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That’s the weakest excuse I’ve heard yet


Apparently everything is Trump’s fault, including the Democrats’ blunders!


Of course! It’s *Trump‘s* fault that Biden can’t remember canned responses that his handlers took a week drilling into him.


Downvoted for mocking Biden? Come at me, bro.


Including…basic debate tactics…


When have you ever heard Democrats take accountability for anything that doesn't go to plan?


"It wasn't *REAL* communism"


That tracks. He is a bad orange man, after all.


Mostly because where Biden choked was on policy. "We defeated medicare" "More border patrol agenncjclsb and amnduixjekfojsj" "No American troops were killed during my administration" His biggest losses were on policy. Ironically he only kept his shit together on things like his golf game.




He has a golf handicap of 6 (at the putt-putt if you give him 20 mulligans and a dozen ‘gimmes’)


Not only did Biden fumble on the execution of his policy talking points... the backdrop of this entire election is that the policies of the Biden administration have been exposed by reality as epic failures. From the economy over immigration to foreign policy, nearly everything this administration touched turned to shit. That's really the big lie that most Democrats are currently telling themselves: that the failures of the Biden admin, as well as its electoral struggles, come down to its weak figurehead and weak leadership, rather than the fact that the underlying policies and ideology suck. "If only we could run it back with someone younger and more energetic at the helm..."


And if all that fails, the answer will be "We just needed to spend more money!"


Dems are excuse factories. Just fabricating excuse after excuse. It’s weird Joes cold went away after a night sleep and waffles.


Brought to you by the same brand of illogic which gave us "you have to take the shot for our shots to work". They never give up, they just keep digging deeper and deeper. (edited for typo)


We have to pass the bill to see what’s in it.


Yes, but let them have it. We’re better off with Biden as the candidate.




That’s straight delusion not even an excuse.


Serious question - does someone have blackmail on him? Is he doing this to protect his wealth via quid pro quo? Why does he have all the charm of HR, a divorce lawyer, and a smug barista?


He’s doing this because he’s a major Democrat donor. These people don’t care about money or wealth because they have more than they will ever need in 100 lifetimes. If Biden loses, so does Cubans power and influence.


Right? At least try, ffs... Imagine thinking that "our guys got flabbergasted and couldnt get out of first gear because the other guy didnt let him" is an excuse. It's an indictment lmao


You hit the nail on the head. "Listen, it's not his fault he falls apart when he faces pushback from a hostile party! That's exactly why we need him negotiating on our behalf against...hostile...parties..."


Some of them blamed the lighting.


Delusion, plain and simple.


***"Because how Joe appears to the world depends on how the other candidate talks policy."*** There you have the left.


They took turns and Trump respected the rules they laid down for him. They have no excuse to fall back on. Even CNN can't make that argument. They cut his mic only one time that I can remember and he STILL won that debate. I think Cuban must have made a deal to give away his brain in an upcoming episode of Shark Tank.


If Biden is really so frail that he can't handle a debate with Trump in a controlled environment, is he really the right person to lead a nation?


Yeah, I mean, is staring down Putin or Xi going to be any better? After 4 years, we already know the answer


Yeah, sorry Mark, not buying it.


And for that reason, Mark, I’m out.




How in the world can you be so idiotic and yet make so much money, what is the clue, because it seems endemic


He may be smart in one small area and very dumb in most/all others.


Mark is a good boy. /s. Biden is going to reward him with one of those big fentanyl sniffing machines, the big expensive machines. That’ll solve the problem.


I’m out.


Happy cake day


but would Biden have still "beaten medicare"?


Yea he beat it by being elected for most of his career. He doesn’t need Medicare.


He might’ve beaten it twice, one extra just for good measure


How do you get to Mark Cuban's net worth when you're that much of an id10t?




Geeze, you aren't kidding. He might be one of the luckiest billionaires on record. 




That’s not fraud, just luck. Not doing your own due diligence doesn’t make the seller a fraud.


