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hash without the eggs, so potatoes, sausage, peppers, etc


My friend’s mom called it veggie taters! Peppers, onions, zucchini, sometimes mushrooms. Melted cheese and hot sauce or ketchup. Yum.


Or hot sauce AND ketchup! My fav is Cholula mixed with Heinz ketchup.


Scramble with either chickpea flour or tofu. Tons of vegan recipies online. I prefer the chickpea flour, and often make a non vegan hash with it.


Came here to suggest this! One of my vegan friends makes a killer tofu hash with potatoes, roasted peppers, onions, nutritional yeast, etc. It’s a great way to get some morning protein without eggs, and I imagine it would also be great with some sausage or bacon thrown in for folks who eat meat, and / or topped with cheese for folks who eat dairy!


Ah wee oooh, killer tofu


Thanks for reminding me of scramble tofu! I haven't made that in years. Have to bring it back to my menu. Also if you want to somewhat simulate the egg smell/taste add black salt.


Adding to rotation! Thank you!


If you are a fan of brisket, brisket hash is one of my go tos, peppers potatoes and brisket


Get some Kala namac salt, it gives the tofu and garbanzo eggs the egg flavor and smell , along with turmeric and nutritional yeast flakes. Also look for dried yuba, it’s a protein skin portion from making soy milk and it can double as corned beef in hash. Or make sausages at home with quinoa and lentils, or a breakfast bowl with the quinoa and added savory items like mushroom, potato, bell, tomato. Silken tofu makes great egg free quiche too.


Oatmeal. Simple and easily customizable


yes try savory oatmeal


toasted nuts (walnuts, slivered almonds, pecans) in oatmeal are absolutely wonderful.


Yes, overnight oats are a personal favorite!


I like sweet oatmeal the best but I made miso oats before with fresh cut veg like radishes and sweet peas with some chopped peanuts and chili oil and it was so good!


Oh this is extremely my jam. I’m not allergic to eggs, but I hate them, so I’ve come up with a lot of egg free breakfasts, especially savory ones. My current faves are Cottage cheese with veggies: first, get GOOD cottage cheese (the brand Good Culture is excellent). Top with avocado, tomato, scallions, parsley or cilantro, maybe some hot sauce, everything but the bagel seasoning, whatever your heart desires.  Grits: I don’t like the instant ones, regular ones just take five minutes to cook. Salt them well, more than you think. Grate in some sharp cheddar or another flavorful cheese. Top with the same stuff listed above.  For both of the above, you can also add some crumbled bacon or breakfast sausage if you want.  On the sweet side, I like steel cut oats. I cook a large batch in the Instant pot at the beginning of the week, then divide into single serving containers. Quickly microwave in the morning, pour a bit of milk on top, then add nuts, dried fruit, and a sweetener (maple syrup, brown sugar, whatever).  


Oh thank you so much! I really appreciate this!


I can’t have eggs either, so if I’m really missing it I go with some scrambled tofu. Otherwise it’s either: Greek yogurt with fruit and granola Bacon or sausage with a small thing of Greek yogurt Smoked salmon with cream cheese on a bagel thin If it’s a weekend and making food for kids I’ll do biscuits and gravy or pancakes make with the Krusteaz mix (it’s the blue one that doesn’t add eggs)


Re: tofu scramble, if you can get your hands on black salt, it has a sulfury flavour that will make your scramble taste more like eggs.


For anyone unfamiliar with black salt, you can almost certainly get it at an Indian/South Asian grocery store. Might be labeled “Kala Namak” but it’s the same thing. Also a great place to get other spices in bulk quantities btw


Yes! I’m sad the usual place I buy it has been out.


[The best tofu scramble](https://www.theguardian.com/food/article/2024/jun/05/how-to-make-the-perfect-scrambled-tofu-recipe-felicity-cloake)


Do you just scramble firm tofu in a pan and heat it?


No. You need to add seasonings, some veg, etc. If you search for "tofu scramble recipes" online you'll find a lot of variations and can pick one that sounds good to you.


I don’t really follow any recipe- so I’m sorry I don’t have amounts of what I use: Broken up silken tofu (I like the texture better) Nutritional yeast Salt (if you can find black salt it will give more egg flavor) Pepper Turmeric Toss together Then put in a pan and warm it up.


I like it sautéed in a little butter or oil with salt and green onion. Maybe add sriracha after. I’ll usually breakup either firm or super firm by hand.


Biscuits and sausage gravy


I make breakfast bagel bites, mini bagels with sausage gravy and cheese.


This. It’s a regular Sunday Breakfast option in our house. I’m lazy and use canned biscuits though - by the time they’re done in the oven, the sausage gravy is ready.


Bro how can your breakfast be that hard haha. I couldnt work or move if i eat heavy things for breakfast.


Everyone is different. I think this is more a weekend breakfast thing. I’d never be able to down biscuits and gravy before work. But I’ll go ham on it over the weekend when I can go into a food coma.


I think you’ve gotten a ton of good ideas from this thread, but I’d like to suggest using a vegan egg replacement like JustEgg when you want a more similar cooked egg replacement. If you’re looking for other recipes like baked oatmeal, muffins, etc., here’s my two cents. As a baker who was DF/GF/egg-free for a while, you can’t just substitute a banana or applesauce for an egg like many suggest. There’s a bunch of binding and rising eggs perform in baking and those ingredients add a ton of moisture without rise. My favourite replacement was a flax egg but your best bet is to search for vegan recipes (my favourite is The Loopy Whisk) and then you can use your preferred milk/butter.


JustEgg is so good! I have a very mild allergy so I can get away with an occasional egg and that stuff really does taste like eggs. 


