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Still to this day the lowest blow I’ve ever received as a nerd.


As if millions of *nerds* suddenly cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced.


Please, continue with your exercises


Bro, if this isn’t sarcasm you need to rethink your life. This is the same thing as celebrity worship but for a franchise.


That is pure millennial energy you got there pal. Star Wars was more than just a franchise. It was a phenomenon wrapped in fantasy in a white robe and no bra.


Except I’m the last of gen x and grew up with the OT. Still is what it is though, it’s just a series of movies.


Not Diablo III?


Hey Diablo 3 was great once with friends. Bought it launch and we spent the week beating it. Granted I never went back after we beat it but still.


No i didnt. Because u couldnt play at launch.


Diablo *Immortal*


I refuse to acknowledge its existence….


It was just a bad April Fool’s Day joke.


3 was playable...4 was awful


4 was honestly the same as 3, without error 53 at launch to keep me from playing for a week. 😂


I'm with you. Both awful.


3 and 4 are ok. Let’s be real it’s the story we didn’t like.


Yeah, the story was meh, but it seems that most stories from any large studio (movie or game) seems to be that way recently. I played S1 and got bored. Decided to mess around with S4 and it's alright. It's still buzzsawing through enemies with bigger and bigger numbers, but I guess it is entertaining for 30 or so minutes every few days and it doesn't cost me anything extra.


Nah 3 was excusable 4 is garbage. Compost


I liked the gameplay of 4, but fucking hell the plot was awful.


lol 4 doesn’t even have Diablo in it…..i feel like that’s part of it. Also the boss fights are the same easy hack and slash crap.


Mine was having a robotic character brought back to life, only to be turned into a real girl so they could murder her again definitively. 


For real. All that build up, all that urgency, we must find Luke. And then they kill off Han (sorry, spoiler, but it's been 9 years), and have Luke turned into this bitter, resentful hermit who looks very little like ROTJ Luke and more resembles post-Trump Mark Hamill. A ball was dropped, and Disney is primarily to blame. Plus, fuck them for getting rid of the entire EU. There were some really good stories in there that would have made fantastic films.


9 years?!? ![gif](giphy|LSmULmByAQHQs)


The plot was stupid from the get go. Luke disappeared but left Scooby Doo and the Gang a map to find him as they go through "Hey, New Hope, let me copy your homework but make it look different"


Exactly. There's a difference between paying homage, and straight up ripping off. This was JJ doing the latter.


Even more devastating, unlike even the puketastic prequels, was there was no plan. Abrams could have been somewhat forgiven if they had an end in sight. Instead, they did this 3 different director with 3 different screenplays. Even that, they still screwed up by killing Duel of the Fates and letting Abrams back to do Rise of Skywalker. If the prequels killed my enthusiasm for the IP, the sequels dug it up, brought its decaying corpse to Thanksgiving dinner, and then committed necrophilia with it over the turkey and mashed taters.


I still cannot believe that they went into a trilogy for FUCKING STAR WARS without a plan as to what was supposed to happen. Utterly mind boggling. I’d more easily believe that they had a plan which they realized was so bad that everyone agreed to forget that it ever existed.


"Who cares, we're Disney!"


Well, it’s not like they paid a lot of money for the franchise or anything 


At this point, I can only assume that Kathleen Kennedy has a copy of the Epstein client list.


[I mean, come on](https://x.com/autismcapital/status/1800942160025424025?s=46&t=AP-e_zKYTQFnOZtx2cIfbQ)


That was a really good description. I really like the visual, and it detailed my feelings very well. I'm glad we agree. On the topic of the prequels, I felt like George tried to go somewhere he shouldn't have with them, and it fell flat. So much potential, but wasted.


Here is the deal...part of the charm was not knowing. I didn't know what a Jedi really was. Or the Clone Wars. Or what Boba Fett looked like. I distinctly remember sitting on my porch as a kid. The latest issue of Star Wars Insider came in and rumor of some book called Shadows of the Empire would soon come out. My buddy and I were looking through the magazine together when we talked about whether Fett was an alien or a dude. The universe felt so much bigger before Lucas decided to explain it all with a painting made of his CGI fecal matter.


