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Plot twist: it's all the same guy.


"there's no way the gate is locked a 4th time..." - that guy


“I hope I never meet the first man who thought it was a good idea to ride a bull.” “I don't know, Carl. First man might be worth meeting. It's the second man I wonder about.”


"Perhaps on Wednesday if I use a scooter, I'll glide right through!"


Yearning for death but does not come


"EEEAAAUUUUUHHHHH like and subscribe" 👍🥴👍


The noise that guy on the 3rd video after hitting it….


Getting winded is no joke. Feeling like you're suffocating for a good 10 seconds until the shock of being hit in the chest wears off a little. Then the rest of the pain follows.


Never forget what your gym teachers tell you; stick out your arms or it's going to be 10x worse, full-on scarecrow that shit for easier breathing.


Can you elaborate? I’ve never heard that and don’t quite understand what you’re saying you’re supposed to do.


If you fall hard on your shoulders/back and "get the wind knocked out of you" as a child in school PE (physical education) class, the teachers would always tell you to stick your arms out while you were laying there trying vainly to pull air into your lungs while you felt like you were going to suffocate (you weren't, it was just panic mostly). I'm not a kinestheologist, but can tell you that by [raising your arms straight out, the way that you would to form a "T" with your body](https://i.imgur.com/yRRthy3.png) if you were standing up perfectly fine, that it makes it much, *much*, easier to pull air into your lungs until you recover - so much so, in fact, that it was a good way to alleviate the reflexive fear that kids get.


Ah gotcha, that makes sense. Thanks for explaining. Reminds me of something which works because of a similar principle, but it in truth the most effective way to help your ability to breath when having problems breathing: When I was an EMT one of the things were trained to notice is people “triangle-ing” which means sitting up straight, leaned forward supporting themselves with their hands on their knees. It’s an instinctive way to help you breath when suffering severe SOB (shortness of breath) or in other words breathing problems of some kind.


My pleasure, glad to help & thanks for explaining the triangle pose.


It’s also fucking scary speaking from experience it’s like someone’s holding your throat closed and not allowing you to breathe in or out genuinely wouldn’t wish it upon anyone passed out the first time it happened to me thought I had died


His arms go between the two horizontal rails, that's quite impressive.


Human Lego 




How is this so accurate, lmao


I hate when this is accurate


Do these people not see a large square tubing gate from all the fucking way over by the bridge? Not a single person even looked to slow down lol


We aren't being shown the videos of the (possibly many) people who DID see it and DID stop in time, because those aren't interesting. We are only seeing a compilation of the ones who hit it, because that gets views.


Just for Context, this video was included in a article from the dailymail from 17 November 2023. From the article, this video is a compilation of the people who hit the gate over a 8 month period. Presumably, hundreds of people took that path over that period. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12762757/Metal-gate-leading-allotments-hurdle-far-cyclists-fallen-three-times-eight-months.html


Who wants to see a video of people going about their day not injuring themselves? Also I think 3 injuries in 8 months is enough to warrant it a problem. Regardless of how many people survive the gate on a daily basis.


the second person clearly slammed on the brakes - you can hear it


They're cyclists... They aren't known for being aware of their surroundings.


Least he could do is paint it yellow


The poor guy didn’t get to use breaks and was cooking on that scooter with the extra momentum from the decline of the hill. Also, because his arms went between the poles, he couldn’t protect himself at all. He’s damn lucky if he didn’t receive serve damage to his windpipe or die after that. That sound he made wasn’t from getting the air knocked out of him. He took all of the impact with his throat. I’m not positive but I thought I watched this video a few years ago and the guy that lives in the house was tired of people going down that trail so he’d shut the gate and watch people crash. I could be completely wrong though. I searched on google forever and can’t find the article.




He probably threw up out of every orifice.


Third one was more like a cartoon hit


That's his soul, and will to live leaving his body


I think that noise was me, that's the one that got me.


There's is definitely something going on, but I refuse to start by blaming the gate.


These idiots are doing this on purpose.


Definitely. I saw yellow jacket guy do it at least 4 times before I stopped watching!


Ong man , these fuckers are obviously trying to make the gate look bad here


Gategate 2024™


Now with 100 percent more evidence!


too bad, the fifth time he swerves around it...


Would be funny if it was the same guy doing it over and over 


Mornin' officer. Whew, we've had a doozy of a day. We were just up here mindin' our own when these bicyclists just started running into our gate!


