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MRI enterographies are pretty similar. You'll have a barium drink beforehand, get jammed into a loud clicking tube, then they take pictures. Be warned that the drink exits about as fast as it enters, but beyond that, you should be set.


I can second this issue you'll have with barium. You can literally feel the heaviness move through your digestive tract and your sphincter muscles will quickly be overcome by the weight of the barium.


Agree on the barium. Get home asap after the test as I got stuck in a McDonald's bathroom dealing with it and the intense pain of it in my gut for an hour after my test. (I wasn't eating McDonald's it was just the closest bathroom)


I always got an infusion with something so that my bowls don’t move too much. It was enough that I got home before it exits.  But to be honest, I preferred a colonoscopy. I always felt so uncomfortable with my stomach full of this sh…


I’m sorry your Crohn’s is worsening. If the prep is Volumen (milky-looking grape flavored stuff), I find it pretty disgusting and difficult to get down, but the only way out is through. You drink the stuff, go in the room and lay on the uncomfortable plank, and they give you IV contrast that makes it feel like you’re pissing yourself. Then they take the images they need and you’re done. My main advice is to stay near a restroom for a bit after the test because I always have explosive diarrhea pretty soon after. Good luck!


The pissing yourself is SO REAL. My first one they warned me of that and I kinda scoffed and then it hit me and I was like 😳 oh.


I WISH I had been warned the first time it happened - I had NO idea what was going on & remember distinctly thinking "What in the fresh hell is THIS‽". It's the ODDEST sensation.


My tip for you is to make sure your radiologists have a plan for bathroom breaks. The contrast will fly right through you and it takes a little less than 1 hour for them to get all the pictures at all the angles they need and you need to hold very still during this time. Having a convenient bathroom break to empty your bowels will help you be more comfortable and allow them to plan for a slightly different angle around the time of the bathroom break. Also make sure you go to the bathroom right before you get put into the machine.


May want to ask for a blanket. Every MRI I’ve had the room was pretty cold


I’m sorry that your Crohn’s is worsening and that you have to go through this. I posted my horrible MRE experience when I had my first one back in January because I honestly wished I had known what to expect beforehand! You can find it in my post history if you’re interested. In terms of advice: -the prep is vile. Worse than colonoscopy prep IMO, and they wouldn’t let me drink any water until I finished it. Just mentally prepare for that and maybe bring something fun to read or watch while you drink it. -make sure you go to the bathroom immediately before they take you into the MRI machine -I was incredibly uncomfortable on my stomach with a tummy full of prep (and regular Crohn’s pain too), plus it’s nonstop breath holds for the entire 35-40 minute test, and your arm is out at a funny angle because of the IV. When I posted my experience, several people said they were on their back for it (some said they had to specifically ask), so know that you can try asking to be on your back if you need to.


Yes, I was on my stomach with my arms extended for about 40 minutes, holding my breath constantly. I hurt the one of my shoulders and ending up in pt to fix it. Such an unpleasant experience.


Yes! Ugh I’m sorry you had to go to PT for it. I’ve actually been working on shoulder flexibility in yoga, knowing that I’m going to have to get another one of these tests sometime in the next year.


I was nervous after reading about other people’s bad experiences but I took a Zofran before I started and it was fine for me personally


I had one this morning, it’s the second time i’ve done it. You have to lay on you stomach face down or to the side, my neck ache got pretty bad. First breath hold was the longest most are only for a slow count of 8 and not too bad. If you have the contrast or gylco in an iv it can make you nauseous, they just need to do it slow if it does. Laying on you stomach with a stomach full of laxative is a little concerning, hope you don’t have a long drive home, if so be prepared to stop for bathrooms, that stuff will clear you out. I did three bottles of breeza prep, no problem at all, use a straw and drink it cold.


Breeza is the least offensive prep Iv found so far I think. Although I never listen to the actual prep and just chug each bottle or I won’t get it down.


yep it doesn’t taste bad and texture it good too as it’s not too thick.