Yes to all of this!


Great idea about justegg, just wanted to add that you can make a justegg copycat with chickpea flour and it is waaayyyyyyy cheaper!


Bacon, Avacado, and Tomato on sourdough sandwiches Country Ham and Grits.


That does sound good! Thank you!


Also multi grain toast with mayo and fresh slices of vine tomato with a little salt on top. So good!


Mayo is eggs


Vegan mayo is safe


Yea, just didn’t want to not say something and have op have a reaction if they didn’t catch it. Used to spend a lot of time with someone who had celicac and they would constantly accidentally eat something they’d never thought about having gluten at the beginning.


I have celiac, I approve this message, lol Buy a specialized just for breakfast vegan cookbook. Let the family look thru it, choose their faves, and put a sticky on the page. You can put the comments on the sticky!


A vegan friend of mine just gifted me a vegan cookbook called, "The Wicked Healthy Cookbook". It has some great recipes inside. I am in no way vegan, and I love the book and it's recipes.


Gak. You’re right. Thanks for catching that!


Maybe you can do a Japanese type breakfast? Rice, miso soup, grilled fish? Dunno if you have the time for that but it's an idea


lt isn't the healthiest in the world, but I love a nice crispy frozen hashbrown patty with some cheddar cheese and sour cream on top. Snip some green onion on top if you're fancy. Corn tortilla + hashbrown (fresh or frozen, take your pick) + some sauteed spinach/tomato/onion also makes a delicious morning meal. Some rice and fried spam is good - honestly any rice + topping savory combo really hits the spot. Sometimes I'll do a breakfast BLT. Having a bag of frozen waffles in the freezer is great for a quicker carby option - a nice little waffle PB&J sandwich, or PB&Banana, or just maple syrup. Could pick a hearty breakfast cereal and lean into that, too. My personal favorite is some oatmeal squares with sliced up banana and sometimes a splash of chocolate syrup to turn the milk chocolatey for a sweet treat. Hope some of these help! Breakfast is honestly the meal I find it most difficult to want to consistently eat, so I prioritize quick and easy. Healthify or fancify at your own leisure. :-)


Also consider leftovers-seriously just because you are eating in the morning doesn’t mean you can only eat “breakfast” food. I am sorry about your new allergy tho 💜


This! That's the great thing about breakfast, you don't *have* to eat breakfast food. I love having soup in the morning especially. But any meal you enjoy can be eaten anytime! Everyone just always defaults to traditional breakfast items cause it's "breakfast".


I love to cook. On days I'm just not feeling it, I definitely do this. Thank you ❤️


I've made mac and cheese for breakfast.


Have you considered looking into Asian breakfasts? Soups, rice dishes, and other delicious savoury breakfasts are quite common. Personally I'm also a huge fan of semolina. I prefer mine simple and sweet but you can absolutely turn it savoury.


Are you allergic to all eggs? I have a friend who is deathly allergic to chicken eggs, but not duck or quail. Different proteins I guess.


I asked my allergist about this, because I read that Margot Robby is allergic to chicken eggs and ate duck egg sandwiches on the set of her Harley Quinn movies. My Dr. said that it can be true depending on what part of the egg you are allergic to. In the US they don't have test really for other animal's eggs outside of chicken, so if I wanted to do it, she suggest I eat something outside of an ER and see what my reaction was. With how hard to it is for me to get duck/goose/ostrich eggs , with how expensive health care is and an ER stay would be, how painful anaphylaxis is, how expensive epipens are, and epinephrine can do some serious damage to your body depending on your medical conditions, it just wasn't worth it for me to try.


I have a couple food allergies. Instead of eating something outside the ER, if there’s a questionable food I want to try, I’ll perform my own mini scratch test on my arm. It saved me once.


Very smart!


Dang I’m sorry to hear that. Totally makes sense. I was just thinking aside from breakfast how much I use egg as a binder. Sending warm wishes your way!


I'm lucky enough where if the egg protein is cooked for long enough at a higher temperature, it kills the protein I am allergic to so I can still have a lot of stuff fortunately like most breads. Kroger has a vegan egg binder replacer binder, I'm thinking about messing around with that to see what I can do with it. Luckily with more people changing to vegan diets, there are a ton more products on the market. The thing people need to remember, with an egg allergy, that they need to find vegan products not vegetarian.


Avocado toast. Corn fritters. Anything vegie fritters. Also, you can make muffins, pancakes and waffles without eggs easily. I’ve come to believe that our rampant egg use is a conspiracy. Eggs for sponge cake - yes! So necessary. Eggs for gluten free cake/flourless chocolate cake - yes. Eggs in pound cake - unnecessary. Eggs in banana bread - completely unnecessary. Eggs in cookies - mostly unnecessary. Eggs in biscuits - unnecessary. Eggs in meringues or pavlovas - turns out, completely replaceable with aquafaba.


Chickpea omelette’s are so good and so easy


Also vegan French toast is a thing


My husband is the one that eats French toast. He's a gym bro. It was mostly to add protein to a food he enjoyed. But! Others in the house might enjoy this! I'll give it a shot.


Biscuits and sausage gravy.


My dad has an egg allergy not as severe as yours, and his go-to breakfasts are usually breakfast sandwiches without eggs, usually a roll with bacon, ham, or sausage and cheese on a nice roll. You could even add things like tomato or avocado. Also, have you tried vegan eggs? I have a vegan friend who swears by them.


I'm in the UK, and bacon or sausage butties (as bacon or sausage in a bun are called) are a staple breakfast. Usually with butter and brown sauce.


