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That person definitely doesn’t return their cart either


Some people suck. I want to thank all my fellow shopping cart returnees for doing the bare minimum to keep society working.


As the person who collects the carts thank you… but also maybe leave one or 2 in the back of the lot so I can hit my penjamin every now and again


I take mine back always but now I’m gonna leave one far away here and there for my fellow stoners tryna hit mr penjamin If the cart narc catches me I’m showing him your comment so he knows I’m low key helping the cart kid


I always return never know when cart narc might sneak up on you


Love when people try and defend the lazy fuck in the video, like getting them heated and worked up is the least society can do. Like let’s not forget they’re perfectly fine letting the cart roll into someone car to save them maybe a total of 15 seconds so they kinda deserve to get fucked with just for a bit.


Don't be a lazy bones!


And litter bugs!


I watch a show called Customer Wars and this guy sits in the grocery store parking lot and if you don’t return the cart he follows you and slaps a magnet on your car that says something snarky about not returning your cart. I couldn’t imagine wasting all your free time doing that! But he almost had a few fist fights where he wouldn’t leave people alone. It was so weird! Lol


Cart Narcs of YouTube! Making that YouTube money! Some people just lose their shit. But sometimes they admit their mistake and I’m sure they think twice next time.


I just look at it as adding steps to my counter LOL But geez they make a channel for everything don’t they! Lol


I return mine and grab any stray carts to combine with mine on the way.


It'd be a full-time job at my costco. There's just as many carts loose in the lot or stacked in long lines along the boulevard at the end of rows of parking than there is at the cart returns and inside; it's ridiculous. I also love the people who take boxes from inside to haul their groceries easily in, which is what they're for, but then unload the box into their car and leave the bloody boxes in the cart, so they can't be nested together now.


Some people should take a course on shopping matters or only be allowed to buy unfrozen frozen foods and be forced to get shopping carts from the end of the parking lot to learn basics... Otherwise just revoke membership or pay fines


I am always surprised how rarely people get their membership revoked. I've seen some real shit bags having a go at the workers with a manager right there and then I see them shopping at the same store weeks later.


A Big Ol' Lazy Bones!


Wee oooo wee oooo




Yesterday, I watched this woman at Walmart lead her empty cart all the way across the parking lot to the cart rack, then just pushed it as hard as she could and walked away. The cart didn't even make it to the rack. Really had to wonder what the point of the walk over was.


Fun fact: it’s in the membership agreement that customers have to return their carts to the corral “Every member using a shopping cart to carry their purchases from the warehouse to their vehicle is obligated to return the cart to the enclosure identified for this purpose in the parking lot in order to facilitate the retrieval of same, as well as to avoid carts from becoming an obstacle to the traffic flow of other members’ vehicles.”


I feel like the person leaving a bag of shrimp out like that is far worse than the cart people. I tend to reserve judgement on the carts. This, absolutely no excuse. If you aren’t going to walk it back, at least give it to a cashier.


Lazy bones!


Or if they do, it will be in front of the bike rack!


Got that Wright leave things all over and the CART BEHIND MY CAR HATE LA😡😡


Costco pro tip: If there is something you don’t want to purchase anymore ask a staff member by the registers that you don’t want it especially cold/frozen food. They’ll gladly take it from you and add it to the returns buggy or take it back themselves.


This right here, super simple.


As a Costco worker, this is appreciated. Since more than likely that shrimp is found the next morning for the morning crew.


They can’t return frozen food back to the cooler ever. They don’t know how long you had it in your cart.


They do it all the time. They cant Return frozen food that has been left on some random shelf.


Not true. Also, it's pretty easy to tell if an item has been out of the freezer too long... Is it still frozen?


I've seen it happen far too many times at my Calgary location, they just walk it back to the cooler or freezer.


This this this this this!!!!!


Last Costco visit, there were about 10-12 carts loaded with different items, sitting in the aisle between checkout and pharmacy. Guess those were the 'I changed my mind, don't want this now' items from customers.


Thank you! It takes two seconds. You don't even have to go out of your way, and you save so much food from going to waste! Carts and carts full of food are constantly being destroyed because people don't think to do this.


Yes that's right, but imo for people keeping at the incorrect location-it would take just a few minutes to return it to the freezer, not that it's a drive through Toronto!


Straight to jail, for these savages.


