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More of a snack. Freeze fair life vanilla protein drink into ice cube and blend with orange juice. It is a delicious orange Julius.


Oh shit. imma try something like this with diet orange soda. It'll probably taste like a creamsicle.


orange soda in a blender will probably just explode everywhere so be careful.


Ur no fun! šŸ˜€


There's a trick to it i learned through trial and error - put your vanilla part and about 1/3 of the orange soda you're going to use and blend it all together. Top off with the rest of the soda and give it a quick stir. *chef's kiss*


I do this but the other way round! I freeze the fruit and blend it with vanilla protein powder and almond milk. Tastes like an orange dream.


Is that greek yogurt? We donā€™t have fairlife products here, what can I substitute it with?


Itā€™s a vanilla dairy protein shake :)


Well besides just a hunk of lean meat.. Eggs with cottage cheese, scrambled. 3 eggs, 1/4 cup of cottage cheese. Yields about 24 grams of protein. Also, Greek yogurt parfaits are a staple for breakfast.


You can also make a frittata - for one person I use 3 eggs, one small container Good culture cottage cheese (5.3 oz size). Blend until smooth, then add some veggies (already cooked and seasoned, my favorite is spinach) and fresh herbs if available. Bake at 375 for about 10-15 minutes until set. It gets a wonderful custardy texture and has 38g of protein!


Sounds good! Iā€™ve never tried blending, I just usually whisk it in. Iā€™ll have to try that out.


Sounds delicious. Also +1 on good culture cottage cheese. Itā€™s the best I have found by far. More pricey than the others but worth it.


Use muffin tin and then they are egg bites!


I can never get the egg bites out of the muffin tin without leaving a lot of it behind. Iā€™ve tried oil and spray oil. What do you use? Do you have a silicone muffin pan?


Try greasing and pre-heating the muffin tin.


Thanks! Iā€™ll try that.


Try silicon cupcake cups or regular ones if you don't mind single use products.


Do you mean the paper or foil liners for cupcake tins? I was trying to avoid buying another kitchen item like a silicon muffin pan since I already have a metal muffin tin.


I think they sell silicon muffin liners you can use in metal tins. They are reusable.


I think I have a light teflon coated muffin tin (not my fav) but I grease with butter and no issues. Iā€™ll make them this weekend and let you know!


I use cupcake liners.


I definitely need to try this. Love a good frittata but I usually fry them. This sounds much better.


Roughly what size baking tray do you use for this? Wide and shallow or a deeper tray?


Don't go shallow, it puffs up a bit as it cooks. I make one serving in a 2 x 9.4 x 2 inch (.8 quart) casserole dish, and if doubling use a 2.4 x 12.2 x 2.4 inch (2 quart) casserole dish.


Nice. Thanks! Iā€™ll try this next week.


Add a carb balance tortilla for an extra 9-10g of protein (and high fiber). Lay the tortilla in a pan (round cake or pie pan works well), then pour egg mixture on top and bake. Edges of tortilla get nice and crispy. Top with a little avocado or salsa, maybe. Could always just do it as a wrap too, but I like the shell.


Thank you! My family looks at me like I'm crazy when I use cottage cheese to scrambled eggs. It's the best! So creamy, fluffy, and succulent, and you don't have to add any extra salt(if that's a concern). I crack my 3 eggs in the pan and add the bid dollop of cc and scramble in the pan, making sure to disburse the cheese. ::chef's kiss::


I stir ricotta into my scrambled eggs, so good.


[gado gado](https://www.recipetineats.com/gado-gado-indonesian-salad-with-peanut-sauce/#wprm-recipe-container-47288) which is a great balanced meal with plant based fats and fiber as well, great for summer


Ugh that looks amazing. I need it.


I have converted several anti tempeh what is this weird stuff who eats peanut butter for a savory meal types with this very recipe :)


Uh. Steak?


Best answer. A hunk of meat never did me wrongā€¦ yum.