Have you tried 'Just Egg'? They are a mung bean based vegan substitute (I'm currently trying to recreate it so I can make it for cheaper). towards the end of cooking, add some black salt (I use volcanic black salt from Hawaii) to add an egg surfer taste. I haven't had eggs in over 15 years, so I can't super remember what they taste like, but it reminds me of eggs enough where I feel uncomfortable at the first bite and my family members confirm that the taste and texture is very close to eggs. You just have to watch out for the cooking since it is more delicate than cooking an egg. Hellmans has a really good vegan mayo, it has a green label. If you want to be super fancy Sir Kensington vegan mayo and Vegenaise is pretty good, but they can be pricy. Some breakfast I will make on the weekends: Breakfast tacos - 'Just egg', maybe potatoes, bacon/chorizo, cheese. (tip: if you find your chorizo too greasy in this application, try soyrizo. It is a soy version with the same great spices but a lot less grease. When buying chorizo/soyrizo - the meat needs to be a bright red color, that will let you know if they actually put the spice amount needed) * bean and cheese taco - can jazz it up with bacon, potatoes and salsa French toast - using 'just egg' biscuits and gravy biscuits with a chicken strip with some hot honey Mini quiches - take a Whoopie Pie pan and fill each cavity with some Just egg. I then can customize each one with different toppings. Throw that into an oven and they are great to serve for a crowd. I also watch some vegan creators on YouTube and get ideas for meals on good ways to sub out eggs. I have seen a vegan egg binder substitution at my local Kroger grocery store. I'm thinking about playing with that to see how to use that in other things that I miss. Just a heads up, when you go out to eat: You will need to tell the waiter that you have an egg allergy so you can't have anything made with eggs products , anything made with mayo products, anything made with an aioli product, anything with a custard base. A lot of people don't really know what goes in making a lot of sauces, so sometimes you will have to lay it out. - Sometimes restaurants will say that you can't have something and it's due to it having dairy in it. I've seen people thinking that eggs are a dairy product. I don't mind, I think it's better if they are over cautious than lax about it. Breakfast places are hard to eat at since they tend to use a griddle and the same utensils as the egg stuff - I usually avoid eating at these places. Also vegan restaurants or vegan labeled foods tend to be safe when eating out. You can add stuff back that you like, which might make it non-vegan, but at least the base will be safe for you to eat. If you get vegetarian, you will need to be extra cautious because eggs are used a lot in places you wouldn't think they would be. You will need to question eggs in all foods unfortunately. A lot of southern restaurants Mac and cheese have an egg custard base. Eggs are very versatile and can hide in all sorts of places you wouldn't think that they should be.


Bfast Burritos are a go to for me because they are easy to prep and freeze incredibly well. I usually have egg in mine, but they would be just as good with just beans, cheese, peppers and onions.


Just Egg.


Toasted open face bagels with cream cheese, and sliced tomatoes on the side. To make it fancier, add smoked salmon and capers.


Potatoes and rice are my staple starch. For protein, sausage, chicken, bean/soy… you can also consider something to dip bread into. Like shashuka without eggs. Alternative- oatmeal, cream of wheat? Just out of curiosity did you always have it and it got worse? Best of luck to you and praying you don’t have another encounter.


Man! It's been forever since I had Shashuka! That sounds amazing! I didn't realize it was an allergy. So I had it, but didn't know. I'd always get sick if I ate just plain eggs (like an omelet). But I always thought it was a mental block. I've always thought the idea of eggs was kind of gross (despite being delicious). Anyway, one day I ate them and my eyes were watering uncontrollably and they itched, and then I had what I thought was an asthma attack. I was on the phone with my friend (who is a doctor) and she was like "that sounds like an allergy to me". So I cut them out. I had a few accidental exposures that all had about the same kind of severity as far as reactions go. But this last one was a week ago, and it was baked into something, so I didn't think much of it. I couldn't breathe, and my whole face swelled up. So now my husband has tossed everything in the house with eggs, and has banned eggs of any sort being brought in. I also have a life-threatening allergy to peanuts. So we're aware of how to navigate it. Eggs are a much bigger pain in the ass though.


You can also do savory pop tarts or pastries. Fill them with ham and cheese or something like that, instead of fruity flavors, and that's a solid savory option.


Home made hot pockets! Why didn't I think of that? Great idea! Thank you!


I mean, it's not gonna be a 1 to 1 analog, but doing silken tofu as a scramble is definitely at least something to switch up as a sub. Also, while oatmeal is pretty popular, cream of wheat is definitely a breakfast dark horse.


Look up Thai/Korean Congee or rice soup. Amazing savory breakfast that is stupid easy to make, keeps well, Has protein and is filling and is pretty low calorie.




I was allergic to eggs for the first 15 years of life and never really got a taste for them after, so this has been my life! My favorite, chocolate chip scones: https://www.seriouseats.com/bakery-style-cream-scones-with-chocolate-recipe Seriously, try these. They're the bomb. I mix half semi sweet half milk chocolate for a little less sweetness, but I could eat these everyday and die happy, they're perfectly salty, soft and a little bit of crunch from the outside and the turbinado sugar I sprinkle on top, and chocolatey. Other than that I love a simple avocado toast on sourdough with olive oil, salt, and freshly cracked pepper. Sorry to hear about the allergy, it really does suck especially as an adult, and can be difficult to figure out what has eggs in it. I threw up as a kid once because I had a laffy taffy that I swear I'd had dozens of times before but this particular one had egg albumen in it.


Grits and _____. Replace the eggs in an omelette with grits and have grit bowls. I’m a big fan of grits with sausage gravy mixed in. It’s like a soup version of biscuits and gravy.


