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Whelp, this is going to be interesting. I have a 5 day Alaska and Victoria BC out of Seattle Sept 1-6. Just got the letter last week that I have to have a negative test within 48 hrs of sailing. Let’s see if that changes.


Doubtful. Canada would need to ease its requirements. It may happen, but probably not that soon.


Yep, I’m sure there’s going to be a lot of discussion/ whining about that from the other passengers. Personally, I still mask any time I’m out of the house. just got my second booster this weekend, so need to do that thing where I upload copies of the card.




They won't skip Canada. The whole reason for stopping there has to do with Maritime Laws and how ships not registered in the US are taxed based upon the number of US ports they stop at in a row.




That would mean cheap Filipino labour would be allowed all thru out the US and would take away jobs from actual American seafarers as per the Jones Act. It’s a terrible take.


Also if you don’t stop in an international port you are required to have all US workers on board and majority of the boat needs to be assembled or stuff like that in the US.


This is why there aren’t cruises to Hawaii.


There are cruises to Hawaii, they just depart from Vancouver….


You'll still need the test prior. The New Rules go into effect 9/3/2022


This announcement is just about vaccination requirements, not testing requirements.


>The company said that requirements may be different for guests traveling on voyages departing from or visiting destinations with specific local regulations, including but not limited to Canada, Greece, and Bermuda.


Just got off NCL Pearl and seems like most of my relatives are testing positive. All vaccinated/boosted.


Sad but true , everyone I know who got covid were vaccinated and boostered and a couple even got it a second time.


The only people I know who have caught Covid multiple times are vaccinated.


Those are the only people who still care enough to test. Hard to get a diagnosis if you won’t test.


Y’all are so close to figuring it out, almost there!




Well I take a lot from a particular doctor who’s published more peer reviewed studies on COVID than any other doctor in the world. His credentials are pretty much unmatched, and he basically said this exact thing would happen and is happening. Vaccinated people are getting sick literally all the time. You see it, I see it, we all see it. It’s about time to get your head out of the sand and join the rest of us, it’s been 2 years of this shit.




what does covid testing have to do with what political party you support


A lot!!!


Man you are so close to putting 2 and 2 together here.


Same, was on harmony.


Yep, myself and two family members just got off RCL and now have Covid. All vaccinated/boosted. By the end of the trip the ship was a cacophony of coughing. Still had a good time, but I’d just assume you’re going to get it if you go on nowadays.


I got covid on a 15 day transatlantic trip, half way through is pretty much ruined my experience. If its a short trip, probably not too big of an issue. For longer trips, i would suggest keeping a mask on and gloves for the buffet (likely where i got it)


Just got off NCL Bliss to Alaska. All four of our party tested negative onboard (we brought our own tests), and have all tested negative each of the 4 days we’ve been on the boat so far. We did wear masks on excursion busses and in crowded elevators and stayed mostly on the observation lounge (non crowded) and thermal spa (again non crowded). We are all vaccinated and boosted


Hoping that carnival will soon follow suit


Most cruise lines will be going this way. RC announcement is later today.


How do you know this? I'd be happy to see it, if true.


RC just said they are not changing. We own a travel agency and get noticies before they are public.


Serious comment - RCCL and other lines are using foreign government regulations to get around the Florida laws against asking for vaccination. For example, RCCL clearly states: > For guests departing from Florida homeports, this vaccine requirement is the policy of several international governments for a cruise ship to enter their waters. We remain in contact with local governments in the ports we visit and will update the policy if advised. Doesn't NCL dropping the vaccine requirement show that this is now void, and as such, RCCL could be in violation with almost all sailings from Florida? (with the exception of cruises visiting Bermuda/Canada)?


> Florida laws against asking for vaccination. From what I’ve seen that law was blocked. Have you seen something recently where it’s actually in effect?


POSTIVE you just broke major NDA rules....


Hopefully Disney will follow


Thank god the theatrics are over


The theatrics are still alive on Reddit.