Breeza was great in my opinion compared to others. I think you’ll be happy you did it. It seems like the best scan to really narrow in on what is going on. Ask for an eye mask and warm blanket. Bring a book because it takes an hour to drink the barium.


I had one done about a month ago now and was dreading it due to what a lot of comments are saying here about some barium drink. Turns out, nope, that isn't the case at all. I had to drink 3 450mL bottles of Breeza (think flat sprite), which were no issue to get down. (I puke every time from colo prep). Now, what did get me was about halfway through, they pull you out and gave glucogon through an iv placed beforehand. Instantly, I was sweating and mouth watering before I had to vomit. Only once and the nausea cleared right after.


Omg! Be near a bathroom once the images done. I live 40 minutes from the hospital and was crying and screaming at my husband to floor it home!! I almost did not make it because I was too embarrassed to use a public place because I knew it was going to be BAD. So glad I did not use a public restroom at that time.


I barely fit in the MRI machine, my side and shoulders get scrunched lol


*I barely fit in* *The MRI machine, my side and* *Shoulders get scrunched lol* \- spallaxo --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I was so cold and thought I would pee my pants from the 2 bottles I had to drink right before! Fine otherwise.


I have an MRI enterography each year. The worst part is drinking the liter or so of sorbitol solution (it floods your intestines with water, as MRIs work that way ) My suggestion for a good time? Schedule in the AM, and do not eat anything 12 hours before. Find out if the MRI center has a 3T (Tesla - magnetic strength, not the car company) - the imaging is much better than a 1.5T. Tell them beforehand if you have nausea or vomiting issues, and if you need to vomit or poop, squeeze the ball and tell them. Hugs, you'll get through it!


Very boring. Very loud. U have to drink so much liquid, I’m small and female so I usually feel sick from so much water


ASK FOR A STRAW TO DRINK THE PREP! Literally so helpful with the straw. It's basically jizz consistency liquid prep. Then they will give you an IV with the barium, that's the stuff that makes you feel like you're pissing yourself. Lots of breathing/holding breathes for up to 30 sec periods. Gives good images for the GI tract though so that's helpful I guess. Better than a colonoscopy, but barely.


"jizz consistency" omg i'm gonna be sick


Just preparing you 🤮😭


thank you for the heads up honestly. i'd rather know now and mentally prepare instead of taking one sip and wanting to throw up


Many have moved from barium to Breeza, which is essentially diet sprite. Drink 3-4 16 oz bottles before hand. Enjoy on/off liquid poop for 3-4 hours afterwards. I travel to Mayo for mine and always get the MRE scheduled in the am., and still end up getting a hotel room.


They’re fine. Only thing is drinking a load of laxative right before heading into a tube you can’t get out of! I was on the toilet for 20 mins before I went into mine. The actual process is absolutely fine 👍


I was super nervous and it was not bad. But I have mild Crohn’s and symptoms. I can see the breeze drink being difficult for those that have worse symptoms.


I have unfortunately had two bad experiences with my MREs and I know others have said the same. Unlike a traditional MRI, you take a laxative before and for some reason, it’s absolutely vile. I didn’t have to go right after I drank it but I did need to go during and after my test. You’re laying there for approximately 45 minutes, with the last 5 being for contrast that’s injected through the IV. The actual test is alright, especially if you’ve had MRIs before. But it’s the aftermath that’s not so great (in my experience). My first time I had an MRE a few months ago, I didn’t expect that the laxative would be so aggressive and almost went to the washroom when driving home. My second one, yesterday, I fasted since dinner the evening before (with the exception of water here and there that night). After doing the prep, I didn’t get into my test until 1:15 or 1:30 pm the next day, so I went a long time without anything to eat or drink. After the test, I was feeling alright right after but after I got changed, went to the washroom etc. when I was walking down the hallway to leave, I started feeling extremely weak. I barely made it back to the waiting room before I fainted then vomited and went to the washroom on the floor (very embarrassing). I had to lay down afterwards because even when I sat on the floor, I still couldn’t walk afterwards (would almost faint every time). So with this being said, I would advise to not do anything afterwards. It might also be good to have someone with you, if possible, just in case. Overall, everyone reacts different and obviously my body wasn’t in a good state to begin with (since I wasn’t eating for more than the 6 hours before my test). But I’d say in general to be prepared to have to go to the washroom and be aware if you are generally weak with these things.