Always the hunk of meat


My thoughts exactly


Far too many of my meals are shrimp cocktail platters.


Red lentil Dahl with some chicken ! Never seen a better combo


I'm obsessed with dal makhani, basically butter chicken, made with lentils.


Ouuu I donā€™t know this, Iā€™m going to try it !!


I just made a bolognese with lean ground beef that was incredible. I've been eating high protein for a while now and "macro friendly" as a keyword will find you a lot of tasty recipes that are high protein.


Mujaddara w rice and yogurt sauce. You won't miss the meat. It's an umami bomb of a dish.


-Eggs with chicken sausage (Iā€™ll just cook the eggs based on what Iā€™m craving for that meal (fried, scrambled, omelette, poached, soft boiled). -Pan seared salmon with salt, pepper, garlic, and herbs -Rib Cap Steak šŸ„°Ā 


Ah yes chicken sausage in the morning really helps to keep me full! I just discovered this type of meat!


Blending cottage cheese with everything to make delicious desserts (banana pudding etc).


Sounds interesting. Just cottage cheese and banana, or other ingredients too?


1c cottage cheese, 1 banana and 1 tbsp maple syrup. Blend it all. In a cup/small bowl. Line the bottom with granola. Layer with the ā€œpuddingā€ and fresh banana slices. Iā€™m sure you could add some nuts on top for more protein. I havenā€™t tried mixing vanilla protein powder into it, but that could work too. Itā€™s super delicious.


Thanks : )


A butter chicken variation using non-fat Greek yogurt. De-bone chicken thighs, sliced white onions- marinate in yogurt, garlic, ginger, turmeric, kashmiri chili, garam masala, cumin, lemon juice. Brown chicken, reserve marinade. Gravy = ghee - sautƩ diced onions, add garlic and ginger, add same powder spices and fry in ghee. Add tomato paste. Add cashews. Add reserve marinade and more yogurt. Blitz together. Add chicken back and stir to incorporate. Top with fresh cilantro.


Mostly just commenting to follow, but Iā€™ve been making a lot of French omelettes for a quick minimal ingredient protein


French omelettes are my favorite!


I do pasta con le sarde: a little pasta topped with a can of sardines chili flake , fennel , some toasted nuts and lemon. Pasta isnā€™t ā€œhealthyā€ per se but itā€™s a great vehicle for my cheap protein


With my crazy metabolism, pasta and tuna has always been able to keep me at a healthy weight. Now my underweight is severe, I gotta make this.


I've been cooking a lot of fish lately, especially salmon, flounder, and cod. I bake it in the oven on parchment paper (no butter or oil) and season with a little salt, pepper, and lemon juice.


Kimchi cheesy fried rice šŸ¤¤ - 250g rice - 200g kimchi - 1.5 tbs gochujang - 2 garlic cloves - 1 spring onion, white bits fried, green bits as garnish - 10ml vegetable oil - 100 g low fat cheese - 50g cheddar - 5g sugar - 4 fried eggs as a topping (2 per serving) Comes down to 2 servings, roughly 650 calories and 37g protein each. Which is great for a vegetarian meal šŸ¤Œ Edit because forgot an ingredient


chickpea salad mash a can of chickpeas, stir in a spoon of mayo, some diced onion/sweet peppers/celery, salt pepper lemon dill tajin serve on toast, crackers, pita, shoveled right into your mouth šŸ¤Œ


Not the highest protein thing ever but I like making protein muffins. Theyā€™re usually almond flour based with more egg than regular cake. Many call for shredded carrots or zucchini for moisture. Some include yogurt. They arenā€™t as protein dense as just eating meat or chickpeas but I find that a batch of them around the house keeps me from eating junk after a workout.


Been into ā€œburger bowlsā€ lately: your choice of ground protein (I use Turkey), browned with seasonings on top of a handful of roasted potatoes, caramelized onions, ā€œMac sauceā€ and salad greens and some cheese. Tastes like a burger without the bun!