That’s still fraud. Just because the other party failed on something, doesn’t mean that it isn’t fraud. And it’s not honest capitalism. It’s being a piece of shit.


You're saying that as if you think Yahoo was unaware of this, and Cuban misrepresented it. That's not what happened. Everyone was buying everything at that point because no one had any idea what would "stick" and what wouldn't. There was absolutely no fraud. He took advantage, and I respect him for that. There are other of things I respect him for since then, like Cost Plus Drugs, but these comments obviously aren't one of them and are moronic.


Lol as if Yahoo just spent billions because of a PowerPoint. Get a grip on realty.


Yep and since then he just buys shares of existing already successful businesses, and pretends to be some business genius on TV.


I have thought for some months now that Cuban could be prosecuted for getting people to invest in things which failed. Possibly prosecutors are kind of scared about what his lawyers could do. For one thing, to convict you’d need a jury which understands the sort of business things. If they manage to confuse the jury, they might be unable to convict. The trial would be incredibly high profile, and would ruffle the feathers of billionaires everywhere. If it backfires it might mean the end of career(s). Cuban may be hoping that if he supports Biden, Democrats will look out for him.




It's dicey, though. Failed investments are a thing, as are risky investments. In order to prosecute someone for investment fraud you'd have to demonstrate the person actively falsified the valuation or misrepresented the investment in some material way. To use the left's newest Boogeyman, Elon Musk took Tesla from basically being a failed company with no sustainable future and marketed it into the economic powerhouse it is now. At the time, Tesla was worthless and no one would consider it a sound investment. Musk just did a phenomenal job of hyping the company and drawing in investors. Was he lying? No, he told investors he would turn the company around and he did. Those who invested in Tesla are doing backflips with how much money they made. But at the same time, those same types of investors frequently have losses. The entire investment sector is built on some degree of gambling, because you really cannot predict how a company will perform in the real world due to multiple variables. There are theories, models, predictions, etc. but none of it can truly predict the exact course a business will take. Look at GameStop: it only went up in value because it became a meme. It's dangerous territory to prosecute people like Mark Cuban because it would basically destroy the entirety of the investment market.


Wait… is he the one that Russ Hanneman in Silicon Valley is partially portraying? The guy that put radio on the internet


He’s not being an idiot, he’s shilling. Make no mistake about him having a stake in this


He's proof that elitists will do and say anything to keep a grip on power.


"Trump was so bad that he made Biden look bad." Sure.


Cuban's a putz, who cares what he thinks.


Upvote for usage of the word ‘putz’.


This is true, but also Cuban could legit be the Dems version of Trump, without the populism. Reality TV star who is a celebrity that can be political. He's a household name, he is a threat if the Dems got smart because he's a snake oil salesman the same way Obama was. He has the ability to be a charming orator, but also an id10t. Like Obama


That is how they are going to spin it??? Trump is his kryptonite? Lol. What a reach


Kinda hard to discuss policy when you trail off and lose your train of thought mid-sentence. Multiple times. Then start spewing stuff about torches and losers. After taking a week off.


I had been following Cuban's replies on X to an account (therabbithole84)who brings to light all the issues about DEI. The more he posts, the more he exposes how illogical his thinking is about everything. He is a total hypocrat who tries to act holier than thou. One of his quips was to say that he would be voting for Biden even if they were performing his last rites. This means this guy is totally incapable of rational thinking.


Democrats would vote for anything with a (D) next to its name. The candidate doesn't matter. They are just placeholders and puppets.


and for that reason, I’m out.


Joe Biden bragged about finally beating Medicare.


This actually makes me wonder what kind of kickbacks Cuban might be getting from the Biden administration. It doesn't really make any sense for anyone to vote for Biden at this point, especially a billionaire. Maybe he has some personal beef with Trump, idk. It's just a super weird statement to make when there is a very clear choice here.


