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Posts Must be Related to The Drinker/His Content


Almost every hot post on the politics sub is about Trump lmao. Biden absolutely shat the bed and they're desperately trying to hide it. Pathetic. And they have the audacity to try and gaslight us that Reddit doesn't have a far-left bias.


Reddit totally has a far-left bias. I’ve been mass downvoted and even banned for having conservative viewpoints. It’s a leftist feminist echo chamber here. Don’t know why I still even go to this site.


The same here, don't go into a left sub and just try to make a normal case. Banned..


For me it's that those subs don't immediately represent themselves as communities that will ostracize "others" at first glance. You think, "oh hey, twitter for shit white people say, funny stuff!" Then a few weeks in "why are these exclusively memes from the democrat campaign? Why are the same comments always at the top?" I watched /r/FluentInFinance get taken over by leftist election year bots (sort by top posts last month and look at those accounts of totally real people) and its owner, /u/TonyLiberty is 100% complicit in the de-education of his newsletters readers. How much they paying you to sell out your sub Tony? Screw you. You could've built something beautiful and stood for it


Here's a sneak peek of /r/FluentInFinance using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/FluentInFinance/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Do we need a minimum tax amount for top earner?](https://i.redd.it/cgp79hjv7bqc1.jpeg) | [4945 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/FluentInFinance/comments/1bmoyca/do_we_need_a_minimum_tax_amount_for_top_earner/) \#2: [Call Me a Tax Snitch But It Felt Good](https://np.reddit.com/r/FluentInFinance/comments/1bkf621/call_me_a_tax_snitch_but_it_felt_good/) \#3: [Social Security Tax limits seem to favor the elite?](https://i.redd.it/6io4p5tgwbmc1.jpeg) | [3094 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/FluentInFinance/comments/1b6ce9f/social_security_tax_limits_seem_to_favor_the_elite/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


>The same here, don't go into a left sub and just try to make a normal case. Banned.. Which is why we should be merciless on leftist trolls here. It used to be that you could get banned from, say, double X chromosomes by even posting/commenting over at the red pill. I wonder if that kerfuffle over third party apps made it much harder to mass ban people for thoughtcrimes in other subs.


It's quite a fun game to test out how bad the echo chamber is in different subs. Just state a central position with confidence and if you get banned then you know it's a useless sub


I mean, the mods of conservative subs are pretty ban happy too. But I agree this place is mostly left.


I once got over 1,200 downvotes for saying republicans didn’t have issues with legal immigration, just illegal immigration. Of all the controversial things I could have said, that had to be one of the more boring things I could’ve said. And Reddit hated me for it


It's so obviously true too. Nobody should be ok with illegal immigration


Even on completely non-political subreddits. I once commented “Reddit mods tends to be tiny fascists” in a post on the ducks subreddit complaining about mods and got banned. A subreddit about *ducks*


It was wrestling for me, r/squaredcircle   I only made one single comment in that subreddit, i replied to someone with just one word, "woke" Boom, banned a few minutes later 


I git banned from the atheism sub because someone told some obvious bullshit story about being a teacher and dressing down a parent for some religious or prayer reason, something, and someone else was like "lol no you didn't. You would have been fired on the spot" and I jumped in with "it makes for a good story but that's obviously bullshit. She actually just sat there and took it". Instabanned.


Reddit atheism is the worst. I've been an atheist since the late 70's, literally all my life. I do NOT recognize Reddit atheists, they are as religious as religious folks, but boy howdy do they froth at the mouth when you say it. Fucking people don't understand there is such a thing as a moderately conservative atheist.


I find Ricky Gervais style atheism as tedious as Joel Osteen style jesus fish Christianity. Shoehorning it into every convo. I'm the definition of agnostic, it just popped up in my feed and I thought I'd chime in. Alas lol I didn't even say anything about god!!


I'm glad there are people like you who recognize that kind of thing. I'm a Christian with a few normal atheist IRL friends. But practically 99% of atheists I've encountered online are so militant that they'd probably start a religious debate over "thoughts and prayers" on a personal post about somebody grieving a loved one lol. I just a couple days ago saw someone quoting Alice Cooper about coming to God when he tried to get clean, which is a pretty mainstream part of the AA steps, recognizing a higher power, and it still started a debate about the existence of God. Which completely missed the point of it being a sobriety post that happened to be laced with God talk. And it's like, even as an atheist, God forbid someone "believes in Santa Claus" or whatever if it helps them quit using heroin lol. /rant


It boils down to humanism for me. Jesus Christ, especially in the current Western thought, is clearly a humanist. Atheists, very often, are not humanists. Many will literally say the planet would be better off without humans. Those people are my enemies, and Christians are my allies. Roughly speaking, only the Sith deal in absolutes, of course.


