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Costco tells you what to get, not the other way around.


I love this answer!


Canned chicken, sparking water, eggs, a toiletry item (e.g., toothpaste, tooth brushes, shampoo, or body wash), a snack item (usually chocolaty nut bars) that my wife (a teacher) can use to bribe her students.


After following the parenthesis I thought you meant you got your wife from Costco.


They have great deals on everything!!


But they package in multiples, so you end up a polygamist! šŸ˜…


Need to go get me the Husband multi-pack. Includes the following varieties: -Mechanic Hubby -Carpenter Hubby -Plumber Hubby -Housework Hubby -Personal Trainer Hubby


What's a Housework Hubby? Asking for a friend.


I would pay all the monies for this multipack, particularly with Costco's exchange policy. Yes, yes, yes, NO (channeling my inner Madeline Kahn)


Only in the Utah locations.


Or just one big one...


What was that return policy again?


%51 of any food item. Doesn't matter if its cooked or not. It all counts.


And every day I get lil snacks in cupcake liners


I also choose this guyā€™s teacher wife.


We have a snack table on our front porch for the delivery guys (Amazon, USPS, UPS, and Chewy), so we buy the snacks, and gatorade at Costco for that. But for us it is Coffee, Frozen Chicken, Beyond Burgers, TP, Paper Towels, Eggs, Cat Food, Litter, Bird Seed, Vitamins (I like the gummy, Multi, C, Apple Cider Vinegar, Melatonin) I am lucky if I can get out of there with less than $300 every 2 weeks.


I was bummed when they switched the gummy vit cā€™s to something more tangy. Not a fan.


What the fuck is ā€œcanned chickenā€ and did you know they sell a whole one for $5?


Canned chicken is a universal staple in veterinary hospital to try and appetize anorexic cats and dogs.


It's the chicken of the land


It comes in a can


it was put there by a man


in a factory downtown


Canned like tuna except itā€™s cooked chicken breast. I bought some early in the pandemic but didnā€™t end up using it because I didnā€™t know what to put it in. Probably things like casseroles and enchiladas.


itā€™s good for buffalo chicken dip if you donā€™t want to go through cooking chicken.


That's the only thing I've used it for because I know the flavor is enough to cover any potential canned flavor.


All you have to do is rinse it with water. Open the can, drain the can with the lid still on top, add water, then drain again. I do it to reduce the salt. But it works for the can taste, if there is one.


Good for chicken salad too


Or easy chicken salad


it's actually decent in chicken salad


Makes nice chicken salad for a sandwich. But so does a nice roast chicken weather, roasted at home or gotten from Costco


I've used it for chicken salad sandwiches. I've also used it in casseroles. People in Ohio know, but I've also used it in we we call shredded chicken sandwiches. It could be put in soups and stews as well. It is pretty decent for coming from a can.


Yes. My husband has made enchiladas with their canned chicken. Not to mention, chicken salad sandwiches. It's really versatile.


I use it for recipes like the two you listed, but also in salads, soups, and dips.


Keto pizza crust!


It's like canned tuna. Great for dips, easy enchiladas and tacos, making a quick chicken salad.


Surprised they let you take any nuts into school.


It stopped being a thing a few years ago in many schools. Unless there's a documented case in a specific class.


Crazy where Iā€™m at is zero nuts for the whole school


Well that's just nuts!


I bet there's plenty of nuts.


Water, TP, paper goods, house/laundry cleaners. Staples like coffee, tuna, bread, dairy and nuts. I do pick up a roasted chicken or some meat to freeze for use later in the month.


Itā€™s easier to make a list of things I donā€™t buy at Costco


I do most of my shopping at Costco. With how insanely overpriced and expensive most grocery stores have become, I try to only use regular grocery stores to supplement, and shop simply for bulk items to save money. What I only buy from Costco: 1. Gas 2. Oats 3. Carbonated beverages (Spindrift, hoppy refreshers, etc. I rarely drink alcohol, and prices on N/A alternatives are good) 4. Pasta sauce 5. Canned tuna 6. King Arthur flour 7. Chicken breasts, thighs 8. Frozen vegetables 9. Frozen berries 10. Dish soap 11. Sponges 12 Kerrygold butter 13. Nuts 14. Paper towels 15. Cheeses like pecorino, parmigiano, etc 16. Frozen fish 17. When I want red meat (which I rarely eat) 18. Ketchup, hot sauce, etc. 19. Plastic wrap and aluminum foil 20. Freezer bags (I wait until they go on sale; I rarely run out between sales) 21. Garbage bags


I wish my Costco had King Arthur flour.


