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"We got to get out!" wtf are you talking about stay in your vehicle !


Lol That's what I was wondering. Go where? It's damn near car armageddon outside of that tank they're in plus it looks like it's 4 degrees out there. I ain't getting out for nothing less than a fire.




Damn, that was a good game back in the days.


Yeah they banned it in the UK if I remember they had to do a rerelease with green blood.


And in some countries they had to swap people by robots.


That was in Germany if I'm not mistaken.


Maybe in Germany too but I am in the UK and I remember it


There was a "new" one that came out like 5-8 years ago. It was pretty fun, felt good to play carma again. The originals are on phones too, ported pretty well


Yeah the one that was on Kickstarter released the mobile version of the original right around then which you got for free if you were a backer.


Such a missed opportunity. I was thinking it as well so I'm glad someone said it!


A swing and a miss!


i sucked on my teeth out of being upset he missed his own layup alley oop whatever. its right there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


And I'm drunk as shit too at 11 am LETS GO BILLS


Games not on till later. Sure you can make it?


Annual meeting of the summer tires club


In her defense, she probably thought about a potential fire breaking out and spreading. It’s happened with these car crushes. If that was a possibility that it could happen, then I’d also be panicking to leave. While it is safest to stay in a large truck like that as you are protected, leaving when it is open and safe is a good way to protect yourself too.


Yep. In a smaller car if you can get out and run to the other side of the road quick do it. If a trailer run into you, you would easily be crushed to death.


least in the video all the cars went to one side while the big trucks went to the other. One big truck into that pile of cars would have made this so much worse.


Depends what kind if vehicle you're in, and what type of vehicles are behind you in line lmao. If you just bumped in with your smart car/fiat/cooper etc. and it's a couple semis coming up....... run.


Yeah… if your entire car is a crumple zone, it’s pretty much only good for one or two hits.


Sometimes this is the best advice though. There was a huge pileup a while ago where cars exploded and people died. Semis were crushing tiny cars. People got out of their cars and ran for the median


If you were in smart car you'd have a tough choice to make. The cameraman was in a semi do he was safe and had box seats for the show.


Smart car (specifically) is supposed to have a special pod that is similar to F1. So you probably wouldn't be crushed, just be sent flying to space 🚀 with a concussion. But yep in my Fiat Id consider running for it. It really would be a tough choice.


I have seen what happens to smart cars rear-ended by semis. F1 shell or not, it did not hold up.


For sure, it may sound stupid but if a semi comes up that middle lane going 65+ a lot of the people in those cars are dead. After the vids I've seen, If I'm in one of those cars, I'm probably taking my chances getting out and to the front of that pileup


on one hand, being in a steel cage is a big plus. On the other hand, it might not matter if you get hit by a semi, and it might kill you if a fire starts and you can't open your doors because they've been bashed to heck.


Yeah if I'm in a truck fair enough, but if I'm in one of those cars I'm getting out immediately. There's only so many places the trucks can ditch before they start coming straight down the middle there.


Sounds like she might have been trying to get out to try and signal the other drivers to slow down. But I agree, there is nothing they can do. Trying that would likely get them killed.


Flares along the side of the road are about the only thing that would work in those conditions. Otherwise waving their arms are just going to look like they're stranded. You'd think some people would have put on their hazard lights though.


not like they were in a little compact car that looks like the guy is in a rig


What about when the next eight wheeler comes in and smashes your car to where you CANT get out. What about when the fires start?


There’s always the idiot trying to run around the highway


People are consistently driving worse: they speed, tailgate, are distracted! They don't drive cautiously, defensively, or rationally ‼️‼️‼️ It's no wonder insurance companies are raising rates, AND; WE are paying more‼️ For gawds' sake just fookin slow down dammit‼️


most of those people probably should've just stayed home that day


shhh, just let nature take care of these


When the weather is bad, visibility is poor and it snows, you need to accelerate. Have no fear!


Exactly! Brakes are out - why bother steering?


Let Jesus take the wheel!


Ha! He’ll get us where we’re going!


We are here cause god has a plan for us all!


If you go fast enough, you might be able to cause your car to flip when it crashes into the cars ahead. That flip will land you ahead of the accidents (like in action movies) and allow you to keep driving.