I mentioned once how I didn’t like AOC that she doesn’t help her district at all.          My favorite thing that has come about her is the energy plan thing they made up. My friend works at New York Power Authority and he shaves his head. He tells people he used to have a full head of hair before the shut down plants and expected us to use magic to make energy. 


> I’ve been mass downvoted and even banned for having conservative viewpoints. They'll mass downvote for having moderate opinions too.


This is incredibly accurate. Then they'll say it's cuz you pretend the truth doesn't exist


Same. I try to just go here for my hobbies. But it tries so much other misinformation at you its ridiculous.


Exactly. Every time I find myself on here, I'm here for like 5 mins, jaw agape, wonder how these can be real people, question the future, existential crisis, leave, watch a video about stoicism.


I'm banned from r/Missouri because i said "men can't have babies" and got permabanned for hatespeach.


Bias is too light of a word


Good. Let them pretend Biden did well. We WANT Biden to be the nominee. They can gaslight themselves into thinking he is going to win but normal people that saw that debate know Joe Biden is toast. Trump wins in a landslide in November if they keep Joe. If they replace Joe with Newsom, we have an entirely different race and the Dems have a decent shot of pulling it off


I don’t think anyone is pretending Biden did well… even mainstream news is saying that Biden did poorly.


You definitely haven’t visited the r/politics or r/news or r/pics debate threads then


Biden could have lost track of reality and gone on a tangent about why sniffing little girls works better for him than Viagra, and those subs would still have said he crushed it.


politics and a few other subs are actively managed by political action groups through email lists, discord channels, and more. people are literally told what to vote on and how and even to report. literally during the debate mail is flying.


Reddit is disproportionately left. It's full of LGBTQ+ and the likes. I've never met a trans person in my life but every Reddit comment section is full of them. This website has become a safe space for the left and overall is just much worse than it has ever been.


NYT is saying it’s Joever.           I don’t like either candidate but my God it was terrible.


I didn't even watch it, but seeing as it's trying to be buried and what isn't buried is " they both sucked dick" posts. I can only assume it didn't go to plan for them. Frankly at this point I think they do both suck dick but Cesar's already been stabbed in the Senate and Nero has already let the barbarians raze half the country so frankly I'm just riding it out awaiting the new Dark Age post whatever cataclysmic event wipes out half of everyone whether it be war, diseases famine, or a combination of the 3. Rome never fell. It just simply switched continents.




I get down voted all the time for making politically neutral posts.


They will go so far as to get a bunch of sock accounts and go into any sub that leans a tiny bit right, start dropping racist comments, and then report the sub as a hate sub to get it locked.


the political subreddits were purged of any comments supportive of trump or negative of biden. very high chance they are all moderated by the same people with the same political leaning


Neckbearded “It’s Ma’am” types.




On point, no surprised.


Hahaha comment of the month




been working overtime since the debate started yesterday


Been doing it for 5 years….


They definitely are


I actually decided to start trolling as I'm not even American. If you say anything pro trump you immediately get dog piled. I got reported as potentially suicidal because I said "We need trump more than ever" I also was banned from sub reddits and had warning automated messages from others for stuff like Biden can't even make a sentence and wow trump destroyed him. My messages were removed by mods. It's pretty crazy how much people hate Trump and are totally ok with a walking corpse.


Ah yes, the old “report suicidal behaviour”. Lefties are emotionally incontinent, especially those that take to online forums to voice their delusions. One of many reasons they’re affectionately referred to as “pRedditors”. Shame on you for speaking truth or voicing a dissenting opinion! Discourse has no place here!


The American people don't hate Trump, Redditors hate Trump. If the election were held today Trump would win


Reddit absorbed all the perverted tumblr people after tumblr stopped allowing porn. Now they haunt the subs, waiting to dogpile any one daring to voice a reasonable opinion.


Well ofc Americans don't all hate trump if I'm not mistaken it was close to 50/50 last election. But everywhere I look especially reddit anything pro trump is clowned on. Funny enough you don't actually see pro Biden anything it feels like more of I'll take anyone but Trump.


Wow, those white knights fat neck beards weaboos are insane lol


Sounds like electoral interference


voter suppression


Electrical infetterence?