I was just thinking the same!


Some do and it's just not fair mine doesn't. I do love their flour, but I'd love something better for my pizza dough


>Carbonated beverages (Spindrift, hoppy refreshers, etc. I rarely drink alcohol, and prices on N/A alternatives are good) This was one of my Costco staples too but I stopped - if you care about these things, apparently carbonated beverages are relatively acidic and that's not great for your teeth long term and my dental hygienist I see regularly noticed and commented. The more you know!


Iā€™m not consuming massive numbers of carbonated beverages on a daily basis, so Iā€™m not too worried about that


I just rinse with plain water when I'm done, but I only drink one can a day.


Its true. I used to have a la croix atleast 3x a day or once with every meal. I experienced a chipped tooth on 3 different teeth during this time. I was wondering what the hell was going on because it wouldnt happen while I ate or anything. It was just random while watching tv I felt what I thought was a grain of sand or something in my mouth and when i took it out it was a piece of my tooth. Ive since stopped drinking those carbonated waters. Its been 2 years without them and 2 years without a single tooth issue.


Daaaamn, I wish my location had King Arthur flour.


I can tell you are mindful of your diet


Daaaamn, I wish my location had King Arthur flour.


Daaaamn, I wish my location had King Arthur flour.


Milk is one of the few things that I donā€™t get at Costco. After finding https://www.whereismymilkfrom.com/ and looking at the different codes I found that they really only had milk from Ohio at my store in Orlando. While other stores carry more localized milk. But bananas are always on my Costco list


DC's milk is from Landover MD (about 5 miles from the costco to the dairy) about as local as it gets


Thatā€™s awesome! Most other store branded milk, like target , Walmart and ALDI are from right here in Orlando.


Whoa that's pretty awesome


Sad day! Our Costco is all Dairy Gold milk


Thatā€™s an awesome tool! Looks like my Costco carries milk from a couple hours away.


Yeah! I found that on a post on here talking about butter. They posted the website and Iā€™ve been looking at them ever since. Itā€™s really interesting to actually see where your foods are really coming from.


Thanks for that milk link.


Sometimes I just need one of the premade meal things.


The chicken street tacos are delish!


Always: pickled asparagus, parmigiano reggiano, dubliner cheese, other type of cheese, olive oil, pasta, cauliflower rice, sprouted bread, bag of avocados, shrimp, butter, eggs, bag of maui chips, jerky bites, meat, bubly, TP... Edit: forgot to mention bag of white onions, bag of red onions, bag of potatoes.


I like how you live


That dubliner cheese is life


Their onions go bad too fast. Same with potatoes and all the root veg they sell


If you store your potatoes next to your onions, they go bad quickly. I store my potatoes in the ikea rundbal basket in the pantry, onions in a rundbal basket but under the sink. I have no issues. Carrots and avocados in the fridge drawer....


Whenever I don't make it through a bag of onions I just roast them and make onion soup.


