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Ok, that’s kinda funny.


His personal politics may be right-of-center, but I wouldn’t know; I certainly don’t think the Drinker saturates his content with politics *to be* political. All the political commentary he makes rings to me as genuinely critical of radical left-wing influence on (predominantly) family entertainment. That’s not political, as far as I’m concerned, it’s objective criticism.


This is the correct answer...


" All the political commentary he makes rings to me as genuinely critical of radical left-wing influence" That type of commentary is usually labeled alt-Right by the media and the Left in general.


Yes, and that's on them, not on us media critics litterate people


Everything has to political for people nowadays because both sides have been so radicalized by the media. It’s become part of people’s identity. If you insult someone’s politician they act like you’ve fucked their mom. It’s really exhausting and CD is exactly how you described, he’s mocking hollywoods shitty escapades into social propaganda. It’s not to get you to vote but see the absurdity of modern times.


It’s criticism. I wouldn’t say it is “objective.”


It’s objective in the sense that it’s *actually* criticism. The Drinker criticizes factually extant components of the stories and productions he critiques. It’s not falsified to mask a message.


"It's not political, it's just his personal political commentary" is a WILD take.


Okay, **1.)** Word twisting? Bad faith. *Boo.* **2.)** I said I don’t know what his personal politics are, because he doesn’t advocate political points. He pushes against the *presence* of political messaging in entertainment. That messaging is always left-wing. I am *not* a political activist. I *am* sick of politics in entertainment. I don’t consider that a political opinion, other than in the barest, most pedantic sense. As, I fear, is your point.


I wouldn't say radical left. He complains more about left-of-center politics


I'm not sure you fully understand what left-of-centre politics is tbh. Typically, someone who is left-of-centre would agree on equality of opportunity regardless of gender / race / sexual orientation etc but are perhaps slightly more apprehensive about more progressive ideologies


I think right of centre has pretty much the same view. It's the wings on either side that are the problem


Unfortunately if you complain about 'woke' frequently, that pushes you way past center-right. Drinker is guilty of that. People in the center don't engage in the culture war nonsense, at least not frequently


That seems like a hasty generalization to me


I shouldn't generalize that People in the center are not part of the culture war? Well he did also work with Shapiro and the Dailywire. The same Shapiro who keeps popping up on favourite lists of religious based mass shooters and self identifying Nazis This doesn't mean Shapiro is making people Nazis or Islamophobic, but whatever he is talking about sure resonates with those people. I wouldn't attach my 'brand' to him


Shapiro… an Orthodox Jew… inspires *Nazis*? You… uh… realize what the Nazis were all about, right?


I was going to comment on this but figured what's the point. Suggesting that affiliation is just wild to me 😂


He frequently talks about some Jews being 'Ethnic Jews' which resonates with Nazis strangely


I’m sorry but that’s nonsense. The Nazis hated the Jews because they were insular, well-groomed, and well-established in their communities, making them an easy target to denounce and to segregate. Shapiro is fundamentally more similar to those Jews that were persecuted by the Nazis than are the secular “ethnic Jews” he calls out for usurping the cause of Judaism. The only similarity between Shapiro and the modern Nazi is that they both call out the left for their social radicalism. That’s not playing for the same team, that’s proof that a stopped clock is right twice a day.


https://youtu.be/aDMjgOYOcDw?si=ydAt2kY0PDd0YhF0 Go to the 34 minute mark for the Nazi stuff. There is also a google doc of sources in the video description


It's a hasty generalization because to put it simply, some people don't want political ideologies stuffed down their throat when they go to the cinema. Left leaning political ideology is dominant in the medium of film and television, that's not right wing propaganda. You don't have to be right wing to have an issue with that. You can objectively criticise the negative impact this has on the value of entertainment regardless of where you are on the political spectrum. He may well be right wing, but I've not found one instance of him criticising centre-left politics in any way, shape or form (granted I've not watched all of his content).


Look, I'm sorry if RoboCop or Starship Troopers and movies like those push left wing propaganda, but they are awesome movies because they have a clear vision from a creative leftist director. Even South Park have moved left in the last few years


I haven't seen CD's review of Robocop, but he praised Starship Troopers's subversive message on his review.


