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I open crk like 2-3 times a day, and I can comfortably stay in Elite 2 with barely any effort. The few times I upped it to like 7-8 times, I hit Elite 1, tho that was a lot harder to maintain. Ik gm3 is possible but u need to play near obsessively to actually get it as a f2p I'm 100% f2p btw


Not so much F2P anymore bc I buy the passes from time to time, but I will agree it is feasible to reach Elite 3 just fine as F2P.


same, I can sit in Elite IV just fine and the only time I've bought packs is when they were actually good deals (VERY rare)


Yah I’m also F2P and I’ve been playing for a couple years and go on 2-3 times a day too, but I’ve been stuck in elite 2 for the last maybe 3-4 seasons? I’ve never been able to get any higher, and I grinded esp hard during white lily banner


Same here, about 2 years now. I actually only hit Elite 1 3 times ever. Had to get really consistent with playing and have a counter team for every team in the meta at the time. So. Much. Effort. Let's just say unless ur willing to dedicate like 3 hours of ur day to crk for like 10 days ish (yea surprisingly not the entire season), elite 1 is near impossible.


HB server is kinda okay enough to get GM3 or Elite 1 in as F2P but the whales still dominate it. It's just that there's generally more whales in PV server still which is why PvP is harder there


Middest experience ever, everyone in grandmasters 3 and even elite 1 has an ascended frost queen at this point lol. Still pretty possible to hit gm3 f2p because the tropy req is way lower than pv server.


enter offbeat arrest lavish homeless wakeful disgusting dolls bag rude *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I can't defeat ANYONE in arena


I played for about a year, took a year and a half break or so, came back...pre-break I was just barely in Masters, post-break with some minor investment in Creme Brule, Financier, and Fettuccine, I'm able to now be hard stuck Elite 3/2. So, pvp is? Fine? I was able to join an active guild pretty easily, so monthly pay days are nice.


It's the most server to ever server, nothing is happening and all my friends were last online 2 years ago. But actually tho, everything is mid. Arena is pretty fair (not including gm), if you have a solid attack team (creme brulee) and a solid defense team (creme brulee) you can get to elite comfortably and stay there since the medal requirements is pretty low imo. There's still a ton of active guilds and during events like the current elder fairy event which requires accumulative server points, the server is still going strong. Ngl, I wish there was more drama like DC server, but that would cause a headache so hopefully nothing happens and we can live in peace.


Wait a minutes what’s the drama in DC server?


It was just some petty guild drama when the server first released. There was a dude who was jealous of the top guild or something and he decided to infiltrate the top guild to collect guild info (boss teams, team formation etc etc) pretty childish stuff. Then someone from the top guild found out and infiltrated them instead, after the members of the lower guild found out they turned on their guild master (?) and it became really toxic iirc Ofc there are also some hacking and bullying drama but all servers have those


Servers have drama?


As an older player, it’s fine. I can get to elite 1 with min effort, gm3 with a little effort. I know it’s my guild that’s holding my stats back a little but since I’ve grown it to be at least semi-active things have gotten a bit better.


I will say that as a player who is behind on leveling (multiple 50s, multiple 65s, etc none higher than 65) and a ~850,000 power team? I consistently get the people with over 1mil power wiping the floor with my team and there being nothing I can do to mitigate the loss because all of my load screen teams are 900,000-2mil and so are my revenge options. That grind is purely for the cake hound for me 😅


In arena for me it depends on the meta Last season reached elite || in the first 5 days or so Now it took me a little longer because everyone suddenly has fully ascended frost queen lv.22 crystal jam Still reaching elite || is pretty doable here


I’m F2P and chill around elite 2-3 in PvP, my semi-active guild regularly hits upper masters


" I barely hear anything about the HB server." Yea and we want to keep it that way. But seriously nothing really happens and that's not necessarily a bad thing?


Hollyberry's server is pretty good, I don't have regrets


I've been casually playing on and off for a long while, pvp is pretty easy up til you get to elite than you run into everyone using meta teams. Luckily you'll run into many chad af players running weenie defense teams to help you recover trophies.  Biggest problem which probably all the servers have are the guild over saturation, I was also lucky enough to get a guild name I wanted (hb server guild name is warlock, has the wizard ghost icon and run by me) but even with me being active all the time I don't have any passive guild join requests because the guild hasn't rolled into any new player's suggestions.


i play PV and it's hell on earth there with arena 😭


important airport hurry cobweb paltry quarrelsome quiet agonizing practice wipe *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


PV server here i buy some cheap but good packages and rn im at master 2 while barely trying so its super easy to rank up you only need like 3.1k trophies to get to elite


Quite easy to get into and stay in Elite 2 as F2P, Elite 1 on the other hand.......


My guild all went inactive and I'm struggling on deciding whether to give it up and join a random active guild, or try to recruit people. I'm just struggling with giving up my guild because I put so much into it...but I also need to not be one of two people participating every day (my only other active member is low level which doesn’t bother me because they’re participating for the most part). Overall I'd say it's pretty chill, I didn't know there was drama in other servers lol


hey, if you don't mind, i'd like to join your guild! My teams aren't very developed but I'd be motivated to build them if I had other active players.


Pretty decent. I hover around elite 2 to 3 in arena and I’m f2p.


i actually started on HB back in 2021 + recently started a new acc on there too just to see this actually! my main i have spent like maybe 50$ across the 3 yrs and my new account is fully ftp. KLVL50 vs KL45 ish i think on my main i have been able to consistently get into elite (up to 2 but i dont play crk enough to stay in one rank) + have most ancients/legendaries above 5\* (sea fairy is my highest, 8 ss away from 5A) and have cleared almost all of the content in the game my new account is still able to get into masters despite my units not even being lvl60, clear story (beast yeast + crispia), and all the rest of it overall HB has good guilds while not having arena be impossible. its certainly not easy + you need to keep up with the meta, however doable


max ive been able to reach is elite 3, but everything else is pretty chill for me (tbf i joined when hollyberry was pretty new) not sure how its like for others


It's... surprisingly peaceful? Sure, maybe here and there there's like some guy with max ascend fq, snap and creme brulee in arena but it's not common. I ended up in a pretty active guild and the only thing that gets avoided like the plague there is the angel boss. The current server event isn't that bad either


Theres no way your guild doesn't attack the avatar of destiny lmaoo


How do we find out what server we're on?


You select in the start when u download the game. Though if u forgot I think you can see it in the settings -> info section


From non-HB. Not me. I don’t care about people being number one. It’s their money to spend on this game app. It’s not like you win a physical throne… Those people can blow their money all they want until the app discontinue and they can cry about losing their money. I save my money for physical things like a real car. 🤷


PV isn't really runned by P2W. It's more of 90% of players been active since kingdom dropped. I only by the kingdom pass for the decor, and it's super easy for me to get in master's bcuz I've been playing for so long


as a PV player, I didn't know areana wasn't a pain for everyone lol


Last season i got to elite 1 this season im swinging between master 1 and elite 5. Idk its easy ig but there are some rare arena seasons that somehow wont let you advance.


Mid af. Pv server 2.0 tbh


i play PV and it's hell on earth there with arena 😭


I'm on PV, I literally can't get past Master 1 on arena with a damn 2.4mil power team 😭


not good, takes forever to get anywhere or do anything


Very weird experience