Wow pickled asparagus I wish we had that at my Costco


Their bacon is a must - thick sliced


My list (it's longer, but we get this every time we go. I'd love to see others strategy too!) Meals - I'll get the stuff below (just this, I'm boring, but we get variety through random takeout from time to time), this lasts around 2 weeks for our fam of 4: * Pastas and sauce * Red - make a giant thing of sauce, use about 1/4 of it, freeze the rest in equal servings in 1gal ziplock bags. Use one bag on each bag of noodles as needed. Usually dinner that night for the four of us, and then lunch leftovers for a couple of days. * Big thing of 5lb of ground beef * 2-3 bottles of whatever red sauce is on sale * Fresh produce: Bell peppers, onions (used in other stuff), mushrooms * 6 pack of the noodles with all the different shapes * Giant bag of shredded parmesian * White/oil sauce * 1 thing of fresh pesto sauce * The $10 pack of three italian hard salame rolls * 1 package of ground italian sausage * Asparagus, Green beans, onions, little tomatoes, mushrooms * Traditional grill - 30 mn to prep, another 60 to cook, dinner and leftovers for days * Porkchops, precut, it's like $3 more at the register and saves me 30 minutes of messing with the full loin. * Little potatoes, green beans, carrots * Random other prepped meal stuff: * Heggies frozen pizzas, Eggo waffles, and then whatever microwave breakfast sandwhich or burritos are around or on sale. Costco maple syrup, EVOO, salt/pepper/rubs, eggs, etc. * Lunches * Bread, sliced hard salami, the $10 cave-aged cheddar in the white/blue package, crackers, random fruits/berries on sale. I make a little charcuterie board in 5 minutes and get a fun lunch each day. * Snacks * Fig bars, bananas, oranges, apples, zbars, granola bars, 3 pack of milk, 3 pack of oj, case of monster energy drink, cold brew if they have it. House stuff: * Kirkland paper towels, napkins, toilet paper, diapers, wipes, garbage bags, dish washer pods, grill pellets, dog food, butter, chips. Arm and hammer oxy-whatever clothing detergent. 1 big bags of softener salt. Other stuff that I get that pays for the membership easily over the year every trip if needed (or one-offs that were massive savings): * Gas, ice (summer parties), wine (don't sleep on the kirkland signature series - total bangers - a $20 bottle is easily some white-labeled $40/$60 wine). Car/hotel rentals. * Blinds for windows (self-installed) - took 5 hours to install on around 15 windows, saved probably $10k+. * Appliances - priced well, free delivery, free haul-away, free install, amazing return policy and support. * House stuff - garage door, water softener, HVAC - all the stuff you see when you exit are usually amazing deals. Or, if anything, competitive - and you don't have to shop around. * Christmas jammies - I get a pair for the whole extended family, like 20-30 in total depending on who will be there. If you buy when they announce in like October, you get to dip into some "buy 5, get $30 back" deals, plus the discounted price already. I think it came out to $5/pair give/take averaged across kids, adults, pets. Worth it for a fun Christmas photo for $100.


How has no one mentioned the allergy medicine. Iā€™m pretty sure the savings on Zyrtec and fluticasone pay for my membership


Same with Kirkland Allegra




My daughter gets a lot of her alcohol there. Especially once I told her sometimes Kirkland is really a premium brand.


Recurring: eggs, salmon, fruit, dog food, TP, cottage cheese, ground beef, salmon burgers, hamburgers, fruit snacks, coffee pods


Eggs and seltzer water for work. Thankfully my Costco isnā€™t crazy busy all the time so itā€™s easy to pop in and out for these things.


Milk, eggs, TP, paper towels, berries and some fruit, carrots, cucumbers, meat, tofu, frozen veggies, yogurt, cottage cheese when they have it, bread, peanut butter, jam, coffee. All are cheapest by a pretty large factor or better quality or both. Any given week, weā€™ll only need like 4-5 things from this list from Costco, which we then supplement with our normal groceries on the way home.Ā  Every now and then Iā€™ll buy a fun purchase like a new dip, dessert, or a pre made meal.Ā  Canā€™t forget the pizza ice cream or cookie on the way out either!


Mmm the pizza ice cream is where it's at


organic ground beef, chicken thighs, Babybell Cheese, chicken stock, smoked salmon, Aperol, Kirkland Prosecco, TP, Paper towel, Crackers


Mixed nuts for me


It used to be gas, TP, milk, prescriptions and an occasional chicken. Maybe some OTC meds and jeans, but just a small list of stuph. Then I started working there. Well, their sneaky and devious master plan is working, and now Iā€™m giving them back a bunch of the money that they give me. When I work the door I see trends indicating when something is on special. Today it was bags of avocados for $2.97 and 5 lb bags of shredded cheese for $4.97. Itā€™s a good thing we sell freezersā€¦


I avoid buying perishables. The longer shelf life the more likely I am to buy it.


