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The best option is to leave it so the evil spirits can’t get trapped in your work!!! I have seen another person on here suggest taking a length of yarn and a tapestry needle and filling in the gap later if you’re bothered about it still but I think it’s fine and you’ll notice it forever but 99.99% of people will not notice it in your finished work. 😊


This 100%. Leave it be and let it ride. Imperfections make things special, yours is now completely unique and 1 of a kind.


"Let it ride."


Its how you KNOW its yours <3


Can’t be too close to perfect, as my mother always says! And honestly it took a bit for me to even notice. Op, it’s fine.


My favorite❤️


I looked at the picture for a couple minutes until I finally saw it. 🤣 Personally, I wouldn’t rip out all that work for such a small mistake. The busy colors will help obscure it.


Yeah op, i swiped to the second pic and pinched the photo before I could see where the stitches were, if you hadn’t stopped right there, I wouldn’t have been able to notice it


I still can’t see it. What am I missing


Look just under where she stopped the green yarn in the first pic, there’s a brown stitch about half as big as it should be


Omg duh I totally see it now thx lol


I still can’t see it


It took me a couple minutes of looking at the blanket to find it. I even knew what I was looking for (1 or 2 stitches instead of a group of three) and it still wasn't super obvious until I found it.


I need to know what the evil spirits thing means


it’s just a cute superstition thing :) if you leave a mistake or three in the work, it keeps out bad luck.


That’s cool!


It keeps it from being too perfect which makes evil spirits jealous and they act out


I second this. Leave so spirits can escape.


It took me ages to see it. I definitely would not frog it. I would actually leave it as-is, but if it really bothers you then you could add some chain stitches or a standing double crochet to fill in the teeny tiny gap. https://www.mooglyblog.com/standing-double-crochet-joining/


I love doing standing stitches when I find mistakes in my work!


Honestly you can't tell. This is a handmade item and its meant to have errors in it. I say keep it as is


This!!!! It reminds me of an episode of The Barefoot Contessa where Ina Garten was making homemade crackers and she said you don’t want them to look perfect because then people will assume you bought them. The imperfections let people know that they’re homemade 🤗


Every time people post their mistakes, it takes me forever to realize what they are even talking about. It would be a fun challenge to give this to someone and say “I messed up, can you find it??” 😂


I'm only a few months in, but I literally don't see it ...


The top row of brown, where the green row stops, one of the brown stitches is not like the others.


Oh I see it now. Yeah that's not gonna matter to anybody but OP. And some day . . . Some day, someone else will own this blanket. They'll know it was made by their beloved relative, and they'll love the little imperfections. Signs of careful, but slightly distracted, handiwork.


Tbh it's given me more confidence to let little mistakes just be. I knit to relax, so I don't want to pressure myself by being a perfectionist. I do that enough at my job. I get it if the count or structure is off or is more noticable, but if I'm literally the only one who notices them I try to make peace with it and move on.


Such a good point! I was really frustrated with a new stitch the other day and it was visible. My husband goes “hmmmmm, what a relaxing hobby 🤨” great point, sir 😂


If I'm struggling, I ask mine "Can you see what's wrong" and if he can't find it under 60sec, I let it go 😂


hahaha! find the ONE missing stitch on this whole-ass blanket!


It's not a big deal and probably nobody will notice. But if it bothers you that much, you could attempt a fix. With a long tail, attach with brown in the same yellow chain space, to the left of the stitch that's already there. Do 2 dc and attach with a slip stitch to chain to the left of the stitch. Weave that end through the chain and then crochet over it with the green. With the other end, weave that up through the first stitch so that it's like the end comes out of the top of the stitch, rather than the bottom. After that, weave the end across the top of the single existing brown stitch and then under the green stitches that are already there. Even better, frog back slightly and then you can stitch over both ends with the green. If you do it right, it should be even less visible than it is now.


This was just what I was going to say :)


I only frog Fatal Flaws like one cluster in a corner.


same! only frog when it really messes up the shape, otherwise I pretend I didn’t see it 🫣


Yeah if it's not structural and I find the mistake more than like 20 crochet-minutes after doing it, that's just an Easter egg now. I may try to bodge it after the fact but that depends on how much it annoys me. (I define crochet-minutes as "amount of time actively spent crocheting". So if I make a mistake, continue for five minutes, put the piece down, and then the next morning I see the mistake, I've only found it five crochet-minutes after making the mistake even though I made the mistake several hours ago. I'd most likely frog for that.)