Don’t worry about the damage, it’ll buff out!


Drive PAST the storm.


the faster you go the less time you'll be on the road at risk of getting into an accident


Full send or stay home amirite?!


Insurance companies 👁🫦👁




There's a book called The Long Dark Tea Time Of The Soul. Among other threads, there is an explosion at the luggage check in counter at London Heathrow, of unknown origins which injures no one but completely destroys the service area. After a thorough investigation which finds no explanation, the event is ruled an Act of God, and everyone cheerfully carries on. Everyone save protagonist Dirk Gently, who simply must know the answer to the question everyone seems to be ignoring...... Which God, and Why? Thanks for tuning in to Storytime With End.


Man, you just sold me that book, I have to read it after such a great trailer, hahah! Thanks!


rip douglas adams


It's Douglas Adams, so naturally it's fucking gold.


Just put a hold on this book. Thanks for the reminder.


I work for an auto insurance company and we would pay these people out quickly and fully. There is no clause in normal insurance that would prevent that. No one deserves to suffer any more than is absolutely necessary after a trauma like this. From a business point of view customers who are happy are better than ones that are bitter and angry. No policies would be canceled over something like this.


Pay them out quickly and fully, followed by raising their rates or cancelling their policies.


… idk man that sounds like a fair consequence for driving this fast in these conditions. That kinda weather is the kind you should honestly stay home in


Not Allstate then. Had to sue them when I got t-boned.


Insurance companies: There’s nothing we can dooo!


insurance companies are worst than scammers




They ARE scammers. Insurance as a business could not possibly work of they were not taking more money than they give out. Such a bizarre system. That excess money could majorly change the lives of poorer folks.


What is the alternative? That guy in the F150 just pays 30k to get his truck fixed? I own a house and there are tons of things that can go wrong that would be life ruining without insurance.


I get where your coming from, but insurance will always continue through that same "what if" fear. Assuming a fairly conservative estimate of a 25 year old paying about $2,000 a year, if he's only had the truck for 5 years he's shelled out 10 grand already. Then you've got $500+ on the deductible AND his premium will likely go up nearly twice as much. Insurance obviously has it's benefits, but those benefits drastically favor the wealthy. The 18 year old with a Neon likely pays more than the married guy with a F150, while still having the same deductible. Being a homeowner is also a luxury that *many* people cannot afford. One that reaps those same benefits. In general, more expensive goods make sense to insure. Unfortunately, insurance is literally forced upon every adult soul, for health, homes, and vehicles (depending on the state). If insurance wasn't a scam, it wouldn't be privately operated, but state (or federally) mandated.


It all comes down to insurers being for-profit companies IMO. If services got charged at cost without the need to allocate extra for profiting shareholders, I have to think it would be much more affordable for the consumer.


Driving like gta npcs.


Just needs Trevor to rock up on a moped and toss a grenade in the middle...those damn intrusive thoughts


They really give a license to anyone


people who aren't used to driving in the snow, here are some tips from someone who grew up on the coast of Lake Erie: * slow down * slow *the fuck* down * **SLOW THE FUCK DOWN** * gently accelerate through your turns so you don't get stuck * keep a nice warm blanket in your car


Blankets, a case of water, and some ready-to-eat shelf stable food. It doesn’t take much to have several days worth of supplies in the back of a car.


This happens to pretty much everyone. Usually the fog comes "out of nowhere", so the speeds Reddit loves to bicker about were usually fine for these drivers 10 seconds ago. Source; engineer at a DoT with 2 or 3 of these happening in our district this year. Its not like my districts events weren't front page news either. Everyone caught in the 2nd and 3rd one were freshly aware of fog pile ups, they still happened.


These people are going so fast on a snow covered highway, AND the visibility is really low! - alarm bells should be going off in your head - you drive for the road CONDITIONS, not the speed limit.


And the whole time cursing those driving cautiously as a bunch of snowflake pussies and THEY know how to drive.


