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My only every day no matter what item is coffee.


Yup. Everything else is flexible, but coffee is a requirement.


Mine is tea.


I can definitely relate.


I have a toasted bagel with 2 eggs, ham, cheese, and hot sauce probably 25/30 days a month.


What kind of bagel! Tell me it’s everything


Ah, a man of fine taste.


Same except w sausage!


almost every morning. 2 eggs over medium with broken yolks on toast with homemade taco sauce.


Sounds amazing. What’s in that homemade taco sauce?


I'm still perfecting it: 1 15oz can tomato sauce 1 tsp salt 1/2 tsp msg 1 tbsp crushed red peppers 2 tsp cayenne powder 2 tsp onion powder 1/2 tsp powdered mexican oregano 1/2 tsp fine ground black pepper 1 tbsp lemon juice a little water if you want it thinner. combine in a container and shake well. refrigerate, wait 2 hours shake again. will last about 2 weeks. shake before each use. add or subtract whatever you want, this is how I like it. I make a batch of this about every 2 weeks. I use it on anything you would use salsa on, and sometimes add it to other dishes I cook.


Gonna try this tomorrow


That Mexican oregano…yessss. Good stuff. I might have to try your recipe.


Wtf is Mexican oregano?!


It's a common herb found in US grocery stores and mexi marts, and [TIL it's not actually oregano](https://www.bonappetit.com/story/what-is-mexican-oregano). 


Thanks man, that article literally answered all my questions. TIL!


TIL. Excellent work, everyone!


I’m actually surprised so many people have an answer to this question. There’s nothing I make everyday. Not even coffee as some people say. Sometimes I want tea. Or I wanna go to a cafe. The idea of making *anything* every day is honestly kind of terrifying.


Hard agree


Yeah this thread is super weird 


Same, the idea of that kind of conformity of diet feels alien to me. I do have both tea and coffee every day though. But it can be oolong, green, builders or other teas and the coffee changes formats too!


Really... I'm totally set in my ways. I've been eating the same things on a regular basis for many years. I absolutely have to have 2 eggs and coffee in the morning.


Same here. Eating/drinking the same thing every day until you die sounds incredibly boring.


I'm a little surprised too. We eat a lot of beans in our house - default breakfast/brunch for husband and me almost always includes beans. But there are so many types and ways to eat them! So I guess I could say "beans" ... but I feel like black beans + eggs + kimchi is a different meal than pinto beans + avocado + salsa or garbanzo beans + quinoa.  Even though black beans are probably our favorite, we change it up for variety!


Lol, I’d really like to see the generation demographics alongside these answers.


You gotta remember how many neurodivergents there are on reddit. We like our "same foods"


New word being currently over used because covid brains.


In the summer, it is some type of fresh salted tomato, basil, and garlic herb goat cheese toast-y thing. I regularly eat it for breakfast. Fresh summer tomatoes are to die for!


This is my answer too! I’ve been into cottage cheese + everything bagel seasoning under the tomato. 🤤


Just had some fresh tomatoes and ate them mostly as is, some sandwiches- gotta try it with goat cheese!


I’m eating my weight in tomatoes this summer. Current fav is the pineapple tomato variety.


Soft scrambled eggs with sautéed green onions, it's my go-to breakfast. I've got it down to a science at this point lol.


Do u find the green onions add a bit, taste-wise?


Scallions infuse the butter pretty well, it's pretty tasty without being overwhelming. My often picky stomach seems to like the combination.


Mine is similar and I go through a phase of not having it, but:     Toasted sourdough.   Avocado.   Garlic sauerkraut.  2-3 fried eggs.   Sriracha


YUMMMMY. Gonna have to try this…yours sounds like the older, wiser version of my beat cholula egg toast. Lol.


Mine is also similar. Sourdough bread with butter and marmite. Tomatoes with snp and eggs cooked depending on mood.


Not every day but many days I have broiled salmon, calrose rice 🍙, and avocado


Wow. You’re a much better (and healthier) chef than I!


3 eggs scrambled well with cheese and occasionally a strip of chopped bacon. And a protein shake. 6 -7 days a week.