Croque monsieur: bread, béchamel, ham and cheese.


Bagels cream cheese smoked fish usually salmon, cottage cheese with diced ham or fruit mixed in, diced potato with veggies breakfast meat and cheese


I love black bean burritos, Tortilla (I like green “garden” or “spinach and herb”) Smear of garlic & chive cream cheese White rice Finely chopped green bell pepper Small dash of kale and cilantro Black beans (drained, rinsed, and dryish to touch, be careful about adding liquid to the burrito) Grilled to caramelized onions both are great Cheese Wrap, toast in a pan, and serve with a chipotle or sriracha mayo Alternatively, congee! Delicious. I like to top mine with avocado. Here’s a couple of good videos, I use ATK’s measurements with the technique from Made with Lau, sans chicken. Yeung Man cooking’s is on my to make list. He also has a ton of egg free recipes. https://youtu.be/zXotgrBldbk?si=w_WGIptomagD3t9S https://youtu.be/t2SahnNVULA?si=iSqmX3rdeiGOayAy https://youtu.be/SrnBalc6m5w?si=1ZVnI-vUqpZYg-MS


I'd look into international breakfasts, I love different Asian breakfasts. Middle eastern ones include stewed tomatoes (galayet bandura), hummus, ful, falafel, lebneh, etc. south Asian ones include shami kebab, fry bread and stewed chickpeas (Puri choleh), etc. other Asian places have marinated rice (soy, mirin, etc) , fish, soups. Obviously there's plenty other places in the world but the above ones are some of my fave


Might not apply in your exact situation, but many people who have allergies/ bad reaction to chicken eggs are able to eat duck eggs with no problem.


Biscuits and gravy. You can make biscuits without eggs


Bagel bombs Oatmeal


Use aquafaba instead of eggs.


Oatmeal? Yogurt?


Biscuits and gravy


My favorite quick breakfast is cream cheese & cucumber with some salt and pepper on bread. Occasionally will add a little chili crisp.


You can make pancake dipped French toast. I’m not sure if you’re allergic to eggs as a stand alone or if you can’t eat anything made with eggs. If it’s the latter try the pancake batter dipped French toast. I think it’s better than the original. Just get sourdough bread and dip it in a just add water pancake mix. I’m telling you it’s amazing. This also works for Monte cristos, my favorite. I stopped making French toast the original way when I discovered this. If you can’t have anything that’s been made with eggs just check the sourdough is vegan safe and the mix is as well. I believe pearl milling mix is egg free, but I’m not positive.


I'd consider using avocado, yogurt of whatever kind you prefer, cheese (maybe something like feta that's crumbly, or if you want melty go gouda/mozzarella), etc in place of whatever you previously used eggs for. What's an egg? It's protein with some fat, tanginess and flavor that can be widely applied in a bunch of ways, or used as a binder. How do you replace it? Well we need some fat and protein and some flavor. An avocado is like the egg of an avocado tree, it just goes on a branch instead of being pooped out of a chicken. A good Google search is (obviously) vegan breakfast and you'll get a lot, add whatever protein or dairy you want since your problem is just eggs, not meat/cheese.


Breakfast tacos are easy to make however you like. I just ate one with diced sweet potatoes, roasted poblanos, avocado and queso. 3 or 4 ingredients you like wrapped up in a tortilla.


It's possible to make waffles and pancakes without egg. For a single serving combine self-rising flour with milk, and optionally add sugar, vanilla extract, cinnamon, and blueberries. 


I saw somone make muffins. They were savory with breakfast sausage and cheese. Looked good to me.


JUST Egg is a vegan substitute. You can get a liquid for scramble or a patty-type thing for sandwiches. Both are delicious and sooo close to the real thing. I became allergic to eggs in my 20s and I just had a scrambled “egg” sandwich for dinner last night! But it HAS to be that brand. I bought a different brand one time and the texture was so bad it all went immediately in the trash.


Good, old-fashioned tofu scramble! Use a firm or extra firm tofu and press the water out using a tofu press or a couple plates and a heavy book (you can also freeze and thaw it to add extra texture), then mash it up and mix with nutritional yeast, salt and pepper, a bit of turmeric, onion powder, garlic powder, mustard or mustard powder, and a bit of miso. If you want to get fancy, you can use black salt to make it taste more "eggy" -- but if you're feeding it to people who \*can\* eat eggs, you might be better off just treating it as its own dish rather than falling into the food version of the uncanny valley. Scramble with whatever vegetables you'd put in an omelette. I like onions, garlic, and peppers with some avocado on top. I prefer this over egg substitutes because it has a lot more protein and it ends up being significantly cheaper in the long run. It's more effort, but unlike eggs the mix doesn't go bad quickly so you can make a big batch and scoop it out over a few days. Simpler but possibly pricier would of course be bagels with schmear! Lox and white fish are always tasty, but you can always go with the classic cream cheese, tomato, red onion, and/or capers. If you're home baking croissants, baking bagels will be fairly easy.


I love pinto beans on cornbread. It’s the southern version of beans on toast lol


Bagel, cream cheese, sliced tomatoes and cucumbers Bagel under the broiler melting muenster or Swiss, add slices of tomato if you like Hash browns, sausage onions and peppers, top with cheese


Cheesy grits. Sausage or bacon and cheese sandwiches on pancakes or waffles. Biscuits. Peanut butter and banana (try it as a grilled sandwich) or avocado and tomato toast Grilled cheese sandwiches Cereal Fruit salad Oatmeal Sub cultured buttermilk for anything that needs an eggwash Homemade oatmeal cookies (you can halve the sugar in the recipe) with a smear of peanut butter


Just Eggs brand is really good! You can scramble them or make an omelette just like real eggs. And if you get some of this special salt… Now I'm forgetting what it's called… But if you add that it will taste exactly like eggs. You can also use Just Eggs to make cakes and pancakes and things like that too.