Worse, membership revoked


Worse, expelled


No samples and have to empty the cart and place things back and each item on the receipt is checked! No random black line priority bill check for you!!


If you fail to return something to the freezer, a natural outcome is to be put in the freezer. 48 hours ought to be sufficient.


10 years dungeon


You know what makes it worse? This could be a work of a cart thief. Just a few days ago, I had frozen and raw things in my cart & someone took my cart while I went to washroom. What's worse is that the thief dropped frozen and raw things at some random spot!! Not even where the cart was!


I can’t believe people steal carts, there’s literally rows of them as you walk in and they are free. Dumping someone’s shopping is just the scummiest shit, if you do that you are the worst


The good ole “I only came in for one thing” and ended up stealing others cart because they clearly didn’t end up getting one thing


This. I was reading through the replies making sure someone else posted this so I didn’t have to. I had a visit earlier this year where my cart just plain vanished. And I had stuff in it. Looked all over … eventually saw my food items, now no longer in a cart, but piled on a pallet with sports equipment.


Why is there so much soap in the shrimp section?


Never knew they came out with a Shrimp scented Dove soap!




[Why are you buying clothes at the soup store? [NSFW:Swearing]](https://youtu.be/4kqbKEqzsAI?si=8gs23_P84HJMbel3)


I get so enraged when I see stuff like this. It’s so ignorant and irresponsible. And then the worst thing is people complain when prices are so high, well they have to pay for these careless people and actions. If you really don’t want something, just tell the cashier at the time of checkout, they will take care of it for you. Rant over.


Yes to all except prices are absolutely not going up because someone has to restock or some units might not get sold and will be tossed. They are going up because thats the easiest way to make more profit


Prices go up for more than one reason, learn some basic common sense instead of regurgitating conspiracies.


I think the point is those are going in the garbage. It's wasteful and costs all members money. Anything perishable that requires refrigeration is ruined if it sits out. A bag of chips, a pack of coffee, a pair of pyjamas can all go back on the shelf. What this person did is criminal. They should track people on the cameras and charge things like this to their membership.


Who does this shit ! Deserves a good smack and probably hasn’t had food poisoning in the 5-10 years. I’ve had it twice in the couple years and I’m not saying it’s from Costco at all but some could definitely get sick from ppl doing this.


Members who are caught doing that should have their membership revoked. It would (hopefully) put an end to this. 


I once saw a kid put back the icecream into the burger section. I went up and told the kid (the father was next to him) that he needed the put the stuff back to the right section. The kid and his father stared back at me for a while and moved on with their shopping trip. Horrible parent!!!


I'm a firm believer you can judge the entirety of a person by weather or not they put their cart away or not in a parking lot. It tells you most of what you need to know with very few exceptions: 1. The person is very lazy and will do the bare minimum or less. 2. The person is selfish and will put their needs above anyone else regardless of the amount of effort required to do otherwise. 3. The person is unwilling or incapable of understanding the damage their actions can do to others (damage of property in this case). 4. The person likely has a very weak understanding of personal responsibility. 5. The person likely expects others to fix their problems. The image above is a similar representation of this behaviour, though to a slightly lesser extent.


/#6: the person doesn't value the life of animals & sees them as disposable objects. I know I sure wouldn't want to sleep with someone with that little empathy.


I accidentally put milk in the freezer once, cuz I was sick and had to rush out. Got yelled at by a staff member. I genuinely had every intention to put it in the right place but I felt like I was about to pass out and didn’t want it to go bad if I left it in the cart. Fail on my part. But surely there’s room for nuance 😭 I guess the freezer is better than on a shelf right?


People who get caught doing this should be banned for life. 


Yeah….dont understand it at all….it’s horrible


Maddening!! 🤬


In today's society, there's a big lack of Fuck Around Find Out. So entitled garbage humans feel entitled to stay garbage.


Apparently, there are a bunch of DBs on this thread that think their mother works at the store and should wander around cleaning up after them.


My ex used to do that. I’d spin the cart back around and make her put the thing back. I was a highly trained stocker, at the IGA, back in high school.


This is especially depressing if you've seen the Vice documentary about how Thai fishing boats kidnap local indigenous people and force them to work as bonded slaves on their shrimp boats. So, potentially people's lives ruined in addition to a huge waste of resources to produce that package that Ronald didn't feel like walking back two aisles to put away.