Oatmeal cooked in vegetable broth. Laughing cow cheese mixed in, morningstar sausage links cut up or a poached egg. Green onions, garlic powder, onion powder, @s&p and red pepper flakes. Pretty much this every morning. Some days I'll have a breakfast sandwich on an English muffin. Which also has laughing cow cheese agg and veggie sausage and whatever sliced cheese I feel like.


This sounds really interesting! I like oatmeal a lot but always go with sweet version (usually with fruit added) but I may have to give this a try.


2 low heat butter fried eggs on toast with Sriracha. I've had this every day since I started working from home March 18th 2020


... Does coffee count? My schedule is...nonexistent because I am a shift worker but I make a latte about an hour before work every day and shortly after waking on days I don't work.


Overnight oats. Quick and easy breakfast. I make them 3 days at a time meal prep style. 1/2 cup rolled oats 3/4 cup milk of choice 1/2 scoop vanilla protein powder 1 TBS chia seeds 1 TBS Peanut Butter Cinnamon to taste Mix it up good and then they’re good for the next 3 days breakfast. Quick and easy. Takes 10 minutes for 3 mornings food. Decent macros, I think it’s like 550 calories 30 grams of protein decent way to start the day.


Most days, I love eating miguitas con huevo y frijoles 🤤🤤 (fried tortilla pieces scrambled with eggs and beans for a side). I swear that’s food for the gods and it’s so easy and quick to make.


Can you walk me through how you make it?


With pleasure: You will need -corn tortillas -eggs -beans (I use refried beans with chorizo but this is up to your taste, whole pinto beans are also a great choice) -oil and salt I cut my tortillas (quantity is up to you, just make sure they won’t take too much space in the pan) into little squares, I used to previously just crumbled them with my hands and dropping them in hot oil but lately I like all my pieces to be crunchy. I put them into hot oil (medium heat) and let them cook until they are almost golden brown, around 5 minutes. Then I add the eggs, I crack them open directly over the tortillas. I then scramble them together after adding a pinch of salt. After the eggs are cooked, I serve with a side of hot beans. I also put home made salsa on top if I have any (also so there’s some veggies on the dish). All of this in less than 10 minutes and it is so so delicious. If you ever try them I hope you enjoy them as much as I do!


Not every day, but four or five days a week I'll have a breakfast of black beans with cheese and a slice of dry toast. It's quick and reasonably healthy, and doing the same thing every day means I don't have to think or make decisions first thing in the morning.


My Guatemalan/Salvadoran bf loves his black beans on a bolillo for breakfast before work. A combo I'd never had before him, pretty tasty!


Love this!


Listen. Breakfast soup is amazing. Hot garlic ginger broth- then add eggs/veg for egg drop soup, OR chicken and veg for an alternative. I also will often have a curry soup that is splendid. It’s good anytime, but breakfast soup just hits different 🍜




Omg I’m Chinese and soup for breakfast is the best. How do you do the hot garlic ginger broth?


My method is totally inauthentic but here’s generally what I do- carton of chicken broth, salt or coconut aminos or soy sauce whatever I’ve got on hand, sesame oil, like a whole clove of garlic, and grate as much ginger as I feel in my soul. Sometimes I add crushed red pepper. Everything is to taste 🍜


Yes soup for breakfast is perfect, I like miso broth with soft tofu and wakame.


Oh yum


I have finally found my people.


Ohhhhhh my word, this sounds delicious! 🤤 Do you happen to have a proper recipe I could use?


I’m generally a dump and pour cook 🫣😂 but here goes! My method is totally inauthentic but here’s generally what I do- carton of chicken broth, salt or coconut aminos or soy sauce whatever I’ve got on hand (start with a couple of TBS and go from there) sesame oil (maybe a tsp?) like a whole clove of garlic, and grate as much ginger as I feel in my soul (probably a couple of TBS) Sometimes I add crushed red pepper. Everything is to taste 🍜


I do a wonton soup for breakfast using trader joes chicken Cilantro mini wontons and it's so fast and delicious!