Why are leftists like this ? They always go for positions of power online (mods, admins) and use it to alter the discourse Then have the gall to talk about « democracy being in peril »




And they call 5 year olds not being allowed to read pornography “censorship.”


Literally banned because it's not at the public library >:(


There’s a reason why mods and discord CMs are 75% alphabet people.


They have no sense of shame so hypocrisy doesn't faze them.


Same tactic in almost every institution.


It's because they're authoritarian who " are completely not authorians we swear. Just think how we think, and let us have control over ever facet of your life because you don't know how to run your life so let us do it because we're smarter then you and are the good guys"




This is what they think https://www.reddit.com/r/lgbt/s/KISvgpQiB0 https://www.reddit.com/r/bisexual/s/ueYX0e7bcQ


I almost died when I read “I could have my rights provoked”.




100 of the most popular subs are moderated by the same 4 people lol


How much you wanna be they're being paid under the table?




So basically suppressing any opinion that doesn't match thiers. Have to love freedom of speech


it’s election interference imo


Yep, controlling the narrative on a platform with a lot of people on is not really good. And mind you, I want Biden to win, but I do see the hypocritical self serving side of people supressing whatever narrative they don't like then complain when it's done to theirs.


Then call everyone fascists


Shocker lol never go outside the bubble of self. And it shows these people are hooked on it


I stay the fuck away from the politics subreddit


Idiot moderators don’t realize that advertising Biden’s performance would put pressure in him to back out early enough for another democratic candidate to step in and make a name for themselves before elections. Moderators are playing checkers.


What do you mean chance? 😆


I haven't seen a single anything about the debate today.... On anything, other than the talk radio I listen to, which is most definitely right leaning. I watched like 10 minutes last night and Biden couldn't even finish a thought.... What a joke. I couldn't keep watching that elder abuse, dude needs to just go retire somewhere




Ive been combing through Reddit and Youtube this morning as well and the only thing posted is the MSM reactions and analysis on YT honestly cant find anything here in my usual places.


Best I've seen is on r/pics They are using the image of when Gill approached Biden at the end of the cut, saying how Trump had to walk away alone But if you play the full clip you can clearly see that Gill and a handle had to walk up to a confused Joe to lead him off from the stage It looked embarrassing


I actually added that clip to this post because its a good summary of the debate.


I'm off my night shift in the UK, so I'll try to get a watch of the whole thing a little later, but from what I've heard, Trump was at least able to answer questions while Joe could only get lost and mumble


Trump dodged a lot of questions. Far from his best debate performance but he still murdered Biden


Yeah, I really really wished he would just answer what was being asked instead of spending so much time trying to dunk on Biden.


Well dodging the questions about Jan 6 and Israel/palestine was a good move. Theres no way you can answer those without pissing off large groups of people


Thanks . That guy is one fall from a nursing home


Biden having to turn sideways to go down a tiny step was very telling.


r/pics is insufferable.


Tell me about it I commented on an image of theirs that it was out of context and gave them the facts I then received a ban and a scathing reply from the MOD who didn't care what I said was factual


They took down posts in the conservative subreddit, I have proof. I was trying to give people a link to Reddit’s ‘problem’ and it was ‘removed’ Edit: The new post also got removed, but no explanation. I have a new account so that may be a contributing factor.


You should make a post about this, although I don't know where. Esp since depending on the sub, mods might just remove it too


I will in the conservative sub.


Yes, it's full panic mode. I struggle to believe this wasn't planned to replace biden with someone. Like how could they not know he was so far gone. Who has been running the country? I refuse to believe it was that man who needed to be supported down 2 stairs to leave.


You’d think this would be a common questions from all Americans. If you didn’t see your boss for a month then he came through and gave that performance, your immediate reaction would be “holy shit who is running the company?!” Seriously who is running this place? Clearly not him, the elected official.


More like if they hid your boss for 4 years told you not to believe the rumors and when you finally do see him you find out the rumors were not only true, but greatly understated just how bad it is


Yep. They needed to get through the Dem Primary first, then replace Biden. Guarantee they already got the new person picked and prepped and ready to roll.


They rip the Democrat voters ability to choose there candidate from them to cheers, then put in a new puppet leader that is very palatable by comparison.  I have a full tinfoil suit over this whole thing to be honest. It just screams psyop bullshit as much as seeing the Vegas shooting that was memory holed in a day did.


the thing you gotta understand about the American left: there's no freedom they won't violate in order to protect "our democracy"


Our Democracy™


Yeah if your only response to an opposing viewpoint is to silence it, you've already admitted that your own views can't stand on their own merit.


