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How is it down to this or Biden AGAIN??? Seriously, how can the democratic process have failed to such an extent where these are the two options in a county of 350 million? What glaring evidence of a completely broken system.


Im over 35. I have contemplated a YouTube campaign with the motto "I'm not smart but I'm smart enough to know these other clowns are idiots".  And honestly at this point I think I could meme my way into it.


Got my vote.


People seriously don't give a fuck about primary elections. It's sad, but I think alot of good would be done if people focused more on primaries so we don't get stuck with dumb and dumber every, fucking, election


I just don't think we will ever have great candidates. That and I consider both sides utter liars. They will say or promise anything to get my vote. So I keep it, and just watch our country spin closer to the edge. Would my vote alone make a difference, most likely not. Would my vote with numerous others maybe change things for the better? Possibly. But I'm so exhausted from caring about whoever is in the White House, that at this point, you could have SuperJesus5000 running as president, and I still wouldn't vote. That's how disillusioned I've become to our presidential election.


Primary elections largely don't matter, especially on the Democrat side.


Freedom of choice is an illusion


Lesser of two evils has taken us down a shady road for quite a while


A very good point. When did the best of a bad bunch become the barrier for entry for running the most powerful country in the world? People should be put in the streets about this but predictably, we’re defaulting to tribalism, red vs blue. Almost as if by design…


I'm wondering the same thing.


There is a 3rd option. Robert Kennedy 😅


Hes just a psyop


Honest question, that I think I know the answer to but- Is this fucking real? Like, this is what half the country plans on voting for?


Never underestimate just how utterly fucking stupid a lot of people can be.


Such an important message. People forget too quick that not everybody has reasoning, critical thinking, and that emotions often play a big role. Never assume the others are smart.


Yes they tend to gravitate in here.


My MIL is a diehard Republican and I asked who she was voting for "the felon or the geezer" and she didn't miss a beat saying "oh the felon for sure" but then quickly followed it up with "but he is going to get all those charges appealed.". We are fucked.


Show her this clip and see how she’ll try to explain or defend it, and she will for sure


Like the other side is any better? Dude rambles exactly the same. Were fucked it's literally 2 sides of the same coin. One is on sleeping pills the other is on cocane.


Is there a video of Biden doing this i havent seen?


There's tons of video of him rambling they are both a million years old they both do it.


classic "trust me bro"


https://youtu.be/n6-USQmdkyc?si=qrO-yP7S9bRwQyyW Okay literally 2 seconds to Google. Bruh I hate them both and it's embarrassing these two are who we are picking from.


This compared rambling about sharks? That's a stretch and you know it lol


Dude come on. Im not the guy you're responding to but you can't be serious. Biden has a hard time finishing sentences and not reading the parts on teleprompters hes not supposed to. He has notes on cards telling him that he needs to wave to the crowd and shit. Dude, don't act ridiculous.


Biden has a long history of a speech impediment lol. I am not saying he doesn't fumble. But Trump is literally rambling like a dementia patient that took meth. They don't even come close to the same. And wow...notes during a speech. Guessing you have never given a public address or lecture. Because people do that all the time.


Dude its not a speech impediment when you stop talking, and stare blank into space or cant finish a sentence. Or read the lines on the teleprompters you're not supposed to. Or say Iraq instead of Ukraine. Or.... The list goes on and on and on and on. People do not have notes that say YOU wave to crowd and YOU sit in the chair. YOU put your jacket on and YOU walk off the stage. Like wtf are you kidding? We can all make fun of Trump, but Biden would be in a senior home being taken care of if he wasn't the president. Edit: Its ok to be completely honest about them both.


They’re both 80 year olds, but one clearly has their mental faculties together and it’s not the guy rambling about batteries and sharks who can’t stay awake long enough to find out he’s a felon.


Bruh I can link a video of Biden doing the same thing. You're blind by red and blue they both blow


Biden will tell short exaggerations and whoppers about cannibalism and what not but nothing totally off nonsensical like this


Dude he cant even finish sentences. You're kidding right? Do only watch MSNBC?


Bro he cant even finish his sentences. Cmon man. Ridiculously disingenuous.


The fact that you were in such a hurry to spit that out that you typed in incoherent comment that needed edited in a hurry to make sense, given the context of this discussion, is just fuckin hilarious. Bravo


I missed a word. Can't really refute the point though, right? Didn't think so.


I already pointed to the speech he gave *this weekend* that was well executed, but you completely ignored that and biffed an effort to claim someone else can’t complete a sentence by *not completing your own sentence* I refuted the point, you came in with a baseless claim and then accused me of not refuting your baseless claim. It’s okay that you don’t know how to have an argument, but that doesn’t make me wrong.


