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What were the purpose of the sticks, were they just merely to taunt the police?


Might keep the motorcycle cops away. But that's just a guess.


They use them to hop from one motorcycle to another. Or maybe I've watched too much Mad Max


Never is too much


I’m guessing you try and poke the motorcycle cops wheels and try and get lucky and hit the spokes


I don't think so...those poles looked mighty flexible. Maybe they were PVC pipe? Unless the cop bike was travelling very slowly the pole would just shatter. IMHO the poles were probably used to intimidate and keep the bike cops from getting too close.


Nah even at fast speeds if you get a piece of pvc in a motorcycles spokes the person driving is going to eat the pavement no ifs ans or buts about it


I saw a police chase of a few bosozoku bikers late at night many years ago, and one person was standing in the sandan seat (the tall seat in the back) and hitting parked cars with the same kind of pole while 6 police cars chased. Looked like a scene out of a movie…


This is old school cool lol yea they’re taunting the police. You’d see these biker gangs in pretty much all the neighborhoods. They’d drive around and make all that noise to piss people off and you’d see the police on them sometimes. It’s apparently illegal now so not common today. These bikers were called “yankees, or bozos.” They were the guys trying to come up in their local yakuza chapters. Get made I guess you could say.


>It’s apparently illegal now so not common today. These bikers were called “yankees, or bozos.” They were the guys trying to come up in their local yakuza chapters. Get made I guess you could say Nah yanki, boso, yakuza are all distinct. There's a little bit of crossover but you can't say one is the other. Yanki = Certain lifestyle and fashion choices Boso = The dudes in this vid, noisy bike bros in a certain style Yakuza = Actual organised crime Most guys trying to rise up in the local actual organised crime outfit (yakuza or other) are the opposite of flashy, they do the driving and general errand running of the bosses. Boso often have the yanki fashion, but not all of them do - Some of them just like the bikes and the lifestyle, without going all in on yanki fashion.


These guys would be blocking traffic, dozens of them swaying back and forth on the highway over by Yokohama Bay bridge where people would meet up with their cars all decked out and blasting their systems. When you walked up the stairs to the McDonald’s you could see a street down below where these bikers would be raving up and down the street for everyone to watch or the cars would be doing donuts. Anyway these guys were blocking the highway one night going back and forth so we decided to do the same and scared the shit out of them lol they let us pass. Anyway in my neighborhood I knew some kids I went to school with that sold weed to some guys who were bozos but then part of the local yakuza so yea idk exactly how it works but I did hang out at my local arcade all the time as a kid and mingled with a lot of these guys. Yakuza, bozos, and yankis like you called them. I knew it was something like that. Memories :)


The New Year's Eve of 2018-19, I was driving back from a concert in San Francisco when what seemed like an Asian motorcycle gang all dressed in the same black outfits, helmets had the same black bike, a lot of them with no lights on it and they were flying through the City at insane speeds, some of them even had a passenger sitting sideways.


thats super badass😂


In Osaka I could hear them multiple times a week roaring up and down the highway super late at night. It’s like high pitched Harley’s haha 


Those usually have a banner attached. 


Sons of Malarkey


Guns aren’t allowed in Japan, even for the police so I guess it was just to keep the cops away.


Give them chargers and mustangs. They're ready.


Can we still let the cops run them over?


Put one of em bullbars on each cop car and we'll see.


Beyond that, this is Nissan levels of tomfoolery


RIP Tokyo pedestrians


Or... we can give them Bikes and a lance so they can drop them like they jousting


New Yakuza looks sick.


The conviction rate in Japan is like 97%. I’m sure those people would go straight to prison if caught. Don’t mess with Japan. And don’t mess with drugs in Thailand.


It's because they have extremely rare prosecution rate. Most cases are not prosecuted, of the remaining most are dealt with without a trial (you get a fine and if you don't protest it there is no trail) and in the end less than 10% of cases end up in court. Here they might be no doubt but in most cases the criminals walk free.