And brought really old ketchup labeling it as cranberry sauce


"The only way to make the women look strong is by making the men weak"


JJ abrams bullshit mystery box bullshit struck again. It could have been great…


He kind of did the same with Star Trek. Great world you have there Mr. Roddenberry, but I'm going to add time travel into it and retcon everything, except for a few basic central plot points so that the crew can still get together in the end. WTF?


Don’t even get me started about what they’ve done to Star Trek.


Now I kind of do want to get you started... 😈


They white-washed Khan. Why? WHY?!


I'm not gonna lie, Benedict Cumberbatch is a great actor, but he isn't Khan, and he's no Ricardo Montalban. That was a strange choice there, and was a completely unnecessary change.


discovery was great and strange new worlds may eventually transcend TOS being the best trek. lower decks is a fucking hoot. prodigy i have yet to get into. but i will.


I think Discovery was awful. JJ Abrams Trek movies are garbage. SNW is pretty good but not quite TNG level.


get used to the woke stuff, it ain't going away. sorry to break it to yuo


The beauty of being a consumer is that I don’t *have* to accept it - I can simply say “no thank you”, close my wallet and choose to spend my time and money elsewhere.


you're only option, going forward, is not to watch star trek any more at all.


Best part about the EU is they kinda just ripped it off. Palp coming back as a clone? Thrawn? Giant Star Destroyers with super mega weapons strapped to em? All ripped off.


The EU content is still there...they didn't go door to door burning books and comics and repossessing games. None of it was canon and more than half of it was moronic anyway. If you enjoyed it, great, nothing is stopping you from continuing to enjoy it. They've also been slowly including a bunch of that stuff into new projects, so things from EU materials are actually canon now and getting live action adaptations and will be included in other projects going forward. The sequels were definitely a miss, but part of that was not just having someone overseeing the whole process and allowing directors to just do their own thing and part of it was Carrie Fisher's untimely death. Nothing they could have done about that.


There was definitely some really good stuff in the EU, but there was much more dog shit that should have been burned, the ashes swept into a tiny box and then the box thrown into the ocean. A particularly deep part of the ocean.


I'll totally concede that. But you have to admit, the stuff that was good was really good- like Luke going over to the dark side, then back, and admiral Thrawn and that trilogy.


I’m gonna be honest, I genuinely have never understood why the EU’s Grand Admiral “That’s a nice painting, now I know how to kill you” Thrawn was so beloved. His whole schtick was *incredibly* daft. I’m convinced it’s just down to Zahn being a somewhat better writer than the normal, abysmal standard of Star Wars novels, new and old. The new canon’s Thrawn is completely forgettable, absolutely failed to make an impression in anything he’s in. I don’t know which is worse, to be honest.


It's not about just the character, it's the terrifying remnant of a dying empire, and the content therein in the storytelling. Yes, Zahn is a great writer, and he builds a compelling and entertaining narrative that extends the story beyond the films in an interesting and exciting way. People tend to take for granted the way good storytelling can improve a franchise. Look at The Mandalorian- I consider that good storytelling, and then you have this newer slop that abandons good storytelling for ensuring that the agenda and the current thing™ is adhered to.


(The Challenger Deep… Then James Cameron could visit, find the mysterious box, then make a movie about it.)


There wasn't anything wrong with killing Han Solo. Harrison Ford is old so it was best not to make him part of the future of the franchise. See: carrie fisher


I didn't say there was, but killing him off before he could have a reunion with his old friend Luke, that was a let down.


As soon as I heard a grown man scream NOOOOO at a Theater when Han died, I knew that this new SW would not end well. I liked Rogue One but as soon as I saw the fallout over RJTLJ I knew this was ****ed. Haven’t bothered with SW since aside from the rereleased classic games. Now it’s just anything preDisney and the EU for me. Star Wars as it was is dead, even Star Trek is doing better franchise wise these days.


