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Really sad, rest in piece. That said, why does the whole family need to come to Canada? Will they be staying indefinitely? Again sad that he died, but that doesn't give anyone special rights. Let's ship the body back to Ghana and bury him over there, in the soil of his birth country. Problem solved.


I agree. This is precisely the reason they can’t get visas. They have no reason to ever leave, and we typically don’t deport people. It reads like all 9 of them want to use this as an opportunity to come to Canada and use all of our social support systems and health care indefinitely. Canadas immigration is filled with loopholes but this one hard line I agree with. They should have used a portion the $45,000 raised and send his body back to his home country.


Do you think everyone wants to stay in this country???


Seriously. If I couldn’t bury a loved one, I wouldn’t want his body “languishing” in a morgue. I would ask them to be buried asap, with or without me present. Or send 1 or 2 people to ensure it happened, take videos, and take time to grieve. The whole family doesn’t need to be there, no matter how nice it could’ve been.


Very insensitive comment.


Very realistic comment. You don’t get to have everything just because you want it.


A family just lost one of their own and they are probably filled with gried and sorrow, of course they all want to see him one last time


Listen, I sympathize but I’m also realistic. If somebody I knew died back home in Russia, I wouldn’t expect every single one of us here in Canada can just freely go to the funeral. That’s just not realistic. I understand grief, I understand sorrow, but reality is first and foremost.


You are right lol. Ignore this clown, I don't get how people can be this insensitive unless they were never loved


Did you not read that the costs to ship see too expensive?


Did you not read that the costs to ship see too expensive?


you racist people honestly make me sick. This poor family lost their father and yet you still try to antagonize their family. Racists like you are such pitiful trash


This story stinks. They are saying it's too expensive to send the body to Ghana, but 9 family members need to come to Canada for the burial? No doubt that's more expensive than shipping the corpse. These people are attempting to leverage this man's death for entry into Canada. As nobody ever gets deported. Wait a few years and then PR, citizenship and welfare. Let's not allow this nonsense.


This is precisely what the plan reads as. Such a sad situation but they can’t leverage it to come here indefinitely


Stfu!!! Who wants to be here amongst you trash.


I hear Somalia is really nice this time of year. You should go. One way ticket.


Apologies, I meant Ghana, not Somalia.


Did you not read that the costs to ship see too expensive?


More expensive than flying over 9 people from Ghana? Surprised you can even read if your this dense.


Please don't talk what you dont know


You should heed your own advice.


This place isnt affordable. Who wants to come and stay here. Please wish you're never in this position


The saddest part, is once they come they’ll be stuck here for minimum of 5 years, in arguably the most expensive city in Canada. Little to no job opportunities, or income to actually **live**; especially considering a lot of food banks are closing down and nearly all are struggling with receiving donations to supply the demand. It’s often we see countless folks, more so in areas like Jane/Finch, going to local community centres seeking desperate support with documents/paperwork to just stay alive. As an African, born in Canada, with much of my family back home,I recognise the privilege I have. **But It needs to be said**, I said it before and I’ll continue to say it forever: coming here as an immigrant/refugee thinking you have more ‘grit’ and will enjoy a solid quality of life here, is absolutely brainwashed perpetuated lies and pure arrogance/ignorance. I for one, am trying to get out of here within…as soon as possible. Once again, as an African who’s been back home several times — unless the situation is dire, life is better back home. Grass is not greener on the other side, and my grass is greenest back home.




Not at all, unless you're a low life scammer.




Racists behind screens like you are so funny, no courage in person 😭 Ofcourse you’d be from kawartha lakes area too


Trust me. They are pitiful trash.


Not from Kawartha Lakes Honey, but I can see a scam when presented 😒


Why are you pulling the race card? Probably because you're a racist yourself.


Be quiet racist. I see you throughout this comment section trying to hard to dismiss this family's grief. Shame on you racist prick


You sound angry and upset. Go have some tea and listen to some relaxing music.


At least I can live knowing I don't possess hatred towards certain types of people. Hope you change ur ways soon wierdo


You're so blinded by your own hate that you don't even realize YOU are the racist. I bet you bitch and moan about white people all day long. I think you are pretty weird bro, go see a shrink.


Yea keep telling yourself that. As long as ur happy man. Anyways, have a nice day


Because their african? Your fried every race scams on petty levels and high levels . Don’t be a 🤡 on a post of an innocent victim. Hope your mother or siblings become victims before 2030 u goof bitch


Exactly. I bet if identities were discovered in here none of these racists would have talk. Bastards


I have trouble identifying exactly what is racist here. I think you are projecting because you yourself are Ghanaian and run an immigration business. I also noticed you have been suspended by the Law Society of Ontario, wonder why that is? In any case I think it is very unprofessional of you to pull the race and racism card when there is literally nothing to substantiate that. Again, a legitimate immigrant has been murdered, which is very sad, rip. What is also sad is that his death now is being leveraged by his family in order to gain access to Canada.


Your mother


disgusting mf. You see a post about a family grieving their fathers death and this is what you say?




Shame on the government for not apprehending the killer. The government has a responsibility to insure the safety of all people within its territory. It failed and not doing the bare minimum to repatriate the body or allow the family in for closure. I strongly doubt that the family wants to enter and remain in Canada. Life is unaffordable here. I bet the quality of life in Ghana is better


They got him already. Tf you talking about?