I developed an egg intolerance in recent years. And I know you asked for savory ideas but I really can't help but share this [Vegan French Toast](https://detoxinista.com/vegan-french-toast/) recipe with you. I was super impressed with it. I used regular milk and butter instead of oil because it didn't need to be vegan for me, just egg-free. For savory you could try breakfast burritos, some fillings to try-spicy sweet potatoes, shredded hashbrown potatoes, black beans, ham, bacon, sausage, shredded cheese, bell peppers, zucchini, tomatoes.... Use whatever you like! Also, you can eat anything for breakfast! This might not appeal to everyone but....I REALLY miss egg salad! So I take some large curd cottage cheese, mix in some mustard and green olives and it hits the spot. Its good on toast too, with a tomato even, you could totally eat that for breakfast.


Duck eggs for the egg itch if you can find them and aren't allergic. Everyone's allergies are different but this works for me. Otherwise it's oatmeal, bean burittos, biscuits and gravy or pancakes. Some of those will kill you fast so only do em in moderation hah.


I developed egg and gluten allergies at age 50. Fave go-to breakfast is hashbrown casserole, no eggs required. I add meats occasionally.


Highly highly recommend a brand called Just Egg. I am not vegan. This product will absolutely blow your mind. Works best scrambled, but can be used as replacement in other recipes that require egg. I use it professionally and fool people all day!


My son has an egg allergy so we’ve gotten familiar with some egg free breakfasts. The trick I’ve learned is to look up vegan recipes and then add back in other dairy as you can handle it (like regular milk swapped back in for oat milk or something). Pumpkin pancakes are great but the recipe I have is pretty bland. I’m sure there are better ones out there. You can also make pancakes with yogurt as a thickener and they turn out great. I’ve made vegan blueberry banana oat bread that we both love for breakfast.


Biscuits and sausage gravy are your new best friend. Best side is grits with butter, salt and pepper.


Do you have allergy to both egg yolks and whites?


Overnight oatmeal. I hate oatmeal but I will eat overnight oats. I guess I don’t like hot oatmeal. But I do like cold oatmeal. I use Greek yogurt in mine, add some dried fruit and a little milk (coconut, almond, etc) and it’s good!


Yogurt bowls. Oatmeal bowls would be even better as you can make them much more savory with peanut butter, etc


No ideas (I usually just have toast or porridge), but if you want a laugh, I recommend listening to Jason Mantzoukas on the Off Menu podcast, where he talks about his own deathly egg allergy.


Try looking for vegan recipes? Use all the normal products that they substitute for except the eggs?


There's a tasty, savory Danish dish called [Biksemad](https://www.food.com/recipe/scandinavian-hash-biksemad-27070) that is great for using leftover meat. I don't eat eggs, so I will just have this. It's best with leftover pork or beef. I'll also add some Worcestershire sauce, a few strips of cut-up bacon, and some parsley. It's very customizable to your liking.


Cheese and sausage muffins by Safely Delish Cereal Yogurt Vegan muffins from store Vegan waffles from store Cinnamon rolls Cereal bars


- Avocado toast - Tuna toast - Smoked salmon bagel - Polanta - Turkish cheese pide - Lebanese zataar manoushe - Grilled halloumi and sausage sandwich


Oatmeal, cream of wheat, homefries


Most muffin recipes you can replace the egg with banana, applesauce, or even leave it out entirely and they come out totally fine!


Cheese on toast and some good cereal with some fruit like bananas, berries and grapes


Chia pudding, which you mix the night before and then add fruit in the morning, is insanely good! Plus chia has protein I do: -2 tablespoons chia seeds -1 teaspoon honey -1/2 cup oatmilk (I think it’s tastier without cow milk, but it’s up to you) Mix well and sit overnight. In the morning it’s a delicious pudding!


I have an issue with eggs that are not soy free. It's the soy in the chicken feed. But if it's truly eggs, how about all kinds of muffins. Get a good muffin cookbook. Always my favorite. Potatoes and bacon. Fruit. English muffins.


The chickens I get a vast majority of our eggs from are our own. ❤️ So definitely not the soy in the feed.


A whole wheat tortilla with Almond butter and sliced banana used to be a favorite of mine, but now I just eat some crackers and cheese or nothing.


Just use egg replacement for any recipe that requires eggs.


Egg free french toast is very doable - most simply you can use milk and cornflour in place of the eggs


Shredded veggies (cabbage, broccoli, carrots, Brussels sprouts, onion, etc.), ground pork, chicken, or turkey, sausage seasonings. Also, be unconventional. What you eat at lunch and dinner can also be eaten at breakfast. I promise the breakfast police will not show up to your house. I’ve had steak, chicken, salmon, soup, pork chops. It’s usually leftovers, but it feeds you just the same.


A we I suggest looking at breakfasts around the world. For instance Japan where I’m living my family generally eats rice miso soup and what ever leftovers we had from last night.




Oatmeal with dried fruit, nuts, and yogurt.


Congee, noodles, jiaozi, sausage, biscuits, ham and cheese, really anything. Don't be locked in by Western breakfast ideas, they mostly suck


I'm a toast with jam or cereal person myself but some ideas I've eaten when I'm feeling more savory: Rice porridge, sausage with toast, quesadilla, turkey sandwich, beef stew, crudités with hummus or seasoned cream cheese, bagels. Yogurt. Sliced chilled ham and cheese with toast or crackers. Fresh fruit and yogurt.