Most cases in the US are dealt with without trial too. Mostly through plead deals. 95% of them in the US to be specific (which leaves only 5% going to trial). We do have a lower conviction rate though.


Yup. In my situation the police literally handed me their phone and told me to resolve the situation with the person who stole from me. His friend assaulted a Japanese girl in my AirBnB during a party. When I was kicking him out his friend stole my very expensive leather coat with about 80,000 yen in the inside pocket and my pocket wi-fi. The girl went to police station, they knew who the 2 guys were, cops brought them into the station and came to my AirBnB in OmoteSando. The police called the station then handed me the phone. The guy started crying and saying he didn't have the coat or the money or the wifi. I handed the phone back to the police and was like WTF. They said not their responsibility if we couldn't resolve the matter, so they let that guy go. Then the police tell me the guy that assaulted the girl was from very influential family so they would not intervene. That's how they get the high conviction rate - rarely does it go to trial.


Weed and Kratom is Legal in Thailand 


Weed will be illegal again by the end of the year.




An increase in mental health issues associated with cannabis.


Its actually over 99% Conviction rate. One of the main features of the Japanese criminal justice system well known in the rest of the world is its extremely high conviction rate, which exceeds 99%.


US federal prosecutors conviction rate is over 95%. Bad odds if you decide to fight them.


Isn’t that because of a very corrupt system that fudges the stats and does away with human rights?


It’s because you aren’t getting charged unless they know they will win. Same with federal prosecutors in the U.S. Versus something like US states or counties which will charge anything they can and have a system based on plea bargains. A county prosecutor will charge with half a dozen crimes with the intent of getting a plea for one or two of those and drop the others.


Yes. They hold you in interrogation for a very long time. They can basically detain you indefinitely (hold you for 27 days, ask the judge to extend the period another 27. Sometimes they’ll rearrest the person I believe) and then they question you daily for hours until you confess.  OR, you can have your lawyer make an offer to the person you wronged, and if they’ll accept a payment to not press charges. If you pay them, they tell the prosecutor that they have been made whole and do not want to pursue it. Unless it was a very serious offense, or a multiple offender, the prosecutor will probably not push the case. They settle most and if they don’t let you do that, you’re going to confess and or be found guilty.   Obviously this is all for misdemeanors and fights and stuff. Serious shit they do not let you settle it out of court haha. Any drug stuff is taken very seriously. Any fight with a foreigner involved would be taken seriously too. 


From what I understand, you're not supposed to even imply someone in a position of power may have been in the wrong. It's therefore quite taboo for the jury to not agree with the police officer who brought someone in. Or whatever their jury equivalent is. Also, good on them. The cops around me let them get away with this shit all the time.


>Also, good on them. No. Police officers lying and judges and juries taking their word for it is never a good thing.


Sorry, I meant good on these cops for actually doing something about the motorcycle gang, as opposed to doing nothing like the ones near me.


[There's a reason for that.](https://www.hrw.org/the-day-in-human-rights/2023/05/30)


Very interesting. So with a system like that, why the fuck would anyone be doing donuts in the middle of the street and taunting officers? Incredible. I’d be on my best behavior over there, I’d be overthinking ways to follow the law as close as humanly possible, and would never think to even jaywalk, steal a candy bar from a 7-11, or any other petty shit.


Stupid people are stupid?


Don't even do drugs ahead of time if you're planning on traveling to Singapore soon after


which drugs?


The US could learn from Japan.


Truly a based country that doesn't tolerate bullshit. My wife is from there.




Did this remind anyone else of AKIRA?! 🏍️


Akira immediately came to mind


Immediately thought of [Yamagata](https://i.imgur.com/4Xmntbm.png)


You should watch Great Teacher Onizuka. Much closer looking bikers. Akira is way more scifi looking. 


Bruh, Onizuka himself is part of he motorcycle gang lol. Anyway, great anime and even better with the manga, cause the anime stopped pretty early.