Yes, but not soon enough for our cruise.




contraindications are pretty rare but also wouldn't change the anything if you already had a professional reconize medical exemption


Welcome to reddit, where personal choice is condemned.


Just the constant whining. Make your choice but then accept the consequences.


I choose to get polio because my immunity will take care of me. I don't care if your kid stops walking. Stop oppressing me


Your thought process assumes people like this give two shits about other people. Nope. Me me me me me me me me me.


Good point. They have no second thought after oppression.


This sub is toxic bro, all of reddit is but this shit like a cult or something lol if they dont like your opinion, thats it you done


Now to see what RC and Carnival do in response. Also curious if these announcements show any trends in investments/stock prices at all?


Might be nothing, but over at /r/royalcaribbean there's a couple posts about the vaccine portion of the app disappearing in the last few hours. Just checked for our upcoming cruise and it is indeed gone. Could be nothing, could be something. Ours is over 6 days though, so I'm guessing it pops back up.


Is it still gone?


Just looked - my vaccine portion is gone for my Sep 11th oasis sailing


It switched from the upload proof screen to just a survey asking if you’re vaccinated, boosted and/or pregnant.


So if your boat is leaving a USA port but visits Canada for one port do we still need to get tested ? It’s a little confusing.


The testing will be based on the countries you visit.


Frankly I think these changes will result in destinations that want to compete for business to loosen restrictions … which it seems people are split on - on one side, people suggest that cruises with high testing requirements will result in lower sickness onboard, and on the other side, people suggest that it is excluding certain cruisers (unvaccinated) provides little to no systemwide benefit. It seems like this is the golden age of cruising. If you want a highly vaccinated ship you can get it, if you don’t want the restrictions you can get it as well.


I wouldn't want to travel with unvaccinated passengers


Great news! You aren't required to, and cruise lines are refunding passengers who cancel their cruises in a timely manner after the policy change.


Maybe like they have solo cruises and gay cruises, they should have evidence-immune cruises where all the undesirables can hang out together.


It seems like what they are saying is if ur unvaccinated or vaccinated & untested your welcome to board but it’s up to you to figure out if the destination requires it and prepare accordingly


Yes. We sail on the Prima in 46 days and while the ship is departing from the UK where no requirements have to be met to sail, we have to test within 72 hours of embarkation because we're stopping in Halifax and that's what Canada requires. https://travel.gc.ca/travel-covid/travel-restrictions/cruise **All travelers 5 years of age or older must have a COVID-19 test to board a cruise ship in Canada or to board a cruise ship that will dock in Canada at any point on the cruise.** You must provide proof of one of the following accepted types of test results: 1.Proof of a professionally administered or observed negative antigen test taken no more than 2 days before you’re scheduled to board your ship the 2-day window does not depend on the time of day the test was taken or the time that you board for example, if your ship is scheduled to leave on Friday, you could provide proof of a negative result from an antigen test taken any time on Wednesday, Thursday, or on Friday it must be administered or observed by a pharmacy, laboratory, healthcare entity or telehealth online service the test must be authorized for sale or distribution in Canada or in the jurisdiction in which it was obtained 2.Proof of a valid negative molecular test taken within 72 hours of your scheduled boarding time for example, if you’re scheduled to board at 11:00 am on Friday, your test must have been taken any time after 10:59 am on Tuesday it must be administered or observed by a pharmacy, laboratory, healthcare entity or telehealth online service the test must be authorized for sale or distribution in Canada or in the jurisdiction in which it was obtained


I'm on this cruise, too. We have a 2 day air deviation and it looks like we'll have to stop and get tested on the way to the airport to fly to London. A little tighter than I'd like.


Yeah, we're testing the day we fly out. We're coming in one day early and staying at the Hilton Terminal 4. There are places AT Heathrow that are offering testing with turn-around times of the same day, and as soon as 4 hours. https://www.expresstest.co.uk/heathrow-terminal-4-in-terminal/#Terminal%204%20In%20Terminal As an aside, I am SO Stoked to be getting on this ship, omg. I can't wait!