Water, mozzarella cheese balls, occasional rotisserie chicken. I need to do a water run soon.


I see folks carting out huge quantities of water. Why not just drink tap water? Seriously, Iā€™m curious why people buy water, especially in smaller plastic bottles.


Donā€™t know the reason for smaller bottles. But we buy the big jugs for hurricane preparedness.


Saving for hurricanes I can see. I guess after traveling in so many places where water must be purchased, and never safe from a tap, I was curious why people would choose to buy it. But I guess if they don't like the taste, that's as good a reason as any. We're lucky to have water that is safe to drink though - even if it's not tasting so great.


Many areas, including mine, have historically had high levels of PFOAS. I don't trust the current testing in my area due to the corporate interests of 3M being involved.


I donā€™t trust the quality of the water in my town. Too many times the water is brownish with no warnings from the water utility. And we have a lot of water main breaks. I got tired of changing/flushing the refrigerator water filter when this would happen right after I put a new one in. Plus I buy ph water which is allegedly better for you. I may consider putting a water filter at the faucet when I renovate. It may cut down but likely not eliminate my water purchases.


I buy the 6-pack of purified water for my Keurig. We have really hard water and the scale takes over otherwise.


Marketing has taught us we need it and tap water is icky (most bottled water is filtered tap water, of course).


Some people simply donā€™t like the taste of the water coming out of their taps


Our tap water tastes super gross even after running it through a filter


We did water delivery through Costco. Itā€™s slightly more expensive, but the convenience is well worth it.


- Egg whites - Rotisserie chicken - Ground turkey - Frozen steam-in-the-bag vegetables - Kerrygold butter - Raoā€™s marinara sauce - Amylu chicken meatballs - Chicken stock - Diet Pepsi (for my husband) - Premier Protein shakes - Water


Coffee, batteries and pet prescriptions. They also have the extra wide aluminum foil I like. I will also hit up the gas station and the liquor store. Occasionally Iā€™ll pick up some steak or paper towels. I typically donā€™t buy a lot there because I just donā€™t have the room.


Dog food, paper products (TP, plates, cups, utensils, foil, etc.), coffee, creamer, Just Bare nuggies, champagne (Chandon is $17ish a bottle), vitamins. If we are having a party or stocking up on meat, the list will grow, but this is our basic list.


If you have freezer space, you can buy meat, part it out, and freeze some of it for later. It is what I do, and itā€™s often much cheaper than buying at the grocery store. If you eat lots of rice, theyā€™ve also got big bags of it, including Calrose and Jasmine.


Maple szzzrrrrup


TP, water, cottage cheese, frozen salmon/shrimp, tuna, sauces, dog food/treats on sale


Peanut butter, strawberry preserves, Daveā€™s bread, frozen fruits, eggs, paper towels, toilet paper, batteries.


Rotisserie chicken, kimchi, avocado cups, polish dogs


Produce. Grape tomatoes, mini cukes, mini peppers, apples, bananas.. Meat. Rib eyes, ground beef, chicken thighs. Gallon size jars of pickles, spices, the list goes on. Countless impulse buys. The Chili, the street tacos, the gyros.


i love the chili!


Coffee, seltzer, Coke Zero, Just Bare chicken, bananas, spinach, frozen raw chicken. But weā€™re very susceptible to occasional impulse buys (yogurt, Yasso yogurt bars, oat milk, Itā€™s It, Kirkland sauvignon blanc, womenā€™s hoodies šŸ« ) ETA: weā€™re lucky that itā€™s just two of us and shopping is easy, it makes our trips pretty quick!


Meat, alcohol, pet food, paper products, otc meds, gas.


Rotisserie chicken, two - three veggie options, one - two fruits, one bag of nuts or snack


Eggs, milk , butter, basmati rice, coconut oil, TP, kitchen towels, dawn dish soap and laundry detergent.