That’s probably what burns more than anything. If it were just some shitty tv shows here and there then I don’t think you’d have so much discourse. But all of it is now on the foundation of this horrendous trilogy done out of greed not love for the franchise. They went in with no plan and completely wasted having all these icons back and in Mark’s case actually hurt him with how they chose to shit on his legacy. Even if some amazing miracle happened and someone else took SW from Disney to reboot it there will never be a second chance to bring them all together again.


God I can only pray that disney sells off Star Wars to someone who will actually respect it. Retcon the sequels I don't think they should recast anyone for a continuation, but for the love of God, skip a hundred years or two, and show us a prospering republic. Show us that Anakins sacrifice, and all he suffered at the hands of the prophecy to become the chosen one actually fucking meant something. That Leia, Luke's, and Hans leadership in the rebellion actually meant something. A restored Jedi order, once again enforcing peace. Make the threat the fucking Yuuzhan Vong or something it would have been so FUCKING COOL.


They spent Billions on it and now the IP is at least worth \*pinky to mouth\* 100 million dollars!


Disney? Sell something? You'd have an easier time herding stargnofs.


One day, in the distant future, you'll see a new trilogy (or more) with AI.


I do hate Disney for that, but I place almost ALL of the blame on that shitheel hack Rian Johnson. He made that decision. He decided to take this once in a lifetime opportunity and piss all over it, and the fans. I won't even pirate his shit.


Why? The first and third were all JJ Abrams...and Kathleen Kennedy was the overseer of the whole shitshow.


It all comes down to Kennedy. It was her responsibility to ensure a complete story was mapped out and the right people were working on the project. JJ Abrams and Rian Johnson are incompetent fucks that should never have been near the franchise. But the fact the overarching story did not bring the original characters together are ultimately on Kennedy.


From my understanding they didn't even plan the trilogy. They made it up as they went along, that's why there's no continuity and nothing makes sense. Plus swapping directors and writers between each was dumb as shit. Thus the random killing of Snoke and the out of nowhere "ah shit the other guy killed Snoke, oh I got it let's bring back the emperor!" 100% on Kennedy. A complete lack of vision.


Thats why Lord of the Rings is the best trilogy ever made. They even filmed all 3 movies back to back.


And Peter Jackson at his best. And studio heads that let him run with it. It really is the best trilogy.


Impossible to do now due to costs. Same thing should have been done with Dune (at least parts 1 and 2), but it's too expensive.


The thing about this is a new Star Wars trilogy in 2015 was probably the one project that they could have gotten away with writing a blank check for. There was *very* little risk of it flopping.


Ironic she rose in her career getting coffee for Lucas and Spielberg and then achieved her greatest “success” systematically destroying the creative vision


Maybe she was mad over being a coffee gopher and this was her long seeded revenge plot.


kathleen kennedy is a genuinely bad person. if you do a little research, listen to interviews, read press briefings, etc. she's just terrible. truly an amoral narcissist sociopath.


As per the topic broached in the OP. I am specifically talking about RJ denying the fandom the final sendoff for the original crew. Fuck, I mean Leia goes to comfort REY! WALKING PAST CHEWIE TO DO SO! He's a hack and all his money should be taken and repurposed into kindling.


But again, that was JJ Abrams not Rian Johnson...


JJ killed Luke, and wasted Finn, sins in their own right. But Rian was the asshole who made the second movie. The entire movie. No other writing credits on that one. He even deliberately fucked any and all plot threads that JJ tried to set up in the first one.


It was Rian Johnson's decision to leave Luke out of TFA and make Han a deadbeat?


No? It was his decision to waste the last and only opportunity to give fans the original cast back on screen together before Carrie died. But he "subverted expectations" you see...


but Han is dead as of the first film, so he's going to reunite them as force ghosts? or flashbacks?