Getting tested in London will definitely be a back up plan. I'm so excited, too. The ship looks stunning and the itinerary is awesome - 2 days in Reykjavic!


I adore Iceland. Can't wait! car is reserved and heading west for a bit. Really excited that we're getting to the Orkney Isles. We love the Shetland Isles so hoping it's similar. We've decided we're cool either way with Halifax as 1 we've been there before as well, and 2, a day on the boat in port might be nice. See if there are any spa specials that day. All that said, we're still going to be tested as I don't' want to give ANY reason at all to not be allowed to board the ship, lol. I just wish all the powers that be would get on the same page. I don't mind jumping through the hoops, just give me PROPER information.


Just an FYI, and this might be absolutely nothing, just a strange coincidence, but the vaccine section of the Royal Caribbean app vanished about an hour ago. Several others reported it on the RCL subreddit. Our cruise is longer than 6 days and out of Europe, so we don't fall in the under 6 days/US cruise criteria from the previous RCL announcement. Not sure about the others.


> Didn’t see this one coming. I'm not sure why. This is inevitable.


I was on 11 day Iceland/ Greenland a couple of weeks ago. Covid was everywhere. There is no way to avoid it. Triple vaxxed and I did not get it but people need to understand vaxxed or no vaxxed there is a good chance of getting it on a cruise. With that being said I will still be cruising and plan to go on one next month.


>*“Given the relaxation of global protocols and travel requirements, we have updated our protocols to welcome all guests to sail with us regardless of vaccination status, effective September 3, 2022.”* ***All guests, ages 12 years and older, must provide proof of one of the following:*** *• Proof of the completed series of one-dose or two-dose vaccination regimen* *OR* *• Proof of a negative COVID-19 antigen or NAAT test (i.e., PCR) taken within three days of the embarkation date* ***Guests 11 Years Old and Younger*** *Guests that are 11 years old and under will sail with no restrictions. However, it is the responsibility of the family to be aware of any local protocols and/or travel restrictions in place at the visiting destinations at the time of the sailing.*


I might get hate for this but I honestly think this is the wrong decision, at least at this moment in time. While the vaccine doesn’t stop you from catching Covid, it significantly reduces your risk of severe illness. Unvaccinated people are still experiencing severe illness and dying at higher rates then unvaccinated people. The cruise ships do not have the capability to handle severe Covid cases which means these people will have to be airlifted or the ship will have the turn around to get to a place where the person can be transferred to a hospital on land. Call me selfish, but I don’t particularly want my vacation delayed because of a person who couldn’t take 30 minutes out of their day to get a free, effective shot. If they’re going to drop mandates, I think they need to make these people sign a wavier because I can almost guarantee the same people who refuse to be vaccinated would sue the cruise line for catching Covid which caused them to end up in the hospital with a hefty airlift bill.


Gotta wonder if this will push up their insurance rates.




Wow, really is that called for? Hate is never the answer no matter what side of this someone believes.


Fuck the "iTz My ChOiCe!" unvaccinated. They make life more difficult for the unvaccinated that legitimately can not be vaccinated.


Fuck people like you. Do what is best for you and stop wasting your time worrying about what someone else is doing.


I apologize my comment now is out of context, as the comment I replied to is gone. I apologize you resemble my remark, as well.


Who legitimately cannot be vaccinated for covid?


So if we are leaving a US port, but visiting a Canadian one then we still need to provide a negative COVID test days before departure and proof of vaccination correct? The FAQ, this news, and the Sail Safe page on their website all show a mixture of those things. I just want to do whatever I need to do, but that's starting to be kind of difficult to understand!


> The company said that requirements may be different for guests traveling on voyages departing from or visiting destinations with specific local regulations, including but not limited to Canada, Greece, and Bermuda. Probably so


Glad to hear it. I can't wait for the other lines to follow suit.




Just spread the covid amongst yourselves, right?