Yes! I was searching for this comment before I made it. Reminds me of the akira gangs with their clubs and stuff they had


Obviously some wrinkly children are on the loose! 🫨


Sick beat tho


[Bōsōzoku](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/B%C5%8Ds%C5%8Dzoku) getting bozo’d by the po-po.


I grew up in rural Japan. Those fuckers were so annoying!


From what I read, this is a dying or nearly dead subculture. True?


I haven’t been back in a while, but I certainly hope so!


https://youtu.be/xMpZLrODd3k?feature=shared Pretty much!


Took a play from America 🇺🇸


I see the live action remake of Akira is finally being made.


Are you gonna move?


Great Teacher Onizuka


We used to play a game as kids... Everyone got on their bikes and played a kind of version of Tag. With a beach towel. You would throw the towel at one of the kids riding their bike - and aim for their wheels. The towel would get sucked up into the spokes, and seize up. If you hit it right, especially on the front wheel, the wheel would stop on a dime - sending the kid flying over the front handlebars. If you hit the back wheel, it would stop turning and skid. But, boy was it sweet when you hit a bike's front spokes with the towel. If the kid had any speed, he just got launched off of the bike. I always think about towels whenever I see cops chasing people on bikes. If they only knew how easy it was to stop them...


This looks like it's from a long time ago. Bosozoku haven't been a thing in Japan for maybe 15 years.


They were still a thing when I lived in Osaka in 2016-2017. I don’t think they do this kind of stuff much anymore but I heard them rumbling and driving often up and down the highway by my apartment 


I was in Osaka last year. They are still a thing.




This is so AKIRA I love it


The bosozoku subculture is cool but lame.


Japan is just romanticized. Bosozoku, Yakuza, all that shit, just low life thugs and should fuck off.


That’s what the American cops needs to do with these so called racing takeovers


If they did it would be “racist” or some dumb shit


Cops in the UK ram scooter crooks, and so far the public and govt. are okay with it.


Mostly in America we have a no chase policy


Motorbikes exaust sounds like darude sandstorm


Great. I’m going to be grooving to that engine sound in my head all day.


Mfs be jousting tf lol


Really curious to know what that guy was doing with the stick on the back of the bike.


That was effective, I'll give them that






Liberty brief in Japan. If a cop is beating your buddy let them, they’ll only kick your ass too.


This strikes me as some sort of performance art that they didn’t get a permit for?


Is that Venjent in the background?


Brings back memories of Michael Douglas in Black Rain


Damn sideshows are making their way to Japan now?


ngl jappanes "gangsters" are always really fun to to me cus like there just annoying people who do petty theft and fights but people are so scared of them


In America we aren’t even that cruel


We should be sometimes.


must be onizuka 🤣


I thought it was modern day jousting for a moment. But then I remembered we are not barbarians.


I believe the street racing drifting scene use the biker's to distract the police so the cars can get away


I once saw a Japanese police officer on a bicycle chasing a sports car in Shibuya


Japanese don't play


My mind is telling me no…. But my body - my Bo-Deee!!! is telling me Yeah-hee-hesss.


I can respect that




Japanese prisons are run on a very strict basis, inmates have to fold their bedding in exactly the right way, wash their own clothes according to regulations, clean their cells until they shine, be everywhere exactly on time, there is no sitting around playing cards and watching TV. Inmates don't take long to figure out that that doing things their own way will have consequences. Given the extremely high conviction rate in Japan, they know what to expect if they keep messing up after they're released.


They been watching too much Akira


“I said knock it off”




All joking aside I thought that there is very little crime in Japan, would these be members of an organised gang or group of outlaws? Or what's the story behind it.


Apparently part of the bike rides are rear guards that jam up police for the rest of the group. The long sticks could make it hard for biker cops to pass them? I think that's why these guys are dicking around with just two bikes and not the whole group




Oh I love this. Bravo Japan. Banzai!!!