Since When is a lightsaber to the gut fatal? He could easily have been brought back in the next one. They could just "use the force." /s In all honesty I forgot that was in the first movie. However it does show how terrible RJ is. Bringing Chewie, Leia, and Luke together to mourn Han would have been just about as meaningful, especially since they could be over Han's body, and we'd have all of them on the screen again. Moreso now that we know Carrie dies before the next movie can finish.


yes, we should have had a better reunion of the remaining gang, Luke should have def mourned Han more. but RJ was just making worse what Abrams had already started rolling downhill dude just made a movie with a bigger deathstar and at one point, literally has Han decide to slip between a force field using his human reflexes We give the whole lightspeed Holdo kamikaze move shit, (as we should) but lets not forget Han turned his guidance computer off to use his non force human reflexes to do a mini light speed jump to phase through a force field while it's cycling or some nonsense I had no idea Han could tap into the Speed Force


Oh god. So much everything is wrong with how the sequel trilogy battered and abused Hyperspace travel. The random length of travel time being literally the least of the problems, what is this, 40k? Are they using the Warp? The lightspeed landing was hurtful, and the "thing" the purple haired stereotype did made me instinctively reach for my keyboard spacebar, while in the theatre.


>when is a lightsaber to the gut fatal? Whenever the plot calls for it. Just like always. I’m honestly surprised Ford was even in the movie, since he didn’t want to be in RotJ.


Money talks, lol.


Han was already killed off by that point though.


Nah, this was entirely JJ Abram’s fault. He killed off Han in The Force Awakens. Rian Johnson therefore couldn’t bring them together, whether he wanted to, or not.


I did forget that Han died in the first movie. Not my fault, I had never before encountered a Star Wars movie that I only watched once. BUT! That ridiculous dickshit, Rian could have had a funeral, and the 3 remaining characters could have met and mourned over Han's body. Instead we get Leia brushing past Chew-fucking-bacca to go comfort Rey.


I agree it is kind of ridiculous that Luke remained in hiding even after Han died. Surely even if after the way Abrams butchered all three characters and their relationships, there is absolutely no reason why Luke wouldn’t go seek Leia and support her after Han’s death. But then Johnson also decided to kill off Luke in the most stupid way possible, for no reason whatsoever. I think people sometimes forget how much Abrams destroyed the sequels. It’s not just Rise of Skywalker that is awful. Force Awakens already starts the trilogy off terribly. It is scenes like Leia comforting Rey while ignoring Chewbacca that really show how little he knew or cared for any of those characters.


TFA was not a good movie. But it was a starting point. JJ set up a lot of story threads that could have panned out decently. Rian then set out to sever every single one of those threads, completely trashing any potential TFA could have had as a kind of springboard, while absolutely ruining his own movie, and pre-emptively gutting the final one that I've not yet watched. JJ has blame, doubt. Watered down New Hope bullshit. But that could be incompetence, disinterest and/or laziness. He's made stuff I liked, and stuff I didn't. He's kind of inconsistent. Rian is a Star Wars Terrorist. He deliberately and proudly did what he did. Called it "subverting expectations". Like my expectation of a good movie. Or respect for the IP. Or for the fans.


Oh he's for sure to blame. But it's Disney that hired him. Disney that approved plans. So fuck them too.


Yes, fuck them both. Disney didn't hire him to ruin Star Wars though, he did that all on his own. They just let him do it.


More importantly it was KK. She hired that sack of shit and let him make the movie. He's one of the few directors the cunt didn't fire halfway through the making.


If anyone carries most of the blame, it’s JJ Abrams. He decided to separate Han and Leia. He decided to make Luke an outcast hermit. He decided to kill Han, thereby destroying any chance of bringing the three together. Rian Johnson could have at least brought Luke and Leia together again, but also decided against it. He couldn’t have brought all three of them back together.


This is exactly what Star Wars will never be the same again. There is nothing Disney can do to fix that moment. They instead chose to pander and virtue signal.


The way I see it, Star Wars died the moment George Lucas sold the rights to Disney, everything else has just been them puppeteering a slowly decaying corpse


Exactly this! This is what I've been saying for years! Disney died when Lucas sold it. None of that Disney Star Wars garbage is canon to me. The only Star Wars I follow (books, movies, and games) is everything before those idiots at Disney ruined it.


