the robo ban; now reddit stops suggesting it every 3rd slot of my feed.


Got the song name? Honestly love the beat


[Super Riser!](https://youtu.be/srnyVw-OR0g?si=pDhyEIgmm7bfaY0o)


This summary makes it look like Biden was on both opioids and stimulants. The losing train of thought without even being able to recover can happen when the stim is dominating but those wear off faster so later we see the opioids take over. Opioids also add to the losing train of thought because it ramps things up a level.


**Biden's abuse of Presidential executive powers, his political prosecution of foes, his corruption of the DOJ, his personal family and their friend's corruption, are now up for legal decisions by the Supreme Court. When he leaves office will his liabilities for criminal decisions and personal financial liability hold him accountable for his actions that is all his actions in office? Trump argues he wants his decisions as President an Commander and Chief not have tied hands when making decisions within his executive powers etc. Bidens wants his decisions to make money for himself and family not be subject legally or scrutinized by his memory loss or the personal financial gain his family and friends have enjoyed from foreign powers who are considered averse to traditional  American values. The Supreme Court Decision will be here on Monday lets see what happens. Biden keeps saying no one is above the law yet he has continually crossed the lines trying to do just that.**


And yet the left expects everyone to believe, somehow, that *Trump* is the Nazi.


Goebells would be jealous of the propaganda the US media has churned out for the last decade. In other subs people are still saying Trump said there were fine Nazis and white supremacists in Charlottesville, and that the GOP paid snopes enough money to change their fact checking. And are still citing the edited video as proof. Nobody to my knowledge has had the court system manipulated, and procedures changed so much as to be able to be able to hang crazy convictions on him, to be able to report on it weeks before the 1st presidential debate. And then working hand in hand with social media companies to push straight up lies and censor the truth. In the laptop story. And then on Jan 6, ban Trump and delete tweets telling people to go home. Having FBI agents acting inciting the crowd, firing into the crowd, handing out weapons, and then opening the doors and pulling people in. And deleting footage and hiding it from congress and the American people. Just to portray Trump as some violent insurrectionist. I always wondered how the citizens allowed communist regimes and dictatorships to rise and grow and be fine with it seeing the obvious propaganda. But you look now, in a time when it would take an extra 30 seconds to find longer/unedited sources to contradict the narratives. And not only do regular citizens go along with it, but they try to censor/silence people trying to show unedited proof that contradicts the narrative.




First one is the Naruto sad time music


I think it’s funny that a liberal will watch Trump debate, disagree heartily with the things he says, and conclude that he’s not a skilled debater.


watch the debate with no sound. Biden did the one thing Trump couldn't. He made Trump compassionate towards another person. Seriously you can see Trump worried about bidens health.


What I loved is that Trump did not take the bait from moderators and would just filibuster out his time and use it to attack Biden when they asked him a loaded question What will you do to lower child car cost? Trump can’t win with this question because conservatives hate spending tax payer dollars on bullshit like this, but married women in suburbs who could potentially vote Trump want some help. No matter what Trump answered it could have hurt him with some group of voters. Instead Trump just ignored question and attacked Biden. They asked him again and he ignored again and attacked. It was actually a brilliant strategy.


>What will you do to lower child car cost? The correct policy answer is "not a damn thing, the government isn't responsible for managing the costs of childcare." But policy doesn't win elections. So yeah, I think Trump's strategy of ignoring the question was probably the best move, although I think he could have had better execution.


> The correct policy answer is "not a damn thing, the government isn't responsible for managing the costs of childcare." The correct answer is "Americans are all struggling, and those who are raising our future are among the most affected. I don't believe in Dem's plans to keep importing third-world invaders to keep our population alive. We need more home-grown American patriots than ever before. Within my first 6 months in office, I'm getting inflation under control so your groceries don't keep doubling. Interest rates are coming down, which means nobody will have to choose between food for their children and 10% mortgage interest. And I'm veto'ing every wasteful government omnibus package that threatens to inflate our deficit year-over-year that are robbing our American parents blind. Parents can afford children in a healthy economy, and that isn't what Biden is giving you."


Damn, that's a much answer than mine.


That and the drug one were unanswerable questions. They specifically asked what Trump would do to help already addicted people. His answer was essentially "close the border and limit access to drugs that kill you" wtf is he supposed to do for addicts? Personally walk them through rehab? Wtf is he supposed to do about child care prices? All he can do is fix the economy. He's running for president, not God.


That's the answer tho. I wish he would have said that exact phrase "fix the economy" and moved on back to his other points.


These really aren't impossible questions though. You can just deflect. > They specifically asked what Trump would do to help already addicted people. "I plan to work closely with state government officials that have a better on-the-ground understanding of their own states' unique needs. Addicts aren't all the same and neither are addictions. Local communities are needed more than ever that can help address these problems at the roots. We need to make sure our police are adequately funded and we need to clamp down our border that Biden is currently leaving as free season for both drugs and drug dealers. That's how we solve addiction: federally securing our borders and locally providing the support that states and communities need to keep their areas safe. Above all, we're going to make America great again, a country where you can afford your groceries and don't need drugs in order to have hope for a better tomorrow. Biden has robbed people of hope, and we're giving it back." There's basically zero real promises to _do anything_ there but it sounds a lot better than "Wait let me go back and argue about my golf score for a sec"


Yeah and what is that going to mean to a debate audience in 2 minutes?