Knowing how to drive includes knowing that other people do not know how to drive on snow and ice. I can make it down a icy hill just fine but always slow or stop at the top to make sure there are not any stranded cars in the way. Here in alabamA I have seen people abandon their vehicles right in the middle of the road halfway down a hill. The usual mistake is diving too slow at the bottom of a hill going up and driving too fast at the top going down. Going up they spin the tires losing direction control and polish the ice for the cars behind. When they start slipping going down they slam on the brakes and lose all control and spin out. Once I waited at the top of a hill for a CJ jeep to make it to the bottom. After I started down the idiot stopped to chat with some people waking right at the bottom. I had the choice of hitting him, the pedestrians, or head-on to cars going up the hill the other way. So I aimed right at him and he noticed just in time to get out of the way. People are stupid. When the weather is bad I try to find ways to go around the steep places to avoid the blockage. They need to teach the difference between static and dynamic friction in high school.


Dude from Alabama trying to explain how to drive in ice & snow. All you idiots have pickup trucks with rear-wheel drive. Smh 😂😂😂😂😂


There are a lot of them but I have a front wheel drive PHEV that works fine on snow and ice. I do have to go backwards to do donuts. But you have hit on the problem here, people here don't get much experience driving in the snow. I learned to drive just south of Lake Erie and lake effect snow. The best "Ice Road Truckers" were the school bus drivers. I don't think we ever had a snow day and my route was over half dirt roads through the hills.


This happened in the state of Missouri, almost exactly 5 years ago. We had been anticipating a big storm. DOT pretreated all major roadways and highways. The problem was, when you receive almost a half inch of freezing rain legitimately moments before almost 12 inches of snowfall, the pretreatment doesn't matter. Oh yeah and the blinding snow, oh and non cautious drivers.


If they had winter tires it would have been okay, in Canada (Quebec and BC)winter tires are an obligation because they save life in moments like these Edit: lol Americans having an argument with Canadian on how to drive and stay safe on icy snowy roads hahahah, downvote me if you want, y’all making me laugh pretending to know something you don’t.


Huh? I'm from Minnesota and I have winter rates tires and they absolutely don't allow you to drive like an idiot in icy roads. They wouldn't have saved anyone here. These people were going way too fast to begin with.


> If they had winter tires it would have been okay Snow tires make a difference, but they don't do much for ice and the difference isn't as massive as some people think. I'm saying this as someone who lived for decades in an area that receives over 120 inches a of snow every winter and couldn't afford snow tires until about 2 years ago.


Pretty sure this clip is *more* than a few years old or something like that...and the outcome for those involved was very bad.


It is. This happened a few years ago on I70 just east of Kansas City. There was a storm moving through (obviously) and I drove through this crap. It got worse a little earlier than expected and almost turned around. Luckily we left about 2 hours before this happened and got to my sister's in St Louis without incident. IIRC there were a good 70 or so cars involved with some fatalities. The original clip is longer and eventually shows the driver getting out, traversing ahead, and finding a car completely compressed. The older couple in the car both died. I think there were 4 to 6 fatalities with several injured when it was almost said and done.


Ricky, that you bud?


Everything on reddit is a rerun


Everything on reddit is a rerun


Wait. I swear you've said that before...


I've seen the longer version of this video. The truck driver eventually does get out and videos the aftermath. The Buick Encore was crushed to half its size and the driver was unconscious with his seat and body completely pressed against the steering wheel.


Yeah if this was that one in Pennsylvania I know a guy who got stuck in it with a big Ford F150. He ended up getting sandwiched by a big rig and needed multiple surgeries.


This was on I-70 near Oak Grove, MO (KC Metro) in February 2019. 47 car pileup. Whiteout conditions that day. Edit: [Article](https://www.kshb.com/news/local-news/dramatic-video-shows-15-car-pile-up-near-oak-grove) for verification and those interested.




The truck is filled with explosives


The only explosives are her ideas in that moment 😬


Lithium batteries.


Comically bad survival instincts


They are basically all driving to fast for the road conditions


Yeah, they all want to reach the fasting area.


Get his ass


Which is weird because you can usually just start fasting from wherever you are currently.


They went 2 Fast and now they're 2 Furious


Yes and im gonna guarantee you that most of them are not on tires that should be on such road conditions.


Why the fuck are they going so fast in those conditions???? First time snow drivers??


Looking at the road it’s probably a sudden snow storm in an area that doesn’t get snow. No salt or anything. Makes sense that no one knows to go 1/3 of the speed limit on a snow covered road.