I moved, and ended my Costco membership about a year ago because Iā€™m fine with Samā€™s But Iā€™m thinking of joining again just for the Kirkland Flour


Coffee Beans, Dog Food, Dog Biscuits, Tazo Chai Tea Concentrate, Real Maple Syrup, Frozen Pre-Cooked Bacon, Whipping Cream. In the summer: Hot Dog Buns, Hamburger Buns, Hot Dogs, Hamburgers.


Daveā€™s Killer Bread 2 loaves for under $10, always!!!


No better deal than the rotisserie chicken. Grab one for dinner or to use for chicken noodle soup.


Redbull, wife buys everything else.


Paper towels, gloves, rubbing alcohol, bottled water. Iā€™m the shop manager for a tattoo shop.


I get most things at Samā€™s, because they tend to be a few dollars cheaper on similar items. BUT, the one thing Costco has that Samā€™s doesnā€™t have is Chocolate Banana Almond Milk. Itā€™s divine!


Parmesan, dog medicines, batteries. Laundry detergent, paper towels, allergy meds. Cascade liquid. Butter. Dips and cheeses and chips if we have a party.


Garbage bags, parchment paper, plastic wrap, allergy medicine, ibuprofen, acetaminophen, acid reducer, contact solution.


People.who buy costco gas are psychopaths. They wait 45 mins to save 4 dollars. They should just get a job!


That is a California thing. Other parts of the country the lines arenā€™t that bad or donā€™t exist.


I get gas before work at 7:30 AM. Itā€™s a ghost town at that time. Mid-day? Youā€™re right, itā€™s nuts.


Gas and something fizzy to take home.


Milk, TP, pizza, coffee, cheese sticks


Fruit, eggs, TP, meat, occasional snack/chips among other things IF they are on sale.


Toilet paper, paper towels, trail mix, cashews, HP printer ink, almond milk.


TP, coffee, milk, Oberto pepperoni sticks, razor blades (when on sale), Waterloo or LaCroix seltzer, kirkland sausage frozen lasagna, Jimmy Dean breakfast croissants


Water, TP and gas ā›½ļø.


Toilet Paper, Paper Towel, Diapers / Wipes, Laundry Pods, Dishwasher Pods, Eggs, Milk, Bread, Fruit/Veggie Pouches for Toddlers


Paper products, Chicken nuggets, mini pizzas, hummus with a flavor, turkey lunch meat, no dairy milk, krave cereal, tuna


Meat, eggs, coffee, bacon, butter, paper goods is my main list then I will pick up a random item or two as needed.


Fruit, milk, eggs, mission wraps, turkey and mini muffins are the always buys.


Tp, paper towel, philly cream cheese, kerigold, roast chicken, ravioli, pesto, meatballs, alcohol


paper towels, kirkland chips, block cheese, protein of all types, hummus, kirkland whole bean coffee,


For the main part: milk, bread, dog food, cheese, lunch meat, tp, dish soap and dish washer detergent, le croix


Meat. Clothes if I see something I like .


Staples are mayonnaise, monk fruit, cheese crackers, Kerrygold butter, kerrygold cheese, soy sauce, TP, paper towels, detergent. Occasionally I'll impulse buy something that's on sale.


Eggs, TP, canned tomatoes and tomato sauce, cheeses, lettuce, pre-cooked bacon, tofu, coffee, napkins, paper towels, soap, toothpaste (sensodyne), shampoo/conditioner, tortillas. I hate having to buy these items anywhere else.


Gas, water, , various snacks, oats, TP, laundry detergent, & trash bags. Last 3 are annual.


Water, coffee, Gatorade, tp, paper towel. Smart pop corn trail mix and HOT DOG!


Eggs, greek yogurt, frozen fruit, spinach, and bananas weekly.


Paper products - towels, tissue, toilet paper. Eggs. Vitamins. Ketchup. Cholula. Cleaning stuff.


core list is a stop for gas, then milk eggs bananas carrots cheeses rotisserie chicken, and bread and lasagna every other trip. the rest of my cart is whatever random stuff is on sale or .97 clearance that I see on here or in-person.


