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Short of coming out and asking him straight, maybe a good lead-in question would be, "Was I clean enough for you?" Then guage his reaction You could then, conceivably, be purposely a little less clean next time, and ask again


I think this one is probably the best advice in the comments rn


This is what I would suggest keep being more and more dirty and gauging how into it he is. Personally I am eating ass specifically to taste shit. I love shoving my tongue in dirty and finding a nice surprise. Best feeling probing it with my tongue.


There are probably ass eaters out there that will go to town but don’t you dare point out what’s in that package….or game over. I’m not sure what the difference is on the receiving end for that. If you’re gonna go for a fart I would absolutely warn them and let them either stay or back off. Then you’ll know for sure. But that’s a risk you have to decide on taking or not.


There should be a sub for ass eaters in denial. 😏


It would be HUGE in numbers if it was assigned but not self joined. Lol.


facts. 👊🏻


I love eating ass. As a guy I’m definitely an “ass man” that said I have and do eat out of ass and have done lines, shots, and chugged beers out of. I’m not into receiving scat in anyway. I think your best options are: A: Start with a fart while he’s going to town. This is the option of course to try if you’re too embarrassed/shy to discuss. B: Discuss. He may want it more than you know. May be just as embarrassed and shy about his kinks.


One day after sex joke around that if he keeps eating you out like that one day, by accident, you might shit in his mouth, so he better watch out. And pay attention to how he reacts.


I have some friends who are into ass stuff but as far as i know they have no interest in poop. In my case, my gf was well aware im crazy about her ass and only knew about my kink when i told her, she had no idea. So i think you should ask him if you really want to know, but be subtle, maybe even hint it after asking.


If you haven't gone to the toilet that day I can guarantee you his fingers are playing with your poop inside ur butt.. but with that said. It's not simple as.. oh he's into scat and therefore he wants to get his mouth stuffed with poop 😂 I guess you can say during a sexytime that it feels like you need to poop, and look for a reaction?


“Omg, you better stop. I am so gassy.” Or “Omg, I need to poop. I really don’t want to gross you out.”


maybe just have an open and honest conversation about your likes and dislikes. The only way you'll ever really find out is if you just absolutely own it. Although I do imagine it's quite nerve-racking for women to admit that they're into pooping just because even without the context of sexual desire society can still have all these stupid notions about women and their relationship to bodily functions. I think things are getting better on that front, but you know how it goes with this sort of stuff, sometimes it depends on where you live and or the kind of company you keep. But still, anyone who would be weird about a woman being into poop/scat has some ass backwards/antiquated notions of sexuality. not to mention women/femininity in general.


Honestly just ask. If he says he wants that then enjoy.


No real way to find out without asking or talking about it. If you really want to experience this, have a confident, frank and sexy conversation about your desires. Express how much you like him and how hot it would be to do this with him. Then be ready to gracefully accept a "no" if it comes to that. Then at least you still have an enthusiastic ass eater. Good luck!


I eat my woman’s ass all the time but I don’t want the goodies inside. I’d rather do dirty anal which we do a lot but I love eating her ass. He could be just into eating it for pleasure AND the goodies inside. Just enjoy it whatever he does. Let it be his idea. If you’re never prepared, go a step further everytime and see how he responds


I guess being direct is one way but if you wanted to test the waters you could just see how he reacts if you say you might be a bit full down there? If he doesn't mind and you get messy you might be in luck! Hope it goes well for you!


Honestly, just ask him. Be super supportive and be like "Hey, I noticed you really like rimming my ass and I can feel you get really into it - sucking and going really deep like you're wanting more. I won't judge, and I'm totally open to this, or we can pretend we didn't have this conversation, that's okay too - but did you want me to be more unprepared down there, next time?" I think he'll obviously know what you're implying and you can gauge his reaction. Even if he's into it, his knee-jerk responses might be to deny it - it's up to you to reassure him that it's okay.


Start by telling him how much you love being rimmed, and how it makes you feel. Then guide him towards expressing his boundaries, and perhaps state some of your own - eg you love his finger, but don't think you could take a fist, but you are willing to explore. And have a chat about spontanity vs preparation, hoping that during the conversation he will hint at or describe his wishes.


Does he comment on the smell? Since you mentioned the never prepared part I imagine it’s not always squeaky clean if he says your ass smells so good despite you knowing it smells like 💩 then I’d say it’s a safe assumption he does At least that’s why I did to test the waters If he Ever wants to do anal just say you’re scared of pooping accidentally, he will say it’s okay don’t worry 😉


I think communication is the best way to approach this topic. If you're into pee stuff I think that's a good bridge, ask him if he's interested in doing pee play with you. If someone isn't down for pee stuff they're probably not down for scat. Might be down for fart stuff tho but I feel like pee is the most socially acceptable bridge to scat play If he's down for that then just be honest and tell him about your fantasies.. especially a light version, like "I don't think I'm very clean down there, would you still eat me out?" Just ask before doing is I think is really important


You need to ask him. I love eating ass and have put my tounge inside I don't think I'm ready for scat


“come clean” hehehe


You mean you don't know


My wife knows I love scat I’ve ask her to poop while I’m eating her ass I can feel her ass puked but I’ve yet to taste any I’m hoping that changes


Well, licking the anus predisposes to the same bacteria as faeces, the anus is still dirty with small faecal residues, the fact that he licks you all the way down and masturbates the area with his fingers might be a good indicator that he might not mind scat play, maybe not the heavy kind with large amounts, but in small amounts. The only way would be to talk to him about it, maybe even making a few sarcastic jokes during play, so that you know what his reaction will be.


Maybe load some marshmallows and let him discover what otherwise would have been the tip of your turd? If he doesn't respond on this, he was not out to taste your poopoo yet.


This is a horrible idea, DO NOT put anything with sugar in it inside your ass, sugar is basically a super food for bacteria.