So Joe’s inability to speak English was due to him standing next to Trump? Was he scared or something?




So is Cuban ready to hire Joe to run one of his companies after he leaves the White House?


Obviously not. If a person can’t run a business even after being given a detailed flowchart on what to do to maximize profits while producing products and/or services, then that person shouldn’t be trusted doing *anything*.


Downvoted for basically saying that Biden can’t follow a flowchart? *What*? He can’t even follow drilled in canned responses without mumbling, trailing off, and staring off into the distance.


mark "DEI" cuban. what a dolt.


once again, TDS and PROJECTION


I did not need another reason to hate Mark Cuban but here we are.


Biden started the debate totally incoherent. How was Trump supposed to do anything else? Plus, there couldn’t be a discussion because they shut off mics.


Weapons-grade delusion


So Biden was stumbling, froze up and had trouble putting together coherent sentences because Trump can’t discuss policy? I’m gonna need Cuban to show his work on this explanation.


Donald Trump was not allowed to interrupt, Joe Biden stumbled on his own uninterrupted. His own brain caused him to fail. So what Cuban said is false lol


Did we watch the same debate? Trump was discussing policy like he never has before! Has he not got to respond to Biden insulting him to his face?


He is already rich, he doesn’t give a shit about regular people. Ask yourself what you have in common with him?


Mark Cuban can go suck eggs. He is "woke" to the core and completely unaware of what real Americans deal with in a regular basis. To him a 300k Lambo Urus is a great family SUV.


That is one of the dumbest things I’ve ever heard.


I actually like Mark Cuban generally. But the TDS in people is like Jackyl and Hyde sometimes. Trump talked plenty policy.


Yeah it’s weird. He recently posted about the whole Trump said to inject bleach thing, and someone called him out on it, because Trump never said it. His retort? “Well, everyone thinks it meant bleach and it only matters what people think is true” (I’m paraphrasing from memory). I just found this a really dumbass thing to say, but it fits well with the left’s strategy, if they can make everyone believe the lie it becomes their truth. Used to like Mark quite a bit, but it’s obvious he’s become a Democrat cheer leader.


Not to mention half the questions were directed towards Biden. Just nonsensical


Dear Mark, Joe was at camp David for days knowing exactly who he was up against and why. Take Michael Jordans words of wisdom and " stop it, get some help"


Mark has really proven himself to be completely out of touch with reality lately


No body forced Joe to become short-circuited.


My God these people are fucking delusional. Thank you, President Trump for waking us up from these corrupt morons.


It really baffles me that the left truly believe that everything is always somehow Trump’s fault. Biden confirmed that when literally the first 4 words of the debate were “it’s all Trump’s fault!”


i hope the Mavs never get a championship


I think he already sold the team for money


In other words, Biden lost because Trump is too strong of an opponent. Am I reading that correctly? If so, then thanks for the endorsement, Mark!


Is he from r/politics? 😂


Worst shark on Shark Tank


I saw Kaitlin Collins tweet about how good Joe was after the debates at his rally. The media always finds a way to spin something.


Mark the cuck Cuban …. O’Leary was the better shark anyway.


Biden couldn't discuss dinner.


Stupidest billionaire on the planet.


I guess the economy and the border are not policies?????? U fucking moron.


How stupid do these people think the public is?


In floods the endless excuses. Face it, the man has dementia. He shouldn't be near the office. We've watching elder abuse in the 1st degree. I blame his wife.


Cuban is a lost soul, backed the wrong horse.


Used to like Mark Cuban. Have lost all respect due to intellectually dishonest statements like this. Biden is clearly not fit to work a job anymore let alone the presidency. How sad people have to lie for this man


You know how to beat someone that can't discuss policy? Discuss policy. The problem is he couldn't discuss much of anything.


Mark Cuban is a POS person and I hope one day to say it to his face


From the guy who made his money off broadcast.com


Perhaps this is why the world is so messed up. Putin won’t speak politely to biden. If he wasn’t so hostile biden could handle dealing with him! /s


Cuban is pandering for a casino in Dallas.