I think he could have leaned on putting more money in families' pockets through tax cuts, job growth, and better wages, making care more affordable without subsidizing it. Just a thought. Edit: not to mention: lower energy costs, better prices for essential needs like groceries and... well everything. Give the people hope for affordability, not gov't assistance.


"I think Trump's strategy of ignoring the question was probably the best move, although I think he could have had better execution." I agree. It was the right approach, but his answers could have been a little more focused, instead of the shotgun tactic that he kept falling back on. I think his approach to the abortion question could have been replicated throughout the debate. When asked about abortion, he didn't get into the spcecifics of what his administration would do about abortion, because anything he says will just hurt him. Instead, he correctly noted that the issue has been returned to the people, which might sooth some of the apprehension suburban women might have toward him. But then he pivoted to Biden and pointed out how many Democrats favor late-term and even partial birth abortion, which makes them the extremists. I think he could have done something similar with the child care question. It would have been a good opportunity to drive home how Biden's policies have created sky high inflation, especially gas and housing prices, that hurt families.


That's better explanation of what I was thinking, lol. Thanks.


Preach brother. It’s not the federal governments job to address every single problem people come across. 


Biden was worse than I expected. He looked so confused and lost. The sad thing is, conservatives have been saying that Biden is in cognitive decline for months. The debate showed it for the world to see, despite all the preparation work Biden was given. Dementia is so sad to watch no matter who it happens to. That Biden is still serving as President is a complete farce and an embarrassment for our country. Although he had periods of lucidity during the debate, for most of it he was just not all there. The 25th amendment needed to be invoked months ago. Biden needs to go home and spend his remaining days with his family. This should be apparent regardless of how you feel about Biden or Trump. Even though I don't care for our Vice President much at all, she is at least not suffering from dementia and is capable of functioning on her own.


I was with you until the last paragraph. The problem with our VP is that she has no intellectual peak from which to decline. It’s not that she’s losing it, the problem is she never had it.


The Democrats won’t invoke the 25th because Kamala is so unpopular and she is incompetent. They painted themselves into a corner foisting her on the American people. The Republicans don’t want to invoke because they want Biden on the ballot in November. Biden on the ballot means an easier win for the Republicans.


I like the reference to Jibrish being scared and needed to be held. OP knows his audience.


Kitty's are not born democrats. They are taught to be reliant on the system. Give the kitties a chance to grow and learn to be self-reliant.


If I was Trump I would have brought up the flights from Mexico direct to the US to give the appearance of less illegals at the border. That's in direct violation of us law


What was odd to me is that even CNN broke their own rules during the debate and unmuted Trumps mic sometimes when it wasn’t even his turn to speak like with the Golf exchange. Was it because they knew Trump was doing good before that and were hoping to get him to finally make himself look bad?


I absolutely despise Biden's stances and the Democratic party but at this point I just feel sorry for the guy. Let that old man retire and enjoy his time in peace. Whoever convinced him to run for president and continually props him up needs to be locked up for elderly abuse.


I hate CNN for making me feel sorry for Biden


Pure gold. Thanks for making this.


I like the Trump didn’t answer some questions and instead used his time to debunk some of the things that Biden said. I think this was his way around the mute issue. He has plenty of time to answer all of those questions.




Ha ha ha ha. Masterpiece.


What is the name of the song


The last one? "You Remember Love?" by Ahri


Was looking for this comment. Thanks


Say what you will, but I literally said the rules were going to help trump so much, and they did. The mic cut made it so he couldn't come off as a bully like in the first debate and helped him seem more controlled and tame then he ever has. The lack of live audience helped him keep his energy in control where with live audiences he has seemed way extra. Not to mention it helped keep Biden low energy where a crowd may have hyped him up enough to seem coherent. Retrospectively, anyone looking at pre debate analysis makes conservatives look like liars and whiners and the "everything is always stacked against us" group look like people with a victim complex, and we should just hope that everyone forgets all the "bidens gonna dope up" and "CNN is giving him the questions" and "they're gonna bully trump" rhetoric, because if not we all look like liars who can't cope with a fair fight.


Carville has always been a jerk. Lol


He was out of it from the start which surprised me. I expected him to start strong and wear down. The extent of his condition was completely exposed. Also, I was surprised the moderators let Trump get away with not answering the questions several times. Maybe they wanted to disprove the allegations of bias.


This was the greatest thing made recently. Love the music


Cheri Ito with a BANGER


I was hoping for a snippet of when Trump said, "Just talk to him, Brandon..."


I'm sure the intern responsible for injecting the secret serum was executed over this outrage.


Do You Remember Love? from Macross from those of you wondering about the anime song.


That was such a huge, and WRONG, talking point for the left. “Trump doesn’t even want to debate!” I see it SO MUCH on Reddit… Trump BEGGED to get a debate for a long time. Biden said no, no, no. He said fine, with these crazy rules. Trump accepted immediately. He obviously wanted it, so this crazy “trump is scared!” Is such horseshit and annoying it’s one of the talking points of the left…