If you consider the perspective of the people hitting the gate, it's a grey gate with a background of grey tarmac. Unsurprising that people don't see it until very late. 


It also looks like they coming downhill, so they have a lot of speed and very little time to spot the gate. It also seems like the correct path is to follow the bend of in stead of going straight ahead. But you don't know this beforehand then this creates a crazy dangerous situation.


Nah, going straight ahead **is** the correct path. That is a demarcated public cycle path ([it follows Corker Bottom Lane here](https://i.imgur.com/xh6IbdB.png), NCN Route 627), they wouldn't have been expecting a gate blocking it.


Damn, that just makes it so much more crazy. I really don't get what's going on with that gate there.


Well…it isn’t like they could just paint the gate with a brighter color that would be easier to see. That would take me like a whole 5-10 minutes. No one has time for that shit!


It is currently painted yellow - I ride this route a few times a week


What are your crash stats YTD?




To stop cars going down but can be used a service road for authorised vehicles


Or put a colorful sign on it 


or pay a guy to sit next to the gate yelling "WATCH OUT GATE!" in a funny accent


He always says it AFTER the crash though.


and I did some research and the gate is open a lot of time and it is a bike path to a city center kind of spot.. so these people probably ride it all the time and it's open.. then one day zipping down the hill .. and now there is a gate... like either leave it shut, make it visible a gate is there or leave it open.. good grief hah


they could paint it a bright color but where's the fun in that and paint aint free doncha know...


Should definitely be painted red/white stripes.


I think the path is sloped so people can’t really see the gate because they’re going uphill leading up to it and when they see it, it’s too late


I think they're going downhill and just can't stop in time. None of them are even peddling and are going pretty fast, not something you'd see if they were going uphill.


For sure, it does its job.


Gate is just doing gate things.




I think I’d throw some yellow paint on that 👍


Yep, on a cloudy and rainy day when you are picking up speed downhill. If you slam the brakes you will not slowdown in time, slip and slam face first into it. We all remember tripping and falling on a bike at some point and these guys are going FAST.


> If you slam the brakes you will not slowdown in time, slip and slam face first into it. They don't seem to be trying to brake or dodging it at all, they really just don't see it until it's way too late to do anything but brace for impact.


You can hear the brakes of the 2. guy, no?


No way!! When I am unsure if there might or might not be a gate or other obstruction at the bottom of a hill, I ALWAYS go full speed down the hill and don't look ahead to see what's coming. YOLO!!


Just start a YT Channel with your ring cam, why the hassle to paint that thing ?


And a few reflectors


Yeah like a video game or something


No problem with the gate. Seems quite sturdy. There is a gap on the far side that folks could take if they slowed down. I blame the hill.


you killed me.


Feel bad, but I laughed my ass off. Especially at the third dude.


I laughed so much I made the noise he made.


For me it was the brakes squealing on the second one lol


Why are they all traveling 50 miles an hour


Looks like they're coming down off of a bit of an incline. Something tells me people have been going that way for years and the gate is a new addition.


An unpainted new addition


Not sure how truthful it is but I remember another time this was posted a top comment claimed to live in the area, and stated it was a very obvious barrier in person and it's on the cyclists not seeing it.


I'm more inclined to think the people not paying attention is the real problem.


just imagine it's the same guy in the video trying to achieve something and you'll have a great time watching.


If at first you don't succeed


Cry and cry again.


I was going to say same guy with short term memory loss, but I like the cut of your jib


The turn in the background is a hill going down, that explains the speed. The light patch before the gate is an incline going up a bit, if you have the sound on you can hear the 2nd guy starting to break the moment he spots the gate, which indicates it's more likely it's out of view or camoflaged against the sky. When one person makes an error it's likely just an error, but when multiple people make the same mistake, begin looking for the cause instead of placing blames on the individuals.


I think the gate blends in with the road until it's too late. Some colored markings would probably prevent a good lot of these crashes. Edit: you can see most people react/ panic like 5 meter from the gate, so they are looking where they are going it's probably just pretty hard to see.


I bet from the cyclist's perspective the gate has almost the same color as the background.


You don't know what background there is behind the gate, maybe it's totally invisible from that pov.


That this is the top comment says more about this sub than those cyclists. Other comments have explained that seeing a gray barrier on a gray background isn't easy, even if you're paying attention. As evidence by the video you all just watched. And the solution is so simple. Tape, paint, anything for a drop of colour. But no, let's blame the cyclists for not having perfect vision while cycling downhill at speed. Christ above


even then, it would be wise to add on some yellow paint or something that stands out to prevent this


Yeah or a couple lines of bright duct tape or something even.