TP, Dish detergent, Toothpaste, Rotisserie chicken, Parmesan, GruyĆØre, Cheddar, Vodka, Gin


For me what I buy at Costco is rice, beans, bananas, cat litter, garbage bags, paper towels/tp, work snacks, peppers, detergent, roast chicken. I buy seltzer during the summer time


Household products (TP, laundry soap, ziplocks, etc), milk, school snacks, frozen, mostly. Oh and the ham ā€œchunksā€ to slice up for sandwiches at home. Like less than $3/lb.


Laundry soap, protein shakes, poop stuff for my mom, bananas, dill pickle salad, cheese strings and laughing cow.


Tortillas, rotisserie chicken and bacon


On our standard list is; Loo rolls, kitchen paper towels, serviettes, washing pods, fabric conditioner, Calgon, loo cleaner, foil, cling film, paper tissues, cleaning wipes. Food: it depends what everyone is eating - sometimes deli meats, cooked chicken, avocado oil, nuts, Arabiata fresh sauce, mozzarella cheese, Parmesan cheese, smoked salmon, chicken gujons. Alway used to buy frozen blueberries and raspberries - not in stock on last visit! In UK. Edit; word non to not!


I get more than I need sometimes but here's my smaller list of things I always go to Costco to get... TP, paper towels, milk, dog food, Kirkland chicken breast chunks, Tyson blackened chicken breast, Kirkland Fruit & Veggie pouches, and liquid IV. I also really liked the Kirkland lavender laundry beads but my store hasn't had them lately.


Grapes, bananas, hard boiled eggs, Bolani spinach flatbreads, almond milk. I do buy more stuff but those are my "quick in and out" staples. My office is right across the street from Costco so I can get in and out pretty quickly especially if I show up a few minutes before 9 am


Toilet paper, paper towels, M&Ms (the big plastic container). Sometimes I'll buy salmon.


TP, Paper towels, butter, Motor city pizza, protein shakes, muffins, and if they have it Iā€™ll grab some canned San marzano tomatoes


Whisky and Tequila


Kerrygold Butter, Milk, Eggs, Coke Zero, String Cheese, Brownberry Bread. Semi-regular: Dishawasher pods, Laundry detergent, TP, Paper towels, Kleenex, batteries, Allertec.


We pretty much buy: Taylor Farms salad kits, cat litter, sparkling water, yogurt, pasta sauce, and tortillas everytime we go. We also get tp, paper towels, sponges, dish soap, laundry detergent, trash bags, and toothpaste whenever we run out, but in a two person household that isn't too frequently.


TP, paper towels, chicken breasts, frozen burger patties, frozen blueberries, frozen broccoli, instant coffee, eggs, sour French bread, printer ink cartridges, walnut pieces, tasty bites madras lentils, canned tuna. These are the staple items that make Costco membership worth it for me.


Gas, paper towels, toilet paper, eggs, sliced beef, fruit, detergent, and some of the frozen meat-meal stuff.


Kombucha Alkaline Water Vital Proteins Collagen Half & Half Raoā€™s Tomato Sauce


Kirkland OTC medicines, vitamins and supplements, gas.


Diapers, wipes, breakfast sausage, liquid IVs. Those are a must, but sometimes I shop around.


Coffee, half +half, whole smoked turkey at the holidays, protein bars, allergy meds and Kirkland pain relievers.


Milk eggs cereal chicken


Gas, TP, paper towel, dishwasher pods, wine & liquor, olive oil, steak. Sometimes rotisserie chicken if Iā€™m in the mood for it.


Half & Half Kirkland dog food Kirkland dental chews Kirkland Natural Peanut Butter Natural Ovens Keto Bread Aller-tec pills and nasal spray Kirkland All Beef hot dogs Thereā€™s more.


TP, Redbull, Starbuck Egg bites, paper towel, liquid IV, razors, and scrub daddies. Of course the yummy costco hot dog lol.


Gas Ground Beef Eggs Yogurt Bagels Toilet Paper Peanut Butter Jam (especially the Raspberry jam. Yum!) Pasta Pasta Sauce Canned Vegetables Lotion Toothpaste


Costco pate cat food, those freeze dried chicken treats for pets, and Kirkland bacon.