As soon as I got introduced to supreme leader Snoke I was like what the actual fuck?!? So basically the original 3 movies were they killed the emperor an Darth Vader an the rebellion won MEANT absolutely nothing because it was exactly the same in the next 3. Killed all the bad guys, saved the galaxy an changed NOTHING. Then instead of coming up with an original idea they thought "let's just make it th2me same as the first 3 with resistance against the empire. Again. An let's forget about cadets epic sacrifice by CLONING THE FUCKING EMPEROR. From what exactly may i ask? Seeing as he was thrown down a tube in the death star which then EXPLODED. Where did they clone him from? An why didn't they just make loads of clowns of him an have a super dark side army. So much didn't make sense in those films. An luke. Poor luke. Galaxy's ultimate hero. An look how the written him it was heart breaking.


To be fair, they basically recycled Dark Empire basic plot line but done wrong.


What pissed me off is that they had their hands on one of the biggest franchises in recent memory and couldn’t even bother to sit down and hash out a coherent roadmap for the trilogy. None of the movies meshed with each other. So much could’ve been avoided if the writers had actually sat down and talked to each other




lack of vision on Kennedy, just sharting out product, JJ for being willing to film the swill and not stepping back and saying 'hey we really should have these characters together to pass the legacy down."


I think my only highlight of the sequels for me (and the biggest moment) was Carrie Fisher and Billie Lourd together and her rocking the little space buns. The fact they missed the chance of her portraying Jaina Solo makes my heart bleed. That would have been a great on screen dynamic that would have propelled Disney to epic proportions. I think fans would have felt heard, and the company would have likely caught lightning in a jar. The passing of the torch, too, would have made it all the more emotional for us all, all while the torch got passed to her daughter. Life couldn't be so perfect.


One of the worst things that The new sequel trilogy did was make everything that the original trilogy achieved to be pointless … Luke became a bitter hermit, Han became a deadbeat dad and Leia was the only one whose character was slightly intact (although her lack of affection for Chewie was also glaring). Lando was ok somewhat


Yup. As an older guy I completely agree with this. Kids and teens don't understand this and never will. We waited so long and they did the worst possible job with the story imaginable. It really is unforgiveable. There was a time when new Star Wars would have been the number 1 thing I looked forward too. Now I just don't care. All the new shows and movies become fodder to be made fun of.


Disney isn't interested in creating great stories anymore. Social engineering is more important.


I would have loved a coherent story and a passing of the torch. Not one meaningless death after another. It's like they only made three movies so they could kill off the three legacy characters. Then out of the new characters introduced they sidelined most of them into just being extras in their own story. It was a truly heartbreaking experience for those of us that saw the original 3 movies as children. I know one's childhood dies in time but to kill it so thoughtlessly...


The closest we got was Luke and Leia reuniting at the end of TLJ and they still fucked us cuz it was just his Force projection. Fuck Disney.


I’ll never forgive them for how absolutely dogshit the Kenobi show was.


Hype EP 7 for Luke. No lines and 3 seconds of screentime. Han Solo gets no memorable lines and dies for no narrative reason. Leia given a role equivalent to an extra with improv lines. I saw EP 7 in theatres. I have not seen anything "start wars" since. Haven't even bothered to pirate the baby Yoda show thing. Let Disney collapse into the grave it dug itself.


>Han Solo gets no memorable lines and dies for no narrative reason. I agree with all your points but this. "It's true, all of it" was pretty memorable, and "That's not how the force works" is very memorable. Also, "Chewie, we're home" had me smiling


You know what. I never considered this and now I am angry as well.


Truly disrespectful and tasteless. May the Force forsake then as they have forsaken the fans


Preach! They will milk her likeness to the grave through cgi though. Watch and see. Please if there is any god or goddess out there for the nerds. Let some miracle happen where George lucas comes back. Retcons everything disney ever did. And maybe start from the BEGINNING! As in the beginning of force not in the way disney will be destroying come tomorrow so everyone says.


