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>“WF is evaluating existing partnerships and terminating accounts that no longer serve its ongoing business objectives.” Do you mind sharing how you were using your Bilt card? Where were you on the "4 individual bananas" to "$10k dining spend on Rent Day" spectrum?


>Where were you on the "4 individual bananas" to "$10k dining spend on Rent Day" spectrum? I literally pay rent and buy 4 $1 Amazon gift cards, and I still have my card.


For now.


The minimum is $5.


If you buy the gift card from Amazon, then yes... the minimum is $5. But I didn't say I bought the gift card from Amazon. I just said I bought an Amazon gift card.


Where are you buying $1 Amazon GCs?


[https://gopepper.com/](https://gopepper.com/) I use an app called Pepper. Someone else suggested it on the Bilt subreddit. I tried it. It works.


Completely basic stuff that I would otherwise have to link to my checking to cover without the ability to earn points: Venmo (rent, lawn service, and haircut). Automate payment for internet, gas, electricity, cell phone, and water bills. I have AMEX Platinum and VentureX so my travel expenses go on those cards to maximize earning potential.


Ohhhhhhh. That’s why. You used it for a bunch of things you’re not allowed to use it for. It’s only for rent.


Oh, that's *not* how I read it but OP confirm's your interpretation further down. In that case, no surprise at all. (and I'm no longer concerned about my semi sock drawer usage)


In this comment, they literally talk about they use Venmo for a whole bunch of separate transactions for smaller amounts. And then also other ach uses of utilities, etc. you can do ONE ach payment per statement. This is probably the most egregious violation of the terms and conditions for bilt I’ve seen on Reddit. Oh, I see what you mean now. They said what they’d link their checking account for, so that was clearly use of the routing and account number to me.


Yeah, was a misread/misunderstanding on my part. I have a couple utility bills that I used to pay by check because I didn't realize they accepted CC and moved those to Bilt because I was already conditioned to not getting points. I conflated OP's comment with my situation and didn't read "checking" as a red flag. I'm shocked OP was able to get away with it for as long as they did!


Yeah, this is a pretty crazy case. I have to pay credit card fees for my utilities, but I can pay via PayPal bill pay without fees, so I pay that way and get more than 1x.


I've never had a utility that *didn't* charge CC fees so I didn't even bother looking when I moved, just attached my checking account and carried on. Felt very silly when I realized otherwise.


Yeah, I’m surprised!


Does this mean you did multiple ACH transactions every month? e.g. rent, internet, gas, electricity, cell phone, water bill? Or did you make a credit card transaction. Afaik, you should only use the ACH transaction once per month and only for rent


Yes, there were several ACH transactions each month, which was not an issue for the past 16 months.


"Not an issue for the past 16 months" And now it's an issue. Been a while since I read the terms, but practically since the beginning they have always said only for rent.


Yeah, it’s very clearly stated in the app around the routing number that it’s for ONE transaction and it’s for rent (some argue that rent means separate utility payments for some reason, but that’s definitely incorrect if you read the terms and conditions. And it can only be one payment anyways). Wells Fargo has finally started cracking down. It’s about time. Idk why it’s taken them so long.


My apartment has been doing some stupid shit lately where it's billed 90% of my rent and then a second billing for the remaining 10%. Two charges per billing cycle for me for the last 2 months. Hopefully this doesn't ding me


Honestly, that’s probably an issue. Can you manually pay the full amount at once? I’d call Wells Fargo too.


It's because they keep adjusting the charge because their rent system isn't calculating bills properly. Ugh maybe I should call yeah


Yeah, I’d call. And it might be something where you pay that 10% with your checking account until your building stops sucking. I’d rather continue to get rent points mostly than squeeze out a couple more while risking it.


Yeah, unfortunate to get shut down, but I’m amazed you made it 16 months actually. You were directly breaking the terms and conditions the whole time.


Yeah, this is the most egregious violation I’ve seen on Reddit. Amazed it took Wells Fargo this long.


You're telling me I shouldn't be using the "Rent Rewards Account" for things other than rent


Lolol. I just *love* it when people try to argue that it’s not clear what the ach can be used for, and they do mental gymnastics to get to that outcome.


They’re cracking down on it now. Only rent.


You mean Bilt *hadn’t noticed* that breach until now. It would be nice if they’d just started declining those transactions, the way it’s documented, but understandable. “Rent + 5 $1 bananas” costs them double figures each month, but is technically allowed under the rules; “rent plus other ACH” costs them even more money and breaks the rules, so no surprise they don’t want you.


You were blatantly violating their terms…


Thanks for the DP. And, yikes, you're actually using more than me so that's a bit concerning. Same as far as "used to pay with checking and didn't get points anyway", but it's barely a couple hundred total for my other 4 transactions. I'm definitely not WF's ideal customer but I don't think I'm the most abusive either. eta: To clarify, I'm not using the ACH feature (I misinterpreted OP's comment) just sock drawering Bilt for 3 weeks a month.


It’s not worth it. 1x point for a couple hundred is like $3 dollars a month, maybe $6 if you’re being generous with transfer options. Why break the terms and conditions for that? Don’t lose your ability to get points for rent. Wells Fargo is closing accounts. This isn’t the first I’ve seen.


Oh, that makes sense. You’re just doing other normal credit card transactions.




Mine is still open. I don't make much more than the 5 transactions required, however the ones i do make aren't only for $1. I'll use it to go out to eat one day and make 4 other regular purchases.


Thanks for clearing this up for me!


You can call and escalate


There's nothing to escalate. They've been dumped as a client. There's almost never any way of going back from that.


Yeah they were very clearly violating the terms of the card. Surprised it took 16 months


I'd check your Bilt Rewards app but you should still have any earned points there, so it isn't a total loss. EDIT: FWIW my account with WF is still up.


Correct, my earned points still exist but I’m likely going to roll them over to a preferred airline partner just to be safe.


>Did your WF close your BILT account? Yes, Wells Fargo closed everyone's Bilt accounts. I know this sounds completely crazy, and it's bizarre that no one else mentioned it Reddit. But you still asked the ridiculous question, so here's my answer.