We need one party rule in order to protect democracy


All I have seen is just memes about Biden's face, that's it. But they're going to do everything they can to hid any clips of the part when they are talking about their age, because that was a embarrassment for Biden.


The craziest thing was hearing CNN say Biden did badly and was at times incoherent, although today probably comes the spin cycle


That CNN panel was absolutely killing him last night as they should have. I'll give them credit cuz I thought they were going to say Biden won no matter what but after how awful Biden was they really couldn't or they would've looked ridiculous.


Definitely. Not only that but the posts that they do allow about it, they are gatekeeping the comment section [https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/1dq9ats/after\_the\_presidential\_debate\_joe\_biden\_greeted/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/1dq9ats/after_the_presidential_debate_joe_biden_greeted/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Of course they are running damage control for Biden. This is one of the worst far left echo chambers. Biden looked bad. Really, really bad. Trump mopped the floor with him.


I'm no fan of trump but Biden looked and sounded horrible. He looked like the many nursing home patients I take to the hospital on the daily. It's astounding that this clearly mentally compromised man is the fucking president.


I would also note Biden looked incredibly frail and weak. And thus is after they likely did everything money can buy to hide it.


If I were a Biden supporter I would be hiding after last night's performance as well.


The 5 episode from the previous night usually appears in my feed but this morning it was all elden ring and a single video from sky news talking about how bad Biden did, nothing was said good or bad by them about Trump.


Hell, I live in Texas and I didn't even know there was a debate until this morning- and even then only through memes like this: https://preview.redd.it/mansecqllb9d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a9e4a7faed67b5eca17de92d148962d6446baf06


This should not surprise you after what they did to thedonald subreddit


Also, there was issues with the comments for CNN and HBOMAX when the debate stream went down. I’m not a conspiracy theorist but it was odd timing


Real curious how only Fox and other right leaning media had open comments during the debate


Silence speaks louder than anything


Reddit is BLUE, unfortunately.


Help an old Gen Xer out here. Are there any apps like reddit that, I'm not going to say lean right or are red, but are just pro free speech and don't censor so much?


you're not going to like the answer, but this day in age, no. TRULY independent doesn't bring in the money (nor the audience).


Not surprised, but figured I'd ask.


yea honestly reddit still remains your best bet (imo), because you can follow various subs and get the aggregate of the truth by combining the slants. as a 'whole' reddit is obviously left, but there's no shortage of subs that are right leaning.


Well, Reddit used to be that when it was run by a Libertarian


Trump stuck Biden’s head in the toilet. Damn.


Google the presidential debate. I couldn't get Fox news results to come up. I had to add it to the search


There is oddly little info and/or posts about it. Sad how much censorship is considered normal now.


They were also hiding the comments on posts you could see https://preview.redd.it/eaey8f7d4c9d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1a9f1f2055103e1ca30ae816169174726edef1dd


Of course they are. The internet has become a series of echo chambers. And what you find depends on which echo chamber you're in. What has changed is how hostile the left and right have become. Towards each other. And echo chambers like twit and dit are making it worse. Looking forward to the free internet fantasy dying and everyone only being able to afford a couple of echo chambers to huff and puff in.


People on r/Conservative were complaining about reddit issues last night and posts not showing.


Sure seems like two things will happen. Biden will be replaced. They are absolutely going to jail Trump and also push to remove his secret service. Trump won simply because he didn’t interrupt Biden. He needed to do better with ignoring Biden lies and just get in quicker barbs. Like he did when Biden rambled off. Trump just needed to get in 4-5 one liners to win and allow Biden to talk.


May democrats never occupy an elected office ever again. Ok, at least 80 years.


I'll just leave this here, make of it what you want: [A "glitch" in the system? Threads are being posted, comment counters are showing activity, but no comments are visible, even to moderators... only seems to be happening on D-Bait threads. Twilight Zone?](https://old.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/1dqa2qv/a_glitch_in_the_system_threads_are_being_posted/)


I noticed a lot of that last night, dozens or hundreds of comments with none showing  Suspicious 


comments must be approved before we allow them to be visible, comrade


Cowards the lot of them


“Orange man *BAD!* so the ends justify the means when I start to decide what is communicated and what it’s deleted because everything must align perfectly into my worldview!” -Fair and balanced Reddit mod/inbred fuckwit


Come on man!....sounds like a bunch of malarkey, like when I went swimming and the kids they would, they would run their hands down my leg and watch the little hairs stick up.