Lol you sound like a fun person






Everyone needs to grow up


>Everyone needs to grow up this reddit is a very toxic place.


Lol. True


What is so amusing is that you are required to do pre cruise testing 48 to 72 hours before boarding. Then you go to the crowded airport terminal, get on a packed plane, go through the ship terminal and wonder where you got exposed? The symptoms start showing 3 to 6 days after exposure. The pre cruise testing is kind of pointless other than to show that 72 hours before being exposed you tested negative.




Norwegian Cruise Line Drops COVID-19 Vaccine Requirements, Welcomes Everyone to Catch COVID-19


The vaccine prevents severity of illness in the recipient, not transmissability.


And how does that negate my little joke?


Because it doesn’t make sense? You said “catch”. The Alpha vaccine does next to nothing to prevent the “catch.” Your joke is stuck in 2020.


Case numbers are less likely to go up, but the number of severe or life threatening cases will likely go up.


It's both, sadly.


Everyone could catch Covid on board whether or not they were vaccinated, anyway.


I think it's being read wrong. Now EVERYONE can catch covid, not just the vaccinated people who were allowed to sail previously.


Wow I got vaccinated for nothing. What a fucking farce


What is the farce? Are you saying you got vaccinated in order to be part of a privileged class and now you are angry that the restrictions on the lower caste are being lifted one by one? Or are you saing that you got vaccinated because you believed that it would protect you from catching covid and now you realize that is a lie?


I’ve read last booster must be over 14 days from date of sailing,Last booster can’t be over 6 months old on long cruises


The other day I left a comment that was removed as false news or spreading disinformation. Basically I said that the vaccine was not very effective because you can and I’ve known many who have contracted the virus. Which is true ,check the CDC , they even say after the vaccine and 4 boosters it’s still not 100%. Masks , the covid is .2 microns and a N-95 can filter to .5 micron. So guess what a paper mask can do? With that said if you want to believe that the reason you got covid is because of an unvaccinated person or because someone wasn’t wearing a mask ( but you do ) caused you to get covid. I don’t think anyone can prove that’s true or least I haven’t seen a study on that. Or stating I caught covid on the ship ( but wasn’t exposed on the way to the port , at the airport or the time after the 2-3 day test requirements. Not sure you can prove that either . So false news ? It’s still America so believe what ever you want.


I also had a comment removed for the same basic statement. It is dangerous to not understand the limitations of the mask vaccine approach. Even more dangerous when statements that point out the limitations are removed because someone believes they are misinformation. As a doctor I have many patients vaccinated and many unvaccinated for COVID. Both groups get COVID and both groups have the same level of symptoms. It's the immune system that matters.


If people are that afraid of Covid, they should lock themselves at home.


If people are that afraid of vaccines, they should lock themselves at home.


Worry about yourself and your body and I'll worry about mine. If the vaccines are so effective and safe, you have nothing to worry about. Right?


Empathy. Get some. It won't hurt, I promise.




You make no sense. I don't see anyone afraid of vaccines in the same regard as afraid of COVID


The guy I responded to is terrified of them. He should stay home.


Ohh...I personally avoid spike protein. Vaccine is spike producing, therefore not participating.




Yesssssss!!!!! I’ve been waiting for this!!! Now c’mon Princess….!


Why mandate something that neither protects you or anyone else from Covid? Good for Norwegian.


Shut up and take my money!


ironically i am on a webinar right now with NYC DOHMH and we are seeing the constant dips and highs in infection. hospital admissions, deaths are at 12 people a day.


Do they list their vaccination status, age, and co-morbidities?


that is information i have.


Thought I might take my mask off a bit on my next cruise, but looks like it stays on. No matter, I've been masked for 2.5 years, I can handle it


Agreed. I haven't gotten COVID, I'm boosted, but with the masks, I've also not gotten any colds either. With the kids, I would get sick at least once every 2-3 months, but *knock on wood* it's been since 2020. I still wear the mask lol.


