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This should probably be reported to authorities. Even though it's most likely just a teen seeking attention and trying to be edgy, this person may really be suicidal, and/or might be tricked and used (and harmed/killed) by a real life predator.


Hey, I'm the person who posted that (and is reponsible for pretty much all the pots on that sub - which has now been reported for being unmoderated). You're right about one thing - the attention seeking, though I'm not trying to be edgy per-se, and I'm 31. I have autism / some other mental health issues that cause HUGE variable mood swings/attitude changes (fickle does NOT do this justice) and I am now writing this shortly after my medication has kicked in (anti-psychotic effect, etc) where I can think straight :D I'm not in immediate danger because I like to think I'd draw the line before actually telling someone my address, but the way things are going, I'm not so sure (I have been sucidal but not when I'm medicated usually). but to clear things up: This is caused by a ***sexual cannibalism/submission/humiliation \*fetish\**** and my ***own extreme lack of self-control*** during the phases where my meds are less effective / my mood is low. This is a chronic problem for me and I'm absolutely sick of it, trying to get some support with dealing with it as I'm absolutely sure the people of Reddit do not want to see this garbage, and frankly, I do not wish to post it constantly. I am at least self-aware, and self-control is the biggest thing I lack, especially when it comes to controling sexual urges/desires to post content of myself in such a manner. I apologise for diluting Reddit with such content, trust me when I say it is not something I do when I'm able to think properly.


Bro what


Fuck. They broke the 4th wall. šŸ˜³


Imagine when a potential employer googles her name


MC Don't care


Until someone finds a finger in their food and it was on purpose


Completely unrelated to the subject, but happy cake day. :)


happy cakeday


You don't have to talk about it anymore if you don't want to, but I was curious when these sort of thoughts began for you? I'm sorry you have to go through this.


The sexual desire to be eaten/submit/humiliate myself? As early as I can remember. The very earliest memories are me role playing in my bedroom as a child (probably in the 10-12 age range, not sure) pretending I was going to be eaten by a lion lol. I hate it. I know this isn't some therapy class, and I appreciate what I posted was cringe af (Oh, trust me, I know), but it's a pretty long-standing problem for me. I appreciate your concern. :D Right now I am really trying to get some help with the self-control side because the way this is going I will be putting myself in dangerous situations when I get a relapse of low mood (like constantly searching the dark web for actual cannibals etc, I was on "Zambianmeat.com" for a while before it was actually taken down for an actual cannibal murder (google it)), so it's something I gotta work on while my meds are strongest, the problem is I am usually too busy hyperfocused on something, like irght now I am hyperfocused on typing this :D though I do a lot of animation in blender lol. Basically my mood is like a yoyo (think bipolar but hourly rather than weekly/daily) to the absolute extreme, even my political views change to drastically different states at the valleys/peaks of these mood changes. Like when I am typing this right now to you, I am feeling positive, i can maybe fix it, I want respect Reddit and its users and wanna seek help, etc, but in 2-3 hours maybe (or after a trigger, i was diagnosed with ctpsd a while back for some trigger events) my mood will be the opposite and I'll want to die/cut myself/post fetish pictures and not give a damn, then when the mood goes back up i'm like "WHY DID I DO THAT". Jeckl and Hyde xD sorry


Does your self awareness extend to engaging with mental health services? Or counselling? If not, I feel those things would be a huge step forward for you.


I'm sorry sexual desire to be eaten?!?? ..... ![gif](giphy|Qe5oD5aXjEbKw) Edit:I'm sorry if this came off as rude it wasn't my intention i was utterly shocked is all but I do agree with many redditors here on the seeking a therapist or psychiatrist to deal with some issues You have or may have for your well-being and for the folks around you but mainly for you Being mentally unwell and going untreated is incredibly dangerous and bad to yourself and others depending on said mental issues, some it doesn't matter if it's treated like ADHD and ADD and anxiety *depending on the severity of the anxiety* but others like psychosis,schizophrenia, depression and a few others need immediate and constant treatment for the best mental stability and to maintain a good healthy life and to be safe for society as medical professionals say. Now as I said before I hope this didn't come off as rude it wasn't my intention I recommend professional assistance I hope you're ok and that everything is ok.




Making a new account just to humiliate someone suffering from multiple mental issues quite disgusting, and it's so much worse than anything OOP was doing.


