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Wait. She's a woman, just like Hillary and Kamala! A WIN FOR DIVERSITY!!!


No, no, no, you got it all wrong. It’s only a win for diversity if everyone thinks the same. I mean, we can’t have people thinking for themselves now can we?


She’s a woman but on the right. So lefty’s on Twitter will say it’s ok to call her a “b__ch” and a “c_nt”…


And call for her death...


Diversity only counts for looks, not behavior or thought.


To be fair - democrats really hate Nikki Haley despite her being the child of immigrants from india.


Democrats don't like Asians because they conflict with the narrative that poor minorities are unable to succeed.


A lot of Asians and Latinos / Latinas are based AF. Hard working folks. Hell even the GF is starting to turn coat after seeing Myra Flores. We're living in a hell of a time.


Hispanics also respect rednecks for being hard workers.


They’re white adjacent


wtf does that mean?


If you believe in free speech, it's alright to call any woman that. But if you believe in common decency and being a gentleman, it's only ok to call Democrat women that. lol j/k You shouldn't call any woman by those names.


True. It can be hard to avoid lowering your bar in an attempt to meet their non-existent bar, but it is best to avoid that.


If I recall the quote: "Never stoop to a fool's level. If you do, the fool will turn on your and beat you with their extensive experience."


This reminded me of a class in college. The subject was diversity and how we need to befriend/learn from people who are different from us and have different opinions/backgrounds etc. We get into the subject of feminism. One girl shares how she didn't know anything about cars, so she took her dad with her to get a car and he went to talk to the guy about some car part and the guy never said hi to her, just her dad. BUT HE KNEW THE CAR WAS FOR HER. But he acted like she didn't know anything because he asked her and she said she didn't know, so then he just talked to the dad who knew about it. And everyone in my class was essentially crying about this travesty. I'm a woman and I said while maybe I've had a man act like I don't know anything, once I use the jargon I've never had an issue. I said that I can only speak from my experience, but maybe some men wrongly assume (just as woman do), but it's impossible to know if you truly don't know anything about the subject... (I suspect her "daddy" got out of the car first and showed initiative. I have a hard time believing if she went up and started talking about car parts that he'd ignore her) also... they talked about getting swindled as a girl and I essentially said you only can get swindled if you don't know/you let yourself. Here's the kicker. The MALE very liberal teacher "mansplained" to me (of course it wasn't mansplaining for liberals in this sense because it agreed with their narrative). He told me that is my experience and that is not what women face (he's an expert?). He told me I was wrong. After that, he continued with the presentation - talking about how you should have friends with different beliefs and listen to them. Well, I was shut down and after that every single person in that class stopped talking to me except one. The girls in the class were upset by what I said. I realized "diverse," wasn't "diverse". It's just what they want and they label it as diversity.


They love diversity except for when it comes to diversity or thought


Or except when many white liberals have to interact with any minority in a private setting.


White liberals are the worst. They will casually dismiss the real life experience of a minority if it conflicts with their narrative. It’ll always be “you’re just not doing it right”.


This is the real kicker.


Or in their own neighborhoods


As just seen in Martha’s Vineyard. We „love“ you, just not here please. Now leave. Disgusting 🤮


The love tolerance except when they are being blatantly intolerant


Liberals just want to find a way to liberate themselves from social responsibility and accountability and want to be praised for being an entitled selfish asshole.


Well said


California is a very liberal state so I’ve had my experiences. All those key buzzwords mean nothing to me now and I feel much happier for it.


God damn that’s a great example!


They love to hear a cornucopia of ideas...as long as they agree with them.


That's the problem with colleges these days they are right you are wrong no matter what and they're going to shove their ideology down your throat at every expense. Or better yet at your expense.


She busted the fettuccine ceiling. Probably the first female prime minister of Italy 🇮🇹


She's a spicy meatball!!!


I think her a Trump will get along well. “She invited me to a state dinner a lovely lady great lady we had the most beautiful pasta that you have ever seen”


It'd be hilarious and would tweak the left even more if shortly after she took office, she invited Trump and Melania to Italy and not Biden.