This sounds so delicious


One egg scrambled, multi grain English muffin with plant butter, Cantelope slice and coffee


I don’t make any meal the same every single day but I do eat a rice cake with peanut butter, sliced banana and cinnamon as a snack probably 4 days a week. I like food too much to eat the same few things every day!


I could eat pasta everyday! I don’t because I know it’s too many carbs. But it’s my favorite.


I don’t make any particular meal every single day. Variety is the spice of life!




Nothing cuz I’m not a serial killer


At least 4 days a week I make an inside out omelette. I put cheddar cheese down in a nonstick pan and then I pour the eggs over it.


Woah. Never heard of this. Mind blown, will be trying soon


I think I invented it however it has not gone viral because I've been gatekeeping it. 😂


Tomato slices with salt and pepper, balsamic glaze, topped with feta, 4 stuffed olives, and 3 slices of marinated mozzarella. Every day for lunch


Do you live somewhere with a long tomato season?


I’m more interested where you live that you can’t get tomatoes year round


I can get them year-round but not tomatoes good enough to eat as a raw main ingredient in a dish. I live in the Yukon, in Northern Canada, so the vast majority of our produce is trucked in.


Ohhh yeah that makes sense! I’m in BC but I work with people in the Yukon!


Coffee. And ice cubes (now that it’s hot here). Otherwise, I eat when I’m hungry, I eat what I feel like, and if I’m Just So Hungry I Might Die, then it’s whatever is quickest.


Good coffee with good bread every morning


I have no idea how everyone is eating half this stuff every day and maintaining a healthy weight.


I am not the healthiest eater out there, I love sugar way too much, but this year I started making these massive salads for myself - radishes, snow peas, cucumbers, bell pepper, lettuce, feta, grilled olives, marinated artichoke, nuts, a protein, + olive oil/vinegar/citrus. And I cannot get enough of it - and it’s the only food/meal in my life I have not gotten sick of after eating it almost every day. Sometimes I have even had it for breakfast, because it sounds so good to me. It’s nice to actually crave something healthy for once.


chocolate peanut butter banana smoothie. need it. sometimes it has yogurt.


Omg I’ve been doing this everyday pretty much too. Frozen bananas and some ice make it thick like a frosty. It’s my everyday treat. Sometimes I’ll do chocolate cherry blueberry.


you get it!!!


Nothing, but always a variation of 2 egg with something for breakfast


Every single day I have at least half a bologna and american cheese sammy, sometimes up to one and a half.


I eat two over medium eggs and sourdough toast with butter every single morning! This week though I switched it up and got a honey oat sourdough 🥰




Mine's Greek yogurt with honey and walnuts . It's my go-to breakfast after my morning run, and I feel off without it.


Two fried eggs, two slices of ham, slice of cheese, all between a toasted English muffin. Low cal high protein breakfast of champions


Hot chocolate. Every day for breakfast.


Three eggs cracked in a pan, lightly scrambled as to keep as much of the whites visible as possible, a smoothie with whatever produce was on sale on the discount rack at the store, and a cup of Greek yogurt—sometimes in the smoothie, sometimes as a fruit parfait, or just plain if I'm in a hurry. I don't have a lot of motivation in the morning and most of the time I don't want to cook, but I can't really function without eating, so this is basically my go-to breakfast because it's quick and nutritious. Plus if I don't season or use any fat or oil with the eggs I can give a little to my dog as well as some fruit.


Not everyday but at least once a week, I make the millennial breakfast of avocado toast. Toasted Daves Killer Oat bread, avocado, arugula, bacon and over medium egg.


I do the same except my egg idea cooked thru and I use spicy guacamole instead of the avocado


My breakfast smoothie


Usually I have oatmeal with flaxseed, wheat germ, brewers yeast, amla and a whack ton of fruit. I just really like it and have eaten it for a while now. But this morning I had red beans and rice


Porridge with brown sugar. It's total comfort food 😊


scrambled eggs with franks red hot


fried eggs


3 eggs over medium & 2 sausage or bacon


Oatmeal with milk, brown sugar, vanilla, cinnamon, a pat of butter, and chia seeds if I’ve got ‘em. It’s what my kid will always eat. I’m over it, but it’s filling and cheap.