I eat anything for breakfast. Just had last night’s leftovers. I’ve eaten Thai seafood green curry (mild +) for breakfast more times than I can remember. Because I’m not big on sweet breakfast, eating leftovers really expands my options beyond toast and eggs or yogurt and granola for the first meal of the day.


The national dish of Jamaica: Ackee and Salt Fish (salted cod) Ackee has a very mild flavor but has the texture of scrambled eggs, you cook it with scotch bonnet peppers, onions, the salted cod, and pepper, finding fresh Ackee is very hard so you can use canned from the international section. It can be a little pricey to make but very different in a great way, it is one of my favorite dishes


I actually have 4 ackee trees in my backyard.


Avacado toast with everything bagel seasoning or Greek style avocado toast with feta cheese, chopped cherry tomatoes, diced red onion and chopped Kalamata olives. It is so good!


Chia pudding with fruit.


I know you said savory, but various forms of oatmeal. It would at least provide the stick to the ribs fullness that you get with eggs,


Check if you're ok with duck eggs. Some people who are allergic to chicken eggs have no problem with duck eggs


May I ask, did you suddenly start becoming allergic to eggs or was it gradual? Or did I misread your title and eggs have been a problem for as long as you can remember?


I didn't realize it was an allergy. So I had it, but didn't know. I'd always get sick if I ate just plain eggs. (Stomach cramps, diarreah, sometimes vomiting. But I also have IBS so that's always a possibility anyway.) But I always thought it was a mental block. I've always thought the idea of eggs was kind of gross, despite being delicious. Anyway, about a month ago, I ate them and my eyes were watering uncontrollably and they itched, and then I had what I thought was an asthma attack. I was on the phone with my friend (who is a doctor) and she was like "that sounds like an allergy to me". So I cut them out. Because I already have a life-threatening allergy to peanuts, and I'd rather be safe than sorry. Anyone who's gone through anaphylaxis knows how fucking awful it is. I had a few accidental exposures that all had about the same kind of severity as far as reactions go. But this last one was a week ago, and it was baked into something, so I didn't think much of it. I couldn't breathe, and my whole face swelled up. So now my husband has tossed everything in the house with eggs, and has banned eggs of any sort being brought in. (And he now exclusively deals with the chickens. I think that's overkill - but you know.)


Are you in the US? My friend’s kid has an egg allergy, so they use Just Egg as a substitute for scrambles and such. I’ve made his birthday cake/cupcakes every year, and it works beautifully in baking! It’s more expensive than conventional eggs, but its price is similar to organic eggs. They use it to make omelets & quiche, and it’s similar enough that the family members without the allergy enjoy them!


sardines, feta, olives, romaine, inside a whole wheat tortilla (or pita, if you have it) and even tomato and red onion


Smoothie but I’m the kind of person who drinks a full blender cup of smoothie, literally no room for anything else. Don’t know if you can have a smoothie and other food items without over stuffing yourself


Avocado toast


Turkey sausage


Greek yogurt with chia seeds, fruit of choice and slivered almonds!


I have an egg allergy as welI I. like making fruit breads. Like banana bread, strawberry bread, oatmeal, cinnamon and apple bread and making them into cupcakes. It makes an easy grab and go breakfast or snack. If it’s cookies and some breads I substitute with apple sauce. Some cakes I substitute with vinegar. And some sweet breads I use pumpkin purée as a substitute. I can make pretty much any dish (except French toast or an omelette type food without eggs.) including cheese cake you have to bake and chocoflan without eggs. Sometimes I just have to Frankenstein recipes together to make it work.


Biscuits and gravy


Steel-cut oatmeal is my go-to non-egg breakfast. I make a batch of this most weeks and divide it into 5 8-oz deli containers: * 3 cups water * 1 cup steel-cut oats * ¾ teaspoon salt * ½ cup carrot juice * ½ cup whole milk * ½ cup finely grated carrot * ¼ cup packed dark brown sugar * ⅓ cup dried currants * ½ teaspoon ground cinnamon * ½ cup pecans, toasted and chopped coarse The night before, boil the water then, off heat, add the oats and salt, stir and cover. The next morning, add the remaining ingredients (minus the pecans) and bring back to a boil, then simmer for 5 or 6 minutes until it's like pudding. Let rest for 5 minutes, serve topped with pecans. Very filling, just sweet enough, and a good serving of protein and fiber. Recipe is from Cook's Illustrated.


Try making homemade bagels! I use King Arthur’s NY Bagel recipe. And I use their bread flour to make. It may take a few tries to get them down. You can watch videos to see how the dough should look.y family likes the Everything But the Bagel seasoning from Trader Joe’s. We cut them and freeze them and then pop them in the toaster oven. Eat with cream cheese, tomato, fresh dill, capers, black pepper, and if you like, lox. A dill pickle spear on the side is good too. Also, plain Greek yogurt with berries, granola, and a drizzle of honey if you like the sweetness. Also you can use ground chicken and make breakfast sausage. I use dried sage, paprika, onion powder, garlic powder, salt and ground pepper. Plus a splash of dry vermouth. Shape into sausage patties. You can freeze them with parchment paper in between them and pull them out when you want them, take them straight from the freezer to the skillet with a little olive oil. Make a sandwich with English muffin and cheese or a biscuit with cheese.


Breakfast tacos without the eggs. You can put anything you want in them. My fave is ham and potato.