I guess Pelosi may be rethinking that ambassador position in Italy now.


Pelosi is about as Italian as Colonel Sanders is a 5 Star General


Not saying she is but I believe there was a report out there of her wanting the vacant ambassadorship there if the dems lost in the primaries.


Oh shit! Yes!!!!!


good one.lol.


No. You got it all wrong. She’s a victim of internalized misogyny. She’s been brainwashed and oppressed by the patriarchy even though she doesn’t realize it. What an unfortunate and unwilling victim. She might have even been forced to f*** her way to the top. An intelligent, empowered and feminist woman would never have right wing ideas and think differently. They would all conform to the correct ideas and vote for the left. /s


Finally someone with some sense around here ^\s


Until you realize that clown world is actually pushing that men are better at everything... including being women.


No, not just like Hillary nor Kamala. But she is a woman.


What is a woman? /s


I remember being much younger when Sarah Palin was the VP nominee - and I thought that would be enough to shut up the Left. When they went after her as hard as anyone else, it was eye opening. They love diversity - provided it isn't diversity of thought.


They love diversity of liberalism.


The love faux Liberalism. What they call liberalism is authoritarianism in a dress.


Great description. 😁


The democrats are very offended when women and minorities don't follow their narrative. Women in particular are supposed to shut up and follow their enlightenment. The role of women is to support democrat special interests, and democrat special people, while dutifully staying last in line for any special treatment themselves. We saw it right after Dobbs. It is totally cool with democrats if BLM holds fiery but mostly peaceful protests. Women were emphatically told that this manner of protest is not acceptable for us. I guess that we are just not special enough. Not that I ever supported the fiery but mostly peaceful protests, but the difference in the democrat's approach is pretty glaring. We are women. We are supposed to behave. Like children.


What is a woman ?


this isn't /r/biologists, please don't ask such difficult questions.


lol good one


It's so hilarious how many of the woman PM, presidents, and so on have been conservative. Three so far in the UK.


Yes but they deny there's such a thing as a woman.


Hillary would be considered right wing in Italy.


Based on what?


Hawkish, neoliberal globalist, corporatist, rich. For someone like Hillary to have a political career in Italy she would have to also be tough on immigration and LGBT rights, otherwise she would be a pariah. Rich globalist neolibs being able to play the tune the left likes is a very US thing. In a multi party system most of the mainstream Dems would be in a big center right coalition funded by big corporations and wouldn't be as pro immigration as they have to be to survive in the blue part of the country.


This is why I barely care about EU elections. Right wing Europeans are a joke. They’re still too far left. Just like their EU leftist counterparts they love gun control, bigger government, and overall restrictions of liberties and rights in the name of “safety”.


The right wing likes gun control in the rest of the world, it's the US that has "the right" use it as a wedge issue. The right in Argentina and Brazil (both countries with a very similar constitutional right to bear arms) also has sometimes been against gun control but it's usually very pro gun control in the classist way, like expensive permits, proof that you have a job, etc...


Has the left compared this event to the rise of the Axis powers yet? lol


They definitely see it as the re-election of Mussolini whom they are pointing out was first elected in 1922, 100 years ago.


all fascism rose out from socialism https://fee.org/articles/theres-no-denying-the-socialist-roots-of-fascism/


Fascism and socialism are literally 2 sides of the same coin. The Reds of r politics can dress it up however they want, they're just as bad as the nazis they hate.


Fascism is generally seen as the only realistic and workable form of socialism.