I'm pretty sure he claimed it wasn't woke anti right wing fascist propaganda, which it is


There's a VAST difference between a movie championed by a director with a clear vision about anti-militarism and major production studios shoehorning in as much left wing ideology as possible into every product they put in front of a consumer


You forgot anti capitalism Ok, correct me if I'm wrong: if a movie comes from a genuine leftist vision, that is good. But if the movie does not have a leftist vision, but poorly inserts leftist ideas, that's bad?


The “culture war” *is* currently between the **center** and the left. The left, in entertainment, is radical. The right, in entertainment, is nonexistent. The centrists are pushing back against the left, while many on the left accuse anyone who disagrees with them of being Nazis and the like. It’s bad faith echo-chamber fear-mongering, and most of the world is over it.


This, in a nutshell. I'm a lefty for the most part, but do not like the current state of media. It took me a few years to notice the way the media was going. I first noticed it when I saw Amazon's Wheel Of Time after reading the books and observing that they had turned Egwene and Nynaeve into girl-bosses and the protagonists of the book series - Rand, Mat and Perrin - into distressed dudes (the male version of damsels in distress). I wondered what the heck was going on, and then started noticing a larger pattern across much of media. Which is when I started looking online to see if any other folks' observations aligned with mine, and saw that I wasn't the only one. Fast forward two years, and now I'm following folks like CD because he tends to unapologetically cut through the bullshit.


"You dare use my own spells against me, Potter?" - Liberals reading your post, probably.


I see what you did there with the title, very nice.


I started watching him *because* he criticized the leftist propaganda & shitty media. I appreciate the recommendation videos, of course, but that’s only one aspect of his content. His angle has been obvious for years. Just because someone points out a trend and says it’s tiring doesn’t mean they’re an evil person. These recent attacks are silly.


I don't know who would watch him for any other reason


NGL Midsommar was bad though


Shock effect movie. People only talk about 2-4 scenes of that shite movie.


Thank God finally someone acknowledged that. I always hear so much praise for that dumb movie


A lot of A24 films are true to the Family Guy quite that they insist upon themselves. 


It’s ok to be wrong.


Why didn't you like it? I thought it was well acted, well paced, the score was memorable, costume and character design was great, set design was cool. The events being an extended metaphor for the internal struggle of the main character was pretty accessable to pick up on. Strange movie for drinker to call 'woke'


No, obviously the events were a metaphor for the invasion of Iraq. See that’s the problem with metaphors, when they’re done shittily, like in midsommar, it can be interpreted as anything


You mean metaphors can be interpreted wrong or missed by general audiences


No I mean a metaphor can be anything, especially since art is subjective


A metaphor can mean anything?


No, but a shitty story can be a metaphor for anything if you’re stupid enough. Like that little twink who said the cannibals from the hills have eyes are actually noble black people who are fighting against the colonizers


Yes, stupid people think stupid things, especially about movies. I do agree with that


And somehow all of them are on this sub. Someone please block me and ban me from this page. I don't know why I recommended this sub.


It's the right wing sub of the month. Last month was r/memesopdidnotlike


I didn't say the movie was 'woke' I just said it was bad. Preferences vary, but I didn't find the acting, score, or costumes to be that memorable. To me it felt like a wannabe The Wicker Man but with a blander protagonist, lower stakes, and blander antagonists.


I think the design was memorable. Its not often when a horror movie is done in full daylight by people in completely white dress clothes on grassy sunny hills. And the flower dress at the end was genuinely beautiful too. I just don't like seeing straight up rape. you can argue that this is part of the horror, but I couldn't stomach it


The drinker called it woke


people in this sub dont really like movies or tv shows, they just like to complain about them


Honestly weird that these same people will say his earlier videos were funny and witty, when they were way more brash and critical of DEI bullshit. I would say he's actually toned down any overt woke needling in his latest videos, and has displayed more of an apathetic disregard for modern Hollywood nonsense. I guess it bothers them more when they're regarded as a complete waste. CD has the best stance towards them, just say your piece and don't bother with them. You can never have a good faith dialogue with someone that's just trying to pull you down at every word. These are the people that will dogpile on you if mainstream media says you're the 'bigot boogeyman'. 


>inject your politics into every facet of media and entertainment >tfw people respond politically https://preview.redd.it/zaffezksfr8d1.jpeg?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=40756d88fdc2c951395c591626c29f608ec895dc


he still dose point out lazy writing in Hollywood its just this time its over something they like and took offence


His reviews aren't political, though. He is critical of things like Star Wars and Marvel because they have prioritized "The Message" over telling a good story. He has been equally critical when right-wing outlets like the Daily Wire when they put out original content if they prioritized their own message over storytelling. See his review of Ladyballers as an example.