Only because I haven’t seen these yet: Cream of wheat: can be dressed up sweet or savory like grits. Rice porridge: my in-law family is Norwegian and we have this for Christmas, but you can make it anytime. Also, I hate eggs. Grew up on the poor side with my dad home more than my mom and he made eggs every morning and I got so burnt out on it. My mom made cream of wheat when she was home and I still enjoy it. People think I’m weird when we go to brunch and I actively avoid anything egg, but I had a bite of quiche once to be polite and I couldn’t stop gagging. My allergy with shellfish was similar though! Didn’t touch it for my whole life because it sounded gross and I moved to Asia and started getting red skin and swelling after eating at some restaurants where I didn’t know ingredients. Then I tried a single bite of lobster and my body broke out in hives. Every incident since gets worse.


Warm cereals like oatmeal, cream of rice, etc. You look at real fruit (cut up), not a lot of sweeteners. I suggest looking up Vegan Ideas for Breakfast to help you along. For muffins, coffee cakes, things you need to bake, assemble all the dry ingredients ahead of time. Then early in the am (breakfast time minus 30 minutes), all you have to add up are the wet things, quick as quick, put in pan, bake. Egg replacement such as golden flax seed (powder/flakes) work very well in muffins! Good luck! (PS. Europeans do breakfast very different than we do! Look up other cultures for ideas... tho I don't think I could ever get used to fish at breakfast!)


You could look into just egg (the substitute not eggs), and tofu scrambled. Also find vegan recipes! You’ll find lots of tidbits that you can modify. Also grits


Klobasneks (basically pigs in a blanket) might be fun. Most recipes call for egg in the dough but there are eggless recipes out there. My easy cheat version is smoked sausage wrapped in a tortilla with whatever toppings are around - sautéed mushrooms, spinach, cheese, or sauerkraut, mustard, buttered potatoes.


I had an issue with egg whites but could tolerate egg yolks. That seems to be a common occurrence with egg allergies, I’m not sure if I was ever allergic though. I had symptoms since I was a child. I’m kind of curious why you’d suddenly develop symptoms as an adult tbh. I have heard the current bird flu outbreak is transmissible via uncooked eggs so it’s a risk to either not cook them above a certain temp or eat them raw.


If you’re making homemade waffle/pancake batter, use flax seed “eggs”. 1tbls flax and 1tbls water mixed together to make an “egg”. I have a severe egg allergy too. Hellman’s also makes a vegan mayo that is good too.


My go-to is yogurt and or cottage cheese, covered in my favorite granola, with a handful of fresh berries. Oatmeal in the winter.


Just Eggs has been a welcome addition for me. It is an egg like consistency and is made with mung beans. They make a bottle you can use to make scrambled or they have ready to eat, just heat options. I highly recommend them. I have an egg intolerance. So while I can still eat eggs, I must limit myself. So I use these as much as possible so to not make my situation worse. Mine happened 7 years ago, right around your age.


There was a massively long topic just posted about breakfast without eggs a couple days ago. I dont really like eggs so I found it helpful.


I'm so sorry you had this experience -- I'm allergic to pistachios and they can send me to the hospital. It sucks. We're big fans of savory scones (think cheddar and chives or other herbs and cheeses). Really good with coffee and butter for breakfast or snack time! Just add breakfast meat. And there is always the classic bagel and lox platter with capers, onion, the works.


Duck eggs


**Homemade breakfast burritos** are a hit in our house! Try filling them with potatoes, sausage, peppers, and cheese. You can prep and freeze them for busy mornings.


My fav is chorizo tacos!


In the summer (when we have good tomatoes), I have toast with butter and sliced tomatoes for breakfast most mornings. I appreciate it doesn’t work if you don’t like tomatoes!


My new favorite breakfast is 4 tbsp flour, 1 tbsp yoghurt, 1 tsp baking powder, water to the consistency you like and a pinch of salt. Mix it in a bowl. I fry it in a pan with butter until both sides are toasted. Top it with any toppings: Nutella with banana slices and whipped cream, make a sandwich with it with ham and cheese in the middle, use as a naan for curry, use as a pizza dough, top it with fruits and whipped cream… My favorite use of it is for an impromptu cheese ‘cake.’ Whip cream cheese, cream and sugar, spread it on top of the flat bread, drizzle honey and add any fruit of your choice. It can be berries, or the cheesecake toppings in a can. It also freeze very well so in the morning I can just take some from the freezer and toast it.


Sausage and cheddar buttermilk biscuits. You can put them in the toaster for breakfast.


Open cup mushrooms, baked, filled with cheese. Grated cheese works best as you can pack it down. I often oven cook smashed potatoes/potato wedges and sausages because I'm lazy, and add the mushrooms 20 min before the end. I prefer Heinz tinned spaghetti/hoops to baked beans for breakfast, using a slotted spoon to drain off excess sauce. Small amounts of asparagus/spinach/sliced avocado/broccoli are nice with breakfast, and look pretty.


Apple slices and individual peanut butter cups for an on the go item. Cottage cheese and fruit for a refreshing summer / hot weather option. My family always has a large garden. When the cantaloupes were ripe, you had to eat them. We would put a scoop of vanilla ice cream in a half of a cantaloupe. Portion of fruit to ice cream was significant. The ice cream was not very different from cereal with sugar. At least that was our justification. My husband thinks this is an odd paring. I knew lots of country folks who liked the combination.


Just eggs replacer from mung bean has saved my life. Literally I've had eating and appetite problems my whole life that an egg allergy just made 10x worse, but having those acrual bacon "egg" and cheeses sometimes or my own crepes are a godsend. The liquid type doesn't keep as long so use it up daily or make a batch or crepes or French toast or whatever you're using it for and save them, or use it everyday for scrambled eggs till you out The frozen Patty's are great and have 4 in a back!


