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I wouldn’t call it cozy per se. It’s clearly well-considered, but the vibes are “early 2000s London recording executive who is always on the go and doesn’t necessarily spend much time in their flat”.


All it’s missing is the 2000’s iMac the person who posted earlier had.


Perfectly specific


I’ve probably watched too much British television lol


The mods here usually comment why a post gets removed. I just looked at your old post and it's apparently because it broke rule 4 (no questions in titles).


That means it’s gonna get removed again lol. Looking forward to seeing this a third time with the exact same title and it get removed again.


Don’t get your hopes up… just here for good vibes.


Idk man maybe you should follow the rules if you want your posts to stay up lol. This one has a question in the title too.


Maybe the mods shouldn't be that strict over something so innocuous


Not my subreddit not my problem lol. Take it up with the actual mods.


You sure stuck your nose into something that’s not your problem lol


I wasn’t talking to you tho so who is really sticking their nose in things here? Talk about making a mountain out of nothing sheesh lol. OP didn’t mind my comment and that’s pretty much all that matters.


So I do to you what you did to OP and you get your panties in a wad lol.


No see when someone *posts* something they usually want *comments* and OP’s post title mentions them being confused as to why their last post was removed but reposted it breaking the same rule as last time. That’s called irony and it’s funny and fun to point out. No one’s taking offense here. Have a good evening /gen


Maybe don't chime in with "ackshuallyyyy insert arbitrary rule is very important " then


Maybe you should stop taking reddit so seriously buddy lol. OP had zero problems with my comment. Not sure why you did.


Not that fussed, gonna stick to posting the pics of my awesome dog after this one! Thanks though, appreciate your comment


Including the dog in the room photos would have upped the cozy vibe by at least 350 points


Dog sprawled across the sofa and it's 500 points


It's nice but it doesn't give a cozy vibe In my opinion, cozy is like ... if it looks like it would be comfy and cozy to live in This seems a lot more ... looks nice to see rather than feels nice to live in ? The art makes up for the very corporate (?) Looking furniture but not by much because it's all very straight and organized in a very plain way


I also thought it looks corporate… is it the grey?!


Yeah this is giving me fancy business waiting room vibes, like I’m about to go in and sign a merger. Or a really fancy hairdressers


I don't even think you can blame grey here. I like grey! But this looks so, so cold to me! It's just void of... life? Warmth? Personality? Idk. But I'm not convinced a human has ever stepped foot in this place.


Agreed-this color scheme and many other grey color schemes are usually seen with something warm or colorful (usually pink, yellow, or gold).


It's the lack of color ( or the just pops of color ), most things are some form of black/white/grey And basically EVERYTHING is straight and pointy edged ( geometric ). There's not a lot of " organic " shape going on, which is one of the HUGE things for cozy Geometric lines and shapes are HUGE in corporate architecture so that's probably why


The absence of a sofa table could be a contributing factor to the "corporate" look. I think it would look a lot cozier with the addition of a sofa table -- perhaps one with a soft, rounded shape, as a contrast to all those straight lines..


This is a perfect example of how just art + plants don’t automatically = cozy. Colors and textures matter.


Exactly. The alignment of the art is very exact. There isn’t an organic chaos that i personally associate with cozy.


I just think the entire space is so…square. Straight lines everywhere, down to the light fixtures and stair railing. I mean my god even the pillows are barely concaved rectangles. It’s harsh and angular and uncomfortable.


Oh shit you nailed it. I was trying to put my finger on it but I couldn’t figure it out.


It’s aesthetic but it’s not cozy at all. Cozy is usually warm, comfy; think blankets, candles, pillows, warm lighting, larger rugs, throw blankets available in the room, cushy pillow, etc. Your room doesn’t contain any of these elements hence why people are deeming it not cozy. Hope this helps! The room looks great otherwise - it’s very well organized and put together! Good job. Cozy isn’t quite the right fit for this room though.


Although I completely agree with you, and this is generally true, I think everyone has their own idea of what “cozy” is to them


I totally agree with you. Cozy is subjective. I wanted to explain why everyone is saying this room is not cozy, since there’s not much explanation as to why that’s the consensus in the comments.


And it definitely worked, your description of what a place needs to be cozy made me feel all cozy and warm :)


I’d say eclectic. It’s a cool space and the art is placed perfectly but the topless Mona Lisa might make some uncomfortable. Pillows and a larger patterned or textured rug would definitely warm it up a bit.


I hate to be a jerk, and perhaps others will disagree with me, but I wouldn’t necessarily call this “cozy.” It’s organized, well put together, and stylish. But also very neutral. Gray and cool tones. Stark whites and blacks. The lights feel very modern. Doesn’t strike me as warm. Cozy is not the first word that comes to my mind!