Not surprising. I've gotten a lot of backlash and downvotes in the past for saying you're driving too fast for conditions if you can't stop within the distance you can say. I even had a mod remove a post (not this one) saying it's an "Unavoidable tragedy" and not the stupidity of the driver (when they can't stop within the distance they can see). This is what happens when those people who strongly disagree with me get behind the wheel of a car. What I thought was common sense was very controversial.


I don't know why people downvote you. Reading comments on this posts it seems some idiots here would still be going the speed limit if the road was made of lava or something.


People think they are right and there’s no convincing them otherwise.


Big Airbag is buying up all the salt.


All too fast for such conditions.


As a Canadian used to drive in harsh winters. Most of these people were driving WAY too fast.


Green jeep made the stop initially!


he should have pulled off the highway


The best way to avoid a pileup is to accelerate your delorian to the appropriate speed for lift off.


I would send this video to my job and they would still make my ass show up lmao


Plowing into the back of vehicles isn’t going to make them move any faster. Bad strategy.


I'm just asking, if this happens every winter ? Would there be something to prevent this happening every winter ???


I live in Maine and used to live in New York up in some of the snowier parts of the state. It absolutely the fuck doesn't. This happens when people get snow in places that don't usually get snow or like the first big storm of a season. People haven't prepped their vehicle and get an odd accident or two. But this is a rare occurrence


> This happens when people get snow in places that don't usually get snow 100% truth, for 2 reasons. One is people aren't used to this and don't know how to drive in it. (And also as /u/meowmix778 mentioned, haven't prepped the vehicle for the same reason) Two is that the area just doesn't have the removal equipment or procedures in place to deal with it. There's no point in having a bunch of snow removal stuff in inventory wasting money for the once in 5 years (or more) snow dump.


I believe this is a place that doesn’t usually get snow like this. A place that regularly gets snow (north east US) has teams of plows that go up and down the highway all day and night, and they drop salt/sand behind them that melts the ice and creates traction. This doesn’t happen at all really in a place that is used to snowy conditions. If you don’t have a team of plows on-call and ready to go because your area doesn’t usually need them, then you get this


A bomb in the car that goes of if you drive faster than 80km/h in these condition or if you get closer than 20m to the car in front of you when you drive faster than the speed limit


How about a new Speed movie where the bus can't go below 120km/h in a blizzard.


AI controlled laser guns that shoot the snowflakes out of the air before they have a chance to land on the ground.


That just makes frozen rain.


IA has a very simple solution which is to close the highways when plows can't keep up. Every onramp has a gate at the top that can be closed. There are also some exits where they will put a gate over the highway to force an exit there.


Yes, snow tires.


Globe warming would stop it. Or making winter drives conditions more focused on driving test and winter tire mandates in states with higher chances for snow.


I live in finland, and every winter somehow surprises people still...


Every single one of these morons going way too fast for the conditions


like, why tf is everyone driving so fast? they do't even se where they are going.


Why they driving so fast in those conditions???


A friend was an EMT, we have heavy fog in our area and there was a 30+ car pileup. He was one of the first units on scene and cars kept hitting after his arrival. He said it reminded him of being in Viet Nam, hearing bangs, not knowing where they were coming from, or where they would hit next, or if you would soon be a victim. Pretty terrifying to try and help people in a situation like that.


I was a corpsman for a time and tried paramedic track afterwards but working on Marines is a lot easier than working on random old people and stuff, plus the noise of car crashes on the Interstates resulted in my noping out.


Get out and kill the horn crazy lady.


As always, people just driving way way too fast when its snowing lol Lived in NJ all my life, the first time it snows is always a fun day on the highways


Bunch of idiots. Its obvious in those conditions that they were all going way too fast


The General the Gekko and the Emu are drinking heavily watching this.


On the prairies we call this, 'a meeting of the summer tire club'. But seriously putting your four way hazard lights on would save a lot of damage.


This is one of my worst fears. Smashing into another car, uncontrollably, then waiting to see if a semi is about to crush your entire car into nothingness.....


i would get out of my vehicle and go to the first vehicle and get in if it was too cold , that would be the safest vechicle


Sounds like Franklin from GTA V


I knew there would be an Altima in there somewhere.


Man macht aber auch keine Warnblinker an. Warum auch


People are dumb


Absolutely astonishing how they were driving that fast with basically 0 visibility on the road


if you see a wreck ahead you should stop not just keep plowing into it.


