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And they are all so clean.


Clean, well fed, with govt-issued debit cards and phones that have pre-loaded federal apps that direct them through the routes north, plus an app to "request asylum" before they ever leave their home countries (which breaks every asylum law known to man). And for the record, the feds are working hand-in-hand with the cartels to facilitate the largest human trafficking network the world has ever seen. Our tax dollars fund NGO's like doctors without borders and "Catholic" charities to feed and clothe them along the way. This is an invasion sanctioned at the highest levels of govt.


The BRICS agenda


Zionist obvs


Asking this as a non-USAn. When you say the Feds, do you mean the FBI? Or some other police force?


"Feds" is short for federal agents which includes FBI, CPB, DEA, ATF, and all the other federal level groups including the USPS. Generally, when that word is used we're referring to the law enforcement of those groups. Some of them are 100% investigate but some like the postal service have some LEO but most of that group are doing letter handling.


Alphabet Boys




In this context it means the federal govt as a whole


I drive daily back and forth from San Diego and Imperial Valley. Jacumba is on the county line between the two counties. There is an illegal alien camp there which is visible from interstate 8. I would see several times a week hundreds of people there camping and some days they would all be lined up loading on to several buses. Shipped off to somewhere else. The border is completely open and no one is being deported.


Yup same here commuting to imperial valley from SD i see the same camp off of the east bound side of the 8 .. tents ⛺️.. medical professionals and transport buses




Military aged males imported by the hundreds daily. Fill the country up with unchecked men from the Middle East and anywhere else. Men from countries which the US has had conflicts and bad blood with for years. Don’t be surprised when you see the same thing happen here as has happened in Europe. But always remember folks - diversity is our strength! We are all one and the same.


Rome was destroyed from within.


judging by these men, at least 3 more vape and bong stores will open in my city in the next month


"Jihad has come" was a line by Lamb of God back in the early 2000's about this sort of plan. It looks very obvious from this footage what is going on. Just wait til all of these young and war-fighting-aged males end up angry and bitter and want to do something about it. What could possibly go wrong?


See Chicago.


Border Partrol has been turned into the “welcoming” committee and processing center. Meanwhile, if I want to fly on a commercial jet anywhere in the US, have to show govt ID, be subject to search and verified who I am…. This is a deliberate plan to allow unknown aliens of many races and backgrounds into the US for the last 3 years…. It’s happening right in front of our eyes and DC doesn’t want to do anything to stop it except blame the other side.


There was a time I welcomed them, many years ago, now I don't, and I dislike who let them in.


I'd be willing to bet a lot of money that this has never ever been allowed to happen in the history of ever


Cannon fodder for WW3.


So many potential doctors, lawyers, firemen, teachers.


...and jihadists, guerrillas, sappers, and terrorists...


Send them to LA and San Francisco


Food prices going up, supply and demand about to get crazier, infrastructure and social services overwhelmed..


The Biden administration has done immeasurable damage to this country in just 3½ short years - the reverberations of which will be felt for generations. The whole lot of them should be charged with treason, starting with that smug fuck Mayorkas.


At least I can see actual women, children and the elderly...


In this bunch, but not many others.


Good luck to them especially the little ones