I just found a similar mistake on a blanket I've had beside me on the couch for almost a year. The small things really do go unnoticed. It's barely visible and still beautiful! I'm loving the colour combo too!!


I know everyone is saying not to frog it but personally if it's only one or two rows away why not? I'm a frogger, I just look at it like a necessary part of the process to get the project right.


This is how I think too. I just recently started seeing posts related to crochet in my feed and I’m really surprised by the amount of people who’d leave it. A mistake that won’t affect the count after say 8 rows I’d probably leave but if I notice it in less than 6 rows I’d definitely take it out. Although all the responses for leaving it as handmade, unique, one of a kind etc… does change the way I think about crocheting as a whole


I agree. Sometimes it's worth it. It depends on your tolerance to undoing your work. For me frogging is actually kinda fun and I don't feel like I'm undoing my work, I'm correcting my work. But I can totally understand the other side if frogging makes you feel like you wasted time.


I misread process as princess at first.


i’ll second this! it’s up to your personality, and whether this blanket is for you or for someone else. if the blanket were for me, i’d frog it- my eyes would find that mistake every time i looked at the blanket and i’d itch to fix it forever…. if it’s for someone else? they’ll almost certainly never ever see it.


You won’t even notice when it’s done and even knowing it’s there, you’ll have trouble finding where the mistake is when you’re a few rows on. If I’m getting low on yarn, or I’m not sure I’ll have enough, I’ll intentionally leave out dc in clusters every now and then (2 instead of 3 usually) and you can’t tell unless youre actively looking.


Please look at this [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bolMnezyOMw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bolMnezyOMw) It works when missing 1 stitch in a cluster. You can try it like this.


Ok so get past this part with the green. You can actually go back and add two DCs and just weave in the ends. I made a blanket just like this one and had to do it a couple of time. Can’t even tell.


This is how I’d do it. I’ve done all sorts of sneaky fixes like this, and they’re almost always invisible after the fact.


My aunt Ruthie always said to leave "mistakes" in. That way there isn't another blanket (or whatever you're making) exactly like it anywhere in the world. ❤️


I like this philosophy, but as far as uniqueness is concerned, any fiber project I’ve ever done almost certainly has enough of my hair in it, they could trace me by my dna. Lol




Leave it. No one but you will ever see it. Also, per my three Grans, and my mom, and one great auntie, you have to have at least one mistake in any piece you make. If it was somehow perfect, you have to make one, even if it’s just an extra or missing stitch. It cannot be perfect. It is a challenge to god/karma/fate to mess with you. My three grans come from three completely different parts of the world and they all said the same thing, so I think this was a very common belief, at least at their time growing up. I do not believe them, I think it’s a way to make a couple of small mistakes be the right thing to do, but I gotta tell you, i still follow it. I’m scared to tempt fate.


I like the idea that in pretty much every culture, somebody's long lost ancient grandma missed a stitch and told everyone: "That was on purpose to confuse the spirits." It's like the carpenter tradition of installing one upside down baluster in the staircase.


I love this.


I genuinely cannot see an error on it. I would leave it as it is.


You won’t notice it when it’s done so I would leave it. It’s hand made the imperfections are just a part of the process. I’m of the opinion that if it doesn’t mess up the flow of the pattern in the long run and if it’s something so small just leave it.


I'm a frogger, having found through experience that it usually takes less time to frog and re-work than it does to try and find and then implement a workaround.


When you are seeing it up close, it looks like a much bigger mistake than when you see the whole blanket. The only reason I can see where it is in the second picture is because your row ends right above it. If it is truly going to bother you, try the hack someone else mentioned. Otherwise, it isn’t major enough to be worth the effort. The blanket looks amazing!


Fix what?


took me like 5 minutes to see it 😭😭 nobody’s gonna notice


It helps to hide it since it is a dark color. Leave it and move on 🙂


yes!! leave it as it is and just keep going :)


On the second pic I can’t even find it. I say keep it as your little secret. Too much good work to undo.