Here is a link to a different source: https://ejfoundation.org/reports/thailands-seafood-slaves


[Modern Day slaves of Thailand —VICE](https://youtu.be/qFXOvHizbd8?si=JPjZS0IzzXIfRPh5) You can say that again.


Bet they stop their cart in the middle of the isle to look at things


People in the world are starving and we can't walk 50ft to put stuff back


There should be a “changed my mind” bin near the cashier. I can understand it more when someone has mobility issues, those stores are so huge


Just give it to the cashier and say you changed your mind, it’s simple. They get someone to put it away.


I did this last time with coffee - found a better deal in a display and didn't want to navigate through the horde to put it back. The cashier was so grateful and thanked me for bringing it to them. "Some people just hide it on other racks." I felt like I was doing charity for being lazy. It was awesome.


I was a Cashier for over a decade, it is so rare but so appreciated. I can’t stand wasting food for no good reason! Give it to us, we’ll make sure it gets back where it belongs!😊


This might have been someone who saw the line for the cash and decided to dip. My bf and I stopped in one Sunday, picked up about ten items and then realized the line to check out wrapped half way around the goddamn store. Easily an hour wait. (We aren't savages, we went around and put things back, but it sucked. There were multiple carts just abandoned and stuff left all over the tables and aisles from people who decided not to wait.) Never again will I do weekend Costco.


I love this, or "changed my mind" coolers at specific zones far away from food.


There is hnder the cashier


Real talk, is it unethical / wrong to take it and pretend it was mine, and just either return it to the freezer or give it to the cashier and say I no longer want it? Like sure an employee can’t do that if they see it, but if they’re still frozen as fuck, I’m always down to return it back


I don't see an issue with that personally. I've often found items near cashiers while checking out, a couple of weeks ago i found a pack of sausages about 6 feet from the cashier, but hidden just out of her sight behind candy. I said "excuse me, i noticed someone left this here and I figured it's just out of your view"


It's wrong to put it back in the freezer if they're thawed, but the right thing if they're definitely still frozen. I'd just tell them I found it.


This is why I never take from the top or front when buying anything refrigerated or frozen.


Once they get face recognition they can start shaming these people.


I work at costco and the other day I found a rotisserie chicken on the clothing tables. Needless to say it had leaked, and lots of clothes were soiled by it


Worse kind of scum


You see some of the shittiest human behaviour at a Costco…


The amount of food we have to throw out every day because some member left a bunch of frozen/refrigerated food in a random aisle, too lazy to put it back or at least give it to an employee so they can run and put it back before it goes bad!!! Like seriously it would take you two seconds to hand it to the cashier and say you don't want it... literally carts full of non saleable food is destroyed every single day because of this. So frustrating!!!


I agree. Who put all that damn soap near the snacks.


I often put a silent curse on those people every time I see something like this.


shrimp lives matter


Piss me right off! They put all that dove in the fig, shrimp, pyjama department


always wonder if an employee returns those shrimps to the freezer when discovered. whomever buys them would never know they were sitting out for what could be hours 🤢


Literally worse then ppl who don't return their carts, by an order of magnitude


Everywhere. Happens really bad in my warehouse. It sucks because we have to throw out so much of it unless we get to it right away. What is WORSE is when it’s an abandoned buggy full of refrigerated products. Most of us whoke working don’t take notice to a line buggy unless we pass it several times in the same hour and by that time anything refrigerated is toast. Mostly just assuming it’s someone who hopped into the next aisle or is grabbing something is the default assumption.


Some people really do suck. I know he's hated in this place, but the Great Rush Limbaugh instilled goodness in to his listeners. I'll never forget his story of waiting in his limousine at a Walmart while someone he had picked up at the airport visiting him was inside getting something. He watched dozens of people try to pull out a shopping cart and it was stuck on the next cart (we've all encountered this). He couldn't stand it anymore and got out, went in and freed the shopping cart from its sinister binds so the next shopper would have no troubles. To this day I never let a stuck shopping cart make me move-on...it WILL be freed! I also grab carts from parking spots where awful people have just left them in the way and put them in the cart corral. I'm OK with countering a handful of selfish terrible people with good deeds. It's people like us that make civilization...civil. We have to rise above the self-centered and lazy and be that much better to make up for their stain on society.