Peanut butter + fried egg sandwich. Nobody believes be when I tell them how good it is though.


Do you fry it until the yolk is solid or still a little runny?


Not runny, but kind of jammy is ideal :)


I do this, but add pickle and turkey bacon.


I do this too but also add sriracha! Complements the PB very nicely


Shrimp and oysters are great sources of protein


I love grilled chicken.


Scrambled eggs and a chicken breast is always good for me


Iā€™ve been making cottage cheese bread and itā€™s really helped me increase my protein intake. Just blend cottage cheese and egg whites, and it to some flour, salt, and yeast, and youā€™ve got a high protein bread


My morning oatmeal. The oats, good cocoa powder, and protein powder, all cooked up with berries mixed in. Excellent satiety bomb.


Black bean and chicken stew in the instant pot.




For a high protein, vegan dessert - [Tofu Chocolate Mousse](https://www.theconsciousplantkitchen.com/tofu-mousse/#wprm-recipe-container-29140)! Recently tried this one and loved it with strawberries and coconut flakes.


Love some turkey breast deli meat snack. I make them into little rolls have them with mustard and a pickle


For lunches I do tuna bowlsā€” tuna and Greek yogurt/ cottage cheese as a base, and then either a little Japanese hot sauce, diced carrots, cucumbers and avocados, or feta cheese, roasted red peppers, black olives, tomatoes, spinach


My personal favorites are: dal makhani, dal tadka, chana masala, chili, gumbo, falafel, burgers, lasagna, protein pasta, savory oatmeal with lentils (the recipe I adapted was taken down, but it's basically [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/vegan/comments/4d1s55/comment/d1n1wmp/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button), just with way more garlic and half to one minced onion), [peanut gochujang ramen](https://www.veganricha.com/spicy-peanut-butter-ramen/), pasta with [white bean alfredo](https://www.veganricha.com/garlic-white-bean-mushroom-alfredo/), [seitan ribs](https://blog.fatfreevegan.com/2007/05/barbecued-seitan-ribz.html), and [protein pancakes](https://runningonrealfood.com/fluffy-vegan-protein-pancakes-3/#tasty-recipes-11307-jump-target). For the protein pancakes, I sometimes substitute oat flour.


I make a protein-packed bowl with grilled chicken, quinoa, roasted veggies, and a dollop of tzatziki. It's filling and delicious!


A smashburger with 90/10 or 95/5 beef, light mayo, gouda or swiss cheese, kimchi, possibly a fried egg if Iā€™m feeling fancy, on a low cal bun or at least not a crazy high calorie one


Chili. I make mine with beef and pork mince(sometimes turkey), and a fuck ton of beans (dark and light kidney, navy, black, and cannellini) Plus I make it in huge batches, so I'll sometimes freeze half into portions for a later date when I don't feel like cooking.


Good ol chili.


Black bean (15g protein/cup) and fajita chicken (2oz/16g protein) soup. Whatever pepper you put in it, make sure to roast it, blacken, and peel. You can make it more healthy and wilt some spinach in the final product or less healthy and top with cheese, sour cream, and crushed chips.


Literally just a pound of shrimp with garlic butter. A pound of ground beef. A pound of steak. Uhhā€¦. A pound of any meat will actually cover all your protein needs for the day. If youā€™re looking for something that doesnā€™t taste like a high protein food but is? Blend a cup of cottage cheese with seasonings and then microwave it till itā€™s warm, cover with shredded cheddar. Eat with pork rinds. You can easily get 50 grams of animal based proteins like this, and yes I know pork friends are not bioavailable protein but from what I know, the amino acids in cottage cheese make the pork rinds more bioavailable.


A wood flame grilled T-Bone šŸ„©


Broiled salmon


My breakfast for the past few months has been: 2 slices of turkey bacon 3 eggs with half a server of cottage cheese scrambled into them And Greek yogurt with honey, PB, and what ever good I have on hand (that combo with Cinnamon Toast Crunch slaps) Honestly any sugary cereal with Greek yogurt instead of protein is bangin


Get piece of a cow. Season well and cook.