I made my mom a granny stitch shawl and there are not one but three separate spots I only did one HDC instead of 3. She has yet to notice and wears it all the time lol You can take a tapestry needle and fill in that spot with some fake stitches. No one will be any the wiser ❤️


Could just leave it like that cuz tbf once it's finished u'd probably have to actually try to find it to even notice it You could also try to add a double crochet separately simply for the look of it, wont look quite the same, but might look better


I wouldn’t frog, just keep going as is and I promise you that you’ll be the only person who ever notices it there are always ways that you can go back and neaten it up to be faux uniform once it’s finished if you really want to do that. little mistakes like this are what makes our craft so unique and special. you’re already working so hard on this, keep that momentum going forward instead of going back🩷


Definetly do not frog it !!! Took me forever to even notice . I know you'll continue to notice it and it will drive you insane (fellow ocd crocheter here) but it's an easy fix once you're all done 😉


Personally, I would frog it because it would drive me crazy… Unless I was using Loops and Threads Facets…. Then I would cuss a bunch and fight with it for two days trying to frog it, but I’m going to win the war!


I’ll throw the whole thing away before I attempt to frog Loops and Threads Facets. 😅




I’m 2/3 through making a relaxagon shirt, I did this in row 3 for the first half of the shirt and decided to leave it… it took me 3 full minutes to locate to show my friend my mistake once I’d finished the half. You won’t notice, I promise!


TYSM Everyone :) Im going to leave it and hope my OCD doesn't make me sad later. lol Much love to everyone here <3


Take a needle and sew in a piece of thread crochet around it to give it volume then sew in the other end to hide it! I’ve done that before when I’ve missed stitches


Oh my god. You’re an angel.


My boyfriend and I both were both trying to find the mistake and couldn't find it! Your blanket is beautiful as is and will always be unique and special to you 🥰💕


I love the 3D effect I'm getting in picture 2! I'm in the leave it camp.


I made a blanket with the same stitches, leave it in. I also made this mistake once or twice. It's not gonna be visible to anyone but you, even then when the blanket is done you're not gonna see it unless you're looking for it.


I’m the kind of person that will undo an entire project to fix a mistake, because otherwise I can never unsee them. I wish I caught all my mistakes this quickly! Only having to redo two rows would be a miracle lol


I am this same person 🙌


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I can’t see it in the second pic lol I think you’re good!! It’s you’re secret to hold lol


There are some good suggestions here already. You could undo a few stitches of the green - maybe just the two last clusters that you've made. Join the brown again to the brown with a slip stitch and slip stitch over to the cluster you want to fix (just like 5-10 slip stitches). Do your two missing stitches and then slip stitch along the brown again (another 5-10). I'm only suggesting a few slip stitches leading into and away to add bit more yarn/more assurance that this fix isn't going to wiggle loose in the wash. The slip stitches leading in/out will make those chains slightly thicker but I'm not sure it'll be noticeable.


It’s just 1 row down. Better to just frog it now than do more work and then change your mind to back and fix it.


It's not a lot to rip!! Much, much worse if it was a few rows down. Bite the bullet and start ripping, you'll be glad after. But be sure to get it right when you continue it, double check it a few times... yeah, I learned that this way. Rip and re-start only to find I'd done the same or similar again. Pest! Hugs 🤗


I did a c2c where I have 1 cluster that's only 2 not 3 dc and another that has 4, I was too lazy to frog so I left it, I don't even notice it anymore to the point I'd have to look really hard to find the mistake.


I leave it. I just did that lol


I would keep it.


On a large project, you're as likely to make another mistake after you frog and correct the one mistake. Been there done that!


Since you noticed it so soon, basically on your previous row, if it were mine I'd fix it. Sigh...


The average person won’t notice, but I will. My brain would not be happy leaving it


I can’t even tell tbh so I wouldn’t bother with it, i made a similar mistake in my work and if I look for it I’ll find it but I don’t even see it now that I’m further along And this is coming from someone who frogged a different project and started over like 5 times bc I wasn’t happy with it (its finished now though!)


I didn’t even know what I was supposed to be looking for at first lol!! Leave it, it’s totally fine. Can always go back and fill it later on if you still notice it


I recently made a cardigan out of this style granny square. I definitely have like 2-3 of these “oopsies” in it. I left them. Ain’t nobody got time for that. And the best part, no one can tell lol. I can’t even find them now.