Start calling people out!


Waste that food, this is why prices go up to cover loss.


At least it's not a frozen item rotting behind something else.


It's even better just to take it back to the nearest freezer as opposed to the proper freezer. This person's just a jackass.


I'm guilty of putting something ouuof my cart in the wrong spot (I have two chaotic toddlers of that buys me any sympathy) but I would never dream of doing that with something frozen. So wasteful and unnecessary


As someone who works there same


Must be at Costco, the place is full of inconsiderate cunts!


People are so shitty


What kind of a complete ignoramus would do this!! Low life loser!!! Gets me all riled up!


I think Costco has a couple staff that just wander the isles with carts and collect all that. But you’re right, it’s like the in-store equivalent of the shopping carts outside and the cart-return. It’s like the perfect metric on whether someone is a good person. Doing the right thing without any reward.


They can collect the pyjamas. But they can't be sure that frozen food sitting out on the shelves is safe to consume. It has to go in the garbage. It means more than the cart return. Those animals died so we could eat. People who leave frozen food on the shelves to be thrown away wasted those lives.


I guess the XL person who was trying to eat kinda healthy, decided that they needed to smell fresher and being clean was more important. I hate seeing this as well... ESPECIALLY FROZEN food. It sits there too long and 20bucks in the trash.


And 200 dead shrimp in the trash...


Not the shrimp!


You should try working at Costco. Lol.


I actually sometimes take those items back to where they belong .. especially if it’s something that needs refrigeration or freezing .. I know it’s not my job but it drives me crazy


As someone who used to work retail it’s funny to think that someone got rid of one product and chose another next to where it was abandoned. Like pet food in the chip aisle… guess your cat isn’t eating tonight… or feminine care stuff in the beverages… don’t even want to know the logic there.




Same here , if it shelf item I will grab it on my way put it back. Frozen, I don't touch as it might be too bad to sell and costco has policy on disposable for such item.


As someone who also works retail, it happened WAY to often. And sadly I'm one of the only ones that goes around collecting all this stuff, I'll find cold stuff in random places too. On days off I'll come back to the store looking terrible x.x so lazy customers and lazy coworkers both annoy me


Choices were made.


Especially the shrimp needing to be refrigerated


When I become PM, straight to Advika for these fools.


Is this why that shrimp tastes so rubbery?


Needed the soap more than the shrimp I suppose


Maybe they had a code brown emergency, hard to be rational when yer butt cheeks are holdings back the soft serve.


Decisions were made here


I saw someone put a raw fish fillet where the hot rotisserie whole chickens were. Just changed there mind and got a chicken but left the fish there to spoil.


Homie trying to feed doves, shrimp. Real saint type shit


Another reason this might be here is they got to the front of the store to check out and didn't want to wait in line.


Either put it back where you found it, or give it to the cashier. They have piles of items that people don't end up buying, or items that got thrown wherever, and they'll be happy enough to return it, instead of finding it later where it's not suppose to be. Especially a temp sensitive product.


Love those figs


When I see this or aggressive driving I try to imagine they really had to poop. It helps me manage my anger.


Then this will to. Privilege of membership.


They used to actually have staff on the floor, to clean up boxes, spills or shit like this, but they've cut staff so much now it just sits and the place looks like a bomb went off if you go in late. Sucks


Right! 😭🤣


They didn't have enough people to process customers Saturday. I almost left my cart and walked out. I wanted ice cream and it was melting as I waited... I waited. But they need to staff appropriately.


Even worse some staff will just throw it back in the freezer


What? Body care products & snacks comingling?


Someone will be paid to put these back where they belong . I’d say that’s a win


Daily occurrence. They have cart loads of these by am for things that need to go back.


I don't prefer precooked shrimp but it will do in a pinch I guess


As a CostCo shareholder, this really ticks me off.




Decisions were made


Thing is, since this happens at every store, every single day, why don't they put a little dump zone near the cash with dry, fridge and freezer. We can all say what people should do, but since they don't, plan for it.


That bag of shrimp is just going back in the freezer isn't it?


There's something about come Costco shoppers, they are some of the sloppiest bunch I've ever seen. It's remarkable how much spoilage thier customer create.


Welcome to retail 🫡😂


As someone who works there yeah I have to salvage a lot of these items and I hate it


I agree! These lazy Costco staffers need to get their shit together!