Oh. Now you tell me!


In the conditions you can’t see much. By the time you see their brake lights it’s too late. But., that being said. Two semi trucks are stopped, bad idea to drive between them.


Imagine never having driven on snow and ice , with extremely limited visibility and still going full send down the highway like that'll work out.


Oh my Lord Toneka! Stay in the truck


So much karma being handed out by the road gods.


This is what happens when you go too fast for conditions. Every driver in this video should have been ticketed.


Stopping distance is a difficult concept


Ice tetris


Always the fools. They see it’s bad and still drive.


Like do people not know how to drive slow in low visibility?


Winter tires, motherfuckers! Ever heard of them? [Even studless winter tires offer massively improved braking performance.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X6wqoUlOppg) Also, slow the fuck down. Regardless of what tires you're on, if you can't stop the car on the empty stretch of road you can see in front of you, you're going too fast.


Just a question from an Aussie who never sees a snow. How the fuck does this happen year after year? Ever since I was a kid I've seen this same scenario play out in the same places. Isn't there anything that can be done to prevent this? Light warning system, slowed speed limits, radio broadcasts, etc?? I think it's crazy that it's yearly 🤷🏽‍♂️


the semi trucks all went off the side of the road. hey, shoutout to them. they couldve done some damage.


Why are there so many idiots?


That last “oh my lord…. FUCK!” Made me laugh lol


I remember this. On I-70 in Missouri, I think just east of Columbia. EDIT: Oak Grove, so closer to Kansas City.


I’m pretty sure this is Missouri


Slow the fuck down


How stupid are people?


Why why why why why are these people driving this fast? There isn't even blacktop to be seen. And in almost white out conditions! I'm not sure where the surprise party comes in.


I would never understand how americans having this severe snowy weather in half of country dont have mandatory winter and stubbed tires.


America is a big place, with some states (like California, Colorado, etc.) having winter tire requirements. I don’t know if all states with winter conditions have similar regulations. I live in Colorado and it is required at the very least to have All Season tires with a snow capability rating if you’re in the mountains/winter driving conditions. Unfortunately it’s not enforced until after the fact. Meaning you are fined after you cause an accident/road closure. We still have idiots drive inadequate cars in the mountains here and cause a lot of problems.


This could be a rare storm condition in a state that rarely sees snow. Look up icy roads in Atlanta, those people were stuck for awhile. They had hundreds of km of roads and probably not enough salt and sanding trucks in the whole state to handle it


I lived that. And you're right, we don't keep removal/mitigation equipment on hand since it so rarely happens. So cars aren't prepped for it, and people have no experience driving in it. And it was 75% ice; people who think they can drive on ice... can't. Neither can people who DON'T think they can drive on it. And there were a lot of other issues: The storm that did this was expected to hit south of town so that's where the trucks that we did have (and borrowed from other states) were mustered. The storm hit more northerly. *ALL* of Government, private business, and schools decided to send people home early _at the same time_. If that happened in 72* sunny weather here, it'd still be a multi hour gridlock. My 20 minute drive home took 4 hours. There were I think ~5 people who just stayed overnight in our office. About a dozen got close enough to home and like hundreds of others, left their car there and walked home. My son was in grade school, got on his bus at 11:00 am, finally with permission needed from my wife to take another bus to a friend's house that was actually leaving school, got home at 10:00pm having walked with his friend and friend's dad from their house to ours. It was a fun day. edit: https://duckduckgo.com/?q=atlanta+snowmageddon+2014&iax=images&ia=images edit 2: View from my car, trying to get home: https://i.imgur.com/ig1ZTWr.jpeg, https://i.imgur.com/TxJW9QH.png


I saw two flakes in the sky and bailed immediately. My coworkers weren't as smart and a few had to stay in their cars overnight. I'm from up north and knew I didn't want to be driving on the roads with those clowns.


That GMC truck hit so short after the white car, it seems like he wouldve been too close to him even without the snow. Also a lot of these videos I see seem to come from the US - are there no tire regulations for driving in the winter? Edit: Quick Google search told me there are no winter tire regulations in the US, its only *recommended* for people in the 'Winter tire belt'. That may explain these videos. 2nd Edit: From rewatching the video and stopping it several times, I see a straight line on the tire in one frame of the GMC truck. Which are usually only on summer or All season tires.