**'Biden stumbles, Trump lies'** Go search about the debate on Google. 99% of the MSM headlines all xerox copy this exact same line. It's like they all coordinated this gameplan together.


So is instagram. Full on damage control mode and it’s shows as how much the media has been hiding Bidens mental state the last 3 years


idk every 3rd post I'm seeing on r/popular is about the debate


Yes. If you search fir debate nothing comes up. R/news andr/worldnews has no references to the debate. According to Reddit the debate never happened. Social media suppressing things they don’t like again.


Hey guys i know the drum has been beaten by the other side saying this but this is legit fascism.. when private companies collude for the state, its closest definition to that is fascism.


politics and inthenews are just two examples of farleft mods removing any conservative opinions. Search through the history on r/inthenew or r/politics and many others. Youll never find a post that says anything good about an R or bad about a D.


To be fair they are both an absolute embarrassment. I would wish neither existed as a candidate.


This right here ⬆️ We have a system that produces the wrong candidates and we champion the least bad of the two.


I guess it depends on your feed, I see plenty of Biden shittin the bed comments and trump trolls/supporters comments


Found this post under Star Wars Bounty hunter..... Hmmm.


For a while the only fresh post I could see on the conservative sub was someone complaining about how all the conservative posts and comments were being hidden. There were more than 300 comments on that post and I couldn’t see any of them.


Same i expexted this to be top trending on popular but there was nothing there this morning.


I mean you saw what reddit did to TheDonald when that was a subreddit… Reddit is controlled by a hive-mind of democrats that only accept their opinions/beliefs


Seriously. Try posting in the mainstream "news" sub with an article that is critical of a Democrat or leftwing policy and see what happens.


Yup. *Nothing* in /r/news last night.   I’m against compulsory publishing but this smells like censorship. Either way we are in trouble and we need better options. 


Plebbit is a liberal cesspool shithole, what do you expect?


Yea Reddit loves zombie Biden. Go to comment section in YouTube or instagram and it’s the polar opposite people with no brain vs the rest of the country.


Yep, I thought this myself. So hard to find any information about the debate on here; a little is filtering through now. You have to remember that Reddit mods are basically the guy working behind the counter at the vape shop screaming at the customer in a Trump shirt.


What does this have to do with the drinker?


I became a citizen of the United States in 2005. Proudest moment of my life. Yesterday, I suddenly had buyer's remorse.


Talk about election interference


I was just digging around trying to find Reddit reception and can’t find much of anything. The thing about the left that drives me nuts isn’t the passion, it’s the complete lack of objectivity. You don’t have to support Trump to acknowledge Joe Biden is not well and should not be running a country.


I find it hilarious that there was sooooo much anti-Trump content all over Reddit the day before and up to the debate, and today it's just crickets.


Reddit is ran by leftist extremist. Ask me how I know and how to evade any ban they try to levy against you 


Trump 2024!!!




I got onto reddit and all I saw was people talking about biden being old are you kidding me


I’ve seen quite a few posts about how embarrassing Biden was. Not sure about Reddit hiding posts. It seems like most people are just embarrassed that these two were the best our country had offer for president. I’m there with them on that.


This was the first post I saw when I pulled up Reddit, and I typically visit left leaning subs.


Damage limitation? No, damage moderation.


Sounds like user error. I had no trouble


Yes, the left are experts at hiding information that puts them in a negative light. Not only that, they have Hollywood and Big Tech to assist with the censorship. Even Chappelle said that democrats are good at "leaving out key details." Here's one thing I keep hearing from the democrats that, "everything that came out of Trump's mouth was a lie." What exactly did he say that was a lie because I've seen numerous lies coming from Biden's mouth? Again, the left love to accuse the right of what they are guilty of doing. Don't fall for the trap, folks!


Don’t worry, leftist mainstream media giants have their best spin doctors on the case. Once they have consensus on how to gaslight the public, Reddit will start spouting the same narrative and tow the party line. They’re just waiting for the approved script from their handlers.


Brother most mods are nazi. You dont say what they want or disagree with them you are banned. There is no free speech on reddit...


Anything I’m reading now is “never trump but Biden is toast” crowds


I've been banned by conservatives, by liberals, by communist, by libertarians, and by quite a few mods who are just power happy dictators. The way mods are allowed to ban people turns everything into an echo chamber. I find it odd that people get so upset with anyone offering a different opinion on a topic. It's just strange to me that people go on a subreddit to discuss issues and when someone brings up an issue that is difficult the basic response is to ban them.