Breakfast burrito with fiber tortilla (10g protein) and eggs (12g protein), black beans (4g protein for 1/4 c) and cheese. Add guac and hot sauce!


Iā€™ve been on a breakfast burrito kick lately! I love I can knock out a big batch on the weekends and have a handy supply for the week!


Do you also have A5 wagyu in your freezer


Gasp! Why would you freeze A5 wagyu?!?


Chicken pho. Best use of a rotisserie chicken imo. Easy to make at home, makes the place smell great, and helps you stay hydrated. But with all the water volume, it is better for a cutting phase than a bulking one.


I enjoy protein muffins. Make a batch once a week with different flavors.


Steak. Add to hot grill. If more protein and fiber is desired, add mushrooms.


Burrito bowl: 4 oz of chicken breast, 4 oz of black beans, a serving of shredded cheese (28g/1oz), 200g of rice, .5 cup of corn, about .25 cup of red onion, .5 cup of salsa. 874 calories, 120g of carbs, 15g of fat, 60g of protein


Charro beans. High protein, but high in fats.


170 grams yogurt, 1 scoop of your favorite protein powder, 150 grams frozen blueberries. Mix it up and the frozen berries turn turn it into a froyo type thing. I have it almost every night.


Greek chicken bowls - Grilled chicken breast Scoop of chick peas Veggies - raw or cooked Quinoa Greek yogurt tzatziki Olive oil, red wine vinegar, garlic, oregano, dijon, salt, pepper dressing


nonfat greek yogurt with a little bit of jam mixed in if iā€™m craving something sweet. i had a sugar free (fruit sweetened only) strawberry rhubarb jam recently that made this snack delicious


Teriyaki chicken breast. Or chicken tikka breasts. Sous vide and then torched. I like 145 degrees 1.5 hr Thighs taste better but the macros are superior on chicken breast. I like to substitute chicken breast when I can instead of whey protein.


https://youtu.be/Gh9Dv5D5aCM?si=n5MfXj_AWy7Yl9Wq Trust me āœØ Ok, but for a more serious answer. One recipe that I personally really enjoy is: You boil white beans ( Where im from they just call them white beans, but I think itā€™s probably Cannellini or navy ) until desired texture, drain and then mix it with tuna, raw purple onion, olive oil, lime juice, salt, pepper and parsley, eat it cold We also have hummus (chickpeas in general) Edit: I am Brazilian, and beans are a staple for every meal for the most part around here, try to look for Brazilian style beans, there are endless possibilityā€™s, from simple to complex types! They are probably different of what you are used to but SO GOOD, itā€™s a good side dish for everyday meals ! And even a whole meal if you make the right recipe


My friend makes a queso-esq dip. Base is blended cottage cheese, salsa, shredded chicken and of course some cheese. Top with green onion!


Protein pancakes with chicken sausage for breakfast Scrambled eggs with cottage cheese for breakfast I usually add a protein shake if I donā€™t feel like Iā€™m getting enough protein and eat whatever Iā€™m feeling for lunch/dinner.


I like chicken/egg salad on toast


Ma po tofu


Chimichurri quinoa bowls. Steak/. Chicken bites with roasted sweet potato, corn and chimichurri sauce


Grilled chicken quinoa salad with a variety of vegetables [https://www.completelydelicious.com/grilled-chicken-quinoa-bowls/](https://www.completelydelicious.com/grilled-chicken-quinoa-bowls/) and a lentil and vegetable stir-fry seasoned with herbs and spices [https://recipes.net/main-dish/vegetables/lentil/lentil-and-vegetable-stir-fry/](https://recipes.net/main-dish/vegetables/lentil/lentil-and-vegetable-stir-fry/) .


