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Deliver that shit and put it in the customers invoice


It'll likely save the customer money too


Longest trip I'll ever make is to your moms house




How much is delivery?


Letā€™s say delivery is $20


Why would you not have anything delivered to you for $20? Time is money and the lost productivity is much greater than $20 any time you leave the jobsite.


I had to drive an hour north to cheyenne wyoming for 3 pieces of j channel for a small job I did. Put a 4x5 window in these people's dining room so they had more light in their home. No one in colorado that I use could get it. So an hour north is better than into Denver.


Would you opt to get delivery instead next time? Or do they not offer delivery to work site.


It was cheaper for me to drive with my family for 2 hrs. I wouldn't ask any delivery store to deliver an hour away. I'd find a closer store for that. Why are you asking this question


Iā€™m joining a family business soon thatā€™s a local supplier/manufacturer. Iā€™m trying to understand how best to implement delivery for our longtime customers and also how far apart to open new locations. It doesnā€™t make sense for them to pickup if we can do daily deliveries direct to worksite to a large amount of customers per day.


Depends on what it is or if it's a specialty item or if it's an emergency Otherwise you should always have your materials delivered. And I mean always. Double handling is a killer and drives costs up significantly. If there's a defect the supplier takes on responsibility (some times). You're also not putting wear and tear on your vehicles or equipment. You don't have to worry about DOT or local cops. L There's so many reasons to have materials delivered Then stage your materials according to the building plan or if you receive something that isn't ready to be installed. And try not to order too far ahead of time


2 hours.


Ive gone 2 hours for a bit of fir for deck posts. What shipping fiasco are you staring down OP?


Iā€™m joining a family business soon and we donā€™t currently offer delivery and are looking to open new locations. Iā€™m trying to get a better understanding so I know how far apart geographically to set our different locations and if we should implement delivery to work site.


Roger that. My two cents: delivery will run you ragged without much to show for it. Definitely need a min order and an account with standing possibly, but for the trusted relationships you want to build thats a big one. And there is margin there for you if you carry the niche and volume. To answer your question id say 4h travel time apart. This covers broadly while not having to eat overlap. It also gives you ability to send trucks between them weekly and reduce freight. A great method of capture.


Thank you very much!


Picked up some siding from Springfield Missouri to finish a siding job back home in Wisconsin on a new build we were trying to sell. Couldn't close the sale until it was done and to get it ordered in was weeks out.


Thatā€™s crazy far


Custom res contractor in cottage country Ontario here: I usually drive to Toronto (3hrs one way) for a random assortment of items that my small town does not have. My closest Home Depot is an hour away, so at least monthly need to take a trip out there for product. But for my big city trips (mostly during the finishing stages of the house), it sometimes is a full day with up to 10 stops for pickups. Part of building to remote. It's that or I pay crazy delivery for each skid or product i need.


Got it, in your case would delivery be the better option?


Sometimes. If 5 suppliers are charging for delivery and a transport (or the like) is too m8ch $, I will take the day and go grab the stuff. Especially when it's weird items that still need to be assessed or sized up. Sometimes, I just need to day away from the site and spend time calling people while driving. Lots of variables, but that's what it is when we build homes way out here.


Iā€™ve driven an hour to pick stuff up. Most Iā€™ll do is up to 2 hours, but obviously it gets billed.