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Girl? Dumbass is 40 years old.




Gorilla Granny




And when I saw gorilla, I mean her, not the glue.


Yeah, I agree but it almost makes you think she is some dumb kid, I would feel more sorry for a dumb kid doing this, now a grown ass woman.... she dumb as fuck.


She also looks good for her age.




Doesn’t change my point.


It actually does. You have no idea how she looks.


If she looks young in the video everyone’s seen and it made them think she was young, how are her actual looks relevant?


Because you were commenting on HER looks.. not the AI generated looks o\_O


You do understand there’s multiple videos of her right? Are you really this stupid?


you never know when being a dumbass gives you 13k


Call me salty, but I cant get over 200 dollars on my son's gofundme to help us with his leukemia. And this idiot gets 13k in one day, smh. Edit: Some have been requesting the link to my son's gofundme. It is here gofundme.com/f/sjcumn-move-to-california Alex just turned 16 in the hospital last week. He went into septic shock and crashed on us in the ER 7 weeks ago. He has been in hospital ever since and it has been brutal. Infection after infection and 3 surgery's on his hip bones. He is an avid Redditor and actually introduced me to Reddit. We bond over our shared subs and the community here. Thank you for those donating. I have tears right now. Thank you. gf.me/u/zf6q6s


A guy died fifty bucks short of his goal to get the insulin he needed meanwhile that same week people were donating to make Kylie Jenner a billionaire..




Read that the Walmart insulin isnt great. http://www.theconversation.com/amp/why-telling-people-with-diabetes-to-use-walmart-insulin-can-be-dangerous-advice-125528 I dont have diabetes or know the ins and outs of free clinics.


That's horrible!


I wish it wasn’t true.


I upvoted you but I didn't want to because that's beyond fuck up


I remember that. Christ.


What’s his go fund me??? I can’t donate much but I can donate something and share his story to help get other people to chip in as well🤍 praying for you and your son and your family


I will donate as well. I went threw their post history and looks like they could use some help.


Aww, well thanks! I appreciate you doing this very much. I feel kinda embarrassed, but sometimes we have to swallow our pride. Anyway, you're beautiful, thanks again! gofundme.com/f/sjcumn-move-to-california




I understand that. I wish it was fake. I wish my son really did not have cancer. But unfortunately, it's all true.


Me neither but honestly it’s better to donate and it turns out to be fake than to not donate and it turns out to be real.


What’s the gofundme?


just tossed in $5, hope he recovers


Thank you!


I’ve been reporting the fundraiser because she is making merch with the money


What is merch?


Merch as in merchandise from the situation she went through. Creating shirts of her ft. gorilla glue. She made a Shopify website to sell it and she’s using her tiktok now to advertise it.


Lmao what a fucking idiot and why the hell would you donate money to someone for being a moron.


Ask ~~Jake~~ Logan Paul's patreons...


Who tf is Jake Paul?


My bad screwed up the joke it's supposed to be Logan Paul. Lol. I think Jake Paul is his younger even more pathetic brother or something.




you could ask almost half the USA the same question




Imagine those 13k went to starving kids who even can’t fucking find water instead of a dumbass who thought that glue and heir is good mix




I recommend seeing [this](https://youtu.be/fMp0WLLrFng) video. you shouldn’t waste all your money on starving kids, but spending 13k in an idiot is dumb


Fuck out here with that bullshit lmao you play stupid games you win stupid prizes.


So I was clipping my toenails with a chainsaw and lost a toe. Thinking about suing Husqvarna because they didn't have a "don't cut your toenails label". Should I start a go fund me as well?


It's worth a shot. A fundraiser can be a lot of work though be sure to stay on your toes about it.




there is a warning on the gorilla glue that says to not let it get into contact with skin and this bitch still sprayed it on her head


Her defense is that it doesn't mention hair... Not even sure how to respond to that.


So I'm hearing GoFundMe is the route to take. Got it.


At least you’re using a good chainsaw. Not some stihl bullshit.


We just can't stop rewarding stupidity in this country. We're addicted to it.




She’s not suing. She said she’s not taking any legal actions. But that money in her go fund me should 1000% be taken away since her surgery was FREE.99


She literally went to get surgery, they said it would take 20 hours, then she said nah my sister will do it. So what the fuck is she doing with the money? She's keeping it and paying off other shit. She did this for attention.


If enough people report the go fund me as fraud she most likely will have it taken away.


Its infuriating that people are being nice to her, fuck this lady. She literally chose to put gorilla glue in her hair, she should have been left to fend for herself Edit:spelling




Fuck those people too. Idk if its the way I was raised but Im just a realist. If you put something that is made to bond wood together, in your hair you deserve everything bad that comes your way.


Nah shes a waste of space who doesnt deserve a dime. We should laugh at her then let her fade to obscurity.


> most people are like "she's a victim of gorilla glue, they should've warned her not to do it. It's not her fault" blah blah blah Are we living in the same reality? She's the laughing stock of the internet.