Grilled shrimps, squid are my favorite. They donā€™t cost much where I live. Also cottage cheese pancakes, if I want something sweet


Boil some eggs. If it's a bunch of eggs, put the peeled eggs in a big glass jar of vinegar.




shrimp, sea food


Grilled wings/chicken coated in hot sauce Steak and eggs Gyros Chicken Caesar salads Side dishes: Mashed potatoes, rice, noodles, etc have chopped ham, turkey, or chicken in them.


grill a chicken thigh and take out the bones and use it in a burger :)


Stir fried mixed mushrooms with plenty of garlic. I could down an entire bowl on its own


baked salmon in foil (with whatever you want to cook it with, olive oil, lemon juice, whatever), with a can of lentils (or cooked yourself) and some tomato sauce (cooked yourself or not)


Just made ground turkey grilled cauliflower rice bowls with homemade tzaztiki and cucumber salad. They were delicious.


Tuna salad on crackers, but with cottage cheese instead of mayo. Salt, pepper, and some diced up spring onions. Doesnā€™t need much else!


if you hate the flavor and lack of moisture from chicken breast, but want the protein and low fat it provides [this recipe](https://youtu.be/tAuqteNsM0M) is great


I just bought a ninja creami on sale and have been eating a pint of ā€œice creamā€ every day. 1.5C Core power protein shake with an added scoop of protein powder and a half serving of chocolate teddy grahams mixed in is like ~350 calories and ~60g protein


OOH, I've been playing this game a lot recently. Every week, I meal prep a huge pile of plant protein salad. Start by googling the top plant proteins. Stock up on chickpeas, lentils, aduki beans, edamame, peas, etc. Prepare a large pile of these grains. The taste will be quite fulfilling but neutral. Now comes the fun part. You can dress up these piles however you want. I find flavor profiles in the Mediterranean/Middle Eastern families work best. I've done pomegranate seeds, cucumber, red onion with a lemon-garlic-feta dressing. But this week I've done southwestern with red onion, tomatoes, cilantro, avocado lime dressing, and queso fresco. Next week I want to do radishes, pickles, creamy dill dressing and maybe canned tuna. The possibilities are endless! It tastes good hot or cold as well and keeps well throughout the week. I eat it for lunch or heat it up as a side dish for dinner.


Steak and eggs with creme fraiche and chives.


i go to store. I get rotisserie chicken. I inhale rotisserie chicken with hands. scrumptious.


Thereā€™s a recipe out there for a kind of bread made out of 2 eggs, 300grams of cottage cheese, 200gr oats, 50gr pumpkin seeds, 2 tbs flax seeds, not if salt. Mix em up, shape like a loaf, and bake for 50-60 minutes. Put a fried egg on a couple slices that - yum. The other thing would salad with can of tuna and can of chickpeas, dress with oil and lemon juice and whatever vegetables you like. I like tomatoes, celery, green onions.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h6euMAGCUSI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h6euMAGCUSI) silken tofu blended with eggs, steamed for 15 minutes, topped with meat sauce


pak kao pao


[Creamy taco soup.](https://www.muscleandfitness.com/muscle-fitness-hers/hers-nutrition/creamy-taco-soup-recipe/)


Steak and Eggs. Can't be beat.


Pound of ground turkey cooked with spices, jalapeƱos, and maybe another veg thrown in


Once a month I buy, cook and eat a ribeye steak, and I typically have cravings for red meat when I am menstruating. Outside of this one exception, I maintain an avo/pescatarian dietā€”it means my primary sources of protein come from eggs, chicken and fish. Not all fish is good though, I like wild salmon, cod, trout and shellfish.


Recently making a Dal Curry with lentils and chickpeas and coconut milk.


Tuna or chicken wraps with salad tomatoes etc., and low fat Joghurt Zaziki as sauce


Steak and eggs


Chicken breast.Ā  There's a million ways to dress it up, but as long as you don't overcook it, chicken breast is pretty good in its own right, most people just overcook their chicken all the time.