Stay strong! I wish I had. I stayed masked and made it through my recent cruise without catching anything while hearing of more cases on the ship periodically (including some in my group). And that was with testing and vax required. Got home, got relaxed, thought "meh, everyone's vaccinated now, should be fine" and let my guard down (stopped masking, mainly). Now, guess what, I'm working on my own case of COVID. Yay. Edit: I was just trying to offer personal encouragement to whomever wants to keep masking, given that the social climate (at least in my area) seems to be prematurely deprioritizing safety while transmission is still high. Not sure why I got so downvoted other than "because reddit".


Yeah. I still haven't been actually sick since 2019 and I'm hoping it stays that way.


I am afraid of covid but I still went on cruise ships because they required masks everywhere, everyone was vaxxed, and everyone was tested. And that made me feel safe enough to go. Then they eliminated masks outside. Then they eliminated masks every where on the ship. Then they eliminated masks at the ports. Now they are eliminating testing. Ironic how as all the things that I considered necessary for me to cruise have been eliminated I still continue to go on cruises.


> Ironic how as all the things that I considered necessary for me to cruise have been eliminated I still continue to go on cruises. And you didn't die.


Those that didn't aren't posting on Reddit.


> And you didn't die. And that was the point of my saterical comment


Yes, was that in question?


With the tone of Reddit you can never be sure


I did a Norwegian cruise last spring. I was unimpressed. This feels like another reason not to use them


Long overdue


Look at all the bots downvote you, smh. Reddit bots still pushing this pointless vaccine.




it’s not fear but taking proper precautions. it’s never been about fear.




I am on a webinar with NYC DOHMH right now, which as a health professional I have to be on every other Monday. We are still very much in a pandemic. We are still seeing months where we see a high infection rate and lows. While we are all very happy that fatalities have been wildly reduced thanks to the vaccination, people are still dying. But at the end of the day, when you are on an enclosed ecosystem like a ship for one week and have paid $4k plus for this trip. It would be great if we can balance what makes common sense and what keeps people safe. But again there have been people who on day one have said they "wont live in fear" and its never been about fear. When people say "its about time" they act like its been the CDC or the Cruise Line that makes these decisions when in reality its been about the virus dictating how to intelligently fight it.


> We are still very much in a pandemic. Maybe, but do they see any prospect of the pandemic actually ending instead of staying like this forever?


Nothing lasts forever. Everyone is looking at this ending, but it will just take so much longer by the “I’m done with Covid “ crowd


Are you under the impression that it would go away completely if everyone just did xyz?


I’m under the impression that since the news stopped reporting on Covid most people think it’s just gone away and I get bi weekly updates with the amount of money, time and energy that the medical community and the government is spending trying to make sure that people aren’t getting sick, being hospitalized or dying. I am under the Impression that the very least that Americans can do before boarding a cruise and being in a contained environment is to get a vaccination and I am of the opinion that unvaccinated people should be blocked from getting on a boat.


So by avoiding the question I guess you acknowledge that Covid will never be over, regardless of the actions of the “I’m Done with Covid” crowd. My entire family is vaccinated and once one person got it we all spread it to each other, it literally did nothing to prevent spread.


I answered the question. I am sorry that questions like this cannot simply be yes or no. Pandemics are complex, solutions and attitudes are also complex. But let’s get back to the article. We ask cruise ships to keep us safe. We expect it. We expect them and the government to use every tool in their belt to make sure the food and water doesn’t get us sick. That the ship can float that in an emergency the lifeboats work and can accommodate the whole ship. That the physician on board is qualified and didn’t go to Trump University. And sure things still happen. We have heard of cruises where people got food poisoning and where toilets stopped working. But those are outliers and we still had the policies and procedures in place it’s just that something went wrong. I would much rather have a vaccinated crew and passengers to add to that tool belt. Because a cruise of unvaccinated v a cruise of vaccinated will look wildly different if someone brings covid on board. As someone who loves cruises, do I want to be on a cruise that if Covid breaks out and everyone is vaccinated, people are just put in cabins with mild symptoms. Or do I want to be on a cruise where the medical staff is overwhelmed and the boat has to be diverted to a place where people can be offloaded to the nearest hospital, where all passengers and staff have to be tested and maybe quarantined and the cruise ends early for everyone else. If you got vaccinated. You know it didn’t mutate you. I didn’t take away any of your freedoms, the government cannot track you. So why not keep this policy in place and give the cruise industry every tool it needs to keep us safe. We do it for kids going to school and for people going to foreign countries , for the military. For me there is no logical argument on why we wouldn’t try to keep people as safe as possible during a cruise where we spend thousands to have a week of fun and sun.


