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But the media has been saying for over a year that the president doesn't control gas prices, does Joe not read?


He doesn't control them when the go up, but when they go down people can't stop gushing about how amazing he is for saving us all so much money. People also seem to have completely forgotten that gas prices have doubled on average since he's been in office.


I, for one, have not forgotten that gas prices have nearly doubled. The Biden admin pats itself on the back for lowering gas prices a couple of quarters omitting the fact that the cost per gallon is still well over the cost when Biden took office.


Indeed. Gas in my city was $1.87 on Nov 6, 2020. I made a written note of it, for this very reason. Just because gas dropped from $4.50 down to $3, doesn't really mean anything when it's still $1 more than it was two years ago.


You can buy gas for 3 dollars?? I'm lucky if it's under 6 where I live.


Same where I live.


Texas has seen a reprieve here recently, hovering anywhere for 2.95 to 3.25 depending on the location within DFW. Either way, the $1-2 extra per gallon of gas isn’t as upsetting as the $600 increase in rent. Fortunately those too are starting to come back down a hair, so if my Chinese landlord who I haven’t seen in person in 4 years doesn’t get her shit together I’m gonna leave her hanging. I might paint the walls hot pink in retaliation for her neglecting household maintenance for all these years. Good luck renting it out lol.


I just paid 2.69 for regular at Murphys (owned by Walmart). The advertised price was 2.79 but I get a .10/gallon discount for being a Walmart Plus member. Throw on the 5% cash back I get for paying with my Sam's card and I paid the equivalent of 2.55 per gallon. After the recent run up, I have figured out how to get the absolute cheapest price for gas possible LOL.


I just saw gas for $5.60/gal.


I can't remember what ours was in Nov 2020 (wish I thought of noting it down like you) but I know for darned sure it was a whole lot less than it is now, I was thinking it was around 1.99 to 2ish in my area but not completely certain. I looked at historical gas prices and you'll see prices going up in the months after Biden took office in Jan 2021, even well before Russia invaded Ukraine. [https://www.eia.gov/dnav/pet/hist/LeafHandler.ashx?n=PET&s=EMM\_EPM0\_PTE\_NUS\_DPG&f=M](https://www.eia.gov/dnav/pet/hist/LeafHandler.ashx?n=PET&s=EMM_EPM0_PTE_NUS_DPG&f=M)


That trend goes back to April 2020


That trend goes back to Biden's inauguration.


New oil and gas development investments stopped the moment he was elected. I make downstream money from those gigs and projects were stopped mid-stream and belts were tightened. It didn't take long for that to be reflected at the pump.


I wish gas was $3 in Maine. They are still over 3.50 here.


Gas never broke the $3.00 mark one time in my local area from December 2015 - December 2020 ,and it hasn't been below $4.50 since a couple months after Biden took over. They can say the president doesn't control gas prices all they want but why is it always half the cost when Republicans are in power?


Because they leave out the part that words mean something. When the president says he is going to do everything in his power to shut down the fossil fuel industry, that means something (especially to the speculators and commodity brokers that control the prices) even if the President doesn't necessarily have the immediate power necessarily to do so.


US oil production peaked in Dec 2019. US is producing about 10 percent less now than then.


Hey, if I could turn dirty adult diapers into renewable energy, I'd be even more beloved & popular.


We already know he dosent read the executive orders he signs.


He only reads the National Teleprompter


That would make a great name for a satire site, nice job!


i memmber chuck cumshoe schumer standing at a gas station sayong the gas prices are too damn high and its trump's fault


And gas stations largely do not set their own fuel prices. They get told what the price is.


>He doesn't control them when the go up, but when they go down people can't stop gushing about how amazing he is for saving us all so much money. This is pretty amusing. What's also amusing is that when gas prices were up plenty of Republicans and people around here were all on board with blaming Biden for it the entire time and certainly didn't want to hear that president's, regardless of party, have very limited influence on gas prices, because that's not the way economies function. It was absolutely Biden's terrible policies that were solely responsible for high gas, everyone insisted. But now that gas has gone down, Conservatives suddenly seem so much more willing to accept that presidents don't control gas prices, even better it serves as a convenient way of pointing out Biden's hypocrisy. Of course when smugly pointing out someone else's hypocrisy also highlights your own hypocrisy, it is somewhat less of an effective insult. What's not really amusing at all, is to examine the shifts in opinion based on circumstance and realize that it doesn't matter what Biden does, he could do literally everything people wanted, and they'd still find a reason why him giving them everything they asked for STILL made him the bad guy. The sad part is people seem to be completely unaware of the fact that their positions and perception of reality shifts to accommodate any actions or events that are necessary to continue to keep seeing politicians they hate in a negative light. After all if you admit that they have addressed some of the issues you constantly complain about you might be forced to acknowledge that they aren't a comic book villain. Can't have that! And that, as one of the most effective and transformative presidents in history often says, is"SAD!"