Sparkling water, frozen shrimp, frozen salmon, sometimes wine or shrimp cocktails, better than bouillon. Gas, TP, paper towels


Lunch meat, sliced cheese, sliced pickles, sauerkraut, frozen tilapia, dishwasher pods, trash bags, frozen chocolate-dipped strawberry popsicles, and one new item from the snack aisle to try.


Bitchin Sauce Vegetable barley soup TP Shelled walnuts


Chicken breast, peppers, Kirkland chicken nuggets, coffee, gallon water, Perrier, oat milk, almond milk, peanut butter, cashews, oils, allergy meds. Those are my most frequent items in order of how often Iā€™m getting them from every weekly trip to when I run out to yearly.


Eggs, Egg Whites, Yogurt, Italian Meatballs, Chicken Chunks, K-Cups, Canned Chicken, Canned Tuna, Mixed Nuts. These are the things that I look for. My wife buys the produce stuff.


Standard things I exclusively buy at Costco: Folgers coffee, maple syrup, whatever breakfast cereal is on sale, butter, Parmesan cheese, tortillas, KS granola bars, vegetable and olive oil, yeast, and dish soap. Other things as the spirit leads but Iā€™m usually under $150 even after adding a couple bottles of wine.




Gas, bananas, TP, coffee, chicken cubes, crackers


I get the Tutta Bella pizza. 2 fresh pizza for $18. Prosciutto goes well on it. Sometimes I get a box of chicken bakes/breakfast Sammieā€™s. For like $40 total


Gas, one chicken, a hot dog, dog treats, the pinwheels, granola. One more item that rotates based on what I need.


Gas, tp, and the premade meals. Occasionally when I don't go alone, giant amounts of drinks.


Tp, paper towels, laundry soap, rotisserie chicken, dino nuggets, chicken tenderloins, orange juice, school lunch and snacks like little bites, nutella sticks, cheese it's, caprisun, and goldfish crackers


Coffee pods, energy drinks, dishwashing tabs, laundry tabs, napkins, paper towels, frozen meats (chicken nuggets, breakfast sausage)


Dog food, dog treats, dog beds lol


Saltines!!! Other places can be from $4-$6 for 33% of the amount of crackers. Itā€™s like $8 for 12 stacks of saltines


I live about 5 minutes from one and my main list is: gas, eggs, chicken thighs, and milk.


TP, paper towels, dog food, dog meds, chicken breasts, toiletries, and drinks are my usual Costco go tos. Itā€™s just the two of us so anything perishable isnā€™t worth it.


Toilet paper, paper towels, paper plates, tissues, protein shakes, rack of lamb (such a good deal), wild caught salmon, nuts, electrolytes, berries, roasted chicken, flank steak, soups, core spices like garlic powder, onion powder etc, tortilla chips, yogurt, Kirkland grass fed butter (better than kerrygold), probiotics


Mostly dry goods and pantry, cheese, bag salad/romaine, coffee, ziplocks, paper plates, maple syrup, honey, vitamins and otc med, some meats, frozen veg


Dog food Peanut butter Cabot cheddar cheese Chicken breasts and thighs Taquitos Bulgogi dumplings Coffee Dish soap Chocolate covered caramels Frozen berries Cottage cheese Sour cream Oatmeal That's the regular list. We often add fresh fruits and veggies, eggs, chips, cereal, sauces. It depends on the time of year and if my kids are with me or not.


Butter, vitamin water, coffee, yogurt


- [x] all TOOP (targets of opportunity) - [x] Protein drink - [x] Detergent - [x] Blue butter - [x] Eggs - [x] Snack packs nuts and cheese - [x] Grapefruit cups - [x] TP - [x] Paper towels - [x] Coffee cans - [x] Dishwashing Detergent - [x] Gatorade - [x] Dips: crab, street corn, spinach - [x] hummus - [x] Ground beef - [x] Peppers - [x] Napkins - [x] Bars


condoms, lube, plastic gloves and a box of crab legs


Chicken Street Taco dinner kit. That is literally the reason I am a Costco member. Don't get me wrong, I do wander around and buy other things, those street tacos tho.


Paper towels, ramen, hand soap, laundry detergent, rotisserie chicken.