Ew youā€™re right. It is new. At first I thought it was something along the lines of those edgy assholes who post ā€œIā€™m in your wallsā€ on schizophrenic peopleā€™s content when theyā€™re sharing their psychotic experiences for awareness. But no, making a whole account for the bit is on another level entirely.


Yeah what this guy and or gal said!


If the username doesnā€™t check out, I donā€™t know what doesšŸ—£ļøšŸ—£ļøšŸ—£ļøšŸ—£ļøšŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„


Umm.....I think you need to get off of reddit before you really get in some serious trouble. Put down the phone please. Delete all social media apps so you won't be tempted to literally post this stuff. Especially if this is unwanted posting. I'm glad your self aware but take the awareness a few steps further and Delete your apps. Just play games.


I feel like until you get stable, if that ever happens, you might want to take a break from Reddit. And anywhere else you could potentially post this stuff and get yourself into trouble. Shocking but, a lot of people don't need your address directly to find you.




I hope you are able to get the help and support you need. Is there anyone in your life able to keep tabs or do periodic welfare checks on you?


Look, I canā€™t say I can relate toā€¦really *anything* you just said, except for the mood disorder part. And while I donā€™t necessarily wanna engage, I do just wanna offer this: Awareness is power. Continue with your level of self awareness & keep building upon it. Youā€™re almost guaranteed to make progress that way. A good point to aspire to progress towards is accountability coupled with your awareness. Look into ways to set boundaries for yourself & practice maintaining them.


Have you ever considered likeā€¦just getting a phone without internet access? Like get a flip phone for emergencies but stop being able to access Reddit even if you wanted to?


I also have autism this ain't autism




ā€œuh, captain? i may have rabbitholed too far this timeā€


1. Interesting comment but damn that username is weird in this context 2. Think deleting Reddit would help? I imagine not having easy access to post would be at least a decent slow down


This is a weird episode of she hulk




I'm a judoka. Never mix sex & strangle-holds. I've had too much fun with that. On a more serious note, please don't harm yourself. I've had so much bad shit happen to me that I've thought about the worst & sunshine was ALWAYS right around the corner after doing a little work to fix things. Stay strong.


Sending an extra thought today - wishing the best for you!


50 year old female masochist celibate here, people like us are high risk. This is why i do not date and stay single. Stick to fantasy .


You have my support brother


Out of curiosity did you just listen to the last podcast episodes on this


Soooooo you donā€™t want to be cooked and eaten?


I should not be surprised that people are into being cannibalized but I am.


You need Lithium, lots of it, jesus fucking christ


Delete your reddit profile while you're on your meds, this place is rough even for people who are in full control of their actions and emotions...


It's a sexual fetish. Check out the Armin Meiwes case. He contacted and murdered someone who wished to be eaten. He then ate his body.


I know what it is. This person is danger (not only, but mostly) because of it.


What actual crime are you reporting to the authorities.


WTF? Crime? Is that all you could think of here? Dude, you need to get off the Internet, reddit and similar, like, *now*. Real persons get in danger and need help, it's not all for your personal lulz and kekw. This person needs help because they are in imminent and, as it seems, pretty much recurring danger, both from themselves (suicidal) and from predators ready to exploit and hurt such targets. Notifying authorities here is not different from calling emergency response when you see someone ready to jump off a building or a bridge.


Lol your so positive that is real? You're dramatic man. This could just as easily be someone fucking around trolling you. ( It kinda sort of is, if you read the comments) What are we really looking at here? A person wearing tight fitting clothes saying that they're edible. Technically that's true. The weird part is them saying that it's a kink for them or something. Frankly there are way worse fetishes I can think of. The actual person in the post actually commented about how they would never give someone their address. Regardless of that though we are all at risk of predators in some shape of form. They don't seem to be suicidal to me but I'm not a professional. Even if they were though, it's none of my business. Suicide hasn't been illegal for a while now, there are even places in the US where you can get medically euthanized, not for mental health typically but other medical issues. If you don't know the person, or aren't the medical professional you have no business digging that deep into their psyche. I think you're just virtue signalling here. You have no intention of actually calling the authorities or trying to help them, if they even need help. I doubt you're even going to think about them a week from now. The world's problems aren't yours to solve, we have better people for that.