Imagine being a worker.


That's intentional…subliminal marketing. After you eat your shrimp and figs, you need to wash your hands with soap, before putting on your pyjamas.


A choice was made here.


Does it surprise you? Welcome to Costco.


Nowadays there a lot of lunatics who do this. Today I went to Costco and some morons kept their sample cups on the shelves, what kind of aholes


Why don't you then return it to it's original spot. This is common in all grocery stores.


As a costco employee this might be the one thing i hate the most


We call it “choices were made” or “someone’s mom said no” when we see it Target. We counted 11 misplaced items in one grocery aisle.


Cart collectors get paid, if there were no carts to collect no would paid from the millions department/grocery stores bring in. Stop your winging 🤪


People like this are why Red Lobster is bankrupt


Some people is garbage


Frozen shits a big ahole move. But someone leaving something non perishable in the wrong aisle is … meh, worse shit out there. Agreed it’s not great but frozen stuff? Man might as well just toss it in the trash, what a waste (depending on when it’s found, but like how do you determine how long it’s been sitting…)


Hate people doing this🤨🤨🤨🤬


A choice was made


as someone who had worked retail since the age of 17. seeing people place grocery items randomly really bothers the employees. we’ve seen pretty much everything. what really pisses us off is when someone just lives a basket full of items in the middle of the aisle and walks away.


Welp. Back in the freezer with it. I’m sure these shrimp will be frozen again in no time


I wish people know all these shrinkages are added back to the price of each n every single item.


Someone's Mom said no...


XL pajamas. Too fucking fat and last to waddle their fatass back to the freezer section.




Looks like he or she found a better skincare routine


Shrimp is extreme but the others i do always


I just came across this sub. I was at superstore yesterday with my younger sister getting dinner and saw a girl drop a half eaten apple at the register before putting the rest of her items on the belt. I couldn't believe myself. She just left it there. This was an adult woman with her husband...


My local Costco has ice cream, milk and eggs left there on the regular


I would be more upset finding the dove soap by the cooked shrimp. At least we know this person smells good


They could just hand it to the cashier and say they dont want it .


Me too! Idiots...


Man y'all drank the corporate kool-aid so fkn hard. It's not your store, why do you care


Getting those top boxes of dove out really is a nuisance


Agree. Never wash your shrimp in soap.


Who fucking cares? Mind your own business and get a life. Whining about arbitrary shit on the internet isn't gonna do shit so just stop.


It's constant. People leave frozen or refrigerated things out of the freezer all the time, and throw things like meat or produce into the freezer, so they have to be thrown out. Just tonight I found several blocks of cheese tossed between boxes in the spice aisle. I'm sure a lot of it is just apathy, but I've heard shoppers say it's a protest "to get back at the big corpos." This is the world we live in.


People lost basic common sense


Well as a former grocery employee it infuriates me more lol


That and just leaving carts in the middle of the parking lot.


People who shop frozen goods first before anything else are usually smrt like Homer Simpson. 🤣


The people who do this are the same people who complain that prices have gone up… drives me insane


Everyone knows who did this.


U don't say?


It's humorous at times when it's not food that could go bad fairly quickly out of refrigeration. I always get a chuckle when I find the diapers in the beer aisle at my local super store, like someone made a difficult (albeit wrong) choice. But this is just inconsiderate.


She just wanted to check if Dove really will eliminate that nasty fish smell she has down there.


Had a friend who did this. Apparently, according to him, items like this removed from a freezer cannot be returned to the freezer so he was doing them a favour keeping them separated.


Did you do anything about it or just post a pic?


$1 CND it was a new Canadian.


This is nothing! I used to work in retail, and on occasion would be able to fill an entire shopping cart with crap that isn't where it belongs or doesn't belong. From a 12 foot section of shelving alone. This potentially unfrozen package would be nearly best case scenario. Including but not limited to (in descending order): Empty packages, opened packages with partial contents strewn about (you know if you need a couple AA batteries, the most convenient thing to do it rip open a 24 pack and dump it and take two, right?), half eaten food / partially full coffee cups, chewed gum, soiled diapers. Yes, people suck!


I disagree, these people create jobs.


must have an easy life if little things like this get you twisted


This should be a lifetime ban from Costco


People are animals