Mark Cuban is kind of a douche bag.


Sorry, I don't think Biden had correct emotional (facial)responses to many of trumps statements.


Reddit needs a laugh button like facebook for this one


If he can’t handle a debate then how the hell is he supposed to handle geopolitics and standing up to Americas enemies. He already dictated all of the rules for the debate and which network to host it. Now they’re screaming “not fair” because he got exposed.


So if someone else had been up there Joe would have been able to speak coherently and not freeze like a robot? The issue is less with what he said and more how he did or did not say it.


The worst shark


Well Mark Cuban has shit for brains, so no surprise there.


Mark Cuban also has dementia.


Mark Cuban is intentionally dragging himself through this mud to sound as stupid as Joe did. Joe can hardly string together two thoughts unless he’s mad and on roids. Cuban doesn’t need to make himself look stupid defending Joe.


Trump: wins debate decisively. Democrats: Biden won because ORANGE MAN BAD!


Mark Cuban is a piece of shit.


This guy is gearing up for a campaign of his own at some point


I hate Mark Cuban.


Mark’s always good for a bad take.


I always wanted to go on Shark Tank just so that i could turn down an offer from Cuban. He's so anti-American with his mantra of shipping jobs overseas and wants the country to fail by constantly supporting policies and people that are destroying it. 


I don’t think Trump was there to discuss policy. He was there to get Biden worked up and off script. His entire debate strategy was to expose Biden’s mental health decline. And he did it perfectly. Everyone saw it, even the clowns on the View acknowledged it.


"Joe could have held his own against a candidate that actually can discuss policy." Provided that the other candidate was a potato. And I'd still bet on the potato.


Next debate might be canceled, Biden might be declining quicker than they think


What an idiot, just can’t admit he was wrong


Whenever I see this I just wonder how much they gave him to say it


What concerns me is that I can see Cuban trying to follow Trump's pathway.


That is beyond embarrassing


Pander much Mark?


Joe is like a high school football team playing for the superbowl.


I didn't realize Mark Cuban is such a moron


Trump actually did debate policy. He didn’t do the typically personal attack thing trump usually does. He attacked biden on policy


Held his own? That requires cognitive thought and lucid speech.


Yah and the Mavs would have beat the Celtics if the Celtics would have just not shown up.






In the hours after the debate the media seemed to turn on Biden and I thought for sure they were going to replace him. I’m sensing a shift over the last couple days. They’re really gonna bet on this horse, huh. Godspeed.


I really, really hope they keep Joe.


What the fuck, he cant be serious. Get real Marky boy


Someone needs to check on Mark. It sounds like he might have ODed on copium.




LOL so much coping. They know they are doomed 


No way to spin the loss of all mental ability


Smart in business and tech. Dumb as fuck in politics.


Mark Cuban is a joke.


Marks always been lame as fuck. Kevin o’ learys the cool one


Cuban has something wrong with his perceptual mechanism if he’s even believing what he says at all.


I thought Cuban was a smart guy but I was wrong.


I can see it now… Biden walks slowly into the Shark Tank to sell his vision and Mark Cuban is about to start yapping when Quint is sitting to the right and says - ““You know the thing about a shark…he's got lifeless eyes, black eyes, like a doll's eye. When he comes at ya, he doesn't seem be living, until he bites ya and the black eyes roll over white.” – Quint


Cuban is a gigantic douchebag


Joe could have won that debate if they would have let him have someone next to him translate his answers.


All Trump did was let Biden talk and Joe shot himself in the foot


Mark who?


Brainwashed fool.


That's because inflation doesn't affect the rich.


Shark smells blood in the water. That's him throwing his hat in the ring


Joe couldn't have held his own against a turnip.


What is Mark Cuban smoking???


Joe couldn't hold his own if he was debating Mother Theresa.


He's a liar and he knows it