I'd do a standing DC (leave a long tail), another DC, and then tie off and loop the end through the stitch that was already there. Then you take the end from the standing DC you started with and weave it in. Once you do the next around of DCs you won't even be able to tell.


I would probably get in there with a standing stitch DC, do another regular of course to make the cluster, then join/weave together as needed. Should be easy to hide where it joins with the next row. I’m glad you posted this cause I’m always afraid I’m going to make this mistake but now that I think about it, it shouldn’t be too hard to fix!


I would definitely frog and fix. It would bother me too much to leave it.


If it were me and since it was discovered soon, I would frog and redo. My eyes would constantly go to the mistake.


I would bite the bullet, I’ve done this often, I just live and let learn!


I’m a frogger and would definitely frog it. I just feel like I can’t present my work with errors. But not everyone feels this way so if you can live with them by all means keep it this way. It’s not noticeable.


Don't worry one crocheters or knitter will notice. And from my experience we all have made that mistake it ok just keep going


Personally, I don't bother. I'm working on a hexi sweater now and I have a spot with only 1 dc too and I just leave it. No one will notice and it doesn't mess up the structure, so it's like a little secret tag that it's handmade haha


It took me a lot to notice it. Love the colours ❤️


I know this isn't helpful, but that's such a cool pattern design! So simple too... hopefully someone else can help you fix it lol


No. Try turning your work every round so it won't be much yarn to take out if it's near the end of the round again. It also helps granny squares to not warp.


The reason to fix it would be if it's pulling the shape out of line. If I was going to fix it, I would cut the yarn in the middle of the single stitch, which should give you two long enough ends to work with. Tie a long enough length to the right side and stitch your three dc. The left side should just pull into a knot and hold and you can slip stitch join to it. Use good knots and weave in well.


It will be fine left, no body will see it. ❤️ Except my SIL, she can spot a missed stitch, in a queen size bedspread at 40 yards. And will happily frog an entire project for you, not that I’m bitter….no..nope..😉😂


Honestly took me ages to even find the mistake and your hook was right there. Doubt it’ll be noticeable!


ignore it


Took me way too long to find the mistake, even in the first pic where it’s zoomed in. If you’re not selling it, you’re fine lol


I get missed stitches in my scarves that I gift to people. I usually point them out and jokingly say I did it on purpose so they can see I made it myself.


If it bothers you enough….


I had to look for a while before I even saw it. It's a beautiful blanket, and that small "mishap" doesn't take away any of that beauty.


I didn't even notice. I'd just keep going 🫡


Personally, I would have to fix it. Sure, frogging it is a lot of time and effort, but less than the years I would spend looking at it and only seeing the mistake and being annoyed with myself. A few swipes with some yarn and a tapestry needle and there will still be a mistake (so no evil spirits!) but it won't be obvious.


I'd leave it personally. My adhd brings in these lil quirks


If it will truely annoying to the point of you not wanting to finish it you can just attach yarn there and add the two missing stitches it might be a tad snug and you’ll want to slip stitch it the the one already there too (sometimes it won’t lay quite flat but I find a lot is hidden when you do the next round anyway


I have done a weird dropped (as in lowered) double crochet to the next row down before by starting a double crochet in the row I'm working on, then working a double crochet into the next row down before finishing the current DC. It isn't perfect but it gives the bulk back to that cluster. Now sure how it would look with a color change combined into it, but ya never know.


My mom had been crocheting since she was a pre-teen, and she says don't be afraid to frog it, cause otherwise you'll never be happy with the finished work!! So I say just frog it and continue, cause then you'll be happy with the finished piece!


Since it's only one row below, I would frog.


I would just leave it rather than unraveling it. Unless you plan to sell it. If it's for you or a friend/family member it'll be fine and it'll be hard to notice it. Side note, did you begin with knitting and then learned to crochet? Knitter's are the only ones I've heard say frogging rather than unraveling. Just curious 😊


Important to leave a little bit of weirdness so that the Spookies do not get you actually. It also makes it feel a bit more human. If it super bugs you, could probably just slip stitch on that same gap and do the other two stitches


If it helps at all I literally can't tell what's wrong here. I'm not a yarn crafter by any means though.