They injected politics into the media, so the criticism of the media is obviously going to be around the content that was injected.


That comment about turning to right wing grifting when your career is failing is pretty funny. The copium floweth.


I mean frankly, 10-15 years ago Drinker would be left of center. It’s just the leftists have gone SO FAR left that he’s only right wing by comparison


It's all so black and white to you guys. I'm a socialist but also completely anti this ridiculous 'woke' agenda. I know many who think the same. The enemy is ignorance and stupidity, people that are easily strung along by bad actors who manipulate them for their own benefit and they exist on all sides of the political spectrum.


I’m pretty similar to you. If you forced me to identify myself politically I guess I would say I’m more liberal-leaning. I mean let’s face it, I’m a white feminist with a septum ring, you would think I’d be running away screeching from The Drinker. But another poster summed it up perfectly, just because he points out the obvious political slant in media doesn’t mean he’s a political grifter. It’s tiring to be preached to all the time and it makes for bad “entertainment” if you can even call it entertaining. I’m tired of characters that exist to score diversity points and aren’t actually well-written or compelling. I’m tired of big corporations pandering to me using “inclusion” and “representation” when it’s clear their values are not artistic, authentic storytelling but lining their own pockets. The Drinker is no more racist or sexist or anything else for pointing this out, than he is for pointing out that modern Hollywood is over-reliant on major IPs and nostalgia, or star power, or CGI. Like there are a ton of reasons why we don’t get iconic movies or characters anymore and the fact that politics is shoehorned into everything is just one of them.


Same. I'm pretty left leaning as well. I like diversity in movies, when it has a point. I like strong female protagonist, as long as they aren't gods. I won't always agree with Drinker, but I appreciate that he doesn't fucking fan boy over everything out there and he points out "the message", because it's clearly there. Making women into perfect protagonist, with no flaws is boring and nonsense. I also get bored when male roles are the same. Making sure there is ALWAYS some sort of LGBT representation in movies is annoying, especially from companies that do it as a wink in the US, but then hide it elsewhere in the world because they actually couldn't give a fuck about them and only allow that content in to feed the egos of these writers who aren't here to tell stories, but just want people to know their political views and sexual preferences first. It's tiring watching that content. The Drinker rightfully calls it out and I appreciate that he actually can articulate it and is willing to do so. The other YouTubers I watch for movies always dance around the subject of why a movie isn't doing well in the box office or why a TV show has low reviews. They don't want to piss off the hands that feed them, which is more irritating than someone's political opinions. And frankly, that's why I like the Drinker. We might be different politically, but we both want the same thing from our media.


I agree with your point but I can also understand why it appears black and white to many who feel the same way. I wouldn't say I'm a socialist but I consider myself centre-left and I have the same opinion as you regarding the ridiculous woke agenda. The biggest issue for me is the overwhelming majority of the left that do buy into this bullshit - and who look to ostracise anyone who even remotely speaks out against it. I have drifted from friends who I would have previously considered to have political affinity with over this very issue. You can't offer any constructive criticism anymore without being labelled a bigot / racist / transphobe / homophobe / misogynist and so on by the woke brigade simply for disagreeing with them. I understand there is plenty of people on the left who have similar stances as me and you but I do think we are a small minority


Lol, no. It's all black and white to the other side. They are the ones interested in class wars. We are just fighting back after years of being called n4zis or whatever for not fully complying with their agenda. The irrational ones are them, not us.


For starters you might want to think if this whole "them vs us" notion is something that someone who sees grays rather thank blacks and whites would hold.


I would be happy to stay quiet in a corner, happy with my "gray" beliefs. But one of the extremes (the left) would eat me alive if I decide not to fight back.


Is that so?, have you really ever fought back beyond online discussion?, or is that mindset just been sold to you due to a cycle of rage and hatred propagated by online media?


Those people who failed to realise that he was mocking them automatically have their criticisms invalidated without any further discussion. That's how it works, right Disnoids?


"I remember when this guy was decently funny and pointed out lazy writing in Hollywood and laughed at hilariously bad movies" Do people completely lack self-awareness these days? that's exactly what CD is still doing lmao.


It's political as the movies being made. He's not advocating banning abortion. He's just saying you shouldn't be celebrating it in the subtext of your movies.


