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Try MySymptoms. It does all of that man’s more. I use it and love it.


Thanks, I know the app and appreciate it a lot! The main problem I have with this app is that it doesn't seem to be that user friendly and pleasant to use.


Nausea/vomiting would be a good addition


i just started using Cara Care, it’s going ok so far no real issues haven’t been using it long enough to see how the data is presented when it has enough


A pain tracker!


That's a good point! I think it needs to be more explicit than just 'mood' I had in mind, thanks!


Being able to add symptoms with specific pain scales for them. for example i have joint pain and would want to have a separate scale and free text box for that.


Thanks for the feedback! Would you want to specify the scale when creating new 'metric' or rather 1-5 would work fine in every case?


I have tried so many apps and have a problem with all of them for one reason or another. So I just keep a calendar, hand-written. I track headaches, med changes, joint pain (including which joints bc it changes and isn’t always full body), activity level, energy level. I track if I eat gluten, sugar, caffeine, or dairy bc those can be triggers. Im new to my diagnosis, so I literally feel like Im tracking my entire human existence. But I would love to give your app a try once created and it could help cut down on all the writing :) I use P-CAL to track my BMs. I think it’s a great app for that and very easy to use.


> But I would love to give your app a try once created and it could help cut down on all the writing :) And this is what I would love to help with! You sound like a data freak - thanks a lot for sharing, lots of great insights! I will definitely reach out to you once there's something to test and all the best! :)


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