Did you think Trump controlled them? I guess I'm fishing to find your point.


I made my point several times.


Fuel prices are driven up internationally. Not much difference in our increase versus the increase in Asia, Europe, or Middle East. We all have markers that are tracked. What we need to be upset with is the record profits these oil and gas companies raked in over this period (including the one I work for). Nothing different with what is happening in the US versus the rest of the world on fuel prices.


Trump had us producing our own & we stopped selling our oil for cheaper than we buy it for. Then I came in & shut down the keystone pipeline which was an idea the Democrats came up with in the first place. But after Trump proved we could get prices down to below 2 bucks per gallon, the whole thing was tainted & we had to get it outta here. Can't have people seeing how badly they've been screwed for decades.


No one here. Not a fucking soul in this thread. eastandwestagain-Trump


Wow that's a huge whoosh.


"I got hairy legs. Listen here, fat... cut gasololine prices to help Democrats win so we can continue to destroy your industry. Where's Ambassador Jack?"


“She was 12, I was 30”


“Elton John is the reason we have to spend 6 billion dollars to fight aids”


Your a lying dog face pony soldier.


Reading the context of that quote made things worse


Kind of like the quotes from Woodrow Wilson used in *Birth of a Nation*. They're already obscenely bad, but they still left out the worst of it.


Oh shit, I remember that. Thank goodness my grandkids weren't in the audience that day. I might have said something REALLY gross.


There it is!


“You cannot go to a 7-11 or a Dunkin’ Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent. I’m not joking.”


“I don’t want my kids going to school in a jungle, a racial jungle.”


Prefaced with "In Delaware..."


"Poor kids are just as smart as white kids."


C’mon man! Me and Corn Pop are gonna make these gas stations lower their prices right before November!


“Sure, get out of our way first”. Should be the response.


Dosen't fascism have something to do with government control of private industry??


So does Marxism


In general, when put into practice what is the difference? They behave so similarly. If anyone can actually answer this though I would appreciate it.


Marxism is a political and economic theory advocating a violent overthrow of the government to attain a classless, anarchist society in which the market and means of production are owned publicly. Fascism is a political system in which the the government is comprised of a small group of individuals led by a supreme leader, typically enforcing authoritarian policies. Put into practice: Marxism doesn’t have a government. There is simply no private industry. The gains will be split between the workers. Fascism is (often) keeping the private industry, sometimes forcing the companies to do what the government wants, but you still have rich elites controlling those companies (and they’re often friends with the ones in power, on a “I rub your back and you rub mine” basis)


Wouldn't the "put in practice" part be "in theory" as from what I recall the communist governments tend to have elites (government controlling everything). Or is it Marxism hasn't been done because it is different from communism which all those governments were trying to achieve.


Marxism is the most popular school of thought within Communism if you’re talking about what academics and American Leftists tend to refer to. No government has really tried to achieve it though, for obvious reasons; not many people are particularly eager to abolish the things that make them wealthy and powerful. Closest thing you’d find to Marxism throughout history would probably be like Israel's kibbutzim


Yep! Wikipedia defines fascism: >“Fascists often advocate for an economic doctrine in which the state plays a strong directive role as opposed to a merely regulatory interventionist role over a capitalist market economy” This is a seriously corrupt level of projection coming from Democrats.


funny how oil and gas companies only decided to "get greedy" under Biden and not Trump...


Greed never existed in human society until Joe Biden was elected POTUS. Literally never.


Don’t expect logic from these people


What will he jail gas station owners if they don't? Try that see how it goes for you Brandon.


Midnight raids to follow


Don't forget the FBI raids and swat teams also.




C'mon man!!!


Listen up, fat!


Is there an election coming up or something?


Didn't he do this before? Oh wait, it was all him as to why gas went down...that's right. Screw gas right now, food inflation is the real problem Joe....keep up.