They are British from what I can make out (from the response they posted) That might be an alt account but definitely worth having a look into reporting this




Do you find endangered people funny?


Posing for a pic with a light scratch on the arm while saying you want to be eaten does not scream endangered to me. In this case I think it's hilarious.


Considering the name of the subreddit Iā€™d assume that this is normal behaviour over there.


Idk about you but cooked human meat has always been an interesting idea. I understand you can have kuru disease, but hear me out. Put some kosher salt and pepper with some spices and butter in a panā€¦ it might not be a bad idea.


You French people are crazy


OP why do YOU follow this sub?


Keeping my options open for the apocalypse.




The real question


Imma keep this in mind if grocery prices go up any higher


Thatā€™s one way to get vegan and affordable meat


Prolly taste like the best spaghetti in the multiverse


They better have my thickk options


Holy fuck bro. I actually saw a case like this. It happened years ago in the early 90s. She wanted to have sex and tortured to death. There was another case of a gay man wanting to have sex and be killed then eaten. There's people out there like this. So I can't seriously write this off as her being a troll or asking for attention. I'm gonna be worried first.


What the actual f*** is wrong with people


I wish I knew....


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Armin_Meiwes reminds me of this


That's the one! But the first one I said was about a woman from the 90s. She had a husband and everything but travel across the states to get to this man she met online and have sex with him while getting tortured to death. It was wild..


Bunch of songs were made by that. Armen Meiwes was the name of the cannibal and he answered an ad. Mein Teil- Rammstein Eaten - Bloodbath Eat me - Ozzy Just to name a few.


Not even Hannibal could make her look appetizing


What is that sub?


I thought that the sub was about something that has nothing to do with the post, but the sub only has 6 members, and all the posts I saw were about her talking about this fetish. Also, in a recent post, she talked about her autism and some more things. This is just sad; she definitely needs professional help.


Ohh thanks for explaining


ikea fresh balls


Oh yeah, I remember this dude. This is the guy who shared his own subreddit to a bunch of cringe subreddits as a way of promotion or some kind of weird degradation fetish.


Wait, really?


Iā€™m sorry but what the fuck happened in these comments


Nice try feds


average 1mil karma redditor ngl


That person would taste terrible. Sickly skin. No muscle tone. And probably never eaten a vegetable.


Are you talking from experience or what?


Times are tough. Food is expensive. BBQ makes most things tasty...


Paging Armin Meiwes. r/lpotl


Cannibal by Marian Dora is a nice movie based on that guy


Iā€™d say Iā€™m interested just so I could institutionalize them. Holy shit.


Fed or severe mental illness, call it


No you're not, being butchered alive would be extremely agonizing and a horrible way to go. If this is some suicidal cry for help, someone should get them help. I hope it's attention grabbing or roleplay šŸ˜­.


The person in the picture has replied to the top comment on this post if you want some of the backstory


There was an incident in Germany. Two guys met so one could eat the other. Strange case because there was consent. Rammstein wrote a song about it - Mein Teil


Didn't this happen like 15 years ago or something lmao


Yes. https://youtu.be/gK0R-J0hokg?si=835jr8rJNUxn8O4P


Damn this sent me down the rabbit hole




Is it fresh


Hit her up. And ask her just to work a full time job. And give you 70% cut. (She still needs something). Itā€™s during in the inside working a 40 thatā€™s the real killer.


I hate how she has the EXACT same name as a good buddy of mine's sister. Thank God this girl looks nothing like her.


Past couple days I've seen two weird sub reddits. How they allowed?


humansarefat would be a more appropriate name.




this person needs to be 5150ā€™d / baker acted asap. this is wild.


We **do not** need another Armin Meiwes situation.




This is almost 100% a fetish sub (one of the top posts mentions it in the subreddit) and I doubt this person is legitimately interested in getting butchered aside from the fantasy - not that you can really control paraphilias anyways.


Fucking disturbing


I looked at the sub, and I wish I hadnā€™t.


Imagine like you give up your body to be eaten in a delicious meal but it ends up in some English food like I wouldnā€™t give up my body to be eaten but I would be pissed if I was you know long side of beans and toast and mashed peas


I wouldnā€™t even want to touch her


I'm feeling hungryyyyyyy


just like the cow she is