I still think that was on purpose. That KK is specifically there as George's chosen successor. Lucas, from what I understand, really resented the fans for how we received the prequels. He never liked the EU, actively ignoring it at every turn with the exception of Darth Talon who turned him on. Kennedy was there to kill Star Wars and Lucas has done fuckall to stop her because he is complicit. He is the largest individual shareholder at Disney at >2% and could shake things up if he wanted. Kennedy is a problem, Disney Star Wars sucks, but she's Lucas' Vader and one should never ever forget it. He wanted this thing called Star Wars to be his to continue to mold and change and rewrite and when the fans treated it like modern myth he took his billions in cash and stock options and sold it to the glue factory. Lucas didn't want to get the band back together because if he'd wanted to he would have decades ago.


Disney dragged Stars Wars through the dirt. Completely fucked it. Star Wars died when Lucas sold it to Disney. The only Star Wars I care about are all of the things that released before those idiots touched it. None of that Disney crap is canon to me.


Really that's why you will never forgive them ? Not cause they push things like inclusion, race swapping roles, while at the same time firing two interpreters on the set of lions king for being white. Disney is doing real damage, and not cause they screwed up your ideal of a fantasy world or what it should have been.


The disappointment is to be expected from corporate funded “art”. The Message, too many cooks, abuse of FX teams of both time and resource… It’s all dead to me. 


Really it’s everything post-Disney buyout that’s a cautionary tale of corporate mismanagement of legacy IP. They’ve devalued the brand to such an extent that it’s now just a category on a streaming service that can barely muster ratings of low-effort programming on services like Netflix.


I would imagine JJ while writing the force awakens figured he would do the big three reunion down the road. Then lazer brain Rian Johnson decided continuity can go screw itself and probably made the “movie that killed Star Wars”……. Now he sits back and points to his Netflix trilogy about knives or some shit not giving a damn. Seriously Rian Johnson and KK can go screw themselves.


They’ll just cgi them all together again don’t worry


I think I would actually die inside.


Why do you hate gay people?


Not to forget that they completely butchered Luke’s and Han’s characters.


Yeah, it sucks


But but you might have realized that the new characters didn't measure up.....


I saw a pretty cool rewrite that didn't make luke look like such an ass while keep the frame of the story the same, To explain luke being a hermit it could have been that kylo killed luke out of fear at the temple and luke went off to the island as a force ghost pretending to be alive so leia didn't have to live knowing her son killed her brother. The Sounds way more like the space jesus luke than whatever the hell we had with ryan johnson


Hahahaha holy shit


I think there’s some truth to the rumor that Harrison Ford didn’t want to return at all, and he’d only do *Episode VII* if he didn’t have to do another one. *If* that’s true, my guess is that Han’s death at his son’s hands was chosen to be a heartbreaking beat in the film where they’d already decided Luke was going to be shelved to give new heroes a chance in the spotlight. I think they might have envisioned some reunion moment where the three spirits stand shoulder to shoulder *(The Force was with Han all along guys, see!)*, something like the final scene in *Return of the Jedi.* *Then* Carrie Fischer died, and the moment became *literally* impossible. It’s sad, but I don’t think it was down to oversight. Just unfortunate planning.


What's even worse is the movie she was in is probably what killed her, pressure to lose weight etc etc. Sad article about it.


I've been saying this same thing (I realize many people are, as well). There was no fucking reason to make Luke--essentially the twice-savior of the galaxy--into a jaded, cynical recluse. There was no reason to make Han and Leia an estranged, separated couple. Just....why? I truly cannot fathom any reason that you would just utterly destroy beloved characters like that, for essentially no reason. There was NO REASON to take an epic tale of good and evil, and do this..."well, there isn't REALLY good and evil" thing that they're doing now. They can get fucked. And I mean, a redemption arc is one thing. A fall from grace is one thing. "Well, really, everybody is sort of good," is an entirely different fucking thing--and it's garbage, and it has never had any place in Star Wars. I mean, Lucas doesn't get a free pass, either. He could have done something with these characters in the last several decades, as well, and the prequels fucked up some storylines beyond repair, too, so... I dunno. Original trilogy is incredible. Clone wars and Rebels are great. Rogue One and Andor are great. I actually liked Resistance and Visions quite a bit. Bad Batch was good. But the prequels were only ever really "okay." The sequels are garbage. Solo was okay. Kenobi was fucking hilariously bad; Mandalorian they drove off a cliff; Book of Boba was also hilariously bad. I'm just done. I had no interest in Ahsoka, and I have less than zero interest in Acolyte.