[What you see before the sudden stop...](https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fs0.geograph.org.uk%2Fgeophotos%2F04%2F90%2F94%2F4909494_cd53bd41.jpg&tbnid=bqIoBCV039C8AM&vet=1&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.geograph.org.uk%2Fphoto%2F4909494&docid=kv70z018q9GAnM&w=640&h=426&hl=en&source=sh%2Fx%2Fim%2Fm4%2F2&kgs=f2f4bc5a91e7c60e&shem=abme%2Ctrie#vhid=bqIoBCV039C8AM&vssid=llr)


I thought the gate was open in that picture at first.


Yeah. The curvature of the bottom bar's lining up pretty perfect with the road and it being almost the same color as the asphalt, I can se why this keeps happening. Paint it or put a sign on it. Or you know. Just keep it as it is and keep uploading videos. whatever


As someone who rides a bike to get around, these types of gates can be borderline invisible even at slower speeds. Hence why they normally (in the US at least) have a little stop sign attached along the bar. The rain and darkness make it even harder to see, especially since bike riders don't have windshields and wipers to help keep their vision clearer. Also, this video is a good way to see that people, regardless of being in cars or on bikes, tend to go too fast in the rain. This video looks to be in the UK tho so I know they must be used to it raining all the time and would think they'd be more accustomed to traveling safely in it.


Why is there a gate at the bottom of a hill? It’s like a state park that closes and the exit is somebody’s house?




The whole thing is a cycle route (627).


then the gate is probably to keep cars from using the path then since there is nothing else between it and a road.


Well, keeping cars from using the cycle path is laudable, but this appears to be keeping cyclists from using the cycle path, too. Maybe some bollards that are wide enough to cycle between but too narrow for cars would be a better design...


You're supposed to use the gap on the far side of the gate from the camera - it's plenty wide enough for a bike, but does require enough of a wiggle that it's difficult to do at high speed. The gate is to stop cars going up there - probably to discourage fly tipping.


It might be there specifically to slow down people on bikes, maybe it's a pedestrian/cyclist shared path. In that case it should be yellow or red and white or something more noticeable.


Eventhough these people are not paying attention at all, a lick of orange paint wouldn't hurt.


I'm not sure that licking paint will improve their already deficient perception.


Ah man, imagine living right next door to a comedy goldmine like this!


That’s why he put up a camera


And painted the gate concrete grey, with "free beer, this way →" sign at the top of the hill.


You've Been Framed probably don't accept their videos any more. Too many payouts.


Tbh, I can kinda see how you might not see the gate at that speed.


I don't think it's the gate that's the problem.


People keep saying you’re blind not to see it, but that gate would blend right in to the road, and you wouldn’t see it. Also that’s not even mentioning the dirt patch directly before it, so riders would momentarily be looking down until it was too late. They should put a sign on it that’s bright


3 people, presumably from different mothers, making the same mistake within I assume a relatively short period does indeed point to a gate problem.


This is a popular UK bike path that gets thousands of riders.


none of the people saying that know how to ride a bike




But if they don't have time to react to things then they are going too fast and we are back to it being their responsibility. If a car was travelling too fast to stop we would say this, it is the same for a bike.


Blindness IS the major problem


it probably isn’t obvious from their perspective


Thou shall not pass!


Sheffield, South Yorkshire. Locals say they don't know who is responsible for opening and closing the gate, but most of the time it's left open. The gate, which is a neutral color, is situated down a hill. This is simply not ok.


Is there a local school for the blind?


Yes, it’s camouflaged by being a massive piece of silver metal in the middle of a path. You need some kind of eyes to notice that.


I understand why you put your doorbell camera on the second floor


Ring makes cameras that are not doorbells


Are people that blind


I bet it’s surprising hard to see on the similarly coloured concrete behind it (it’s blending in with something at least). Combined with going 20mph there’s got to be something more to this than people just not looking.


Quick side eye to check the the joining path for pedestrians, make sure you not going into the driveway, oh shit, there is another joining path from the field to check for dog walker... **URRGHHH!!!**


Suprise motherfucker


People not paying attention is an even bigger problem.


Is this gate keeping?


Looks like it is working. I don’t see a problem.


Pro tip: the gate is not the problem.


