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Like the driver that runs from the police, crashing other cars, hitting pedestrians, and then they're upset when the cop clips the side of their vehicle, wrecking them. I swear I just watched police footage where an evader said "man, you didn't have to wreck my car! I didn't know y'all did that! That's not fair!"


Good reasons for American leftists to worship you.


They always claim they are victims, kind of like democrats.


We always have to be careful about unconfirmed 'stories' when things like this happen. The stories about babies being beheaded, thrown in ovens and being cut from their mothers wombs haven't been verified at all and have quickly dropped from the (independent/conservative) media. Don't get me wrong, it's quite believable when attributed to these savages, they can't eat a ham sandwich, but they're allowed to kill Jews. But a lot of what was initially reported hasn't been substantiated, War is business and alleged atrocities is just another form of marketing for that business.


Nice to see so called 'conservatives' also don't research and take what they are told as absolute truth as lonf as it falls into their narrative and it hits their emotions in the right way. Interesting that I post something that not even the left wing propagandists say YET there's not proof that what I said is wrong. And these Dvs from the same people who (like I) support Trump not only for him fighting the deep state but him keeping us out of wars. We used to manufacture weapons to fight wars now we manufacture wars to buy weapons.

