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a steak sandwich is a minute steak. Steak pounded until it's super thin and tender like you would for steak frites only served between slices of bread. it's nothing like a burger. but damn I want one now


I'll have to try that sometime soon. I've seen minute steak sold at Aldi here in Germany and never knew what Germans were using it for. I still don't know what they're doing with it but I know what I'm going to do now


So delicious!


some cuts work well, others do not, seems like it'd be personal preference. see cube steak / chicken fried steak sandwich


Ya, I don't really know this foods But it looks like they just cut into the meat (still one piece) to make it more tender/flatter? 


That's a steak sandwich not a burger. Unless you're from the UK or AUS where everything between two buns gets called a burger for whatever reason. Main issue is if it's too thick to bite through easily. This is why burgers usually use ground meat, and stuff like cheese steak uses thin slices. Filet is not the ideal cut for this as it's quite lean.


>Unless you're from the UK or AUS where everything between two buns gets called a burger for whatever reason. You mustn't be from Australia because a "steak sandwich" is probably on 90% of pub menus Australia wide.


I'm not but I've seen a lot of AUS people refer to a chicken sandwich as a burger. But maybe that's just the youtube crowd?


Not AUS but my first week in NZ I was starving and found a small shop that had food (middle of nowhere) so I ordered a burger with bacon and cheese, it was literally just bacon and cheese on a bun. I was so disappointed, but also starving. Later I had a flatmade who made fish sandwiches and called those burgers. So it's definitely not just a youtube thing, at least in NZ, although I can't say I remember noticing steak sandwiches, so that might be an exception, but yeah in NZ it seems like anything on a bun is a burger.


Maybe I mistook the AUS vs NZ accent? I know that's probably a rage thing for each of them but for those of us not from down there they sound very similar.


Yes, I agree with you  But I've also been told calling it a sandwich is wrong because it's a burger since the steak is a "whole piece" like a ground beef patty compared to meat slices like on a sandwich.


I think that’s just a steak sandwich.


That would technically be a sandwich. Can you bite through it, then go for it. If not, cut up the steak, put on the bun and enjoy.


I feel like it would be tough to chew? But I guess you could?


you can but only if cooked properly. If under cooked, soggy bread, if overcooked it will be tough to bite into.


Depends on the type of steak, and the way it's cut. Consumer preferences for chewing As Filet is mentioned, while I probably wouldn't spend the money on a filet and then make a sandwich, it's tender enough, imo, to eat that way. I'd probably be inclined to cut in half horizontally. If you think about it, no one probably does it, but you could pick up an entire individual beef wellington and eat like a hot pocket.


You can cut the filet into cubes to form a very loose patty. But even with a filet I'd still at least slice it if you're going to make a sandwich out of it.


I wouldn’t call it too tough but it would be difficult to eat even with such a tender cut. I’d sear it whole and then slice it against the grain and pile the buns high with slices of steak.


Most steaks are gonna be pretty hard to eat just thrown whole on a bun because of the direction of the meat fibers. Cutting the steak against the grain shortens the fibers and makes the have a tender chew.


I cook rump steak, slice it up, and make sandwiches


"Minute steaks" make delicious sandwiches. "At it's very basic, a minute steak (sometimes called frying steak) is a thinly cut piece of beef that can be cooked quickly, hence the name. A minute steak can be cut from a variety of muscles, including the sirloin, rump, or even flank, but should not be more than 1cm thick (so we can cook it quickly).Jun 20, 2019" https://www.truebites.co.uk › blogs What Is Minute Steak? | Ask The Butcher


Evidently Steak and Shake thinks so. I tend to agree. But I think it's a steak burger too, though. They're delicious. You'd have to grind the meat while raw though.