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Man, that sign is just begging to be changed to 'STRETCH MY ASS'.


At first, that’s how I read it


Didn't the EPA just increase the amount of ethanol in gas? Can't imagine that's gonna be good for engines/mpg


>Didn't the EPA just increase the amount of ethanol in gas? YES! https://abcnews.go.com/US/wireStory/epa-raises-amount-ethanol-blended-gas-85169799


The number of gas stations that still sell E85 is also insignificant.


Ethanol can cause several types of damage to the engine in your vehicle. Your vehicle's fuel intake components can be damaged. In addition, ethanol can cause damage to the fuel pump in your vehicle. These repairs and replacements can range from a $1,000 dollars to more than $2,000 to take care of properly.


All according to plan


You betcha it is..... it will get uglier.


That’s not how that works. Maximum % is set by federal standards.


Isn't the EPA a federal agency and didn't they just increase it


Didn't the Supreme Court just tell the EPA that they are overstepping their boundaries and couldn't make laws like that? (I don't know details but I do know liberals are mad because they've been corralled at least a little).


My understanding is some states allow for more during certain times of the year, summer vs winter mix. I haven’t read anything on the epa changing the mix, but it wouldn’t really have any impact since Joe Biden would just sell it to China.


Love a good gas stretching


At age nineteen my daughter decided to become a single mom. She (while still living at home, and with my husband and my approval) sought custody, in conjunction with CPS, of a non-bio child. My daughter is now living in a separate home (willed to me and paying minimal rent). She is driving a gas-guzzler-also a car willed to me. During Covid she got her degree in education. Because her daughter was being bullied in local schools (many people know her background and students bullied her for her background), my daughter chose to send her to a school thirty miles away. My daughter has since gotten a job in the same school system. My daughter has been accepted by a reputable college to start getting her masters on line. Biden’s economy is killing her. Her biggest expense is to take her daughter to school and to get herself to work. Because she is able to live cheaply in a nice neighborhood, she cannot afford to move closer to her job. She cannot afford to buy a car that is more fuel efficient. Biden’s economy allows her to come close to breaking even but no chance to get ahead. I realize that my daughter is luckier than many but I wish she lived in a better economy where she has more opportunity. She has life’s necessities-a roof over her head, food, clothing-but in a decent economy, she could have more. What about those who don’t have family to help? How are they going to survive? (My daughter and I try to help another child. This child is not always warm. This child does not always get enough to eat. The current economy means that we have less money to help this child.) How many other children are suffering?




Inshallah (god willing)




That miracle will come in about two years and will be in office the following January.






Most humans from time immemorial


So I got Twitter when I heard musk was going to buy it and there's a group called occupy Democrats that truly think Biden is doing a fantastic job and any wrongdoing is Trump's fault. I don't know the feeling but reading through the comments it's somewhere along the lines of just completely dumbfounded


This is a few letters away from being so much better


What a pathetic and totally stoppable state our once great country is in. Sad!


Uncle Joe touchy and his gutter fun house ppl have turned this in country into a weird place.


I read ass lol


Super correct


God will answers your prayers, not in the order you expect. He doesn't owe us anything. 🤣




Hey look at me. I'm edgier than M.C Escher's "Relativity" painting


Male cum


Chaska mn


Haha yep!