Pay attention kiddos


Pretty sure the gate is not the problem


I like to imagine it’s the same guy that keeps forgetting there’s a fence there


How is this gate hidden despite being in clear sight lol


The gate in not a major problem. It is functioning as designed. It is the people propelling themselves at high rates of speed towards the gate that seems to be the major problem. Also, is that the same person on different days that just has not learned the lesson?


Are they stupid?


I don't think it's the gate.


Am I the only one who CAN see the gate?


I don’t think it is the gate that is the problem


This is so fun to watch though lol


For some reason I don’t feel bad haha


Just bear in mind that the gate could well have been a person that these guys plow into with that much force. Infact I wouldn't be surprised if the gate was put in specifically to deter cyclists zipping down the path at lightspeed. Sure paint it a brighter colour to keep the hospital visits down but if these guys were travelling in a considerate, reasonable manner, they'd have been able to stop in time.


I’d say the gate is doing its job remarkably well


Seems like it works just fine to me!


The gate belongs to the house next to it, these people are ignoring the signs that it was private property beyond that point. Bikers/scooters are the idiots here.


That's not true, it's on the national cycle network route 627: https://www.openstreetmap.org/#map=18/53.37812/-1.42640&layers=C


Finally I found my peace, i´ve seen this video like 100 times and was never sure whether this is a private path or public. This is the first time I´ve seen the definitive answer, thank you!


It seems to be this part, there is no indication for a private property/road: https://imgur.com/Pxsck2W https://www.google.de/maps/place/Sheffield+Pkwy,+Vereinigtes+K%C3%B6nigreich/@53.3781209,-1.4264648,169m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m6!3m5!1s0x487977e16d884f83:0x8ab8a75deddffde9!8m2!3d53.383622!4d-1.3911346!16zL20vMDVxdjZq?entry=ttu


Seems to be public, or at least open to cyclists: https://i.imgur.com/UvnzEy4.png


confidently incorrect


No it doesn't.




Source is that he made it up. It's a public cycle path, the gate shouldn't be closed.


The gate is absolutely doing its job. Stopping idiots flying around down the hill and hitting an old lady or mother with a push chair


Or, cyclists could develop an iota of sense and spatial awareness


Ya major problem for blind people. What the hell u can’t see there is a gate ???


I'm sure this has been commented, but that gate seems to be working just fine.


Ahahaha I needed to laugh this morning. I can’t stop watching.


It appears to me that the gate works perfectly as intended. Not a major problem.


Karmic revenge for obstructing traffic on back roads.


It’s actually the same guy, he’s just forgetful.


How do they not see it? I'm thinking that from their perspective it must blend in to the background somehow.


home owner should should set up an ice pack stand


Are their eyes closed are something? Going too fast to stop when they do finally see it? I just got the head tilt trying to figure out how they are running into this fence full forced like this?


Appears the people not paying attention is the major problem


The gate really isn't the problem


Now I’m normally not the guy that thinks we need more signs on trails, but someone needs to put a sign next to this gate with the live feed so as people are limping away on their broken bicycle, they can get the QR code to see them TOTALLY smash into that. Oh my gawd they were going soooo fast.


I assume these blokes have their eyes closed


Seriously. Can’t they see the gate?


Well... Is it the gate to blame or rather those idiots driving?


I'm pretty sure the speed and the attention span of the riders are the problem here


Idk, looks like it's doing what it's supposed to. How is that a problem?


How the fuck do you not see that, though?


No it's not. Not paying enough attention is.


Seems like the riders need better eyesight snd awareness. Probably trespassing and the owner finally put up a gate. Seems like the riders are the problem not the gate


I've seen this video so many times and I piss myself every time. It's the only video that doesn't bother me that it gets reposted all the time


Fairly certain it's not the gate that's the problem


That gate is undefeated!!!


Holy fuck that 3rd guy got it rough 😂🤣😭


Damn that last guy got wrecked. Probably a broken sternum and some cracked ribs 😬


I don't see any problems for me personally.


The scooter made me giggle. Felt bad for the bikers.


That first one is a "10"


I mean it looks like it's working maybe a little to well. Maybe some more warning signs?


Going too fast and a lack of awareness seems to be a problem as well.


I don't think it's the gate that is the problem


The UK cyclists' apex predator


This in reality is a demonstration of how good that gate is at doing its job.


lol nice. what are these people looking at????


Seems to be working well


I don't see a problem here


I’d say the gate is doing its job pretty well.


Wait, how don't they see it? Or is it the same guy who really likes hitting that gate? 🤔


No it's not it's perfect the way it is 😁


Can they not see or what