Homemade bread toast with butter and jam


breakfast? bacon and eggs of course


Not really a meal, but I drink a glass of milk before I go to bed every night. Have done so ever since I was a kid, it's just habit and my day feels off if I don't


I do that too


Normally it’s buttered toast with fried, runny eggs. Now that I’m pregnant I’ve eaten a salad every day for eternity it feels like. It’s my only craving




I always eat last nights dinner for breakfast. Does that count?


Winter months - Breakfast bagel sandwich. I bake my own asiago bagels, two eggs over hard, cheese, sauce. Summer - Breakfast burrito. Tortilla, scrambled, manchego or cheddar, chipotle mayo, Tabanero sweet & spicy for dipping.


Breakfast consists of sourdough toast with Irish butter, good honey and coffee.


A Thomas's cinnamon raisin bagel toasted crisp and slathered with crunchy peanut butter. A coffee, dark roast. Every morning for at least the last 25 years.


It’s not a meal but…dates and nut butter every single day


My every day item is tea. There is no food I eat every day. I like variety. But, growing up, my mother made pancakes for breakfast almost every day. As farmers, eggs and milk were plentiful, so pancakes were easy and cheap. By the time I was 12, as the oldest, it was my job to make the pancake breakfast while my mother got the younger kids ready for school. Constant repetition and familiarity means I don't even need to measure ingredients, I just toss them in till the batter feels right, and they always come out perfect. My family love them, but I'm not a fan due to overuse as a child. I do not make them every day.


I don't have anything I have every day, but I do find it endlessly fascinating the trend on this thread and I'm sure others have noticed. It's almost entirely breakfast. It makes sense; you just woke up, probably don't want to think too hard, you aren't really looking for anything fancy. But legitimately, I think something like 80-90% of these are breakfast items.


I rarely make the same meal twice, even. If I didn't change things up I probably just wouldn't eat 😂😂 (I say probably but that actually was exactly what happened at a bad stage in my life)


Are there actually people who eat the same meá every single day?


Grape nuts & yogurt for breakfast




6 mornings per week- Overnight oats (cold), one cup berries, 1 tablespoon of honey, black coffee.


I usually make lunch every day...


Breakfast smoothie


There is nothing I make every single day. I batch cook so I'll make something and eat it for 3 or 4 days, then by the time I need to cook again I'll want something else for variety so I make a different dish.


Not 'making' but eating and/or drinking most mornings: Kefir, yogurt or cottage cheese. Calcium to prevent bone weakness and fermentation for gut health




Hmmmh 🤔 this interesting. I have all of these ingredients and will be trying it tomorrow lol.


Oatmeal every morning. I make it with hot coffee instead of water. It's delicious!


Oatmeal with yogurt and berries.


…bagel with peanut butter


Just black coffee. I like variety in my food.


2 scrambled eggs w my mandatory cholula sauce w 2 sausages or bacon or veggie sausages


Muesli with dried cranberries, nuts and seeds soaked overnight in oat or walnut milk topped with some seasonal fruit like mangoes. Sometimes I add a scoop of pea protein powder.


Now that it's hot, "dinner" is either 1. cucumber, tomato, red onion, and cheese salad (salt, lemon, and pomegranate syrup for dressing) (if I don't hate the idea of turning on a heat source I'll add chicken) OR 2. Some kind of melon and cheese. And if dinner is salad, there's a 95% chance I'm having the melon/cheese as a late night snack Breakfast is nearly always eggs + fruit + coffee, but the kind of eggs and fruit varies quite a bit, today was hard boiled + strawberries


Quick oats with milk and honey and peanut butter added.


White toast that's been allowed to cool slightly with a generous schmeer of good butter topped with sliced banana and flakey salt.


Eggs for breakfast. Scrambled or over easy, depends on my mood. Lately I've been having hash brown's in the morning too. And don't forget the cheese!


Over easy eggs and buttered toast. I use to hate eggs, but I’ve gotten so good at making them that it’s my favorite meal of every day.