Gas stations aren’t really *gas stations* anymore per se, their profits are derived from the stuff inside. The gas is usually sold extremely near or actually **below** cost. They sell fuel cheap because want you fueling up at their station, so you walk inside and buy $15 of extremely high margin roller dogs, beer, slushy drinks, and more. To the point of all gas stations agreed at the same to sell their gas at zero profit, MANY stations would have to **raise** their gas price. More gaslighting.


Ah, what the left does best...


"Roller dogs." That's exactly what they are. "BRB, Gonna get two roller dogs and a Monster."


The gas/oil companies are where all the insane profits are going to at the moment, if those companies sold at a slightly less high of a margin they'd still have insane profits and it'd lower the cost at the pump as well.


Let's take a step back here. Oil and gas companies extract a resource from the earth and generally lease the land agreeing to pay a percentage to the owner of the land. They don't set the prices of oil/gas, like any business they sell at the market price (where supply/demand curves intersect). They have costs associated with extraction. Now, do you think they'll make more or less money (or margins if you want) when the price of the thing they extract from the earth is higher? If these companies sold at less of a margin, there wouldn't be enough supply. You can't really manipulate the laws of supply/demand. The higher the price of the commodity, the more incentive to extract it. When the current administration exhibits policies unfriendly to their entire industry, people are less likely to invest thier capitol in expanding operations there. When Biden shutdown a muti-billion dollar pipeline, those companies lost massive investment at the stroke of a pen. Who in their right mind wouldn't calculate that risk when deciding where to invest their resources? It has a chilling effect and leads to higher prices due to decreased supply.


Nope… The oil and gas industry runs on about a 4%-5% margin. The problem is when socialists and economically illiterate folks try to make it sound like HUUUGE margin, by saying “They Make Billions of dollars!”… Well yeah ya - they’re extremely large organizations. Even if they run a year at say 1/2 of one percent margin, the net profit will still sound huge. And at the end of the day why the hell should private, for profit companies artificially discount anything when the issue is government’s malfeasance? That would be a painfully stupid and idiotic precedent to start. I’ll be damned if I want government officials feeling comfortable screaming at private companies and having them comply, to cover up the official’s screw up.


As someone who works in grocery, the biggest contributor to the rise on prices is the cost of diesel. During a time where we are seeing record sales, we are missing earnings in a major way due to transportation costs as well as labor costs. Being in Kalifornia, wage increases are also a major contributor. Also, knowing how much of the nations food comes from here, you can see how badly liberal policies are killing our economy.




All those billionaire small station owners and their filthy 1% profit margins. Living large in the mansions and private jets.


Dudes just sitting in that little cubicle thingy at 5:30am while I’m DRIVING TO WORK LIKE A PEASANT. I see the window A/C unit in there, he’s living comfortably. Meanwhile, I went the entire summer without pushing the A/C button in my car a single time. Because of *him,* his little cubicle, and the fact that *he refuses to sell me gas at a personal loss to him.* Bigot


He should as least give you his personal vehicle - WTF!


That's why gas stations are so nice. Beautiful marble floors, soaring ceilings, fragrances wafting in the air when you enter.


I command you to lose money due to my poor policy. Do it now!


C'mon, man, pretty please?


Just like a dictator.


Such a bad actor and such theatre.


\*Gas station owners probably didn't go to college and are hard-working immigrants\* Sooooo, Gas station owners! First, you have to earn less money because I made gas cost more and now I'm telling you to charge less. Second, Gas station owners! Pay for the loser progressive base that either got worthless degrees or didn't finish their degree programs so that I can get re-elected on your dime by making you pay for their college loans because there is no such thing as actual forgiveness!


But…but….the president has no control….Putin caused this….Orange man bad!!!!! I’ve heard this shit before. Must be election season.


Sad to think how far this needs to go before he's removed.


Does anyone else feel like he will blame Trump (again) if the gas companies don't play ball and decide to just start losing money on every sale?


lol - he'll blame Trump for his shoes being untied.


And the dump he took in his diaper


Yea he will. He will blame trump as he has many times before.


Unfortunately all the gas stations are owned by Corn Pop.


I heard he's a bad dude


Corn pop was right all along, Biden is the bad dude


Corn pop just wanted to beat up the creepy lifeguard who let kids rub his legs.


...and that makes us the dog faced pony soldiers? God this brandon guy gives *me* dementia


You wouldn't have to worry about dementia if you had Batakafcare.


And he runs a bunch of bad gas stations


Come on, man


Is this supposed to be some kind of winning strategy for the admin? The president going out and just telling businesses to lower prices? This just makes them look desperate and stupid.