Mussolini defined fascism as where the corporations and state merge into one basically. Corporate statism ironically is here (see how big tech colludes and embraces the will of the current state, and definitely one party, for propaganda purposes and is rewarded with big military contracts like Amazon). But most people don't see it.


its amazing how wrong you are here is straight from Mussolinis mouth On April 22, 1945 in Milan, the Fascist leader would declare the following: “Our programs are definitely equal to our revolutionary ideas and they belong to what in democratic regime is called “left”; our institutions are a direct result of our programs and our ideal is the Labor State. In this case there can be no doubt: we are the working class in struggle for life and death, against capitalism. We are the revolutionaries in search of a new order. If this is so, to invoke help from the bourgeoisie by waving the red peril is an absurdity. The real scarecrow, the real danger, the threat against which we fight relentlessly, comes from the right. It is not at all in our interest to have the capitalist bourgeoisie as an ally against the threat of the red peril, even at best it would be an unfaithful ally, which is trying to make us serve its ends, as it has done more than once with some success. I will spare words as it is totally superfluous. In fact, it is harmful, because it makes us confuse the types of genuine revolutionaries of whatever hue, with the man of reaction who sometimes uses our very language.” Six days after these statements, Benito Mussolini would be captured and shot.


You do realize for Mussolini and in the context of that time, "corporations" mean trade unions?


Ya, that's the impression I got too and you see EU people saying that the "Italians have deluded themselves into thinking they are moderates..." and I keep having flashbacks to all of the Left wing polisci rich kids "But Socialism hasn't happened yet..." PoliSci... Where Delusions become Concrete. :P




Not really surprising since she cites Mussolini in every second speech.


Interestingly enough, Mussolini is one of her biggest inpirations.


Hopefully the trains can run on time again.


Check out pics or politics…


Nah, I’m trying to avoid AIDS.




Yup, byline on the front page of the Washington Post; “Italy elects furthest right-wing extremist since Mussolini”


Maybe in America, surely in Europe. Mussolini was tending on twitter last night. Several European outlets reports that she's the first car right leader since Mussolini.


BBC was a bit more obtuse in saying "since WW2" , but later on said something about her party having it's roots in Mussolini's regime.


The American democratic party was fighting for Jim Crow twenty years after that, but we don't see the BBC bringing that up.


Oh boy yes, r/worldnews was already spouting about fascism


anytime Far Right is used it plants a certain little mustachioed man into small people's minds.




Yep. Saying it is new female Mussolini.


Literally no one is talking about it or even cares. You are just making up drama.


Right-of-center coalition wins an election = media labels the coalition "far-right" Far-left coalition wins an election = media labels the coalition "victory for democracy"


which is one of the reasons why right wing parties are gaining ground in Europe


Never thought the day would come


the problem is, thanks to the different election systems in Europe, changes arrive slower than in the US because while right wing parties might gain a few percent each election that won't be enough to change policies as long as they are not part of the governing coalition. the US is "better" off in that regard, because once you vote Republican you get Republicans in office who will implement their policies


The US system isn't capable of serious change either unless you get a filibuster proof majority.


Well her party is simply right wing. The coalition they will (almost certainly) form has parties from the center to the right (italy's right)


yeah.."right-of-center coalition"


But I have been told the left in the U.S. would be considered Conservative in Europe. If that truly is the case, you couldn't pay me to live in Europe.


she sympathizes with Mussolini........


Sympathize in what context? She felt pity for him or she agreed with a sentiment or opinion he had? I mean it's not hard to agree with Mussolini's goals to remove corruption, get rid/crack down on the mob and get what was promised to them by the entente. So what point are you trying to make here? Are you implying she's a secret fascist admirer of Mussolini who wishes to emulate him or are you simply providing no context to something she said to make her look bad cause you have nothing else to use to argue your point on why she's not someone that should be in a position of power or that her policies are bad?


The left is insane. Not only was this out of context she repudiated it.


You know full well that if any American left wing politician had once stated "Stalin is one of the best politicians of the past 50 years" regardless of when or in what context, you and other conservatives would never forgive them and Fox News would use it to discredit any and everything they say, no matter how often they "repudiated it". To say it is insane to be concerned by the election of someone who's party, regardless of her personal "repudiation", have previously openly declared themselves to be the heirs of a fascist dictator is just weird. You know exactly why it is concerning and are just pretending otherwise to avoid having to confront the reality that you are celebrating the election of a far right government.


Well you know full well that all you have to do to be called a Nazi is not think Trump is the reincarnation of Hitler. I'm always amazed how Democrats have no problem labeling anyone if their ideals don't line up with theirs but do it to them and you get a long winded tant about how wrong you are full of feelings and not facts. Hence my name.


