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Your antivirus would have deleted it so check the antivirus vault/quarantine and restore it. Some antivirus think it's a threat.


Like the other guy said, your AV deleted it. You need to restore it if possible, and add an exclusion for the games folder in your AV. Regardless, I just uploaded mine and PM'd you a link to it.


Ah yes, asking random people on the internet for a file that too a dll. Sorry if you think I'm rude, but you need to understand how bad this can end for you. There are other ways to find the dll. Search for a torrent that's unpacked. Or anything but don't ask for it.


Hey, ye my bad i didnt know that much about dll's but now i understand that, it was a big mistake and luckily nobody gave me anything. I was able to find the old DoomEternal . zip and was able to copy the EMP.DLL to the doom eternal folder. Thank you for explaining to me :D


Hey, my sarcasm was unnecessary that day. I was having a bad day. Glad your problem was fixed :)