I'm going to sound like a tinfoil hat person, but the whole "there's not *really* a difference between good and evil" is a narrative that has been pushed by the mainstream media for years. It ultimately leads to people justifying a whole bunch of shady shit to further agendas and consolidate control.


No, they'll just throw her back in there using AI


Or when you FINALLY see ‘master skywalker’, after all the build up of looking for him and trying to reunite him with his lightsaber… He immediately tosses it over his shoulder, then treats the first person he’s seen in years, a young woman force adept at that… like an absolute dick.


I haven’t watched anything Star Wars related since episode 8, I was a life long fan before but that movie was just terrible. I’m not an accomplished writer like most people here but yea the milk part and just Lukes entire attitude completely ruined it for me. Also that scene with Leia in space was horrendous


I still can't forgive that they turned Luke into a pathetic hermit.


Of all the fan service they could have done, yet chose not to do.


She did survive breathing in space and flying back to ship. Cheese.


Harrison Ford had to be dragged back kicking and screaming and only agreed to do it if they killed Han off the first chance they got. If I remember correctly, he repeatedly asked Lucas to kill the character in the original trilogy. If he wasn’t that concerned about a big reunion, maybe no one else should be, either.


Keep you promise


They think there something wrong with ending a movie on a “happily ever after”note or just have feel good moments..it’s something I’ve noticed that many movies / franchises haven’t done since the 80’s


It's actually inconceivable how badly they fucked up Star Wars. I still can't wrap my brain around it.


I will always hope and wish for a Kyle Katarn Star Wars show/movie/short be made.


Yup, Disney and KK has one simple freaking job, but chose their ego’s instead of a successful franchise. Screw em.


There’s a deleted scene where they are all on screen together. As force ghosts.


In whatever movie it was, I leaned over to my friend in the cinema and whispered, "do you know how we know Chewie isn't dead?...it would have been spoiled online if he was". At that moment I felt so jaded at a franchise that gave me so much enjoyment as a kid, teenager, young adult and adult. At that moment the I hated myself and Disney, and the magic of Star Wars that had been was forever dispelled.


They really turned Luke into a old Bitch.


Blame it on Disney AND jar jar Abraham’s.




That’s crazy. Why, Disney?! WHYYYYY


That palpatine unlimited power move bass boosted is the only thing I liked in the trilogy.


I will never understand why people care so much about fan fiction. Because that's what all the new stuff is. There are a few happy accidents like Andor and a few passable pieces like Rogue One but most is crap - which is absolutely normal for fan faction. Why do people expect amateurs to come up with good products?


Fan fiction is literally what the EU was. Blame Lucas Film or Disney or whatever you want, but they *own* the IP. Throw any kind of hissy fit y’all want, Star Wars has always been 1) for children and 2) really dumb as far as plot goes.


Not big on where they put the characters, but Fishers death was out of their hands. It sucks for sure


Indeed, I'm not blaming them for her death. It was tragic. That being said, they fumbled it beforehand, and I'm angry we'll never get the chance again. So the blame for the fact that they will never be reunited lies with Disney, and nothing else.


I won’t, Disney SUCKS for sure. But to blame everything everything is too much for me.


I respect your opinion good sir.


You sound entitled. They are giving you this fine new poorly produced $180m series as compensation.


Well to be fair. When Carrie died that dramatically changed the entire story. And then we were left with the Rise of Skywalker. Their biggest mistake in my eyes was letting Rian Johnson have too much creative control. That middle part of the trilogy needed to be solid and they fucked it. If Last Jedi has been good, the third movie being shit would not have mattered.