For reference, I don’t take buscopan in my test since it makes me extremely sick. So my experiences have been solely with the vile prep lol


You drink stuff that tastes bad and gives you diarrhea then lay in a loud banging tube for 45 min-1.5 hours. Not the horrible, not great. Although I miss getting a Beanie Baby after like when I was a kid


The glucogon or whatever they put in your IV makes new violently nauseated to the point I threw up while coming out of the machine for my first MRE and they had to pull me out and push it SUPER slowly for the second one. Otherwise it’s a bit claustrophobic and cramped, but just close your eyes, try not to poop out the stuff they just made you drink, and breath.


I just had one last week. They're not that bad. Better than a colonoscopy.


They put hardly dissolved miralax in the barium, which is just nauseating. Apparently my digestive system is very slow, takes ages before they can take pictures. I have had to have glucagon, which they say can be nauseating - for me it’s certain vomiting. Worth it for what it rules out, in my opinion, but I would rather do a colonoscopy (depending on prep drink).


Would take an MRE over a colonoscopy any day. Had one earlier this week. Forgot to keep my arm straight and got sprayed in the face with gadolinium- that’s the worst experience I’ve had. Also the diarrhea from the barium was unreal this time.


I've had two- one with Breeza and one with Barium. The Breeza experience was the first one and went pretty well even though I was shitting liquid for the rest of the day and the glucagon almost instantly made me so nauseated I thought I was going to puke everywhere. They managed to control it with cold air and cold compress but it was a rough feeling. The second time was MISERABLE. For whatever reason I couldn't go to the bathroom like I usually do before I got there so I arrived already feeling bloated and backed up. The barium was this orange creamsicle flavor and it was absolutely hideous. It's SO much liquid and you have to drink it as fast as possible because they don't start the clock to move you to the actual MRE until you've downed it. I had to drink cold water just to not throw it up and I don't think I've ever had so much in my stomach at one time. Halfway through the scan I had to run to the bathroom and at least for that- I felt a little bit better emptying out. Then the glucagon came and the same nausea reaction happened. Finally got through the rest and was so sick and miserable for the rest of the day. To add insult to injury, the office where I got the second MRE coded a solution INSIDE the barium as "not covered" even though it hadn't gone through insurance yet. It was only $25 but I threw an almighty (introverted) fit and refused to let it go until they waved the charge. They couldn't explain to me how they would know whether or not it would be covered and how one could charge a solution inside the barium but not charge for the barium.


Did the barium cause anyone extreme pain? The one time I had that I was in so much pain after that I couldn’t walk and ended up passing out. I’ll never take that again.


oh god this was so scary to read but i am so sorry you went through that :(


The stuff you drink looks like the blood of the androids in the Alien (xenomorph) movies , so just imagine you’re drinking that 😀


Omg my experience was that the barium was trying to exit while I was in the bloody machine. I hope your body has a slower exit plan than mine did.


Modern MREs aren't that different from, say, Vietnam era MREs. Although nutritionally I would imagine the newer ones are better. They're just calorie dense. I take them backpacking sometimes. But I don't think your doc ordered Meals Ready to Eat lol I thought the MRI was going to be scary but it wasn't. They gave me headphones to listen to music during the test. It was so relaxing I actually fell asleep. I'm somewhat claustrophobic, and I really thought that was going to be an issue but it wasn't. 10/10, would do it again


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If you mean MRI, then the most important thing is to be as still possible throughout to minimize the time it takes!


Its shorthand for MRI enterography :) Same machines, just slightly different methodology to get pictures of your guts.