The major news subs rarely allow posts including reporting that reflects poorly on a Democrat or a leftwing policy. When I've tried, they remove the post. I ask the moderator why the post was removed and then I get muted for no reason. The censorship and bias on this platform is out of control.


Hiding debate information? Hardly. It’s everywhere. This post is even linked to “Star Wars Bounty Hunter for some reason


I didn’t see the debate last night. How did Joe Biden and Trump do?


Let them. It only hurts their cause.


I'm a lib and it's like the first 5 things on my feed lol


For weeks I've been telling my friend there's NO WAY they let biden walk out on stage, or else this would happen. There's really no way to spin this one to anybody who watched it. Reddit mods in shambles, m'lady defcon 5.


Wikipedia-Afterbirth Abortions- (Technically is not a full lie but in different circumstances that a "Newborn- fetus- human-child" had a defect or a issue for qualifiable reasons to terminate the child is still possible but it had to be a justifiable reason behind it.)., so someone isn't telling the FULL truth. I read a few different sites that say similar things. "The argument of the "After-Birth Abortion" article is as follows:[11][12] Abortion is justified because of the moral status of foetuses; their shared status of potential persons is not morally relevant. Abortion is justified when the foetus has severe abnormalities or would be an intolerable burden to its mother and family, at least when adoption is not a viable option due to not being in the best interests of actual persons. Newborns have the same moral status as foetuses (there are no morally relevant differences between them) if they suffer unbearably. Newborns may be born with severe abnormalities that cannot always be diagnosed before birth, and can be an intolerable burden on their mother and family, including when circumstances change after birth. Therefore "after-birth abortion" (euthanasia of newborns) can be justified in some circumstances."


Anyone who watched all 2 hours, which I did, will tell you it was a pathetic clusterfuck. I watched two geriatrics who should be debating what dessert they prefer at the old folks home, not competing to run the most powerful country in the world. Biden looked zoned in, but zoned out, at the same time. Long stares, meandering answers, and just looked… old. Trump was energetic but went off on wild tangents and said some obviously fake shit. Biden didn’t call Trump on a single piece of BS he said, which shows me Biden isn’t sharp. Trump didn’t answer the questions for the most part and went off on his diatribes, losing the plot of the question and going off onto completely random shit. It was Painful. I was literally shouting at the TV, “are there no fucking 50 somethings whi could be doing this job? Do neither party have articulate, energetic, younger old people capable of leadership? Why the fuck are we stuck choosing between two examples of people too old to be doing this shit?”


britain just as bad sent away so i can vote by post 2 weeks ago still waiting for it


Could it be that most people on reddit don't support either corrupt party and think both candidates are senile?


Neither one is fit for office. They’re both too damn old ones senile and the other one is bat shit nuts!


Reddit moment


I don't know how you watched that debate and thought either party looked better than the other. Biden looked like he was circling the drain and Trump was spouting regarded bullshit.


It is a bit scary that the entire site did this. Whether you are for Trump or Biden, censoring comments is very sketchy.


Idc tbh. It sucked. Half was Trump lying and half was Biden's whispy voice and stutter.


I’ve been poking my head in on left leaning subs “that you’d never expect to be left and have been banned from just about all of them immediately for things like “DNC gas lit you into thinking Biden was sharp” or “why are you mad Trump spoke to Putin but in the same context, humiliated Biden about his terrible foreign policy that cost the lives of American soldiers and billions in tax payer money”…WHAMO banned lol.


Who yall voting


Might be some platforms are running cover for the DNC, absolutely. But I'd also think that the vocal leftist masses are laying low after months of arguing that a debate favored Biden... TDS is real.


I got a meme deleted for a play on words and a video game joke (we finally beat Medicare, Dark Souls boss template). This was in dankmemes, normally a free speech haven with no political bias. It happened in a matter of minutes.


Is funny because all the libs are pissed that the DNC allowed Biden to run again when they were all completely fine with it before the debate. Now they know they’re f-ed and they’re passing the blame to the party. Majority say they’re still gonna vote Biden because they hate trump that much. When/if trump wins be prepared for non-stop riots yet again. Should be a wild ride the next 4 years.


What is this doing in the critical drinker subreddit???


As Reddit is 90%+ liberal Democrats, what would you expect.