I mean… I am a passionate, die-hard Star Wars fan. Ultimately it was a group of Gen X Sci-Fi “auteur” writer/directors who came in and left Star Wars a gutted shitshell of a franchise as they deconstructed the OT like amateur academics and then burned it to the ground as Gen Xers do. Disney just watched the dollars roll in. That’s the problem when you don’t have a Joe Quesada who carefully considers continuity for a franchise, and that’s why there are 20+ MCU movies, but Disney can’t really figure out how to go forward on Star Wars so they are pumping out shows that occur just before the ST.


Things go wrong or are done wrong and then you move on instead of obsessing over stuff.


They’re a multibillion dollar company. They don’t care. Move on:


Disney made Star Wars objectively good again. The Sequel trilogy has the best story telling since Empire Strikes Back, and Rey is a far more compelling character than Mara Jade or Jaina Solo ever was. Also, Kylo Ren is a far more compelling character than Anakin. I hope Rian Johnson gets to do his trilogy.


I do not think that word means what you think it means.


Lol they don't need your forgiveness either. Was it a missed opportunity yes, but they were also old. It doesn't bother me as much cuz I saw star wars as bigger then like, lies and han. So it's easy for me to welcome new characters and different periods


Nah, I use to agree with you on that aspect. Growing up with the OT and PT, reading what is now known as “legends” I wanted a good hoorah for the OT trio and to pass the torch over to the sequel crew. But I’ve learned over the years and decades. Before the Disney acquisition even. No other SW hater bigger than a Star Wars fan. I’m sure even if they created this image you and others agree on would’ve been amazing. There would still be complaints and gripes just like there are now.


There would be. That true doe anything that ever existed. Nothing receives universal acclaim. That being said, there's a way to do things. This wasn't it.


Agreed. But with the track record, the prequels got lots of hate at first and now get lots of love. Will the same happen with the sequels? The shows? Guess we’ll see in 2042.


Some of you realllly need to get a life lol


Bruh grow up and move on they're fucking movies


Yea just too bad they couldn’t sell that. Hard pill to swallow. People are tired of the same old shows that you so desperately want to relive. Even if they did make the exact movie you want they would lose even more money. The hard truth is the market is over saturated with star wars and superhero movies, and no one wants to watch that brain rot you incels call entertainment.




Absolutely maidenless post.


Lol you folks are such crybabies


You place way too much importance on this. It's just a space fantasy franchise. Something that should mean very little to a successful grown man.


It only means so little now that you ruined it


It always meant little. It's literally a franchise meant for children.


If it was so little in the first place, why did yall push your stupid identity politics onto it and every other thing you touch?


Honestly the identity politics are the least of their worries. Why the fuck would they give a trilogy to three different directors who try to compete with each other and ruin each others stories?


I usually dont like overt sequel hate, but still: Its a big franchise a lot of people like. The biggest franchise ever born from a movie. Its a literal free money printer for Disney, but somehow they fucked it up. Disney at least surely cares now that they couldve made billions more but realized they’ve made some piss poor decisions.


I H8 yEw!!!!!!!!


I will never understand people like you, does making a troll account make you feel better? Are you missing something in life?


I'm not trolling you. im trolling the wokies.


Fr, these sad mf are acting as if Disney personally went out of their way to attack them. This is easily the biggest victim mentality of a sub I've seen.


They are all like this from these review guys and video essayists. Sure the stuff they complain about generally sucks, but to expend so much effort just to hate something. They probably think about these shows and stuff more than the people who actually like them.


But I’m a 30 something man child and I can’t accept that the franchise made for babies didn’t give me what I wanted reeeeeeeee


Really. It do be like that. I never liked this star wars crap to begin with, but I don't make it my life's mission to complain about it. I live my life.


Y’all are ridiculous.


Get over it, nerd


this stuff is hilarious to me for some reason. its like saying youll never forgive a mountain, or the sun. its a corporation yall. dont anthropomorphize it and stop thinking in such terms. the only thing more ridiculous than their IP is yalls bombastic moralizing over skittles and make-believe.