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After the last post I saw I expected an electrician at a gloryhole.


He could be putting a doorbell on the state required site gloryhole


so youre telling me that he was installing a ding-dong?


Servicing one


Nah. He forgot his ding at home…he was taking the dong his coworker brought in.


Door bell say DINGDONG!


Thats what you get for drilling a circular hole for an electrical box


Step 1: cut a hole in the box


Better put a hayco in there or you might get a new circumcision


I imagine electricians would quickly get banned from gloryholes for leaving garbage all over. Place would be full of wire bits, extra mounting equipment, boxes etc before you could blink.


If it were an electrician there'd be 2 sets of boots with the pants pulled down around the ankles.


Hahahahaha!!! This had me laughing out loud.


Ok, story time... I was a traveling musician for a bunch of years and one time I was sitting in a Flying J of T/A or something in those totally enclosed bathroom stalls except for the 8" gap at the bottom so they can hose the room down. I'm sitting there creating SJWs and I hear the next door close and I see two pairs of cowboy boots pointing at each other and some quiet whispering... I'm sitting there thinking, "godDAMMIT this is an awful time to have eyes and ears... Oh no, oh no, oh no"... Then I heard a cigarette cellophane crinkling and thought, "oh thank fuck, it's only a drug deal "




He's feeding the hampster


"Spunkeye reporting for duty sir!"


They would call that a cock socket


On the suction side of the gloryhole, yeah


Nah, there's too long a line of hvac guys.


Have you ever seen an electrical box? They’re rectangular.


the knockouts are round


Electrician would be on the giving side of the gloryhole


"Why's there lips on this knockout?"


Hello, 911! I’ve got a…. God damnit Jeff!


Fucking Jeff


Nevermind, it's just Jeff.


It's always Jeff But whattre ya gonna do, the bosses sister has a kid needs a job...


What did he do now?


Jeff's at it again.


I found a dead guy on our jobsite once. Looked almost exactly like that.


😳 So you're just planning on dropping that and no details?


I got to work around 6 a.m. waiting for the dumpster guy. There is an alcove in the building just like the one in your picture with the dudes feet poking out just like in your picture. I sat there for a while looking, but I thought it was a homeless man sleeping. Several people walked by and didn’t stop. After a while I decided to check on him and gave him a test kick. He was stiff. There was an officer at the stop light and I called him over. He gave him a test kick and then called it in. The Medical dude said he was dead for around 6 hours. No signs of harm, police said he had no priors so it probably wasn’t drug related. They speculated he just stroked out and fell right there. Never heard anything else. Homeless guy 51, Vet, had his id and belongings in a backpack. That’s about it. Never heard anything else. I did take a picture, but I don’t think it’s appropriate to post. It looks just like your pic, same color building and everything


How many test kicks did the medical dude have to give him to officially determine he was dead?


I told the officer there was a dude that wasn’t responding. He called in a bus, but once he test kicked he called it off. So technically 2 test kicks. He rolled him over on his back and his stomach was flat where he was on the pavement. I bet a hundred people failed to test kick


if I decided to interpret this in a particular way, I would believe that the best course forward would be to start test kicking every homeless person I see sleeping on the street... to make sure they are ok...


Honestly I do check to see if they are breathing, but a test kick and a “hey buddy are you okay?” Never hurts. I test kick my 16 year old dogs sometimes 🤣


Don't test kick the dogs, that's what children are for.


Why would you let the children kick the dog?


No, no, no. My dog only ever dug holes and barked to wake me up. I have no idea how much crap the kids have destroyed. So, test kick them. I can't concentrate enough to get good grades, then spends 10 hours on a video game. Yeah, kick the kids.


Do the eyeball flick, it's more accurate. Nobody can not flinch from that


I wonder if there’s a box to be checked on official death certificate forms for how many test kicks were performed lol. Seriously though, I feel bad for the gentleman. He served his country and died alone. That sucks.


That's pretty sad


I know! Practically criminal. So I'll tell you the closest adjacent story I have. My daughters godparents lived in a rough neighborhood to save up for something better and one night they were woken up by shooting. So Nancy gets up and goes to the window, switches the light on So she can call 911. Brian starts yelling at her to shut the light off so they don't know who called the cops. (Not something I personally would have known to do). So the police come, they didn't find anything, tgey want to look around the house, Brian says not tonight youll wake the baby, everyone goes, they go back to sleep. Next morning Nancy goes into the backyard to bring in laundry off the line to get the baby dressed for daycare, the sheets on the line are sprayed with blood. Nancy screams, Brian calls the police. Police come quite quickly, and yep there's at least one body back there. Just looks asleep. But nope. Body is picked up, report is made, the end.


Oh damn.


I hate it when people don't finish stories. So called news reporters do it these days too.


Pulte site. Sales guy and future homeowners found a dead electrician with a needle in his arm Drugs are bad


Better than getting electrocuted, I guess...