You know not all liberals are the same, right? It's the same as saying all conservatives are the same. At the end of the day, we all just want to be entertained and not preached at. I also think TCD has exposed me more to the hot air that exists in Hollywood and how self important people are. I mean I knew it existed before but he's just sort of exposed just how much more air there is in them.


"failing career" really?! Drinker just recently surpassed 2 million subs on his YouTube channel. What the hell is he smoking?!


They’re not intelligent people


Lol… almost as idiotic as conservatives being mad that Rage Against the Machine or Pearl Jam became woke… almost.


He is deff more political than before but hey it’s an election year, a man has to eat


I'm your average apolitical.


In recent years, there has become an inverse relationship between critical and liberal. ...or maybe it's always been and I just grew up, got married and had hella kids.


As a left of center guy… yeah obviously. Luckily I’m not so far to the left that I’ve lost my sense of humor all together. The left can be wacky sometimes and it’s okay to laugh at.


Your reminder that 99% of the time “grifter” is a buzz word that really means “popular conservative I don’t like”


I see what you did they're, and it's funny.


They are a bit slow after all.


When are people going to wake up and realize a lot of these comments about "grifters" are paid attacks designed to protect the brand and damage control?


Bout as long as it took The Boys conservative viewers that they was making fun of them.


Yeah, we know.  Since Drinker has been political then his gripe with The Message™ or "bad writing" is a fucking lie. It's as simple as that


Where is the part when he said or rven remotely imply he's a liberal? Brainrot much?


The turning point with me was when he gave Reacher a favourable review. That show is total dog shit. Pretty obvious why he was warm on it but even knowing his leaning, that was too much.


So the joke is that they're just as stupid as you are?


So is he political or not.  I see you guys are still deciding.   I agree, Drinker is very political.  He has an obvious right wing slant.  It is what it is, that’s not a crime, but let’s not pretend he’s not political when the title of this post literally states he’s political and makes fun of liberals.  


Aw, did the boys memes hurt your feelings?


When he said he didn't even watch the new season but still gave his opinion, I unsubbed. I watch reviews for actual reviews of the show. Not rotten tomato scores and public outcry. If your job relies on you reviewing shows and movies, at least watch the content you're going to speak about.


If you are talking about the Boys season 4, he made a video responding to a bunch of people asking if he was going to watch the season. He gave his reasons why he wasn't going to waste his time given the idiotic controversy and clear direction of the show. It's not a review, it's an answer to the myriad of inquiries asking if he'd watch it and review it. He has plenty of reviews out there, he can skip one season of a show that is going the wrong direction.


How is he supposed to genuinely and honestly review or criticize something he’s never seen?


He never claimed it was - the key difference here is you are assuming he wasn't fully transparent. This was covered in the post above... It was a response to peoples request for a review - why can't you grasp that?


He didn't review it. He made a video saying he had no interest watching and reviewing it and explaining the controversy around it and the messages Kripke was putting out there. He explained he had no interest in watching it and gave no review of it. This is just the person upthread getting angry he didn't review it and claiming he's a shitty reviewer because he didn't watch it, but critics don't watch everything. He at least gave a response to the people asking him if he was going to watch and review it.


You don't follow reviewers you disagree with. That isnt how subjective reviewing works. You find a reviewer who shares your tastes and follow them. There is no objective truth all reviewers are striving for. Reviewing is subjective.


But if the reviewer isn’t actually reviewing things then why would anyone listen to what they’d have to say?


If they dont review the stuff you like, you move on to a different reviewer. If they review what you like and they miss something, you can just let them know you would like them to review it. But normally you ask them to review things you both might like, normally you dont expect a reviewer to hate watch everything.


Problem with that- if you are a film reviewer you suck it up and do your job. How much drivel do you think Roger Ebert watched in his day that he’d rather not have but did so any wa because it was his job?


Way less films came out before straight to streaming. And he never reviewed all shows anyway, just movies in theaters. Nowadays Roger Ebert has an entire staff to review movies and shows he does not get to.


That Midsommar review was SO OFF the mark dude. Dead Meat did it better


1st screenshot: watched 1-3 videos half a decade ago, not close to enough investment to make any realization at all 2nd screenshot: yeah that guy should have realized 3rd screenshot: did realize you tried, though




Wait what the fuck there’s a Stuart Little 3?


There's a 2?


And yet you are still here?