Nobody is willing to take precautions for life against a well over 99% likelihood of recovery. Reddit needs to move on. Most of us already have.


Well except the medical community who has seen long Covid where people with chronic conditions are experiencing severe side affects. It’s amazing how many people since day one have just not given a crap and told everyone to “move on”.


It will never ever end with that mindset. Risk is everywhere. The moment you walk outside you accept risk. Wanna live a risk free life? Guess what. Not possible. You get tuberculosis tomorrow. You never know. Live the way you want and stop telling and voting to mandate how other people live theirs. We all have different risk tolerances. And I feel bad for how bad the propaganda scared the crap out of half this country. At one time, media made liberals think the death rate was 50%. At some point, we’re going to need accountability for that. Wanna prevent Covid. No amount of shots and masks will save you in a crowded environment. Stay home. Let the people with higher risk tolerances live. The vast majority get the sniffles and a cough and move on.


Lol. Yeah we have also heard that from day one. It’s just toxic macho bullshit. The medical community understands risk. See it everyday. But the job is to minimize it and still live life. I have been on 2 cruises in 2022 and enjoyed myself even though I had to vaccinate , wore a mask when indoors and washed my hands. Not sure why people feel like washing hands and a cloth mask is such a crime against freedom.


"At one time, media made liberals think the death rate was 50%" This didn't happen.


Can't be afraid of a needle forever either.


OK, how about [debilitating long-term illness](https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/conditions-and-diseases/coronavirus/covid-long-haulers-long-term-effects-of-covid19)? Can we be afraid of that?


Tbh I just don’t wanna deal with the inconvenience of getting sick while on vacation. I got sick with Covid from work back in December and that sucked. I’d be so bummed if I experienced that again 3 days into my 11 day cruise.




I just got lit up in this sub the other day for asking if I can go on a cruise if I’m not vaxxed. Crazy. Looks like it’s time to book!




Great point! My decision bothers you! Stay in Canada bud




Hallelujah the theatrics are ending! Freedom!


Imagine downvoting "freedom."


Imagine thinking trying to mitigate a pandemic is “theatrics”


It's amazing to me that people can't yet admit that most of this entire thing was for optics and political power/points.


Most of the pandemic? The global pandemic? Really?




And the entire world was in on it? For politics? Big yikes, man


The world tends to follow the United States. The leaders are all very connected. The leaders all want more power. Yes, 100%.


Were all the people who died in on it too?


You may be surprised to learn that people die all the time. Sure, people died from covid but the statistics show that most of those people were a stiff wind away from the grave. People dying is sad, yes, but the mortality rate was incredibly low for something we were shutting down the world for and the vaccines have been proven to be pretty pointless, too.


It was all based on fraud and fake science. You should realize that by now.


Cite your sources


Source: Newsmax and OAN


Don’t want to forget the Facebook memes!


People who aren’t vaccinated should be forced to wear a mask


WHO and CDC have both given commentary stating that masks didn’t stop the spread of the virus either. You just get off on power trips on people you find inferior to your vaccine riddled piety.


How about people just choose for themselves?


Why? The vaccine in no way prevents getting Covid and that’s proven. What’s the mask gonna do?


No one is stopping YOU from wearing one. the cov vacx doesn't prevent transmission. It's like forcing someone else to wear a lifejacket just in case YOU fall into the water


This plague rat right here is so excited to cruise again.