My point is that she is not simply being labelled as a dangerous figure because people don't agree with her, there are genuine reasons as to why people should regard her and her party with a high degree of suspicion due to their historic and current links to Italian fascism, and I don't really see why you would deny that other than because her election is making the libs cry and want to ignore the evidence before your eyes. I am not American and don't really see what this has to do with either Trump or the Democrats.


There's one reason above all else to regard her with suspicion regardless of specific views. She's a politician.


Preach brother ~~°DEEP°~~ af.




First Sweden and now Italy. Nice to celebrate these wins for the right


'left', 'right'.... I suppose they're more entitled to that terminology than we are, since they invented it, but they all seem like nationalists and socialists to me, no matter what they call themselves. Some more nationalist, others more hypocrite. Some more socialist, others more hypocrite. It's difficult to get excited about politics in Europe.


If you’re an American, and a right wing one just like me, do your research. Right wing Euros are barely right wing at all. The only thing they have in common with us right wing Americans is border security, preservation of national culture/pride, and some nationalism. All these things are good, but, after that EU right wingers look identical to EU leftists with their sexual kinks for gun control, bigger government, high taxes, and general collectivism.


Right-wing parties in the EU are generally strongly in favor of lower taxes and the right to defend yourself and your property with lethal force, including with guns. Of course the status quo is quite different from the US, so the lower taxes they want are still high by American standards, for instance. The European right is generally in favor of big government, that's true; libertarian (free-market, personal freedom, small-government) forces exist but are generally socially liberal and progressive (freedom of abortion, no LGBT discrimination, freedom of euthanasia) and pro-EU, which must be quite weird from a US perspective.


> Right wing Euros are barely right wing at all. Can you see the inverse of this? Here in the UK our furthest-right members of the conservative party are probably equivalent to an on the fence Democrat. It's the US which has an overton window shifted massively rightward owing to it's puritanical history.


No we owe it to our hatred of socialism and a desire for individual freedom. Europe does not have that history. They love socialism and have for a huge % of their history been ruled over by individuals with ultimate power.


The saddest thing is that most Europeans don't even realize that and genuinely and unironically think of their "right wing" parties as "far right extremists who will bring back the third reich." And if you try to explain this to them they will brush you off as someone who has no clue about politics, because that doesn't fit what the authoritative sources say. Had a lot of frustrating conversations over this.




Thank you, brain had a dumb moment


And let's not forget that the Conservatives are currently the ruling party in the UK under the leadership of Liz Truss.


When the American “press” looses its mind, then you know something good must be happening.


I remember when Britain voted for Brexit. I remember thinking to myself, "hey Trump might actually have a shot to win" The press is so ofteb wrong about sentiment and what it thinks people want.


Yup goodness has happened when the leftist demons lose their little pea brains.


When the world is mad, sanity is extreme.


The comments in main subreddits are truly a sight to see. Basically the “everyone I don’t like is Hitler” meme come to life lol. Vote for who you want


[Godwin’s Law](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Godwin%27s_law) in effect


Godwin himself is a leftist and suffered from TDS, thus Godwinning himself in 2015.


When the US press reacts this way, it tells me the correct person won.


CNN said she’s the most authoritarian president since Mussolini because she wants to stop illegal immigration, create an abortion limit, and crack down on minors being exposed to the trans agenda. Really shows you why they thought Trump was literally hitler if they think shes so extreme. They want the Reagan era right wing back, that agrees with every gun control bill the democrats come up with, ignore the border crisis, and sits down quiet while crying about it on FOX News.


Yeah someone in their news subreddit said look at how much damage trump caused. And I'm sitting here thinking, please bring back that damaging record economy and low crime. Like whatyare they even thinking happened? It's a pure fantasy world of racism and fascism they live in with no reality behind it


While Reagan did betray the country on gun rights in California, the whole border thing was a scam ran by the left. They made a deal that if Reagan allowed naturalization of immigrants already in the US, they'd invest in border control. He held up his part, the Democrats backed out as usual


Source: just trust me bro


> CNN said she’s the most authoritarian president since Mussolini because she wants to stop illegal immigration, create an abortion limit, and crack down on minors being exposed to the trans agenda Who knew that common sense would be labeled as "most authoritarian."