Breakfast every day: two slices of wholewheat toast with hummus and a glass of fruit juice. Then I’ll modify what I put on top of the toast/hummus depending on what we have in/because variety is healthy. Sweetcorn, cherry tomatoes, occasionally a tin of tuna. But the toast with hummus is a constant, and was step one in starting to find a healthy lifestyle so I’m not changing it now!


I used to have hummus toast every single day for breakfast too!


A beef and rice bowl. Sometimes it’s more Tex mex flavors, sometimes I add eggs, sometimes it’s just bleu cheese & avocado etc but always some kind of beef and rice bowl


Spinach omelette with turmeric, salt, pepper, green onions and with cheese melted in the omelette. Breakfast every day and it rocks.


The closest I come to everyday is my morning plain yogurt with fresh fruit (the fruit can vary), coffee, and a very small bit (2 FL oz) of orange juice. I usually also have a small amount of something else, but that varies (oatmeal, dry cereal, small piece of breakfast cake, crumpet with PB and preserves). My husband and I indulge in a variety of fresh fruit. We spend a lot of money on it. This morning, I created a platter with fresh kiwi, red currants, black berries, raspberries, and blueberries.


Granola and nonfat milk. Berries when they’re in season.


Grits + fried eggs + hot sauce. Sometimes cheese.


Whole wheat toast with peanut butter, sliced banana, and a drizzle of honey, most days Everyday I have a kale and arugula salad with balsamic vinaigrette, usually with dinner but sometimes breakfast. I’ll have a plain turkey burger topped with mashed avocado and everything bagel seasoning or salmon for breakfast. If it’s salmon I’ll do avocado toast on the side. Also smoothies: rotate between peanut butter cacao smoothie and a papaya pineapple smoothie. I have these with either breakfast or dinner not alone.


I eat a fried egg almost every day.


Vegemite on toast


I eat the same 3 meals every day 💀


That sounds divine !!


french scrambled eggs


Smoothie. Vegan protein powder, kale, ground flax, fruit, creatine, maca, cold water or soy milk, hemp seeds, always a banana. Absolute sustenance. Vanilla protein powder = frozen pineapple chunks. Chocolate protein powder = PB powder instead of fruit


Lunch caesar salad. If I eat out for lunch I make a salad at dinner time.


Chopped fruits + yogurt + chickpeas and some tamarind chutney. Every day


Dirty fried rice. Garlic ginger onions. Rice. Eggs. Chives. Frozen bag of stir fry veg. Soy. Good to go! Dirtier the better; Heap up n in the oil to wok it up! Veg n sesame oil. Refry flip n fry again til delightfully crispy.


Some form of bread


Fried eggs on buttered toast. I can eat that literally every single day for the rest of my life.


2 potato waffles, 3 rashers smoked bacon, 4 poached eggs, with grated cheddar on top 🤌🏻 Every. Damn. Day.


Protein balls. Have em every day for lunch, after my daily exercise.


I go through phases. At the moment it sourdough bread, Latvian liverwurst, Nova gherkins and yellow onion and if I'm feeling fancy some lard.


Not a specific meal but eat onions and peppers almost every day!


A barm with one hash brown and one fried egg inside, no butter but the cut sides of the barm must be well seasoned with salt and pepper and then ketchup on the top piece only. For some reason really cheap ketchup tastes better than anything decent.


Pb&j. I make it in the morning, take it work me to work and eat or in my way home around 4pm. After work, I pick the kids up and sort them out for the evening and often don't eat myself until 8 or so. If I don't eat around 4pm, then I get too hangry and nobody's happy. Lol Plus, I emigrated from the states about 20 years ago, and the taste of my childhood makes me happy. During the weekends, I'll sometimes have it for breakfast. I'll toast the bread, break off a piece, and dunk it in my milky coffee or tea.


Espresso with steamed soy milk


Nothing, the only thing I have every day is tea and coffee. I have some items a lot, like scrambled eggs and toast, fried eggs and toast, soft-boiled eggs and toast, but nothing that I'd have literally every day.