Although I'm happy for you I would be very reluctant to give them my business after they treated us unvaxxed like criminals, when we were right all along about how dangerous and ineffective the clot-shots are.


Oh man, that is something to think about, especially since NCL was the tip of the spear pushing the idea of 100% "vaccinated" cruises. All the others followed suit, but NCL started it.


I just saw this article today, it explains a lot. They are going broke and they need revenue so they are lifting the mandate. Too late. I hope they go broke and become homeless and have to eat bugs to survive: "Norwegian Cruise Line Says Pre-Pandemic Occupancy Still a Year Away, Shares Tumble" https://gcaptain.com/norwegian-cruise-line-says-pre-pandemic-occupancy-still-a-year-away-shares-tumble/?subscriber=true&goal=0\_f50174ef03-cf9f8fff78-170312206&mc\_cid=cf9f8fff78&mc\_eid=f5769fa737


I blame it more on the government/CDC than the cruise lines. They were put in an unfortunate situation by the mandates.


But it was the then-CEO of Norwegian who kept saying, "Since the vaccinations are safe and effective, we'll require everyone be vaxed, so can we sail, huh, can we?" And to deny him would look bad so then the CDC took it and ran with it. After that, all cruise lines had to follow.


I heard they were going to do this. Our family of 16 went on a NCL 7 day trip to Alaska mid July. I will never do another cruise again, ever. SIX of us returned sick with Covid. I informed both NCL and the CDC. Neither cares, apparently. My advice, don’t book, don’t go.


Covid is endemic and you can catch it anywhere. It is your choice to live in fear if you want too but you knew the risks as we all do. I have been on 3 cruises and have tested positive twice after the cruise. I have two more cruises planned. Fear will not keep me cooped up in my home. But you have to do what is right for you.


> It is your choice to live in fear I think the problem some people have is frustration. They can't come to grips with the facts. Covid is an airborne disease and we now know that no safety measures will protect you from possible infection. It is also endemic and never going away. No one wants to get sick. But we all run that risk everyday in life. A cruise ship is no different. If you are afraid of having to possibly deal with cold symptoms please don't go on a cruise.


Scared of Covid? Stay. Off. Cruises.


Wowee, they were the last cruise line I expected to drop all requirements!


Shares of Norwegian Cruise Line Holdings fell sharply Tuesday after the cruise company predicted it would continue to be unprofitable in the third quarter. I wonder why.


Just tried to book an Alaskan cruise for next year out of Seattle and it says vaccine required.


No Canada, Alaska or Bermuda . All still require it


The changes was just announced today…so maybe not everything has been updated.


Wait a bit. It’ll change. We don’t pay final for our June 23 Alaskan cruise til February and I fully expect/hope there will be no requirements by then!


Personally - if you have a cruise upcoming I'd try to reschedule or accept the fact that 9/10 you're coming back with Covid. Cruises these days seem to be absolute BREEDING GROUNDS for Covid spread. Took my mom on a royal carribean cruise and took extreme precaution : week long quarantine and two rapid tests (once before plane, another at the dock), wore masks, kept to ourselves. We both were sick a day after getting home after dodging Covid for 2 years.




The vaccine has prevented serious illness. There have only been two COVID related deaths on all the cruise lines. Meanwhile, unvaccinated people are still dying of COVID.


And so are vaccinated people so what Is your point?


Why don’t you provide links to the peer reviewed scientific literature that was the source of your research! (…crickets….) - signed, someone who actually works with healthcare data


You could not be more wrong. The reason cruises are successful is because vaccinate people are avoiding serious illness. If you are worried, then get your boosters. Staying up to date on vaccines is important.


Some folks will never do their own research and if they read the actual medical results of the manufactures of the vaccine they would see that the results from the expert scientists will show the effectiveness isn’t great and to repeat CCN that only the unvaccinated are dying or infecting is just false. But no need to cast your pearls before swine