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Because we can’t understand what they’re trying to tell us most of the time. Like now


oh my god. I just spit my drink. you fucker. so funny!!! LOLOLOL so true




Because the guys in the field don’t see the minutiae we go through to keep the job going day to day. We’re building with 75% plans, poor communication from the design team but we grid to keep the field going. Edit: minutiae


Manusa! Bahahahah


Man USA?


Did you mean minutia?




Thanks for the details! Really helpful! But what did you mean by manusa?


Give examples OP. Most PM and Operations management techniques include feedback and improvement. Not all ideas merit implemenetation after analysis.


What my site and PMs are saying is that office execs are out of touch with the right types of software/apps that skilled trades will use in the field. How is the feedback acted on to make improvements? Good if it is. Just wondering your experience.


So in terms of software i can see most tradies usi g whatsapp for pics, updates and even geoup calls. If its more specific stuff, many tradesmen want to future proof themself a bit and while resistant , will definitly be interested in paid certifications. Eg, many milwrights were stuck on the dial alignment, bit as soon as they are trained up to ise the laser they get a sense of self worth knowing they are in charge of expensive tools and are the only ones who can make use of it. Feed back thru observation cards are usually initaled by the site lead, probabaly super ,PE or PE. A spread sheet with categories is sent to the PMO, project management office , for Exces to be aware of isses. This is sort of a quality control for them to know what site management, who reports to them , is working thru those issues.


Clarifying my question: In your experience, do execs generally include their site crews, subs, and trade partners, when they're buying tech for the field?


No. It's a vp / director of construction decision. These roles should be in tune with the field enough to be able to recommend relevant and useful tech tools. Procore and blubeam - problem solved


No? Why would we? It's not your money, and it's not your site. If you were more knowledgeable and experienced you'd be in management making the decisions. You're not, so you're not. And the fact you even asked this question tells me everything I need to know about why you're not.


I know what I know. Back off with your arrogance and try providing a more productive response. I believe based on some of my conversations there is a disconnect with some of the tech solutions provided, no matter whose paying for them. Insulting people you don't know over this platform is why your handle suits you.


They’re usually provided because they’re within budget


Honey let the down votes tell you everything I don't need to. Field works field because yall have no idea what goes on behind the scenes to keep you in the field. Whereas we know not only everything that goes on behind the scenes to get you/ keep you on site, but a pretty good handle on what's going on on site as well. There's are budgets, there are time lines that need to be followed. We're buying what's in budget, and what we trust. Because it's our money to choose how to spend. Our business that has to base bills on cash flow. If you can't read a profit and loss sheet, forecast budgets, estimate and stay on budget for projects all at the same time then who the fuck are you to question when and how the money is spent? It's not your money. And there's a few pretty solid reasons you are not in management making these decisions


Varies by company. We as PMs and execs go to conventions like WOC. See a tool or tech give to field they give feedback before we buy more. Same with procore or like apps. If they don't use or doesn't increase production why get it. As a specialty sub I lean very heavy on my field teams for inputs on everything. One team mentality.


Thanks! Appreciate your valuable input.