Who installs doorbells on the ground tho?


It's for cellar doors, duh!




Might be good for when your hands are full... They should have foot contols on everything. Sinks, doors, faucets (I HATE those automatic ones), trash cans, toilet lids... They should all be mandatory, or at least require both in code. So my edible just kicked in and I thought of something... They have those slow close lids for toilets, they should have the opposite in public bathrooms- the seat gently springs up like a movie theater and you have to push it down to take a shit. Then there would be less people pissing on them


On his knees


How else would you install a doorbell for the ground floor? Its called the ground floor, not the ground wall.


The doorbell obviously isn't going there. He's probably just running cable for it


It's so you can ring the doorbell while you got your hands full!


It's for the ground floor


Why these skirting are not skirtying


Thank you for noticing this r/constructionfail This is a remodel and the company that rebuilt the walkway absolutely fucked up some flashing on the building that necessitated the addition of this stupid flashing that looks awful and was poorly installed. I don't know why it's in so many small pieces. It's like they use some extra materials they had lying around. This all happened before I got out here.


So Mr. James what is your action plan to repair those?


Honestly, I'm having so many problems on this job I am not even going to do anything other then have my painters paint it and pray it makes it look 50% better. Plans suck ass and we were supposed to close this building in Feb and we still don't have a bunch of trades under contract.


Wow we're exclusive, I'm #18...


That happened to me once. I'm in a lift yelling down to my foreman about something, he turns and walks away, and I turn around and see another dude laying on the floor (large building), hardhat on the ground. I yell to my foreman and point at the dude. I radio for medical, and my foreman runs over to the dude... who was apparently trying to get a better view of a laser from the floor or whatnot. He gets up, unharmed.


>who was apparently trying to get a better view of a laser from the floor or whatnot I do that a lot on jobs. I hope no one ever thinks I'm dead.


I hope not, either. Imagine all the paperwork I would have had to do.


My man needs some boots


You caught yourself a construction snake, looking around for someone to snitch on.


Tell him to raise it a couple inches that's a bit low


I pulled into a bridge in Hampton. Security guards legs were hanging out of his s10. I was in the same boat. Pre cell phone. I was 18. Scared. His uniform was covered in dirt. I’m like he’s dead. I went over and kicked his shoe. He moved just a little. Kicked him again. In the boot. Not the ass. He says. Ya gotta schevk yo muffler erey 50 thousand miles. Drunk as cooter brown. I think it was the first time I ever saw anyone that plastered. Operator pulled up. We drug him out from truck. He has pissed and shit himself. Was disgusting. Spooky feeling though.


That's a near miss if you turn around and head the other way.


Oh man. I'm going to send this to our safety guy tomorrow. No caption or description. Just the picture


Someone needs some new boots. And some hip flexor stretching and strengthening.


Just looking at the picture I figure someone put fent in the regulation meth.


What kind of an outfit do you think we're running here? Our meth is pure


It's the blue stuff


Well you're definitely well motivated then... Try to find an old cook who knows how to use P2P, it's more speed and less tweak, much smoother and you just feel GOOD


What are u standing there for? Go get the Narcan!


A doorbell for a mouse


“Wage negotiations”


One evening we were driving around and saw a guy on his back, sort of moving but staying prone on the ground near the entrance to a building. He seemed to be alone, so we pulled over and I got out, approaching with every intent to assist this guy if he was having a seizure or something. Turns out he was just angle grinding the bottom of a metal railing that was there for the ADA ramp into the building. Thank goodness.


That was a good guy move


That freak you out. Remember I was in the oilsands way up in the pipe rack on some scaffolding. Well I’m walking along and below a tarp I see feet dangling in the middle of nowhere so I’m thinking someone’s dangling, and I’m thinking about how I need to find someone with a radio, try to remember the emergency point for the area. Get past the tarp dangling and it was the emergency rescue team on site practicing retrievals so one guy was just rappelled down to simulate a harness fall.


Yeah it did. It's funny now since nobody was hurt and my electrician has been telling me that I need to buy him some new shoes since so many people made that comment 🤣


Just give him some karma as a commission


That doorbell is either 3' off the ground, or dude is 5'0" from knees to eyes!


Looking for his contact lens, clearly.


Sparkys love getting on their bellies and knees silly guys


That's funny because it's the second picture I had taken of him on his knees. He said it was weird 🤣🤣🤣


Hello 911? He doesn't have his boots on you can arrest him


Everytime I see something like that it’s usually the electrician taking a nap!


First thing I thought! "Plumbers not done yet, I can't start until he's done, I'll take a nap."


Ran into a similar situation last week. Guy was actually dead though. Was wearing some high vis pants and the boss didn’t think twice about it for a little bit. Thought he’d just arrived by bus a little early and was waiting for the crew to show up Boss went to wake him and turned out to be a homeless man who had overdosed/froze. It was -30celcius over night.