Depends on the region. State and county regulations sometimes require chains, snow tires, and/or AWD especially in hilly or mountainous areas. 


DAMN. This is why you shouldn't drive "too fast for conditions." PTSD flashback... (skip if you choose) I was the first-arriving law enforcement officer to a scene like this, back in the mid or late 1980s. Wasn't even on patrol... I was in my own car, headed to work at the border. I was amazed to see several cars and semi-trucks drive straight across the highway, down the median, crossing MY lane sideways, and then heading into the pasture off to my side on the right. (Seems there was "black ice" right at the highway curve, and all the vehicles went straight at the curve, off the road, no matter what they tried to do.) I managed to stop well before getting up to the mess. Already two semi trucks and two passenger cars were in the field. People were helping each other out of the vehicles. In those days there were no cellphones. But since I'd been the officer "on call" I was carrying our enormous Motorola mobile phone. Placed at call to the State Patrol (9-1-1 didn't work on mobiles, yet) and had a hell of a time making the dispatcher understand exactly where I was, and that I was calling from the side of the freeway at mile marker such-and-such, not from someone's house phone nearby! Ran back over and we got started moving people just in time, back toward (and into) my car. Just as we started a new semi flew off the road, then another car, and hit the earlier ones. If we hadn't already moved, we'd have been crushed between the vehicles. Dragged those folks out as well, and here came some more! I finally managed to climb/crawl up through the snowy embankment to the other side of the highway and put out road flares in both directions to stop all oncoming traffic. We had 14 crashed vehicles off the road by that time. No very serious injuries, thankfully, since the people had been yanked out of their cars nearly as fast as their cars added to the pile. Washington State Patrol turned up 15 minutes later and started sorting things out. (Some of the smaller cars were horribly crushed.) Ended up three hours late to work, soaking wet through from melting snow, and frozen half to death. But I finally made it to work at the border. And at least I'd managed to call my boss some time earlier... PTSD flashback over. Thank you for your patience.


Why I live in Florida exhibits A through Z 


Tenika is stupid AF, the hell she wants to get out of the truck for? And get hit by one of those cars


I live in a place where snow is on the ground for 6 months out of the year. It absolutely blows my mind that people don’t put snow tires on. I have metal studs in mine. It also confuses the life out of me that people adhere to the speed limit in these conditions. The speed limit is for perfect conditions on a perfect day… not when the slippery white stuff is on the ground. When I drove a sedan, cars would fly by me and honk their horn for going 15-20km under… I drive a very large, lifted truck now and people just assume I’m the authority on bad weather conditions and will form a line behind lol


Your point is correct of course, but in many places in the US studded tires are illegal. Perhaps not where you are, given the weather you get. I lived in northern Illinois as a kid, and I remember the annual snow-tire replacement ritual my dad did on our cars.


Oh my lord


I never understood why everyone is driving so fucking fast in weather like this. If you can't see a few feet in front of your car, slow the fuck down.


Why the in god name driving soo


Tamika has the survival instincts of a potato


Classic example of “Never let panic factor into life and death situations”. No one in their right mind would have exited that vehicle. It was totally obvious that staying inside was the best choice for the time being…..




Of course, because Americans are the only ones that drive like assholes.


Excactly, who drives like this in those conditions? Assholes, that's who. Nationality doesn't matter a fuck. Morons.


You weird af lol.


They were the exact same people that downvoted your random comment on the internet.. you're right!




I haven't but I have something better: common sense


How dare you suggest that people (checks notes) use basic common sense in the face of non-negotiable physics?


We are all victims of physics


Such an old post


Attempted murder. Everyone of those drivers was reckless with their deadly weapon.


I love and respect so many women in my life who have proven themselves beyond competent, intelligent, wise, strong, and worthy. *However* Shut the *fuck* up Sheniqua. Why there always gotta be a harpy talking shit making things worse? *Every* time?


Why does she want to jump out? 🤣 Is she expecting the Terex Titan to come flying down?


Why does she want to get out of the truck, it’s the safest place she can be in that moment.


Just a reminder that if you are in this situation, do NOT get out of your car.