Tempeh kebabs on a bed of hummus


Eggs with sausage and cheese. Two large eggs, 4-5 small sausage links or 1 brat, two slices of American cheese. That's 30 grams. Add two slices of bread to make it a sandwich and you add about 3 more grams.


Get high protein noodles, cook them in bone broth, add a meat protein and delicious cheese or Alfredo sauce.


A snack of fried chickpeas with cumin, thyme, garlic. Chicken with taco seasoning. Bean cheese egg tomato breakfast burrito. Veggie chicken wrap.


French toast with low calorie/keto bread, egg whites (instead of cream/eggs), sugar free maple syrup.


1 cup OJ, 1 small portion of vanilla Greek yogurt, 1.5 cups frozen strawberries/blueberries/blackberries, 1 serving vanilla wheyā€¦mix for 30 seconds and enjoy.


Cottage cheese with peanut butter. I thought it sounded gross at first but I didnā€™t hate it and then it became something I loved after a few times. One day I went to visit my now grown son and saw he was eating the exact same thing! He said he remembered that I used to have it for a healthy snack when I was in good shape and now does the same.


A ribeye is both high protein and delicious. I like to sear mine in garlic butter to a nice rare (maybe a hair over, just enough to start the fat rendering).


Yummy meal/snack - 1/2 cup milk, 1 frozen banana (in 2 or 3 pieces, 170 grams Greek yogurt, a serving of chocolate protein powder, 2 tablespoons almond butter powder. Whiz it in a blender or vitamix and eat.




Steel head trout. Canned sardines


Doesnt have a name, but I cooked it quite often: Tomatosauce with some herbs, spices, garlic and onion as a base. Then add chickpeas, whole eggs (they can cook in the sauce), some crumbled Feta cheese and some shredded chicken. If you need more carbs with that, eat it with some flatbread or put it in a wrap. You can essentially turn it vegetarian by leaving out the chicken and it will still have tons of protein.




Oh, thats actually pretty Similar, im impressed. My thoughtprocess was kinda just like: I want as much protein sources as possible. I take meat, plant protein, eggs and milk protein. Put it in Tomatosauce and boom!


I make a Korean inspired stir fry most days for lunch. A mountain of veggies, a heap of chicken breast (or whatever protein I have on hand), And a sauce made mostly from gochujang, soy sauce, fish sauce, oyster sauce, And a little bit of whatever fruit jam I happen to have on hand. I like marmalade a lot here. Cherry is also nice. I usually make a squeeze bottle of the sauce at the beginning of a month and I use about a tablespoon for a serving.


These bagels! 8g prot each and fill me up paired w a coffee that has collagen + protein powder in it. https://melissaraecarr.com/2022/09/30/keto-cinnamon-swirl-bagels/


Every night I get home, steam whatever random veggies I bought in the frozen aisle, mix that with taco seasoned ground turkey, Mateoā€™s salsa, and greek yogurt. It looks odd but I like it and itā€™s amazingly healthy, low carb, and anything that isnā€™t a carb is protein for the most part. I throw in an avocado for substance here and there as well.


I like greek yogurt so Iā€™ll make a bowl with 2 oikos greek yogurts (30g of protein) plus some strawberries and granola. Not sure how much the granola adds but id say thats roughly 35-45grams of protein for a nice snack


Beef shortribs braised in red wine Or if im feeling lazy, a lamb shank from walmart in the crock pot


In the morning, I like to keep it simple and high in protein with a fresh raw egg in a glass. I add a couple of milliliters of Greek virgin olive oil, some black pepper, and a dash of hot pepper sauce. This protein boost keeps me going until dinner. šŸ˜Š For dinner, I usually go for something easy to prepare, like stir-fried crickets šŸ¦— or mealworms in a good old-fashioned pan. Not only are they eco-conscious, but I also enjoy their nutty or slightly earthy flavors. I often serve them over rice or on top of a salad. Plus, theyā€™re a great source of protein! šŸ˜‹