To be fair, I'd call it more cozy than half the posts here that just take a picture of some random space in the evening with a lamp glow. I've even seen someone's microwave area be posted here with the exhaust light turned on and everyone was "oooh I'd SO cook there!" it's an odd and very.. subjective sub.


Nothing about offering a well thought out opinion in reply to the question posted in the title of whether it's cozy or not makes you a jerk at all.




They’re entitled to write the EXACT SAME comment, when you submitted the EXACT SAME post lmao.


Ikr talk about hypocrisy lmao


I am not a bot lol. You copied your exact same post, so I gave you the same answer. Seems like you reposted hoping for different feedback.


Office/waiting room vibes


Mostly dark coloured pictures, dark grey sofa, that doesn't look very comfortable, no soft cushions in warm colours, much too small carpet in a pale shade: not very cozy, but rather stern, depressive vibes. But perhaps it appeals to you.


It does appeal to me, otherwise I wouldn’t decorate it this way and have the balls to post it here. I understand it’s not everyone’s taste, hence there’s a question mark after cozy “?”. No hard feelings though. Thanks for your comment


I actually thought the staircase was an escalator like, maybe it HAD been an office. I could definitely drift off there, tho'. It reminds me of a chill relaxing dream I had. Idk, I think if you'd feel comfortable enough to take a nap there, it's cozy.


It is a 1960 brutalist style, didn’t want to loose the feel of the original aim but an update was necessary. Thanks for the comment


Doesn't feel very cozy. Reminds me a bit of a waiting room in a tattoo parlour.


It does! I couldn't put my finger on it.


They told you on the post. Read rules.


mona lisa with pierced nipples doesn't really fit the sub...at all.


Yep, it’s cringey


Yeah it feels completely out of place in not just the sub but the room itself.


Completely disagree. What’s wrong with artistic nudity?


there's nothing wrong with artistic nudity, it can just suck like other pieces of art. pierced nipple mona lisa feels like it's trying too hard to be edgy and tasteless imo


I believe they’re tassels


Hive mind has spoken. OP, I love it, but I guess the general populace does not. Keep being yourself


honestly though....mona lisa with tassled nipples is as gauche and sophmoric as andy warhol's campbell soup cans. just my opinion.


What some call artistic others call whatever.


not a damn thing. just not subjectively "cozy".


Your place looks great. It doesn’t look cosy. If it’s cosy to you, then you’ve accomplished the task.


Thank you! It was 1960s wallpapers before so I really do like it how it is now. Thanks for your comment


Banging gaff pal, looks really lovely. Not necessarily cosy.


It looks nice enough but not cozy to me. There's not much color or warmth to it. Also, cozy to me means it needs to be comfortable. But your TV is above the fireplace (and the couch is very low) and craning your neck to see the TV is not a comfortable position to be in. Also, the ony place to pass through this room is to walk in front of the TV. I would put the TV on the wall with all the pictures (mounted at seated eye level with a swinging arm to angle towards couch it you so desire). I would put a couch in front of the window and two chairs in front of the fire place. This allows people to pass through and stand in places where they aren't interrupting the main function of the room.


Sorry but you don’t have to pass thru the living room to get to the bedrooms, kitchen, toilet or bathroom. Not sure where you got from?


Oh I assumed that light coming from the other side of the fireplace (from where you appear to have stood in the first photo) was from a doorway. It's a window? Either way the point remains. The biggest portion of space available to people who are not sitting is in front of the TV which is not the most ideal.


I mean it’s me, my misuse and the dog, so there’s not many other people in our way. I get your point but this space have been designed and put into live by us and for us. I honestly don’t mind criticism here, after all I posted it on redit for a wide discussion and feedback. It suits some people and some people will find it inconvenient. It’s me and my girlfriend at the moment so this living room serves as a dining room/ living room/ and sometimes after party space as we’re fortunate to be in central London and are outgoing couple. Marry all those porpoises and that’s our living space right there!


>I mean it’s me, my misuse and the dog, so there’s not many other people in our way. Ok. >and sometimes after party space as we’re fortunate to be in central London and are outgoing couple. ???? These statements contradict each other. But, yes you're totally right. I'm glad you like it and obviously it's for you and your wife and no one else. Though, I guess I don't really get the point in you asking anything then.


I’m guessing you never been to an after party… it’s not much about the telly


Right... That is exactly why I'm suggesting creating space that isn't just for television watching.


I mean what you can’t see in the picture is semi open large kitchen…sorry for the dig earlier, the picture just doesn’t do the justice to the space. Anyways post was removed again…


Feels like the waiting area of an Applebee's


It’s a beautiful space but I wouldn’t call it cozy. That light green color feels calming but not warm.