Hahahah hahaha 🤣🤣🤣 oh my sides


Tyrants think they can dictate everything. Don’t understand the real life consequences of their policies.


But the President has very little influence over gas prices, remember?


Dating and politics. The two areas where desperation never works.


“My message is simple. To the companies running gas stations and setting those prices at the pump: Bring down the prices you’re charging at the pump to reflect the cost you pay for the product.” So he’s demanding they sell their gas for cost? What’s he smoking?


He's the laughing stock of the entire word now - screws up everything he touches and now people are finally waking up and noticing what kind of damage this tyrant is doing. It's no wonder he can't fill up a small cafeteria when he speaks, everyone hates him!


"Do it now.... then raise them even higher after the midterms to make up lost revenue"


"Old man yells at cloud"


Joes war on big oil hasn’t hurt big oil at all. Just the United States citizens.


What a commanding display of complete economic ignorance.


Ok, you convinced me!


Yeah… that’s not how that works Joe.


So let it be written. So let it be done.


“Back off, big man. That may work with the kids you sniff, but not with me.”


So he wants gas stations to be broke like the customers? Clown...


Spoken like a man who’s sucked the gubmint teat his whole life…


Probably got the note that the oil reserves are almost depleted and that without them pushing that into our supply, prices are about to jump again. Right before midterms.


Tomorrow I will talk about guns, these AK-32s and AR17s, why they can blow the lungs right out of your body!


So, again, private businesses are supposed to eat the cost of his bad policy? I don’t think so.


I demand my fed tax rate to be slashed....Do it now Biden


How about you slash oil pumping restrictions and they'll have the prices down within the month


Hmm... why has no one thought of this earlier?


Just go bankrupt Mr small business owner.


It’s like he has absolutely no idea how gas prices work. They rise sharply and fall slowly. That’s how it has always been. If you buy 1000 widgets every month at $3 that you sell at $6, then the price for widgets increases to $7, you’ll raise the price to compensate for that increase. If you have 400 widgets that you bought at $7, and the price for widgets drops back to $3, it doesn’t matter because you still have 400 widgets that you bought at $7. You still have to make a profit or at least mitigate your losses. That’s how economics work, Joe.


All just a show for the upcoming election. Imagine if he worked all the time instead of just election time.


No doubt the Democrats are sweating this midterm election. I frequent the sub for my state(CT) and they’ve resorted to posting half truth shit about crime being lowered in the past few years which is total bullshit. I was relentlessly attacked by multiple bots calling me names and doing the usual liberal tactics trying to discredit my post. I was glad to see there was a number of other posters claiming the same thing that I was. Hopefully it’s a sign of what’s to come


Does he understand they need to make a little profit off gas. If they are getting it for 3.50 a gallon the will charge the around 3.65 they make a slight profit off gas. If they slash prices then don't make money Biden trying to blame everyone he can for his failed energy policy. If he wants cheaper gas let's drill and frack plus build pipelines


And start building some new REFINERIES!!! So we can still build cars and computers and stuff.


Dude, you can't even control things within your control. Check yourself.


Dude cant even control a bicycle.


Old man complains about the price of gas. Only this one has the authority to set policy. Expand production and create incentives to expand refining capacity. He hasn’t done any of that though. Does he not realize he is President or is the complaining disingenuous? Seems like a real question these days.


It’s all virtue signaling. The only thing prog leftists are any good at.


He just wants those “I did that” stickers to be a good thing rather than the real thing.


I picture him sitting in the oval office alone with his eyes closed and fingers crossed, I wish gas prices where lower, I really really super duper wish for lower gas prices!


Most gas stations are already on super slim margins lmao


yeah that's not how it works bud. go take a nap.


Spoken like an autocrat with no clue how small the profit margin for gas station owners is. If he really wanted to help, he could sign a EO that suspends federal gas taxes until further notice, and encourage state and local governments to do the same.




So Biden wants to socialize the fuel industry. The trailing drop of gas prices to oil cost has always been that way….it’s not new…it’s normal. Is it right? Arguments can be made both ways, but it’s not a new phenomenon that is happening to hurt the Biden administration. Perhaps this lack of understanding how things work is the real issue.


Democrats make up their own rules and pitch a fit when life doesn't obey them


That isn’t how things work Joe. Now here’s an ice cream cone, let the people go about their business.