All the supportive shit is on Twitter, stupid people can do anything and they'll always find some group of people supporting them on Twitter, it's a blight on sensible people everywhere.




Literally everyone on Reddit I’ve seen has said she’s an idiot. Top comments aware always that she’s stops for doing this. Comments saying it’s not her fault are downvoted. Are we looking at the same stories?


Right? Lmao.


As if being nasty to her will help anything. She has already admit that it was dumb choice and she's already physically suffered from the consequences. Idk what more you all expect from the public talking about this incident. Would it make you all feel better if more people kick her while she's already down?


It would make me feel better if people didn't give her over 20k for being a dipshit that uses glue in her hair. Why not give that money to someone who actually needs it? Someone who's life depends on it? Like this 16 year old kid who has Leukemia ---> gf.me/u/zf6q6s <--- People literally gave money to her so she could get surgery, then when she went to get surgery she denied it so she can instead have a friend do it. So she just got 20k for being stupid, then pocketed the money. I have no sympathy for her nor should anybody.


Yes actually. We need to weed these idiots out. They should be afraid of posting that video because the world would laugh them away, not save their hide.




Lol....I can't believe someone can be this stupid.


So she’s suing Gorilla Glue due to actions caused by her being an absolute moron??


She’s not suing GG, she said in an interview she doesn’t have an attorney and she’s not looking to press charges. But she should give up all that money she made from Go Fund Me.


Oh, it says she hired an attorney and is weighing litigation against Gorilla Glue. That sounds like she’s at least trying/considering to, not like it would pass or anything. According to this at least: https://nypost.com/2021/02/08/womans-gorilla-glue-hair-horror-gets-stickier/


I would love to see a judge take this woman seriously


Why in the hell would anyone help an idiot like this?


Possibly empathy or sympathy. I don't know.


“The fundraiser — started by Brown and a relative and using a photo from her visit to the emergency room — **did not detail what she’d use the cash for.”**


This is one thing I absolutely despise about social media... it’s the worst sort of people who seem to benefit the most from it. Like the Logan and Jake Pauls etc. whose idiocy seem to be a magnet for other idiots who admire or sympathize with them, in the case of this girl they sympathized with her insanely stupid decision and gave her a free pass on an insanely expensive surgery meanwhile I’m sure many people struggle to get any outside support for their legitimate healthcare problems they couldn’t have avoided, but aren’t able to generate as much attention as this girl did with her stunt.


I just gorilla glued my balls to my leg. What is GoFundMe?


Fuck her stupid ass she doesn't deserve a dime.


That's a lot of wigs!


Hopefully she puts it towards an elementary level education


Why are we rewarding stupidity now? This lady should have to go broke to pay for her expensive surgery.


IMO she deserves compassion. You can't help being stupid and she must be in a lot of pain. But she doesn't deserve people throwing money at her for being dumb.




**mmhmm right, teddy k was.** *-CalmMarch149* *** ^(Commands: 'opt out', 'opt in', 'delete')


Great, she can buy more gorilla glue.


People pay for stupid all the time 🙄


I was sympathetic when she used gorilla glue. just a moronic stroke of stupidity, we all make one sometimes. Then she has the audacity to sue them for her own stupidity, then makes a go fund me and it scares me how many people donated.


Definitely an idiot and definitely shouldn't get free anything from this. However I find it crazy that other real hair product she was using is called Got2B Glued, like that's it's real name?! I could see how a complete idiot might think Got2B Glued and Gorilla Glue are similar products.


I’m going to go stick my hands in toasters. Have fun in the breadlines when I’m stinkin’ rich, morons!


Why is this woman all over the media? Why do we give attention to these silly cunts


Fucking really?


Man, I gotta fuck up my hair and cry about it too. I'd like 13k for free.


Who in the fuck would donate money to this idiot


looks like a guy


Someone else tried to do the same as her smh.. spread the stupidity why don’t ya..


Can we all just report her fundraiser so she loses the fund she is literally turning it into merch now to profit, advertising it on tiktok


step 1 ​ buy gorila glue ​ step 2 ​ put onm ​ step 3 ​ make gofund me ​ step 4 ininite money glitch $$$


Lol she is making merch from the idiots that gave her money


Stupidity pays these days. It’s the culture we’ve created.


Not only is she dumb, the people that funded her on her "fund me" page are worse. Dumb and Dumber. People don't think twice, especially when it comes to donating hard earned money to scamers and people who really don't care.


First of all can I say IDIOT!!!! We spend sooooo much money trying to achieve a look our people were not created to have and this is an example of the results


Just read all the racist comments. They laugh at us all the time because we act like circus acts


An excuse for a journalist named Kamala Newton published an article yesterday saying this dumb dumb needs to be shown grace and empathy and we’re all just racist towards black woman for offering anything less for her stupidity. Unbelievable- this thing should be sterilized if it’s really stupid enough to spray gorilla glue in it’s hair