Brazil next. The quiet conservatives around the world are fighting back and plan to put the left in their place.


Covid policies pissed off a lot of people.


Quebec is next


Brah, I’ll believe it when it happens. Didn’t Trudeau win Canada’s election last year or something?


He's big with the downtown elites. Rest of the country mostly hate him.


Prime Minister Blackface pretty much only won in Toronto, Montreal, and Vancouver. He got his ass kicked just about everywhere else in Canada yet he still got re-elected. He can thank his stepdad Pierre for putting that system in place back in the '70s.


We can only hope


Isn’t their right of center a bunch of socialists?


I dream of every country having a 2A of its own.


Bolsonaro is based Brazil will become a total joke if they vote in Lula, a convicted criminal, over Bolsonaro


I left Italy this august following all the events that unfolded in 2020-2022. I left Italy because of how harsh and how hard the Italian government was to its people during their battle against Covid. From having a green pass to go everywhere, bills and taxes going up by double. Life long business handed from generation to generation having to close because of depts, it was horrible. In 2 years the Italian left (a party that I’ve always loved until 2020 btw) Managed to destroy Italy. From the economy to its people. There is no opportunity for young people like myself, young people my age have no opportunity and get used. The wages, consider yourself lucky enough if you get 500€ a month. You get paid more being unemployed rather than working, so people don’t work and stick with their “reddito di cittadinanza” (basic income) which is 768€-1330€ The Italian left had their chances over and over again to fix this, but haven’t. They run Italy to the ground. It’s time for change and I’m glad meloni along with the centre-right will be running stuff.


Far right since Mussolini? LOL


People will tolerate senseless self-indulged fuckery when it comes to madeup bullshit no one cares about, but screw with economies or peoples money and they get real right real fucking fast.


OK America. You're on deck.


So all I can really find about that party is that they're against migrants, abortion, and euthanasia and want to keep the family unit. That sounds pretty mild to create such a freakout.


Mild for American politics. Europe is different. Here in the Netherlands, there are only 2 small parties that are against abortion, together they only have around 5% of the seats in our government.


They also want minimum wage that increase yearly with inflation, universal health care and misinformation board like Biden.


They literally talked about implementing measures to stop social media censorship, so the misinformation board is bullshit. Universal health care is already here, we're in Europe. The minimum wage isn't a thing in their program either. Check your goddamn sources.


Leftist liberal policies are laying rotten eggs all over the world. This is not the last right swing election we'll see in the next months to come.


Alright. Since this happened. How bad are the left taking it? 2016 levels?


European press even worse :)


Italian dems mama-d their last mia this time


The deep state has a large presence there. They won't go down without a fight.


It’s not just the American Press losing its mind. The Worldnews subreddit is also losing its mind claiming her to be the second coming of Benito Mussolini.


If being for god, family, and a sovereign nation makes you a fascist. Then guess what....


I thought Europe was always to the left of America and their far-right were our Democrats? Congrats, American media, the equivalent of the Democrats won in Italy! Right? Right?


When making a point about American politics, that's more or less correct, yeah. Outside of that context, it gets thrown out the fucking window lol. Gotta get those rage- and fear-clicks


**Liberalism is the new Fascism.** The modern left wants 1. Large, very powerful, centralized government that exerts control of the citizenry in every aspect of their lives 2. Permanent power, with no meaningful opposition in elections 3. Suppression of dissenting voices. I’m other words: 1. **“Everything in the State,”** 2. **“Nothing outside the State,”** 3. **“Nothing against the State.”** which ironically is Benito Mussolini’s definition of totalitarianism. Italy’s Fascist regime envisioned a radically new social order engineered by the state. The Democrat left in America is the fascist party.


Italy is home. Republican leadership is home.


Hopefully a precursor to elections in November


Amazing what can happen when your elections are actually free and fair - you know, democracy


CBS calls her “far-right”… inept journalism.


