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The reality is this, if you want more, you have to jump ship. Even if your current job matches, there will be another offer, and they will start to resent you and how you affect pay scales. You’ll be asked to do more. Something always comes up. Current company is for getting better titles, new company is for getting more money.


Thanks for the insight. I do agree with the resentment aspect, and feel like the thought of me leaving is something that would likely continue to be top of mind for my bosses moving forward.


Yes, the question is - will the higher compensation package be on your mind if you stay and create resentment within you for the lower pay?


Jump ship! A smaller company mjght all of a sudden run out of work or slow down. You will be dropped no matter how much the owners like you.


Maybe, but there's always another job...


I was in the same situation a month ago but I ended up staying with my current company even though they didn’t match the offer. I sometimes think that I should’ve left and took the job with 30% increase in pay and better benefits. It was a tough decision.


What made you decide to stay?


Good working environment




Right. I don’t know numbers yet, but from conversations, I would guess $80k+.


I was in a similar situation to you. I ended up leaving that company after they had no more work and my pay almost double. Construction is common for people to jump ship to the next job or the next opportunity. I will say this if you’re comfortable, it’s definitely time to go.


I second this, if you’re comfortable this early in your career leave. They have nothing else they can teach you.


Thanks for all the insight. I’ll see how things go this week and hopefully I’ll l be looking forward to a new position to grow in! I think insight from peers is important, especially in our the construction industry, which can be so different than others.


At your age, bigger company is better on the resume. Even if it doesn’t ring more money or a better title (not the case here) it’s worth it IMO. Unless you have a good connection at your current place, a larger GC will give better experience and allow for faster growth.


The bigger companies also attract more connections because everyone wants to work with the big boys. Connections are key in this life, and what are more likely to score you a job after a certain amount of time in the industry.


Junp ship. At your age, it is absolutely the best option


Jump ship. I would encourage anyone coming out of school / early career to join a large GC if they can. Being surrounded everyday by so many knowledgeable people really goes far. And there’s ample opportunities to network. You thank yourself in the long run. You have to be selfish in this game. GL.


Im going to lean heavily on always take the money and run.


For me option 3 is not an option. Maybe they counter to keep you around, but the relationship is damaged, and they know you’re ready to leave and will be keeping their eyes open for opportunities to replace you. Being comfortable can be a benefit for sure but again, for myself, growth is more important for a satisfying career. Just my 2 cents on it.


Agree 100%. This also depends on where you are in life; single, married with two kids under 4, etc. Quality of life where you are will be better than the new place. You will be under the gun there. I remember those all nighters and constant 80 hour weeks. Ain’t much fun


take the money