If it’s only one row down I would. The square isn’t huge yet and it’s an easy fix. You will be back to where you were in no time


I’d just leave it and keep moving. I don’t think it will effect the end product very much


No one else will notice. That being said if it were me, I’d notice and I’d totally frog because I’m crazy. But really, no one else will notice but you.


Leave it be. I don't crochet a ton, and I cannot see it at all. So I doubt people would notice it


I’ve learned that if I make a mistake I have to correct it because it will be the only thing I see after my project is finished. With that being said, there is more than one way to correct something like this—PatsyParks has a great suggestion!


Is it really a granny stitch if you don't do at least one of these?


If you really want to fix it: Undo that last green stitch Cut the brown, maybe at the chain Unravel part of the brown cluster and tie in more brown Replace the missing brown stitches I wanted to do something like this on a piece I got way farther on, but I was missing two full clusters, on one armhole. It took me months to admit defeat and frog back to where I could fix my mistake (I will post when finished). I missed posting this comment earlier today cause life got busy and I had to find the sub.


No one will know. How could they know? The best crochet projects are the ones with hidden mistakes, it was made by a human after all ❤️


I always have some wonky pairs of 2 or 4 in my granny squares when I'm making a big thing like this. Honestly it took me a second to even see the mistake 🤣 leave it be


Leave it as is, in a few rows time you won’t even notice it


Fix what...? In all seriousness, it's such a minor mistake that you're probably the only one who will notice it as long as you don't point it out. I wouldn't bother.


I know it would do my head in. I’d have to frog.


Oh hell. F** i done that as well, took it back


Worrying about frogging has straight up ruined certain projects for me. Accepting these small mistakes as is makes it human, makes it uniquely yours.


Couldn’t even see the problem at first. But if it bothers you I’d frog it, it’s not too far back :)


I have done this before. You can add a couple double crochet filler stitches to at least fill in the gap.


It would bug me and I would because it's only one row but do you. Will it bug you or don't you care. Take the option that satisfies you. 😊


Leave it. As long as you have the gap, one 2dc cluster vs the rest 3dc clusters doesn’t really matter. It continues to work up the same. Only you will see your “happy little accident”.


I think you could weave in some brown, do the stitches, weave end the ends and be happy.


No see now it's unique and unlike any other just leave it! It won't be noticeable at all


No one will notice! I once ran out of a color as I was finishing a small afghan. It was maybe 20 stitches? I substituted a color that was close enough and would be partly covered by the next row. You would have to look really close to notice the difference. In some cultures, artists/artisans would deliberately make a flaw in their work because only G-d could be perfect. So don’t sweat it: I’ve been there! We all have. Take a deep breath and keep stitching on.


I had this happen 3!!!!! times in the backpack I made. I couldn't get myself to frog it all back to the error, so I left them, and unless I show people, they haven't noticed. It hurts the perfectionist in me, but as others have said, there are multiple cultures that reference not leaving it perfect so a piece of your soul doesn't get stuck in the work, and can return to you. (Another said so evil spirits don't get stuck, but same thread of thought where the imperfection is a gap to prevent possessed objects or what-have-you).


If it means anything, I couldn’t find it!


Just keep going! It will be fine!


If it's gonna drive you crazy, you could sneak a fake stitch in with needle and a little length of the brown. I don't mind making mistakes, but sometimes I will definitely zhuzh them up a bit.


Do not frog!!!!


Trust me at the end of it you'll never be able to find. I have done this many times and I have to truly search to find the single stitch amongst the clusters


I'd leave it and remind yourself you aren't a machine!


You’re only in the row above it. If it really bothers you frog it back to the mistake. Otherwise leave it.


Take a scrap piece of the brown yarn and work the missing stitches into the area they should be… weave in the ends after you’ve continued your working green row. Easy fix.


I may or may not have fudged this exact thing with a stitch starting with 3 yo into the bottom row and catching the current row half way through, twice in this instance to account for the 2 missed stitches, but don't tell anybody! Shhhhhhhhhhhh


I'd personally frog it because I'm a perfectionist. It took me less than a second to notice the mistake.