Buy the guy a new pair of boots


Shudnt a kilt he


There was a guy installing the fire system and he was down in a breezeway cutting and threading pipe. Kept hearing moaning that sounded like someone fell off some scaffolding or ladder and went to go check on him. Turns out he has Tourettes and he moans and gasps from time to time when he’s not talking. We had a good laugh about it


Man, if that dude was cool, you guys could have had fun. I worked in a tattoo shop years ago and we were all a really tight crew. The secretary made the mistake of telling us she used to stutter as a kid so every time she would answer the phone, we would sing 12 days of Christmas to her, Jimmy from South Park style. "On the first day of chriiiiii..... Chriiiiiii.... Chriiiii...". She would start trying not to laugh and she would start fucking up and stuttering on the phone... When she hung up, we got"I HATE YOU GUYS!!!!" and we were all getting a laugh for 15 minutes or so. Another wonderful prank tool was the old TTY pay phones, you dialed a number and a keyboard popped out. By law they had to repeat every single thing you type, no matter how vulgar, so I would stop at the Parkway rest stop on my way to work and we would call the shop... We would type fuckin awful things and we would keep it going for a little while. That secretary was an old biker lady who used to party a little too much back in the day and when we walked in she would have her head down and say "I can't even look at you guys", and we asked her what they said and she said they have to read everything exactly as you type it but they read it back in the most deadpan voice possible. She was easily embarrassed but we used to all mess with each other all the time so she was in on the antics. The '90s were wild


lol my best friend has a bad stuttering problem he’s also a band teacher and director at a local school. I asked him if the kids ever make fun of him and he said one kid did and he got suspension for it. I said “damn jajajajajajosh that sususucks. I don’t do it too often but it’s funny in small doses. My wife hits me every time though. Also the fire systems guy was cool about it. We joked all the time. Miss that guy


We weren't mean about it, we were all friends, but she knew as soon as she picked up that phone we were gonna fuck with her and she would psych herself out. It was never mean. I was even hooking up with her for a while, we obviously got along. I really should make it very clear that these were two separate secretaries, the former stutterer was close to my age


Oh come on, let's leave weed out of porn self-promotions


Lol my first thought was not that an accident had occurred but something else untoward was happening lmao


Damn dude, buy some new soles.


Drywaller showed up early?


I found our drywall foreman one Monday morning. He volunteered to lock up Friday afternoon. He committed suicide by jumping off the 19th floor. It was horrible.


How horrible. Sorry to hear that


Thought I was watching the Wizard of Oz meet Construction site the wicked witch of osha is dead!


I was going to guess it was a homeless person sleeping in the corner. I'm glad neither of us was right!


Think your supposed to wear his shoes and go see a wizard or something.


I mean occasionally I have to lay on my stomach at work.


That looks like my jobsite around noon every day


Well call 911 on that flashing job since you are free!


Nah... My typ. go-to assumptions are.. Shitting, pissing, or sleeping


Ahh the famous glory hole door bell debacle.. did they answer?


Dun dun


My wife walked up on a pair of feet in that position on the street once…. Guy was pooping!


I was working on a new stand for a football stadium finishing off the flashing on roof section the amount of labourers we would find sleeping in tucked away spots was impressive


Must ... carry ... Narcan


Bro just trying to to get a raise, as electricians say just skin bro


Thanks for everything but we are NOT renewing your contract




I do something bad happens. In this case he was fine so I didn't


My concern is those flashings around the columns they all look like they are penetrating the stucco instead of being integrated behind the stucco. Like like potential leaks into the framing to me.


There is another layer that goes under the stucco top coat. We did not rip off the existing stucco though so it doesn't go behind the original stuff. It should be fine but it's a shitty application of the flashing and poorly executed on top of it. All because, as I understand it, the metal guy that built the deck screwed up flashing on a ceder trim that wraps the building.


As an apprentice I was doing a job alongside the Hudson in Harlem. I was laying on the sidewalk with my upper body in a 4'x2' handhole installing splice kits when I heard someone yelling. I rolled over to see a car pulled over on the other side of the fence. The driver thought I was a dumped body, and she was visually relieved to see I was alive. She had a child who was crying in the back seat.


My very first day on my very first job as a PE onsite for a large commercial firm: Guy operating a water truck following a scraper stops, pulls on an exposed cable, and promptly gets shocked to death. First and only time I saw a dead human period.


Until I read the caption I was going to say it looked like me on the job. Doctor thought I had psoriasis when he saw my knees. I need good pads.


Tile setter


How did the comments turn sexual so automatically?


There was a video posted a couple days ago about electricians and glory holes. I didn't see the whole thing but that is probably why it happened here. Also, construction as a whole is a bunch of dirty minds 🤣




Nice flashing lol


Maybe stay in the office bro lol