Sourdough toast with cottage cheese - specifically the GOOD CULTURE brand full fat version, in the white/navy blue packaging.


I live in Barcelona and my Catalan partner has taught me how amazing a breakfast of fresh squeezed orange juice and pa amb tomaquet (pan con tomate) with a few slices of jamón ibérico. I legit have that every single morning for years now haha. Never gets old




I have different flavors of overnight oats every day. I love it!


Uncrustables - honey :)


Poached eggs & toast


The only thing I eat everyday is string cheese, lol. Not healthy but necessary in my world


Water, coffee, and vitamins. There is no food that I'm not going to get bored with every single day, and a lot of my food intake is based on what's in season and recently what's on sale.


Lately, 2 eggs over medium using pesto sauce instead of oil to cook, a drizzle of honey, and a pinch of red pepper flakes. Served with sourdough toast.


Coffee and digestive biscuits! 🤤


Breakfast. Celsius and zyns *chefs kiss*


My bedtime snack is always either cut up tomatoes or cucumbers with vinegar (balsamic for tomatoes, white for cucumbers), salt & pepper, and a splash of pickle juice lol Also not something I make but something I definitely eat every day, multiple times a day, including in the middle of the night when I get up to pee or drink water - spoonful of peanut butter 😅


At least once a day, either for lunch or dinner i’ll eat rice, with either chicken or steak, stir fried with broccoli, green beans, cabbage, garlic, onions, etc (whatever i have on hand) and just mixed all together in a bowl. Super easy to make. I dont have the energy to cook a unique meal everyday at home since I already cook for a living


Egg and cheese sandwich and half an apple for breakfast. Coffee an hour later


2 pieces of toast with butter and a wee bit jam or honey. Coffee. Every morning. I’m a bit surprised by the amount of food people are eating for breakfast.


Right now it’s overnight oatmeal. Sometimes with blueberries sometimes strawberries, but the rest of the recipe stays the same. 


Two-egg, French omelette with cheese. Every morning.


oatmeal. i have stomach issues and it helps keep them at bay


Not a particular meal, but some kind of cheese is mandatory.


I've never thought to put Cream Cheese on toast, only bagels. Something new to try! My everyday item is tea - decaf or not, lemon & ginger, ginger & honey, English Breakfast, Earl Grey. This week, my go to breakfast meal has been toast or bagel with butter.


McCann's steel cut Irish oats. Every morning. Blame my doctor.


Most mornings for the past 5 years: dark rye toast topped with avocado, ripe tomatoes, caramelized balsamic, evoo and mint. I am fairly certain I'm going to happily have this for breakfast until the day I die :)


Slices off block of cheddar


Is a protein smoothie a meal?? Chocolate protein powder, peanut butter, bananas, your choice of milk. My husband and I have it for breakfast almost daily


Quesadillas! Fillings change every day depending on what’s cheap or on sale, but anything from meal prepped chicken to deli meats to beans, etc. etc. A good quality flour tortilla + oil in a pan + medium high heat and you end up with a delicious crispy tortilla, melty cheese, and a scrumptious filling.


Toast (usually sourdough, but depends on what we have), topped with a boiled egg, everything bagel seasoning, and arugula.


Pasta. We switched to brown rice pasta because there needs to be pasta.


2 Fried eggs (fried in salted butter) with a slice of melted (kraft American) cheese on buttered whole wheat toast.


tortilla chips and cottage cheese as a dip, it’s better than it sounds and it fills you up!


big plate of basketti


Fresh blueberries, plain Greek yogurt with cinnamon, topped with a couple tablespoons of a homemade honey/lemon/ginger.blend.


I eat a piece of fruit with coffee every single day.


Infused water is the only ingestible I have on a daily basis.


I make the same smoothie every weekday so I don't have to think about it - almond milk + protein powder + collagen + kale + frozen fruit. I've been making it for years.


superior breakfast choice!!! cholula is the best. my daily breakfast is 2 fried eggs, sourdough, and cheddar cheese w franks red hot.


Coffee is the only guaranteed thing. Everything else is subject to an unnecessarily stressful conversation with every other interested party.