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If we're going to take what Aux says literally, then him having never betrayed his *oaths* implies multiple oaths, so it can't just be the fifth oath. I think this is just metaphoric. We see the Knights Radiants from a human perspective: the human is the knight and swears the oaths for the bond. The human is the leader and the spren is their buddy. Perhaps from the spren's perspective, the spren is the knight who travels far from home to find a human buddy and swears some oaths for the bond. Then the spren turns into a cool sword to fight against baddies. I think the idea is that a human and a spren come *together* to become a single Knight Radiant. The oaths of a Knight Radiant belong equally to two people - a spren and a human. The spren are just people from a far away land - they are sentient, and sapient, and have families and build cities. We don't know if spren and human swear the exact same oaths, but we do see personal growth from spren like Syl and Pattern, just like the way we see growth from Kaladin and Shallan. Also note... we are told that it was spren who imitated Honor and the Honorblades to create the first Radiants. So this whole thing was started by spren.


Ya my impression is that Honor and Ishar hatched the Knights Radiant to bind spren and surgebinders to oaths as a way to prevent (or forestall) what happened on Ashyn.


I think that just indicates the radiant Oaths go both ways. The spren make the same promises their bonded humans do. I don't think it implies that specifically the spren speaks the 5th ideal.


My take is that spren oaths aren't a thing yet in the stormlight timeline but will become a thing because the anti-light that is now being used in the conflict. Before the spren part of a Knight Radiant were more of a non combat an auxiliary (ha!) while the person part was the knight risking their life. Once anti-stormlight becomes common and spren can now die in the fighting they start to take the combat a lot more seriously and start thinking of themselves as knights as well not just a way for someone to become a knight. Thus they aren't just radiant spren, they are full Knights Radiant.


It's also possible the Spren need to make their own set of oaths that we don't know about. While a human (Or singer) is saying their oaths in the physical realm, maybe the spren are saying counterpart oaths in the cognitive realm? Building on Maya's cry of "We chose!", maybe the transformation into Deadeye Shardblades was related to the Spren breaking their own set of oaths not just the decisions of the humans?