Also demanding immediate changes to airlines (why are ticket prices suddenly rising 😅)


Global events cause the price of oil to go up - drastically. Local competition between corner gas stations cause the price of gas to go down - slowly, one cent at a time. The reality is your local corner gas station usually makes *maybe* a couple of cents per gallon. Maybe. Often times it's even a "loss leader", meaning the gas station actually *loses* money on you unless you come in and buy a Slim Jim or some Twinkies or some shit while you're waiting for your tank to fill up.


He knows gas stations have magic wands they can wave. I really think Democrats believe this.


Maybe waging a year and a half long war on business, the energy sector in particular, was not a bright move there Big Guy. Oh, and as an aside, neither the president nor any other elected official has the right to tell businesses to lower their prices.


This numb nut hasn’t a clue of how to be a president


That’s because the strategic oil reserves that he keeps draining (because it’s election season and he’s tired of hearing about gas prices) are just about empty and prices are about to go back up.




I guess, I tried yelling at my electric company to lower my bill but all they did was shut my power off :(


I am sure they’ll get right on that…you jackass!


Isn’t that fascism?


Gas station margins are ultra thin.. blame the oil companies ya dummy.


joe sure has a great handle on this economy and how inflation works. He's going to just demand prices go back to normal and the sad part is, he literally thinks it's going to work that way.


It worked with Corn Pop and Corn Pop was a bad dude.


“Methinks I shat me pantaloons!” - Joseph Robinette Biden


Screw Biden and his "demands". The Saudis told him to get fucked when he "demanded" they increase production. I hope the gas stations tell him the same. I swear, he's the most incompetent and impotent jackass.


He’s just trying to push the responsibility to others because of the mid terms, “Biden is not the one to blame”


If somebody steals $1,000 from me and then returns $500, I'm not enriched by $500. I would ask if democrats think we're that stupid but I already know the answer.


People are pissed, have votes and will vote depending on how things affect their wallets.


'Fix this problem I created!'


Gas stations only make \~ 2 cents per gallon they sell. Source: Google, if you can still consider it a good source.


Well, Biden has never had a real job where a real person has to write real checks to pay real bills, employees, etc. Go easy on the old bastard. He's just saying what seems normal to him in his world of unicorns and rainbows.


So this is what build back better looks like


Old man yells at gas pump


Angry Grandpa is angry


Oh, we're back to blaming the gas stations now?


Once again, I don’t think Joe knows how any of this works.


The margin on gasoline is literally a few cents. If a local gas station cut prices, they would make nothing. How about cut taxes there buddy


I thought he was Commander in chief not the CEO?


What a joke! Wannabe Dictator Biden has no clue how to run a country, poor guy doesn’t even remember how to put his socks on in the morning.


"Do it now, just before the midterms"


Isn’t there a form of government where the central government directly controls what the privately owned companies do?


Is it the same one that assigns people their respective careers, or just the general one that issues bread and milk ration cards…? 🥴


Cause that's how the global economy works. Why not print more money Joe? 🤣🤪


Imagine if the president told you to go to work for lower pay so that companies could report more profit. Sorry Joe. You don't just get to tell companies how to make business decisions. How about reducing restrictions and encouraging competition so that prices naturally decline?


Tell the grocery stores also sleepy Joe


That corn pop is a bad dude


I gotta say "You have a free market but you have to change production and pricing if the President yells at you" is closer to fascism than any definition the left uses these days.


Good luck with that.


No no! Demanding private businesses to do something *because you fucked up* is TOTALLY not something a fascist dictator would demand! I see no connection between Joe and a dictatorship.


Only idiots and communists believe in price controls.


He has zero comprehension about economics.


*>Be Small Business Owner *>Own Gas Station *>President tells you to lower gas prices *>Can hardly afford to keep paying your employees *>Already cheapest gas available locally to stay competitive *>Respond by adding a Joe Biden "I did that" sticker to your own pumps. *>Big keks ensue.


> FBI raids you and shoots your dog


What a total shipwreck. I hope we can survive these idiots. It may be too late.


typical Dem - starts a fire, wants to tell someone else to put it out - while looking for the next thing to burn


People respond to incentives, Joey If men and boys are choosing to play video games, watch porn, and/or smoke weed instead getting a job as a roughneck or truck driver, that increases costs at the pump


"Not a joke. Watch me"


Pumped up on his adrenaline injections


Would Democrats call this fascism?


How about slashing government spending.


FJB Market control, not government influence. Free the leases and pipelines.