Pork chop


Whole grain toast with hummus spread, avocado, and a big slice of tomato. Salt and pepper. Overnight oats with Greek yogurt. Add slices of almond and hemp hearts.


I look a [tofu scramble](https://rainbowplantlife.com/eggy-tofu-scramble/). If you add kala namak (Indian black salt) it tastes super similar to eggs.


Scramble tofu. Vegan panncakes. Vegan french toast. Or just porrige.


I love home fries for breakfast


Greek Yogurt and Raspberries


There are various substitutes for eggs that you can use in baking. So you could continue making waffles, pancakes, muffins, etc. but just with a substitute for the egg. https://www.thekitchn.com/best-egg-substitutes-baking-23003895


They have vegan liquid egg. Might be worth a try.


Google Mediterranean brunch/breakfast spreads-super easy to prepare ahead and. Smorgasbord of fresh veggies, cheeses, breads, honey/jams. Also farro + yogurt + berries


There's a link between the covid shots/the virus and the development of allergies in people. [Here's one source.](https://www.news-medical.net/news/20240403/New-study-reveals-increased-risk-of-allergic-diseases-after-COVID-19-infection.aspx) Have you identified the cause of your new allergies with an allergist?


I use ranch for anything that calls for mayo and it works for me, just FYI. Southern style biscuits and gravy with country ham Bagels and cream cheese! You can top with sliced strawberries for sweet, or smoked salmon, red onions and capers for savory…possibilities are endless really


Savory oatmeal is great. Prepare your oats as normal but instead of sugar and fruit, add fresh herbs, bacon, sausage etc


You could do spam egg spam spam bacon and spam but without the eggs, or my personal breakfast favorite: grilled salmon with Rice and sriracha sauce


What about a breakfast burrito with a tofu or “just egg” substitute scramble instead of eggs? Tortilla, scramble, black beans, fajita veggies, cheese, meat of choice and/or hashbrowns I like to batch cook and freeze them for easy breakfasts!


I just recently found out I have an egg sensitivity (not allergy thankfully) and I used to eat 3 eggs for breakfast daily for literally 20 years. It’s been an adjustment but now I eat oatmeal most days. I just started making homemade applesauce and putting a little of that in the oatmeal and it’s pretty good. I do miss my eggs though.


Tofu scramble. Get some black salt (kala namak) for the eggy taste. I add in nutritional yeast, turmeric (for colour) and onion powder in addition to the black salt.


Greek yogurt, fresh fruit, nuts and/or granola, honey or brown sugar if needed


grits, cooked with a little better than bouillon paste of your liking, shredded gouda cheese in at the halfway mark tomato bacon and green onion bits on top scales to a group and everyone loves it!!


Breton galettes (you can use a ground flax 'vegan egg' or powdered egg replacer if you don't mind a few chemicals) absolutely stuffed with whatever your family like. Avocado and smoked salmon for me, cheese and ham for the kids.


My Toddler has an egg allergy, too. -Waffles/Pancakes -Snoothies - Applesauce Muffins (or those just add milk muffin mixes) -Bacon & Avocado Toast -Biscuits & Gravy -Toast w/Jam Looking for vegan recipes would help a lot, too, if you ever feel like you're in a rut.


I hate eggs and never eat them. I just have toast or an English muffin with coffee every day. Occasionally I’ll have a bagel half with cream cheese.


Is it all fowl eggs? I’m allergic to chicken eggs but not duck eggs. Go figure. The human body is weird sometimes.


Is it all eggs or just chicken eggs? I know some folks with chicken egg allergies will convert to quail eggs which aren’t too hard to find


I don't have an egg allergy, just an interlorance, but if you're a wine drinker be careful. Most commercial vinyards , (in the UK at least), use eggs in the fining process.


What about breakfast burritos with no egg? I love a good bean and cheese burrito for breakfast. Or you could do potato, cheese, and sausage or bacon. Add some fresh avocado before serving.


A couple of my favorite toast Avocado toast but make it with guac. Rustic bread with peanut butter and strawberry drizzled with honey. Bread with whipped ricotta or cream fraich and you can top with roasted tomatoes and balsamic vinegar I also like to add granola, bee polin to add texture on the very top


I'm a real fan of curry for breakfast.


I absolutely love tofu eggs made from the high protein tofu you can find at Trader Joe's, or just really firm tofu. Recipe: https://rainbowplantlife.com/eggy-tofu-scramble/ I put in burritos, eat it with bread, use it in scrambles or hashes. Throw it on a tostada with some beans and salsa. I usually make a large batch Monday morning when I make it and reheat in my cast iron skillet. Also have been adding different ingredients to the sauce like soy instead of salt and chili powder.


You’re an adult, yes? Eat whatever the fuck you want. There are no dedicated lunch or dinner foods. Eat whatever is available 


I know you didn’t ask about this but it will come up at some point. When you need an egg replacer for baking you can use this, it works great. https://www.bobsredmill.com/gluten-free-vegan-egg-replacer.html You can also use ground flax seed as an egg replacer for baking. For your breakfast there is a product called Just Egg that many vegans use. You can find it near the fresh eggs. I personally don’t care for it but a lot of people like it.


I make a lot of breakfast tacos/burritos. I’ve never been able to eat eggs in my life unless they’re baked into a cookie. I tend to not eat a lot of traditional breakfast things because of it.


Pancake or waffles. Breakfast cereal. Oatmeal. Butter toast, bagel, or muffin