What I find interesting (and I hope we talk about in my Government class today) is that she is considered the most Far-Right Prime Minister that Italy has had since Benito Mussolini. Whether that means she is considered to be a dictator or she has more right views than Mussolini did I'm not sure. But it'll be interesting to see how things roll in Italy.


Damn the American left really hates women succeeding.


How many more countries have to elect right leaning governments before the left realizes flooding a country with immigrants and refugees isn’t good idea?


You forgot the word liberal in between American and Press


Didn’t they want more women in leadership positions? 🤣


Anything right of Marx is horrible in todays world.


She's a wise Latina. Or Latinx. Or Latinxa. I'm not sure which word is correct.




They refuse to say the word “right” unless they throw in “far” or “alt” in it. Remember when McCain and Romney were called far right, but now they’re the “good” republicans?


I would normally say something like *"Is it really too much to expect the US press to possess a deeper understanding of politics than 'right-wing = bad'?"* but then I remember that it's been that way for basically my entire life and I just give up. Gee, I wonder why 90%+ of the American public are effectively politically illiterate.


I remember stopping there a couple of times when I was in the Navy back in the early 90s. I remember seeing political posters here and there and specifically remembering a few communist political party posters here and there. For some odd reason, I never snuck a couple of boxes of cuban cigars onto the submarine for the transit back home. I do know that a Senior Chief Petty Officer (E8) did with three boxes as a retirement gift to himself.


Those posters are still around. However, I will say I saw a lot more of that propaganda when I was in Piraeus and Athens, Greece. When I got stationed here last May, I tried to read up and get a general understanding for how the Italian government operates... good lord is it a confusing mess.


Her party is just the sort of conservativism America needs


What I love about this is if the Republicans take the House, Italy is where Pelosi wants to go. Too funny!


I'm guessing that she's _literally_ a nazi, amirite?


The American press is basically just the WEF press at this point




ahem! (clearing throat for maximum effect) ALWAYS BELIEVE WOMEN we need to get behind this empowered woman!!!!


Looks like that 15% flat tax on the world won't be happening.




r/worldnews already calling it the "Return of Mussolini"


Time to learn Italian in case things go bad in 2024




Good deal!!!


In all seriousness, except for the local news, is anyone outside of a nursing home paying attention to the "American press"?


I am Italian and I don't like her. Her party has a history of some participants being fascists. I really don't like this at all, and I even voted her a few years ago. I truly hope she makes a good president, since we have to have her.


So Italy will say screw Russian sanctions and Dementia Joe will lose it? They are afraid of her and I'm sure it has more to do with the proxy war in Ukraine than anything else.


Media blowhards labeling everything not leftist FAR RIGHT!


As long as it’s not that Italian fascist party


I have a feeling the “far right” is going to be popular world wide.


The silent majority strikes again;)


What mind?


The European pites is losing their mind too


The beast is working overtime


Fratelli d'Italia. Let's see where the brothers and sisters of Italia will take us.


Aka the globalist uniparty tells the media to make people mad about it.


Im not sure we should be labeling this new leader in Italy as right wing tbf. I dont know much about her but the little i have read has given me the impression that she's more of a populist-nationalist. Which is considered right wing in Europe but in America, populist nationalist are still on the left wing and at times worst then your typical liberal. People like Tulsi Gabbard and Tucker Carlson fall into this camp, and I think the same can be said for Meloni. We in America are further right then most nations (which is great) but the only thing we seem to have in common with this new Prime Minister is most likely just cultural values. I havent heard her embrace free markets, individual freedom, western expansion, or even anything about opposing Russia. In Europe, the 2 sides of politics are nothing like us. Its basically Populist nationalists vs. Liberals. And honestly, Liberalism in Europe is preferable if we are all conservatives. The media just loves to overblow things and doesnt take the time to compare and contrast both political parties. If you're looking for a more American version of the right wing in Europe, look in the UK. The conservative party over there actually has a lot in common with us and they are in power.


This is the way…..


It’s like the voted my mother into power. 🤦‍♂️