Baseless lol? So disingenuous, actually malicious. Dude the list of gaffs are ridiculously long and well documented. Take 10 second on YouTube. The entire world outside of the left in the US laughs at him. Was it well executed when he didnt know if he should sit down or not, and had to have his care taker wife tell him to stand? Lol. What about when he was hot micd, didn't realize it (of course) and told Macron "they told me I have to leave first" confusing Macron... Or when he fell asleep on stage? Well executed. He literally can't even function anymore.


Well at leat he can put more than 2 words together like the other guy 😂


lol, get a source that isn’t newsmax or fox, the guy spoke coherently and meaningfully for hours at the d-day ceremony this weekend. And you call this putting 2 words together? What the fuck…….


MSNBC, CNN, CBS.......good enough for you. Biden is a vegetable, doesn't mean I support Trump. Give me a break.


You’re seriously trying to say this qualifies as putting two words together but Biden speaking articulately and eloquently for an entire 30+ minutes live infront of a crowd doesn’t count? And no, I don’t watch CNN, MSNBC, or CBS, but they’re not equally as bad as the networks who had to argue in court that no rational person would interpret their reporting as anything but entertainment, and certainly wouldn’t consider it factual. They’re not great, but fuck sake they’re not that bad.


Eloquently 😂😂 The same guy who read aloud "pause" from the teleprompter. The whole country recognizes his decline including the left leaning MSM.




And he’s follower will listen whatever they want to listen and it will make sense to them as if the messiah has spoken to them


Geez..... What an embarrassment. Someone shove a cheeseburger in this gas bags mouth.


Everyone needs to buy McDonald's stock. He eats a lot of them.


Second hand embarrassment. What a fucking dope.


What the F is he on about... did he take a fat rip of ketamine before he started talking


My God what an absolute imbecile


You might be in a cult if...


2 billón years of evolution and this is what MAGAs want? To destroy years of work on environmental protection saving the world, to destroyed women's choice on abortion, to lower taxes on super rich???... becouse they re having a hard time? Well this guy will give you something to really cry about guys, wait until global warming and overpopulation of crack babies really kicks off, immigration will be the least of your worries.


I’ll take electrocution every single time.


I respect that, just don't take everyone else with ya


This is worse than Scott's tots


Sometimes I'll start a sentence and I don't even know where it's going, I just hope I find it along the way. Like an improv conversation. An improversation - Michael Scott


OP just posts political garbage all over Reddit. This isn't a crazy fucking video.


I mean he litterally said this, "Can I ask you something?" Trump asked someone I know, about his then-13-year-old kid, "Is it wrong to be more sexually attracted to your own daughter than your wife?" And he still got elected for pres. he could say anything he wants (except anything about isreal) and he will be just fine. Trump will win and then Gavin Newsom with VP Matthew McConaughey will win after and then hopefully the world will have ended by then.


I can't tell if he circled back to his original story about the battery going underwater or not. That was so completely off the rails. I honestly think he forgot what he was talking about in the middle there. But considering how dementia works, he probably didn't know he forgot and he just let his mouth continue talking.


Not sure what everyone is upset about... Makes perfect sense /s.... I want someone to read that to a trump supporter n say that Biden said it, n see how much they tear this apart. Then tell them it was actually trump... I saw a guy do this n the responses were WILD


if your *"President"* is outside of an medical emergency noncoherent, you shouldn't let them rule Nukes.


Over 300 million people in the USA and we get Biden/ trump as the 2 to choose from for president? They both suck


You're more insane than Trump if you think those two are in any way comparable.


Not comparable at all , both suck as possible presidents. An ego maniac and a geriatric patient are the best we can come up with?


They absolutely are comparable. If you think Biden is coherent you're literally lying to yourself.


What is this supposed to be an analogy for? Bro is just yapping 😭


Derailment. Cognition is sinking not a fucking ship


What the fuck! And they think he’s their savior. Wow.


Winston *Churchill Quotes* ... The best argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average *voter*.


What the fuck was all that verbal diarrhea about???


For Trump, Analogy is really the study of butt holes.


The worst of all this is not this idiot and the geriatric mess but the family and who I consider friends and how they feel. Sad and embarrassing


Obviously a tremendously stable genius.


He is just such an absolute idiot


roof oil wild innate dazzling unique birds attempt voracious subsequent *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


What in gods holy name is he blathering about?


Obi Wan Kenobi — '*Who* is *more foolish*? *The fool* or *the fool who* follows him?'


No way this isn't an AI joke..