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She was cooler than she got credit for. I think now she's like a Satanist with MGK or something. Idk.


A lot of people can't handle that amount of attention at a young age, and it makes them lose touch with reality a little. It's sad.


Nothing wrong with Satanists.


Except how cringey they are. Literal same mentality as a rebellious teenager. Who makes their religion the opposite of someone else's? It's not even original.


Just as cringey as any other zealot. And just as unoriginal.


I bet you get a big smile when you lick the boot


So rebellious against all those Christian tyrants. Go after the real oppressive religion, Islam, coward.


There's actual reasons for satanism. It's for christians who understand that if there is A personified human- like god. That made humans like dolls or whatever in his workshop , he is a sick , fucking bastard He created bad people like KKK and nazis. He also created us all with a reward system that allows us to seek.Pleasure yet tells us that seeking pleasure is bad and says hedonism is a sin. Satan on the other hand allows hedonism and narcisism. Not to mention he made people homosexual then told them its a sin. He made people so homosexual, in fact that In the animal kingdom humans have the lowest levels of homosexuality due to the teachings of christianity probably and how massive that religion is. So, as you can see, there's many reasons to be a satanist, especially if you believe in Christianity, but like being hedonistic or if you are. L g b t and still want to believe in a simple afterlife.


>Except how cringey they are. Literal same mentality as a rebellious teenager. Who makes their religion the opposite of someone else's? It's not even original.


There not even oppsite religions its the same relegion they just worship a fallen angel rather than the tyrant of the sky lol. On an objective level all the judeo-christian-islamic religions have brought this planet more harm than good they teach people hate and human centerism. Also they cause many wars and death. And as an athiest it is slowing the process of healing socites relationship with mortality. The sooner we can accept mortality the easier it will be to love each other eaqually as it is for most athiests.


In this moment, are you euphoric? Edit: spoiler alert! Im an atheist too! I just refuse to associate with typical atheists because they are cringey af


No im not euphoric sober as a leaf atm but if i was while sober that could be a symtom of mania did you know that?


I remember being 14. Good times


Hail Satan!


Mfs can’t stand someone defending satanism lmaoo


I mean she was very clearly used for sex appeal in the movie but fuck me those were awful questions.


r/usernamechecksout ?


Megan Fox don’t even look like this anymore


Very observant. It's called "aging," and very few people notice it.


Look at her face today and tell me that’s just age


Oh god, you are right. Wtf happened to her ??


Oh yeah, you're right. She had work done for sure.


I have never liked Megan Fox, her acting skills and the image she projects when in public is not something that is appealing to me or I can identify with. Having said that, she kicks ass in this clip. Super good answers to an idiot interviewer that clearly underestimated her intelligence. I still don't like her, but after watching this clip, I respect her.


I don't have the guts to call someone a sex icon to their face, even if it was true.


Not to mention the overtly creepy/cringe way he talks about a “cover” (magazine?) she’s on, says, “look at it…. I look at it…” - this was a terrible interview, one of way too many for her, specifically. & also, fuck Michael Bay.


What's wrong with Michael bay (I know nothing about him)


I'm getting Nicolas Cage vibes from her.


I respect her a lot more after seeing this. Interviewers like this need heaping helpings of snark.


Shit actress becomes famous due to looks then belittles everyone that brings up her looks. Got it


That's bc Kate Winslet is a great actress.


i've always loved megan fox & i always will. call me a stan but she's more than just beautiful - she's very intelligent & in tune with spirituality. she's very misunderstood by the masses.


Ok calm down she doesn't know you exist.


ok 😅


It’s ok to have opinions and be passionate


Does she have an Adam's apple?


I sure hope so! Literally everyone does, women included.