Too much art for cozy, stimulation overload is not cozy


Each to their own, thanks for your comment though


Truly! :) it’s not a bad look and I love the vibe of the place but personally it’s not cozy


Something tells me you have pets? 😉 I think a couple of fluffy ivory throw blankets would look great on the sectional. It would soften some of the hard edges that are making this seem not cozy. It definitely has cozy potential though!


In my opinion some warmer colors like a burnt orange or aN amber yellow would make this space more cozy. You have a lot of cool tones going on.


Dark heavy nice drapes that can span across those windows. Open when you need light, but they’ll provide some warmth of color and make it really nice in evening light


This room is very well put together for what is obviously your modern, not splashy at all, neutral vibe. Your art keeps it from being too industrial feeling and I love that. Def not my style but if you’re cozy that’s what matters!


May I ask what you use to hang all those frames


Could only imagine how you justify your dogs pics in the comments lols


No. Its cohesive, but there's too many sharp 90° corners on everything, too much dark/black colors with only neutrals to create contrast. Its like being in a modern art museum lobby.


Trust me there is not one 90* corner in this house. It’s an ex council block and 90 * is non achievable in British council standards


I meant your furniture and decor, its all got sharp corners on it, lots of what seems like metal and very stiff looking fabrics, hence the no.




A bit chaotic with the decor. It wouldn’t be cozy for me


I respect that, thanks for your comment


I like the art wall, it looks great! Add some colorful fluffy pillows, a blanket, and maybe a fluffy rug! Red would be a great accent color!




I mean, art is very subjective and although OP's displayed art isn't my personal cup of tea overall...I'm confused as to why you think it's ok to suggest someone seek actual therapy over a few prints and pictures tacked to a wall just because they are not your style of art..🤔




Yea you were definitely projecting. It's just bad taste in general to assume someone needs therapy (which in and if itself might be construed as insinuating they have mental health issues), and then another to actually suggest it to a total stranger whom you know nothing about! I guess it's a good lesson to think before you speak and that when you assume, you make an ass out of u and me.




Hit a nerve? Lol nice deflection. I'm just calling you out on a really crappy comment. Which you've deleted. Yet you keep doubling down on trying to justify your original comment, and that tells me your initial 'remorse' at how you came across wasn't genuine.




You're right, it says removed not deleted. My mistake, mods must've deleted.


Thanks, will definitely seek some professional medical advice! This is what I wanted out of my living space but after your comment I’ll defo get my mental health checked. Thank you for your feedback though!


It’s only cozy if you have string lights everywhere.






it looks cold and moist. not very cozy at all imo


Maybe the boobs? That makes it NSFW, rule 2. I think its beautiful. Free the nip.


If the light greens were a darker jade/emerald tone and the white gallery wall was maybe a deep green or brown i would loveee this as cozy. Its nice regardless but definitely not cozy


what is your couch cover/protector called? also, absolutely LOVE the mona lisa! where’d you get it if you don’t mind? great style/work, i’d say this with some ambient lighting is very cozy:)


Where do you get your art from?


Oops i fell down the stairs into the comfy couch


You’re lucky, if you fell the other way you’d fall down more flights of stairs into the bedrooms


Do you live in Barbican? The interior layout looks very similar to other photos I've seen of places there. I absolutely adore that whole complex, I think it's incredible and I am very jealous if you've managed to score yourself a place there!


Yes very close to Barbican, thank you! It is a very unique place to be and I feel blessed


Your rug is too small


Too little blankets, books and candles, I guess? What is cozy for you?


It’s nice if that’s your style but not cozy. This isn’t a sub for “look at my cool house” as there are tons of those on Reddit.


Is that the moan-a lisa?


Maybe need a blanket on the couch to make it look cozier, but I still think this is nice :)


Strange. I loved your post


This is original content


Very easy to find out, just check my profile on here


The fuck us applebees ?


I love the Once Upon a Time In America poster. One of my favorite movies.


Same here, love that movie


Original content


Love! Love! Love! Definitely cozy!


Any tips on why my post would’ve ben taken off last night?


Tip: look at the comment from the mod team on your removed post about why it was removed. It references their post title requirements that you didn’t follow. Read the requirements. Understand why yours didn’t meet them, and repost with a title that does. OR ignore all that, post in the same way, and have it removed again.


Dunno. It’s not the coziest I think. Couch looks quite flat. Rug needs to be much larger and pulled under the couch legs. Could use some more color/warmth. It is a lovely space overall - just not really hitting all the cozy buttons maybe. Or it broke some random rule.


Thanks man, that’s probably what it is.