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Dozens of previous discussions: https://old.reddit.com/r/Cooking/search?q=Useless&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on


I bought these blade things that look like claws, you put them between your fingers for shredding meat (like when we make pulled pork) Turns out 2 forks still work better, and are much easier to use. Edit: here they are, [dumbest purchase ever](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01N5U14FA/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1)


My husband and son would beg to differ, lol. These are their favorite toys.


🤣 too funny!


You and I have two very different definitions of "dumbest". Snikt.


Dumb because we literally used them one time. I will probably stick them on the local "buy nothing" group


I get this reference, bub.


I was given a set of those as a gift. I used them once and threw them out.


🤣 imma about to give them away on buy nothing


I have some larger plastic ones that actually work great, they’re nice for large pieces of meat. And they’re fun to use, which makes it easier to get others to help shred everything haha


😅 We have some large forks that came with our silverware that we use (about double the size a regular fork) I think they are to serve with?


Ugh I bought my hisband the same thing and now the kids use them in the sandbox.


At least they were good for something 🤣




Yeah .... Properly cooked pulled pork falls apart when you squeeze.You don't even need a fork . These are for hacks and shitty home cooks....


I made a pork roast the other day that literally fell apart when I barely touched it. I was so proud of myself!


This is the way ..... I bet it was fantastic. Now tell me you made home made a proper vinegar and hot sauce to mix into ...... Tell me you did it. For the love of god , friend. Tell me you did !!!


I plead the 5th. I'm not that fancy ;)


ITs a little apple cider vinegar and your favorite hot sauce..... there is never an excuse for not wetting the pulled pork. I demand sacrifice of 2 yard birds, to cooked not of the same flavor, but one to be citrusy and zesty, with skin crispy and delicious. I have spoken , though shall hear my words


well we did use bbq sauce, just not homemade :P


I will permit it .... This time




These look like a mutant ninja turtle's weapon




Yes yes his too


LOL! They do!


Alton Brown has a [video](https://youtu.be/FgFeVlw2Ywg?si=S9olgiPn5pHay4An) of dumb gadgets. The Rollie at 3:28 is one of my favorite stupid things.


My daughter was twelve when I got one as a gag gift. She loved it. Incredibly, she still uses it. She’s twenty five years old. It still works well, if you like disgusting egg tubes.


I bought one for a good friend of mine as a joke; he’s a chef so I knew he would be amused. It never worked; I don’t know if that’s a good thing or not. This [video](https://youtu.be/ydwaz2oPWY0?si=ZO2cZTxNUP5K8WoL) had a full tear down which is pretty fun. He calls it “a fleshlight for eggs” which just cracks me up.


I want to see the outtakes. It's amazing he got through any of that with a straight face.


The banana slicer.


There is a silicone tube for peeling garlic. It is completely useless. My wife bought it for me, only reason I still have it.


Mine works great. Try using more pressure as you roll it. And do it on the counter, not between your hands.


I have one too. With fresh garlic you have to scrub it more aggressively. If the bulb is a little dried out the paper comes off easier.


But so does just pressing the garlic under a knife , minus the tube, and I can see what is going on without the tube.


I only use it when I want undamaged cloves for slicing. If I'm mincing, I just smack it with a knife.


Some people seem to have polarized opinions on it - I think it’s pointless, so I remain going smashy smashy. My aunt loves them and she was in catering for over a decade. For me they just never seem to work as intended.


Yes, it never works properly, and it also makes a tube that needs cleaning.


I love mine.


🤔 I don't get it.. I'm happy for you, but don't get it..🙂


I just put the clove in the tube. Roll it about twice kind of pressing down. Now the useless thing is the rolling garlic mincer. It has blades and you put the garlic in it. It works good with enough pressure to get a good roll. But getting all the garlic out is a pain.


Someone once gave me a garlic press that looks more like brass knuckles, supposedly you were meant to roll this thing back and forth over your garlic, my immediate thought was weren’t this just be slower and less efficient?


I have this as well - I famously love garlic within my friend group (what kind of idiot doesn’t?) and it was a thoughtful, nonsensical “I was thinking about you” type gift….but it doesn’t even live with my other kitchen tools and I’m just counting the days til it goes in the trash.


It’s literally the only cooking related gift I’ve ever been given and never used


Used it once to check the box. It works exactly as well as you think it works. Oh and it has a shitty wooden handle so you can’t even throw it in the dishwasher


Sounds about right, I’ll stick to my regular old garlic press thanks


I have one of these and I love it!


I was given [this thing](https://youtu.be/sH0QjK_lkJI?si=JmSrJWpbfhrX6Gyr) and I've tried it a few times and found it to be useless. That being said, I find it funny as hell and keep it handy (it might work better for gravy).


I was given beautiful wooden salad servers as a gift someone brought me from Hawaii. They are large, one is a spoon type “paddle” the other a large flat fork. Pretty. Totally useless. My old metal tongs are far superior for serving salad, only needs one hand for one reason.


Could they be more decorative than functional? Like the giant fork and spoon that people put on their wall?


Lol. Like Marie on Everybody Loves Raymond?


I do not understand the functionality of apple corers/slicers. By the odd chance you manage to go straight down the middle and actually get all of the core out, you just then fight to the death with the damn thing to get the core out of the tube.    Apple slicers (the ones where it removes the core and slices them into wedges) might be useful if they weren’t smaller than the apple half the time and made with the dullest blades possible. They used to be all metal but are now made of plastic frames that promptly snapped in half the last time I tried to use one. Can get it all done 10x faster with a chef’s knife.


Salad hands




The [Original white sausage lifter.](https://www.roesle.com/en/hook-original-white-sausage-lifter-in-gift-box/).


Agree about the silicone tube for garlic. Got rid of mine years ago. Back of a knife smash it & then use back of a fork to crush up adding bit of salt. Old chef’s technique. Mine would be a salad spinner - waste of time & space. Good old cotton tea towel does the trick. Add wet lettuce - wrap long ways open back door & hold in hand & give it a great spin. Waters the garden & perfect lettuce. My Mum gave me this metal prong thing - never knew what it was for? I think holding onions while cutting & maybe spuds. Long gone now


someone gave me a banana slicer, it was in the shape of a banana, but never matched the shape of any banana I had, had too wide of slices. plus I have a knife so why would I need a banana slicer for something I do maybe once a year.


The Hutzler banana slicer! [Hutzler banana slicer](https://www.amazon.com/Hutzler-3571-571-Banana-Slicer/dp/B0047E0EII)


That multi fingered spaghetti spoon thing...I really only use it for a back scratcher. Never for pasta.


If you’re my SO - measuring cups. Everything is measured visually 🙄


I saw a late-night infomercial for a plastic device to butter bread or whatever. Basically if you unwrapped one end of a stick of butter and rubbed it across your toast, that would function better.


Egg separator. Potato masher. .


Potato masher!?!?! How do you mash potatoes?


Potato ricer


hand mixer for over 45 years.


Fair. Smooth mash needs hard work or mixer. I prefer chunky mash.


We don't have mashed potatoes that often. Couple times a year. For the other 363 days it sits in a draw with other utensils that we use daily but the stupid masher keeps getting hung up to where it's a struggle to get the draw open.


Fair. Now I'm reconsidering why I thought that it was a necessary utensil.


Oh yes on the hanging up in the drawer.


I don't think I've used my masher for potatoes in years. I use it to mush up ground beef for picadillo or to make guac on occasion!